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Resident Evil Revelations, wtf.
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Tue, 07 Jun 2011 20:32:49

Watch the gameplay vids GG put up.

Oh god what was that?!!?! First person shooting... *smashes head against desk*

What was that item gun thing?

Why is it so slow?!

It looked terrible.

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Tue, 07 Jun 2011 20:46:51

You can shoot in first or third person just like in the Mercenaries 3D port. You can also shoot while moving (but not running). It looked slow because he was mostly walking. Also, it looked fucking awesome.

Edited: Tue, 07 Jun 2011 20:47:35
portrait.jpg ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The optimist proclaims we live in the best of all possible worlds
while the pessimist fears this is true.
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Tue, 07 Jun 2011 22:29:00

1st person stuff sucked, I have not seen a video of 3rd person shooting.

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Tue, 07 Jun 2011 22:29:31

The 3DS has a gameplay trailer in 3D, its amazing.

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Tue, 07 Jun 2011 22:30:00

Capcom E3 feed to show off Revelations now at 6.

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Tue, 07 Jun 2011 23:08:46

Damnit I forgot to bring my 3DS with me.

What is the compression like on these 3D videos?

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Tue, 07 Jun 2011 23:09:24
gamingeek said:

Damnit I forgot to bring my 3DS with me.

What is the compression like on these 3D videos?

I dont know but it looks AMAZING. Wait till you see Mario OMG

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Wed, 08 Jun 2011 03:21:35
It looked great but I don't know it just seemed "off" for some reason, maybe it was some of the dialog or something. Also what's with the fat dude? I thought he was fat Chris or something. LOL


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Wed, 08 Jun 2011 11:38:29

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Wed, 08 Jun 2011 11:40:22
Dvader said:

I dont know but it looks AMAZING. Wait till you see Mario OMG

How do you find 3D visuals now? It's hard to explain when all you can post is 2D video and pics of 3DS games, but I find the 3D makes the graphics look better.

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Wed, 08 Jun 2011 12:42:23
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Wed, 08 Jun 2011 13:32:28
Dvader said:

Watch the gameplay vids GG put up.

Oh god what was that?!!?! First person shooting... *smashes head against desk*

Edited: Wed, 08 Jun 2011 13:50:55

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Wed, 08 Jun 2011 17:56:06
gamingeek said:

Excellent, thats most of the demo. It is definetly 100% classic RE style. I like that the touch screen will be used for puzzles. But honestly I dont know how I feel about it, the combat looks so boring, after RE4 I expect more from the action. Also the item finder thing is the worst idea of all time.

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Wed, 08 Jun 2011 21:14:37

Yeah the combat looks like a step back.

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Thu, 09 Jun 2011 12:59:19


When was the last time you jumped from being scared? Whether it was from a video game, a movie, or an all-too-tall man walking into your room at night, I bet it was pretty recently. Perhaps, though, not as recently as me; I was scared just yesterday by the video game Resident Evil: Revelations.

Oh, and it’s a portable game that I was playing in a crowded, well lit room with far too much background noise.

If you haven’t guessed it by now, or you’ve just never read any of my game reviews or articles, I’m a bit of a frame rate nut. I really like things to be at 60FPS, or at the very least a consistent 30, and anything that wobbles below gets an instant seal of disapproval from me. Seeing the footage of MGS3D going at the poor frame rate it was, and then seeing Resident Evil: Revelations’ graphical quality, I became worried that Capcom’s upcoming horror masterpiece would suffer from even worse performance issues than our good buddy Snake. Thank heavens I was wrong.


Everything about Resident Evil: Revelations blew my expectations completely out of the water. I thought it was going to be a poor controlling RE5-esque action game with a bad frame rate and more performance issues than I could count. Obviously I severely underestimated the power of the 3DS hardware, because bar none, RE:R is has the best technical graphics of any 3DS game I’ve ever played, and it’s tied for best overall visuals with Mario Kart 3D.

My time with the game began with Jill Valentine (the character you primarily play as, I assume) waking up in a bed inside a room that looked oddly like some rooms in the Resident Evil 1 mansion. She even makes a comment over her radio about its eerie familiarity. You walk around for a bit, get the hang of the controls, then drain a bathtub to find a screwdriver, whereby you enter the bedroom to unscrew some panel and a zombie (“creature” is probably a more accurate description) bursts from the closet. This was the first time I jumped while playing the game, and most certainly not the last.

Take into account a few things here:

1) I was playing the game in a crowded, well lit room.

2) Despite plugging in my headphones, the background noise was still far louder than the game soundtrack.

3) It’s on a very small screen.

Yet despite these things, I really truly jumped, and I smiled to myself after I realized this. I actually had just gotten a little scared from a Resident Evil game that I was playing at E3, and it wasn’t just the initial jump that got me. Soon after, I ran out of bullets and my heart raced as I scrambled to not die at the hands of this incredibly odd looking creature. All I could think was one thing.

“This is awesome.”

It was like Resident Evil 4 had meshed with Resident Evil 1 to create a lovechild that was so utterly wonderful that even playing the also-very-good Super Mario 3D couldn’t take my mind off of it. There is something to be said for its lack of originality, however. The game clearly takes influence from the Gamecube remake of the first Resident Evil title in terms of scare styles and atmosphere, but as far as I’m concerned that is fantastic news. Couple that with Resident Evil 4 gameplay and you’ve got a combination that is going to be incredibly hard to beat.

To actually play the game, it’s pretty simple: Walk with the control stick, aim with L, shoot with X (or was it Y…?), run with B, etc etc. It feels very similar in gameplay and control style to Resident Evil 4 on Gamecube, despite being on a handheld and not a full-blown console. In fact, pretty much the whole time I had with the game consisted of my drawing similarities to the feelings I had when first playing Resident Evil 4. It just felt really really good to play, no questions asked.

In the demo I only got to use two weapons, and I couldn’t figure out how to use (or if there was) a knife, which meant when I ran out of ammo my heart raced and I sweated all over the booth while the guy from GTTV was filming me.

Good thing my pet eagle taught him a lesson.

The demo ended on a cliffhanger (of course), and I left the booth feeling great. It was at this point during E3 that I finally realized, despite the massive shortcomings of the 3DS’s current library of games, we have a very bright future ahead of us.

Resident Evil is back, and boy does it feel good.

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Thu, 09 Jun 2011 19:14:31

BTW Raccoon City is looking really neat. Its really fast paced and it doesn't rely much on cover so its more run and gun. I like how melee attacks are a big part of it. You can get bit and turn into a zombie, but you loose control of your character at that point. I love seeing classic enemies in all their graphical glory and in a setting where they hunt you. I think we can all have fun playing this together, will be a big guilty pleasure for me later this year.

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Sun, 12 Jun 2011 16:08:00

Direct feed audio

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Sun, 12 Jun 2011 16:09:29

“Do you really want to play a blockbuster title on the small screen? Handheld systems compromise certain types of gameplay by design — [their] controls are cramped, oddly placed and there just isn’t the same amount of real estate on the screen for big, 3D action. Though Resident Evil Revelations currently features the best character models and graphics out of any 3DS title on the floor at E3, it’s still kind of a downer to play it on a system ill-equipped to simulate big console titles.” - IGN editor Samuel Claiborn

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Sun, 12 Jun 2011 16:12:08
gamingeek said:

“Do you really want to play a blockbuster title on the small screen?” - IGN editor Samuel Claiborn

Hell no. That's why I own a nice 32" HDTV. Happy

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Sun, 12 Jun 2011 17:01:01

I want Revelations on PS3. I expect to see it on consoles one day in some collection.

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