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Replaying Dark Souls thread.
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Wed, 13 Nov 2013 20:11:31

Yeah I agree.  I kept running around him as he kept spinning and spamming me with those curse carrying thorn things.  I just got fed up and finished him.  I will see if there is a trick or something to getting his tail this time around.  Vader did it I seem to recall.  Vader how did you do it?

BTW I just got summoned into Dark Anor Londo and fought Gwyndolyn with somebody.  It was awesome.  His homing attacks just didn't know who to home in on Grinning


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Wed, 13 Nov 2013 22:58:27

At the start of the seath fight stand in front of the gem that protects him, wait for him to power up his laser attack then get out of the way. If he breaks the gem himself he will be stunned for a while. Just run to his back and attack as much as you can.

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Thu, 14 Nov 2013 04:43:30
Dvader said:

At the start of the seath fight stand in front of the gem that protects him, wait for him to power up his laser attack then get out of the way. If he breaks the gem himself he will be stunned for a while. Just run to his back and attack as much as you can.

Thanks.  I'll keep trying that (and doing homeward bone if I fail) until I do it.  I will try spamming "great combustion" if i'm not quick enough with the sword


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Mon, 18 Nov 2013 16:09:45

I posted this in ggweekly as my entry to "what have you been playing" but I will paste here as it's kind of relevant to this which has sort of become a journal of my progress with the game.

;">Doing some things different than first go around.  I didn't place the Lordvessel right away after beating Smough and Ornstein and I talked to Kingseeker Framt's evil twin in the abyss after killing the four kings.  By doing so I discovered the Darkwraith Covenant (all those invading cunts are members of) but did not join it and I think I will definitely have to do the Dark Lord ending - but that's the one I need since I did the good ending first time around.  Have now found all covenants but I'm still a Chaos Servant member until I unlock the shortcut to Lost Izalith so that I can rescue Artorias from going mad.  After that I will have to join three other covenants in order to obtain all the miracles and get that trophy.  I am also well along the way to get the sorceries trophy - just one left which I will get when I kill Big Hat Logan after he goes hollow.  But before that happens I will go fight Seath the Scaleless and this time around I really have to cut off his tail in order to go for the rare weapons trophy.  I figured since I'm enjoying this so much, I may as well try and go for the platinum trophy.


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Mon, 18 Nov 2013 16:15:30

I have now just beaten Seath the Scaleless on NG+.  What's more, I got the bastard's tail which is necessary for the "weapons" trophy.  I think there was a good bit of luck involved.  I summoned two guys all the way from the bonfire at the archives.  After we dispatched an invader we made our way to the crystal cave and fought Seath.  One of them died very quickly - which was probably a good thing.  Then Seath focused on the other guy who was basically a "warrior of light" tank who was happy to take whatever Seath had to throw at him (while I replenished him with estus swigs occasionally) leaving me alone to concentrate on his tail even though he kept flapping it.  So I just did great combustion on the tip of the tail until it dropped off and I got the moonlight sword.  Score WinkWink

Now on to kill Big Hat Logan mwahahahaha!


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Tue, 19 Nov 2013 10:24:53

This is turning out great.  I achieved a bunch more stuff that was on the to do list!

I got the sorceries trophy!  Awesome!

Now just the big ones left.  Miracles and Weapons, but I'm well along the way toward completing both.

I dispatched the three bosses in the Demon Ruins area ... single-handedly and without too much difficulty (in truth ceaseless discharge was a bit of a pain but I gave her a pounding once I concentrated and figured the timing of the tentacle attacks).  So I opened the door for the shortcut to Lost Izalith, dispatched the chaos bugs to prevent Solaire from going mad.  I have also been keeping up with the onion head and his daughter story thread.  I let him "help me" in Lost Izalith ... so I should find them both in Ash Lake having steamy incestuous sex or whatever it is they're doing there under the moonlight (this was something I fucked up first time around so I am very eager to get it right and find them together in Ash Lake this time around).

Having opened up Lost Izalith I was free to abandon the Chaos Servant Covenant.  I need to join three new different covenants in succession (and gain rank in each of them) just to get all of the miracles.  But I intent to have fun and take my time doing it.

Next on, I will head back into the Catacombs.  There I will get into the coffin to join the Gravelord Servant Covenant.  I think I have also gathered a bunch of embers I need to take down to the skeleton blacksmith.  I will also most probably venture further down into the Tombs of the Giants in order to rescue Rhea and move her story along (something I also fucked up first go through)  This time I can't wait to kill that Petrus cunt in order to keep her safe.


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Sun, 24 Nov 2013 11:55:00

This week even though I still played a great deal I didn't make a whole lot of progress towards my platinum goal because I spent a good bit of time trying the various forms of pvp found in the game, namely via certain covenants and scenarios.

Firstly I joined the Gravelord Covenant, primarily because I needed two miracles towards the miracle trophy which could only be obtained through that.  But I thought since I joined I may as well try the bit of gameplay that it offers (even though I had enough tokens to rank immediately and get both miracles).  So supposedly you plant an "eye of death" which spawns a number of dark enemies into some random guy's game along with a summon sign inviting them to come to your world and hunt you down.  This will go down as a failed experiment.  I planted the thing and waited a long time but nothing happened.

Then I joined the Darkmoon Blades and became a protector of Dark Sun Gwyndolyn ... or some such.  This is very busy with pvp.  You basically get summoned to somebody's Dark Anor Londo and your task is to kill the host.  But the host usually has two other phantoms and are waiting precisely for you.  This is what they do all day.  I did this a few times, with little success (I only killed one host the rest of the time I was getting pounded by two or three players together.

Then I joined Alvina's Forest Covenant.  This is very similar to the above.  You get summoned into the forest to kill invaders.  Except there's two or three of them there professional pvp players waiting to kill you.  Not much fun either if that's not your thing.

Finally I joined the Sunlight Warrior covenant of the Knight Solaire of Astora.  Your task is to help other players in co-op as a phantom against bosses. It doesn't add any new element of gameplay as you can basically do this without being a member of the covenant.  You just get a medal every time you help someone and your phantom appears gold instead of white.  This is my favourite covenant and I think I will remain in it for the remainder of my time playing as I don't need to join any others for anything.

I picked up a few slabs I needed to fully upgrade a weapon through each upgrade path to get the trophies (I have now done all of these).

I also got all the miracles and with that the equivalent trophy!!

Completed Siegmeyer's story and found him hollow with his daughter by his side in Ash Lake.  So sad and so beautiful.  Loved this little side story.

I have just 4 bosses to beat including Gwyn to get the bad ending.  After that I will need to start a third playthrough because I need the soul of Sif for a third time for a specific rare weapon in order to get that particular trophy and along with it the platinum.


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Sun, 24 Nov 2013 19:46:30

I've played a bit more this afternoon.  Now I'm just rushing around trying to do whatever needs to get done in order to get the platinum trophy.  I beat the game a second time and chose the dark ending (as I had done the link the fire ending first time around).  Now I am rushing through NG++ just killing boss after boss trying to get to Anor Londo asap so I get access to the giant blacksmith who can smith weapons with boss souls.  Missing just two weapons one of which requires the soul of Gwyn which I just got when I finished the game the second time, the other one requires the soul of Sif which I need to beat a third time to obtain.

At 200+ hours I think I've seen all this game has to give.  I'm really only just playing to get the platinum trophy now.  After that I have to lock this away forever.


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Mon, 25 Nov 2013 20:46:17

I did it.  I fuckin did it.  I got platinum.  The last couple of days have not been very enjoyable.  In fact it was pretty much OCD to get the platinum trophy.  

Like I said in my previous post I was missing two weapons to get the Knight's Honor Trophy and with it the platinum trophy.  I basically did a speed run through as much of NG++ as I needed just beating boss after boss (of the absolutely necessary ones) until I got to Anor Londo.  I killed Ornstein and Smough (though I didn't absolutely have to) to obtain the lordvessel to allow me to warp and also for old times' sake.  After that I went straight into the forest and I killed Sif.  So I went to the giant blacksmith with a sword+10 (to get gwyn's greatsword) and a shield+10 (to get Artora's shield).  So after smithing the two weapons I wait with a big grin on my face for the trophies to ping...  I wait, and wait.  Nothing.  What is this bullshit I think to myself.  

So I go back to the checklist, and I realise that I forgot to kill Patches to get the axe that he drops.  Two full playthroughs and I didn't kill Patches that nasty lying thieving weasel... so I venture into the catacombs immediately (i hate that part) and I plough my way through nearly all of it again until I turn over all the bridges ... kill pinwheel etc etc So finally I venture down the Tomb of the Giants.  I find that cunt patches and I flambe his ass with repeated great combustion.  And I pick up his axe ... and the trophies ping!

So there my final act.  Killing patches.  Platinum trophy.  Now I must stop playing this game forever.


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Mon, 25 Nov 2013 21:24:18

Congrats, Bugs!

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Mon, 25 Nov 2013 21:39:36

Thanks Travo.  This was only the second game I ever got a platinum for.  And the first one I specifically tried to get it for (Sly 2 just sort of happened while I was playing)


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Mon, 25 Nov 2013 23:52:41

That is super hard core. You are a MAN. Good job.

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Tue, 26 Nov 2013 02:11:14

I haven't even platinumed Killzone 2. congratulations!

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Tue, 26 Nov 2013 03:16:55

Very impressive. Truly you're a man who washes his balls in glacial water.

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Tue, 26 Nov 2013 03:24:32

Congrats, bugsy. You are the man now.

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Tue, 26 Nov 2013 04:41:23
Dvader said:

That is super hard core. You are a MAN. Good job.

Foolz said:

I haven't even platinumed Killzone 2. congratulations!

robio said:

Very impressive. Truly you're a man who washes his balls in glacial water.

SteelAttack said:

Congrats, bugsy. You are the man now.

Guys thanks so much.  You are all very kind.  I don't feel this is a difficult game to platinum.  Once somebody learns how to play (which may or may not be the difficult part), then it's just a matter of checking things off a list.  So. time consuming - yes, difficult - not so much. Even the multiplayer aspects are not absolutely required as it is possible (and not too difficult) to farm for the tokens one gets through multiplayer from within the game.  Which is pretty much what I did for two of them (eyes of death and souvenirs of reprisal).  If I had to invade and kill successfully for any number of times as a requirement, I would have never been able to do it (i wouldn't even want to).  The only multiplayer aspect I did tons of and absolutely loved was co-op play to clear levels and kill bosses with other human players.  I couldn't get enough of this, that's why I thought it was kind of fitting that I enter the Warrior of Sunlight covenant last and stay in that one (and gain rank).  This is the only aspect of the game I might miss and which might tempt me to go back but I hope not as this game is like a drug habit.


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Sat, 30 Nov 2013 02:01:31

A friend bought me this on Steam (and I bought them Don't Starve because Steam was region gauging us on both; ha! Your unethical capitalist conniving has failed you this time, Gabe Newell). Which means I'll obviously never actually play it, so I suppose this post is a bit irrelevant.

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Sat, 24 May 2014 08:27:59

So where should I do some soul farming to level up?

I'm a level 33 warrior right now, and keep getting my ass kicked by the fucking Capra Demon in the lower Burg. Sick of it.

I've been farming souls at the dragon bridge, doing the 555 souls and jumping down to the bonfire thing, but its taking too long at this point. Tried the skeletons in the graveyard, but they take too long its not worth it. Is there anywhere else I could level faster at this stage of my power?


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Sun, 25 May 2014 05:16:19
Blight town sucks so much asshole


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Sun, 25 May 2014 07:37:27

Use up 20 000 souls at the blacksmith to buy the thingmajik that opens the gate in the forest.  Through there is an area with 4-5 powerful opponents who will chase you and fall to their death landing you about 12 000 souls per run (you don't have to kill them so it's very quick).  Watch a youtube so you know exactly where to stand but it's basically right at the far corner under the steps just through the gate.

This is the best soul farming area in the entire game.

But seriously there is something odd going on if you still can't beat Capra at level 33.  You should be able to survive his first attack soon as you enter the gate, after that run to safety, heal and kill the damn dogs.  Capra on his own is a piece of cake as he telegraphs all his attacks a mile away.


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