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Resident Evil 5 (360/PS3) GG Revival - 360 freezes - nerd rage commences
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Sun, 15 Mar 2009 17:49:11

I finished the game early this morning and wow what a totally awesome and epic experience. I agree with everything dvader has been saying, this was a very fitting game in the RE storyline indeed. Fantastic boss battles, excellent game pacing, stunningly gorgeous graphics, and great set pieces and battles throughout. The last few areas where enemies have weapons and you take cover ala Gears of War was a bit clunky but really not that bad at all. While I was used to the greater freedom of moving in and out of cover and moving along walls while in cover in Gears it didn't take me long to get used to RE5's system and I found it fairly easy to deal with.

EDIT: Oh yeah the game clock said my total time was over 17 hours but I think it was more closer to 20 hours. There is plenty of game in RE5 to be had for sure.
Edited: Sun, 15 Mar 2009 17:58:01


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Sun, 15 Mar 2009 19:50:47


How did you guys play? Did you go through the same area more than once to look around? Replay any levels or anything? Because again, its weird when some guys are saying 7 hrs, some 12 hrs and then others 17, 20.

LOL WTF? Are there different versions? Nyaa

Oh did you hunt down all treasures or just play through normally?

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Sun, 15 Mar 2009 20:09:13
More costumes for Resident Evil 5

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Sun, 15 Mar 2009 21:17:53

gamingeek said:


How did you guys play? Did you go through the same area more than once to look around? Replay any levels or anything? Because again, its weird when some guys are saying 7 hrs, some 12 hrs and then others 17, 20.

LOL WTF? Are there different versions? Nyaa

Oh did you hunt down all treasures or just play through normally?


No I didn't go back and replay any chapters I just played straight through. I did some treasure hunting but didn't spend an inordinate amount of time doing so. I was missing twelve treasure types at the end of the game and found only 8 out of 30 BSAA badges. I mostly walked through the game looking around trying to find things.


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Sun, 15 Mar 2009 21:22:34

gamingeek said:
More costumes for Resident Evil 5


I so want to get that costume. After my first playthrough I picked up Chris's Safari outfit and Sheva's Clubbin' outfit which are pretty cool and I'm using currently on my second playthrough. The really cool thing is after the first time through you can play as Sheva on subsequent games so in the areas where Sheva can only go now you'll be able to do those parts on solo play.


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Mon, 16 Mar 2009 00:35:39

^^^ Hot.

I played straight through, I just took my time. I tried to look around all the areas, I found the majority of the hidden emblems. Some areas kicked my ass, so I repeated them so many times. Some bosses took long as well.

But yesterday i started a new playthrough and the first sections which took about an hour the first time I got through in like 20 minutes. I am moving through it quickly now.

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Mon, 16 Mar 2009 00:42:06

gamingeek said:

Now I'm weirded out. People I trust on both sides are giving me differing opinions about the same things.

I'm renting this. Not buying.

Just a question, I've heard that the second half the game becomes a gears of war like experience? Are you guys happy with this?

I never fully played Gears but i assume you mean the cover and shooting sections. Yeah some rooms got a bit annoying. It wasn't handled badly, remember in RE4 where there were some spots where you can cover behind something, its just like that except that when you aim you pop out of the cover and when you release you go back in. You cant move in cover, you basically find an edge and use that. Its not like enemies are flanking you or anything, maybe one guy you missed and he was behind you when you went into cover, then you have to worry about whats happening behind you but for the most part all you have to worry about is whats in front. Cover when they shoot and come out and shoot when they reload, great for snipers.  

I thought this would really screw up the game, I didn't think it did.

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Mon, 16 Mar 2009 01:48:00
The second time through with infinite ammo is fun. Time to focus on finding some emblems, and perhaps earning some achievements.

Listen to Iced Earth and play Doom

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Mon, 16 Mar 2009 02:40:57
Why on earth haven't people been calling that outfit racist?

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Mon, 16 Mar 2009 11:08:05

Foolz said:
Why on earth haven't people been calling that outfit racist?

I was actually taken aback a little when I first saw it a week ago. It's a little.... er I can't decide whether it errs on the side of naivety, bad taste or fetish-ism.

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Mon, 16 Mar 2009 17:09:23
BTW this is the most unracist game I have ever played. Anyone that sees one ounce of racism in it is a crazy man. There are more white people in this Africa than black. The tribal people are freaking blue and mutated enough to not even be human.
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Mon, 16 Mar 2009 17:10:07
Playing through it on normal now (yes I know I am going backwards), I want to get all S ranks, not doing so well at the moment. Anyway I started to see why this game is shorter than RE4. My first playthrough felt as long as RE4 was but going through it again its going by very fast. I think I know why.

RE4 is broken down into lots of small parts, there are a ton of rooms/areas within a chapter. There are some giant areas but no where near as many as RE5. RE5 on the other hand has much larger areas that you do multiple things in, but fewer areas total. What happens is, if you are really good you can kill all the enemies in one of these large areas rather quickly and perform the objective without much time. Game time on a large area changes drastically when you have better weapons or good co-op partner. In RE4, while you can also have better weapons and get through the enemies quicker, since its broken down into so many smaller rooms, each usually with their own objective, it takes longer to go through them.

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Mon, 16 Mar 2009 17:54:07
Nice breakdown Vader, I feel like I understand the game more now.

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Tue, 17 Mar 2009 02:10:08
gamingeek said:

Foolz said:
Why on earth haven't people been calling that outfit racist?

I was actually taken aback a little when I first saw it a week ago. It's a little.... er I can't decide whether it errs on the side of naivety, bad taste or fetish-ism.

Let's just go with sexist and call it a day


Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile
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Tue, 17 Mar 2009 03:17:39

Dvader said:
BTW this is the most unracist game I have ever played. Anyone that sees one ounce of racism in it is a crazy man. There are more white people in this Africa than black. The tribal people are freaking blue and mutated enough to not even be human.

More white people in Africa than blacks? Is there a reason for that? There better be.

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Thu, 19 Mar 2009 07:02:42

Skylock and I have teamed up to do a speed run of the game. Hethat studied how to speen run it, he learned all the routes, he needed a partner so I joined in. Well we are #2-3 in the world on Veteran difficulty.


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Thu, 19 Mar 2009 09:18:30
Congrats. Grinning

But second place means you lost. Nyaa

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Thu, 19 Mar 2009 09:30:03
I watched the cutscenes and boss battles on youtube. Man some sloppy armbars and mounts. Tsk, tsk, the story is also fucking lame, but I guess that's the point. The Wesker boss battles seemed pretty lame to me.
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Thu, 19 Mar 2009 10:50:06

Woah that's awesome dvader. Those are some crazy times. I'll have to start doing some speed runs myself. Right now I'm working on finishing off some last few achievements and playing through the game on Professional difficulty. This game is tough on pro mode. Enemies usually land one-hit kills on you at this level. Right now I'm at Chapter 3-3. I so far have played the game through 3 times once on Amateur, once on Normal, and once on Veteran. I've found all 30 badges and have obtained Sheva's tribal outfit. Woo hoo! I also have Chris' S.T.A.R.S. outfit which is cool. I need to get S'es on all chapters so I can get the last figurine.


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Thu, 19 Mar 2009 12:15:15
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