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Resident Evil 5 - I'm Sorry
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Sat, 09 Apr 2011 11:12:59

I pre-ordered this game. I figured I owed RE4 that much.  It is after all my favorite game of all time, even though I am no Resident Evil fanboy.  Sure, I have them all, even the version, but I've never enjoyed them.  At least until RE4.

RE4.  Three sylables that we hard core gamers have adopted as a part of our language. RE4.

Are- Eee- Four.  Three sylable that mean so much.

So RE FIVE comes along and we expect so much, not pausing to notice that Mikami had nothing at all to do with it.  It has to be better right?

My mistake was playing it co-op split-screen the first two times I tried it.  Then I tried it a third time and resigned it to the shelf of infamy. Ridiculous camera.  Nuts.

I recently read Robio's post about how it was just not taking with him, and related with it.  It is a difficult game. I hated it.  The controls are "wrong" by first or third person standards.  Why should I have to stop to look around?  Why after arming a new weapon should my orientation be shifted?  Why after a cutscene is my orientation changed?  All of this matters greatly in the first hour of the game, none of it matters after that.  After that, all you know is that you have a weapon, usually with limited ammo, in your sweaty hand and you have a very limted number of options available to you.  Just as you would inthe real world.

Which is the draw of Resident Evil 5.  Yes, you are limited in what you can do.  Yes, your actions seem awkward.  Yes, you die a lot. Yes, this is fucking shitty and godamnwhycan'tI justfuckingkillthisguy... which is why it is great.  That is what it would be like if a random dude invaded your bedroom at night and you woke up with no idea how to fight back.

I'm loving it.  Change the control scheme to "B", take a breath and change Sheva's actions to "Cover" and after the first HORRIBLE level enjoy the game for what it is -- more levels of RE4, slightly less well thought out. Not bad, but still great.

Edited: Sat, 09 Apr 2011 21:33:01

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Sat, 09 Apr 2011 11:44:38

RE4 is a hard act to follow. It's a solid if unspectacular game on its own merits let down by some major issues. Well, one. Sheva.

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Sat, 09 Apr 2011 11:50:35


The game would be twice as good if I could play as one character solo. indecision

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Sat, 09 Apr 2011 14:53:50
After trying the awful RE5 demo, I highly doubt I'll ever give the full game a go. Well, maybe if it under $5. Nah, not even then.

And I too greatly enjoyed RE4.

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Sat, 09 Apr 2011 17:09:41

Excellent blog. I wish RE5 existed in a world without RE4 so everyone can get their heads out of their asses and see what an excellent game RE5 is. Compare it to other action games of this gen, it shits on almost all of them. And then I hear the Dead Space comparisons, yes Dead Space is better as a one time storytelling campaign but as an actual action game (which it is), it has no where near the depth and setpieces that RE5 has.

No game is matching RE4, its the ultimate masterpiece. While there are things that can make the game annoying to some, mainly no solo play, its still an amazing game.

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Sat, 09 Apr 2011 18:31:46
Dead Space is good but gets monotonous after a while. RE5 is a good game, but there is one mechanic which just spoils it for me. Well, two. Sheva and real time weapon management. Having to run over to save sheva's ass gets annoying.

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Sat, 09 Apr 2011 21:30:47
Foolz said:

RE4 is a hard act to follow. It's a solid if unspectacular game on its own merits let down by some major issues. Well, one. Sheva.

I'm not finding Sheva to be a problem... but...

gamingeek said:


The game would be twice as good if I could play as one character solo. indecision

It would be nice to play the game solo.  I can see why they went that direction -- the online co-op is a blast, and also one of the best stages in RE4 was in that shck with that spanish dude helping you (sorry I don't remember names).  I wonder how hard it would be to balance the game so that there could eb a single player mode.

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Sat, 09 Apr 2011 21:36:38
gamingeek said:
...RE5 is a good game, but there is one mechanic which just spoils it for me. Well, two. Sheva and real time weapon management. Having to run over to save sheva's ass gets annoying.

I wasn't mistaken then... in RE4 everything paused right?

Ravenprose said:
After trying the awful RE5 demo, I highly doubt I'll ever give the full game a go. Well, maybe if it under $5. Nah, not even then.

And I too greatly enjoyed RE4.

I had shelved this one forever, and it's come back to life.  You just have to go into it realizing that the game has it's own controls and you have to learn them in order to enjoy the game.

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Sat, 09 Apr 2011 21:37:52
aspro said:
gamingeek said:
...RE5 is a good game, but there is one mechanic which just spoils it for me. Well, two. Sheva and real time weapon management. Having to run over to save sheva's ass gets annoying.

I wasn't mistaken then... in RE4 everything paused right?


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Sat, 09 Apr 2011 22:22:10
Ravenprose said:
aspro said:
gamingeek said:
...RE5 is a good game, but there is one mechanic which just spoils it for me. Well, two. Sheva and real time weapon management. Having to run over to save sheva's ass gets annoying.

I wasn't mistaken then... in RE4 everything paused right?


And that was one of the best things about it.


Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile
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Sat, 09 Apr 2011 23:14:34
Yeah it certainly would have been great to have the ability to play the game solo but I really didn't have any problems with Sheva and found RE5 to be an excellent game nonetheless.


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Sun, 10 Apr 2011 00:09:07

Your problem is you just weren't committed enough to dislike it. See I am, and I have no intention of coming around. I hate it and I won't give it a another chance. I'm just sorry you don't have my kind of dedication.

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Sun, 10 Apr 2011 00:19:45

Real time weapon switching is fantastic, where is the fun in pressing pause every 30 seconds. I enjoyed the suitcase but the real time inventory makes everything very intense but it can get messy when trying to organize cause you are full and you need ammo in a firefight.

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Sun, 10 Apr 2011 04:47:52

And another thing.  I remember some hubbub around when this game came out, particualrly from N'Gai Croal about this game being racially insensitive.

I'm guessing he was talking about the later levels where africans are in tribal dress?  I don't see this as being particularly racist, I mean games are like opera, everything is overdone.

I give kudos to Capcom for even setting a game in Africa.  I'd enjoy seeing more diverse settings in games, like Australia or South America.  hell even the US, Canada or EU in a setting that is not post-apocalyptic.  One of my favorite parts in Area 51 was the depiction of regular US suburbs (and I understand MW2 did this as well).

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Sun, 10 Apr 2011 10:13:24
It would be easy to balance the game with Sheva intact. Make her indestructible so you didn't have to worry about her and give her infinite pistol ammo.

Essentially make her an NPC that you don't have to worry about.

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Sun, 10 Apr 2011 20:15:45

It's a good game. Nothing more. At least the inclusion of co-op makes its awkward design decisions easier to stomach than the ones found in the insufferable RE4.

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Sun, 10 Apr 2011 20:33:13

For me the original RE on PS1 still was the best, at the time there was nothing like it. It had a huge impact on me with new game style and the surrealistic horror art work, music and jump out at you horror movie type game play. The newer generation RE's just don't have the samew impact at all. They are good games but nothing ground breaking like that first game on PS. I remember at the time I was working at Viacom on Beavis and Butthead, and I had previously worked at a video game distributor right next door to the Viacom building. The day the game came out I had an order in for 10 copies for everyone in our QA dept. I picked up that lot of RE and everyone in the QA played the whole day.. we got no work done and there were a whole lot of ohhs and ahhs as we all played at our PS dev stations at our desks. I was like a hero getting everyone there the game for a wholesale price damn good times. You guys can keep your fancy RE 4s and 5s.

Edited: Sun, 10 Apr 2011 20:34:42
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Mon, 11 Apr 2011 00:10:52
My all-time favourite RE game is RE2. They really, really, REALLY, have to give that game an HD remake makeover.


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Mon, 11 Apr 2011 23:53:11

That's a cool story _Bear.


I take back all the good things I said about this game.

I am in the lava level.

  I've already gone through so many tedious bosses in Ch 6.

Edited: Tue, 12 Apr 2011 00:24:39

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Tue, 12 Apr 2011 00:58:12

Good for you! That's what we like to hear.

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