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Resident Evil 5 (360/PS3) GG Revival - 360 freezes - nerd rage commences
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Fri, 06 Feb 2009 22:21:42

You know that spot where chainboy comes out? Well I hit him with a few grenades and unloaded a whole machinegun clip on him, then ran by him back towards the building you come out of. He pinned the chick over in that alley, while i'm up on the 2nd floor on the house. I had to run back to her while getting attacked by Coolio, and it took too long, she got chopped. Oh, I also exploded a barrell in his face....this guy is fucking tough.

The whole time I'm thinking she's behind me. Its weird having to worry about not only you, but another character as well. I just think that's going to really bother me having to deal with it for an entire game. If it was just a few spots here and there, that would be fine. Unfortunately, its not.


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Fri, 06 Feb 2009 23:13:06

edgecrusher said:

You know that spot where chainboy comes out? Well I hit him with a few grenades and unloaded a whole machinegun clip on him, then ran by him back towards the building you come out of. He pinned the chick over in that alley, while i'm up on the 2nd floor on the house. I had to run back to her while getting attacked by Coolio, and it took too long, she got chopped. Oh, I also exploded a barrell in his face....this guy is fucking tough.

The whole time I'm thinking she's behind me. Its weird having to worry about not only you, but another character as well. I just think that's going to really bother me having to deal with it for an entire game. If it was just a few spots here and there, that would be fine. Unfortunately, its not.

Ok I guess I can see that happening. Once I got stuck in an alley between chainsaw guy and another enemy, you can't push them out of the way so if they got the alley blocked you have to fight. I had to reload and by the time I did that chainsaw guy killed me. If you run past chainsaw guy and an enemy takes up the spot you ran through I can see Sheva getting stuck. When I run I fully expect her to be behind me, so I wouldn't even check if she made it out, I guess that happend to you as well.

It hasn't happened to me like that, shes been good with me but again its a game where anything can happen in the combat so there will be times where she will die, or you will die. I find her to be really good, at least far more than I expected, to me it doesn't feel like babysitting at all. (again all subject to change cause who knows how she reacts in boss fights)

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Sat, 07 Feb 2009 01:17:18

u guys listen to he latest 1up yours (they're back!)?

They don't seem too fond of the game. Davison almost hates it.


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Sat, 07 Feb 2009 04:40:40
Edge put some voodo curse on me cause Sheva died on me today.
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Sat, 07 Feb 2009 05:33:47


About time.


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Sat, 07 Feb 2009 15:28:42

edgecrusher said:

Just from playing the demo I like Dead Space more. As a whole game, can't say.

I'm really not that impressed with RE5's graphics. RE4 was stunning AND LOOKED BETTER THAN NEARLY EVERYTHING AT THE TIME. RE5 on the other hand, doesn't stand out, looks kind of boring as I've said, and just kind of looks like everything else...what with the plastic looking characters and shit.

Well, a problem (a great problem to have) is that nearly all next gen games look detailed and well lit and use the same kind of mapping, making them pretty much uniformly look great. It's harder for a game to visually stand out unless it does something with the art.

Ugh the AI sounds like its going to annoy me. What would be cool was if you could shoot the chainsaw to short it out. And the guy would pull the chain to try and restart it and it wont start. So you go kick him in the face. Or make him drop it and you can pick it up and use it for a limited time in a super powered mode where you can hack people up.

Dvader said:

GG i dont know, I am afraid they are going to go over piece by piece what they played, I dont want to hear that. As for everything in the game being taken from RE4, yeah thats my fear too. We see it with the enemies, almost every enemy they have shown has an equivalent from RE4. Other than co-op, this game seems to have no identity of its own.

Oh I didn't answer the Dead Space question. Different styles of game, Dead space is a lot more atmospheric, has more puzzles, hell it feels more like old RE than these new RE games do. But the action is not as good, Dead Space is a fun game to play a few times but it can get tiresome. RE4 is the type of game I can play forever and always have fun. RE5 is like RE4, as long as the full game is like RE4 I have little doubt that I will enjoy RE5 more.

The podcast doesn't have any spoilers that I heard. All they mentioned was a boat and El Gigante. Hearing your impressions is sort of calming and fear inducing at the same time if you know what I mean? When you love a game or series so much, you're kind of worried as to the changes or lack of changes the next game has you know?

edgecrusher said:

I had to run back to her while getting attacked by Coolio, .

LOL He was just on Celebrity Big Brother UK. Guy is funny.

edgecrusher said:

u guys listen to he latest 1up yours (they're back!)?

They don't seem too fond of the game. Davison almost hates it.

Is that just the special one where they got the team back together for a one off?

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Sat, 07 Feb 2009 18:15:07

gamingeek said:

edgecrusher said:

Just from playing the demo I like Dead Space more. As a whole game, can't say.

I'm really not that impressed with RE5's graphics. RE4 was stunning AND LOOKED BETTER THAN NEARLY EVERYTHING AT THE TIME. RE5 on the other hand, doesn't stand out, looks kind of boring as I've said, and just kind of looks like everything else...what with the plastic looking characters and shit.

Well, a problem (a great problem to have) is that nearly all next gen games look detailed and well lit and use the same kind of mapping, making them pretty much uniformly look great. It's harder for a game to visually stand out unless it does something with the art.

Ugh the AI sounds like its going to annoy me. What would be cool was if you could shoot the chainsaw to short it out. And the guy would pull the chain to try and restart it and it wont start. So you go kick him in the face. Or make him drop it and you can pick it up and use it for a limited time in a super powered mode where you can hack people up.

Dvader said:

GG i dont know, I am afraid they are going to go over piece by piece what they played, I dont want to hear that. As for everything in the game being taken from RE4, yeah thats my fear too. We see it with the enemies, almost every enemy they have shown has an equivalent from RE4. Other than co-op, this game seems to have no identity of its own.

Oh I didn't answer the Dead Space question. Different styles of game, Dead space is a lot more atmospheric, has more puzzles, hell it feels more like old RE than these new RE games do. But the action is not as good, Dead Space is a fun game to play a few times but it can get tiresome. RE4 is the type of game I can play forever and always have fun. RE5 is like RE4, as long as the full game is like RE4 I have little doubt that I will enjoy RE5 more.

The podcast doesn't have any spoilers that I heard. All they mentioned was a boat and El Gigante. Hearing your impressions is sort of calming and fear inducing at the same time if you know what I mean? When you love a game or series so much, you're kind of worried as to the changes or lack of changes the next game has you know?

edgecrusher said:

I had to run back to her while getting attacked by Coolio, .

LOL He was just on Celebrity Big Brother UK. Guy is funny.

edgecrusher said:

u guys listen to he latest 1up yours (they're back!)?

They don't seem too fond of the game. Davison almost hates it.

Is that just the special one where they got the team back together for a one off?

That would be cool about chainsaw guy but thats not the case. I would go on to say that he is even dumber than RE4 chainsaw guy. RE4 chainsaw guy at least had different attacks, like he would start swinging the chainsaw widly and stuff. This guy seems to have one attack, super instant death kill and it takes forever to do the animation. You could stand in front of him for a good 3 to 4 seconds and then casually walk past him to avoid the attack. Warning though, if you are behind him he has a crazy fast 180 degree turn attack that kills you instantly, you wont see him turn around, he just spins and kills you. The usual tactic works, shoot him until he is stunned, then melee.

I know what you mean about my reactions. For me the demo did a few things, made the single player AI not be such a big deal as I thought it would be, I am at peace with that now. I also know that online co-op is fun as hell. And I know it plays and feels like RE4 which I expected but you never know. Whats in the air though is the level design, pacing and overall feeling of deja vu this game will have when compared to RE4. We shall see.

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Sat, 07 Feb 2009 23:47:27

I think its going to be the most copycat RE game ever made. If the demo is any indication....copy the house attack? check. copy the helicopter save? check. copy the chainsaw surprise? check. My fucking word.

At least in the older RE games, yeah they were based on the same formula but they all had totally original events and design choices. Like Nemesis...even though that was based on RE2, they didn't copy one event from RE2 and added some cool things like ammo creation and quick event senes.

Zero, whatever my thoughts on the quality, had original ideas to it. Didn't copy events. Same for all the other games.

RE5 is just soooo fucking copycat on RE4 man. There is nothing original about it at all so far. Which as I said is pretty disappointing after such a long time. If this game came out a year after RE4 then yeah it would have been forgivable. 4 years though? Do these guys have no original ideas? I remember Gaminggeek had a picture thread awhile ago, where they showed not only another lake monster, but also a scene that looked EXACTLY like the waterfall/gears scene from RE4. Its like cmon.

Reliving events from 4 years ago with worse controls than the Wii version and HD visuals that somehow don't impress as much as the last game, yet the game totally lacks the wow factor of the game it copied because it is SOOO derivative.


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Sat, 07 Feb 2009 23:50:18
I don't trust reviews on this game at all, BTW. Look at all the other industry icon franchises and the reviews they've gotten this gen, compared to fan reactions.....pretty shady. RE5 will be the same deal.


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Sun, 08 Feb 2009 06:28:09
edgecrusher said:

I think its going to be the most copycat RE game ever made. If the demo is any indication....copy the house attack? check. copy the helicopter save? check. copy the chainsaw surprise? check. My fucking word.

At least in the older RE games, yeah they were based on the same formula but they all had totally original events and design choices. Like Nemesis...even though that was based on RE2, they didn't copy one event from RE2 and added some cool things like ammo creation and quick event senes.

Zero, whatever my thoughts on the quality, had original ideas to it. Didn't copy events. Same for all the other games.

RE5 is just soooo fucking copycat on RE4 man. There is nothing original about it at all so far. Which as I said is pretty disappointing after such a long time. If this game came out a year after RE4 then yeah it would have been forgivable. 4 years though? Do these guys have no original ideas? I remember Gaminggeek had a picture thread awhile ago, where they showed not only another lake monster, but also a scene that looked EXACTLY like the waterfall/gears scene from RE4. Its like cmon.

Reliving events from 4 years ago with worse controls than the Wii version and HD visuals that somehow don't impress as much as the last game, yet the game totally lacks the wow factor of the game it copied because it is SOOO derivative.

Well if you are going to copy something copy the best right.  I will be satisified with more RE4.

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Sun, 08 Feb 2009 14:16:47

edgecrusher said:

I remember Gaminggeek had a picture thread awhile ago, where they showed not only another lake monster, but also a scene that looked EXACTLY like the waterfall/gears scene from RE4. Its like cmon.


I remember posting that pic. The waterfall one. It looked so similar I almost thought the game revisited the environment, till I remembered that it was set in another continent. That kind of freaked me out. What I loved about RE4 was that it was constantly presenting you with new situations. Like being trapped in a room with the blind guy and bells. Or working your way up that cog tower, or the swamps with mines. You can just reel off 20 plus unique events there. The wolf dogs in cages, the maze, the back of the vehicle when Ashley is driving. Just tons of stuff. The previews and podcasts I've listened to say that you can tell in RE5 where the moment has been picked from RE4.

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Sun, 08 Feb 2009 15:24:11

Scanning a few pics.

Resident Evil 5 Picture

Laser bit from RE4

Resident Evil 5 Picture

Cave bit with bugs from RE4

Resident Evil 5 Screenshot

Bit from RE4 in daylight

Resident Evil 5 Screenshot

Chainsaw guy from RE4

Resident Evil 5 Screenshot

Back of truck from RE4

Resident Evil 5 Screenshot

Infected dogs from... well every RE

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Sun, 08 Feb 2009 16:36:42

You guys don't remember (I forget which forum I think GS) when I took every enemy they had shown up until that point and found the exact RE4 equivalent. I think I did the same with locations and setups.

I am hoping this is all done in the first half of the game (which is what these previews and pod casts played) and the last half throws us for a loop and surprises us. Remember, Wesker is in a giant mansion...

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Sun, 08 Feb 2009 19:24:06
No, you didn't post it here D and I haven't been at gamespot since, the end of 2007?

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Sun, 08 Feb 2009 22:03:29

Dvader said:
edgecrusher said:

I think its going to be the most copycat RE game ever made. If the demo is any indication....copy the house attack? check. copy the helicopter save? check. copy the chainsaw surprise? check. My fucking word.

At least in the older RE games, yeah they were based on the same formula but they all had totally original events and design choices. Like Nemesis...even though that was based on RE2, they didn't copy one event from RE2 and added some cool things like ammo creation and quick event senes.

Zero, whatever my thoughts on the quality, had original ideas to it. Didn't copy events. Same for all the other games.

RE5 is just soooo fucking copycat on RE4 man. There is nothing original about it at all so far. Which as I said is pretty disappointing after such a long time. If this game came out a year after RE4 then yeah it would have been forgivable. 4 years though? Do these guys have no original ideas? I remember Gaminggeek had a picture thread awhile ago, where they showed not only another lake monster, but also a scene that looked EXACTLY like the waterfall/gears scene from RE4. Its like cmon.

Reliving events from 4 years ago with worse controls than the Wii version and HD visuals that somehow don't impress as much as the last game, yet the game totally lacks the wow factor of the game it copied because it is SOOO derivative.

Well if you are going to copy something copy the best right.  I will be satisified with more RE4.

Indeed, same with me, I'll be very happy with more RE4. I don't see how you can't have a scene with a house like RE4, you're in a village with plenty of them around so if you're going to start getting swarmed going inside a house for some protection seems like a given. How many other games have a helicopter coming to save you only for it to come crashing down somehow. Also chainsaw guy is awesome how could they not put him in RE5.


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Sun, 08 Feb 2009 22:13:31

gamingeek said:
No, you didn't post it here D and I haven't been at gamespot since, the end of 2007?

It wasn't GS, I remember it was gaf. But I have no idea which thread so I am not going to look for it.

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Mon, 09 Feb 2009 06:19:28

Just rewatched all the trailers for this game. Played more of the demo.

I need this game, I need this game, I need this game, I need this game, I need this game!!

I am going to pass out during the Wesker fight from the awesome of it all.

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Mon, 09 Feb 2009 06:38:28

Dvader said:

Just rewatched all the trailers for this game. Played more of the demo.

I need this game, I need this game, I need this game, I need this game, I need this game!!

I am going to pass out during the Wesker fight from the awesome of it all.

You should play the Wesker portion of RE: UC to keep you excited until RE5's release. Happy

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Mon, 09 Feb 2009 07:10:15

Angry_Beaver said:

Dvader said:

Just rewatched all the trailers for this game. Played more of the demo.

I need this game, I need this game, I need this game, I need this game, I need this game!!

I am going to pass out during the Wesker fight from the awesome of it all.

You should play the Wesker portion of RE: UC to keep you excited until RE5's release. Happy

I will. Happy

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Wed, 11 Feb 2009 18:06:35

Resident Evil 5 : new pictures

Resident Evil 5 : new pictures

Resident Evil 5 : new pictures

What is he holding? Hay? Cotton wool? A rock?

Resident Evil 5 : new pictures

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