Forum > Gaming Discussion > Rhythm Heaven/Paradise (DS) A joyful game that puts a big smile on your face
Rhythm Heaven/Paradise (DS) A joyful game that puts a big smile on your face
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Fri, 01 May 2009 10:01:52

Game is out today. I cant buy it yet though. I'm still waiting for The World Ends with You in the mail. 

Edited: Fri, 01 May 2009 20:18:58

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Thu, 14 May 2009 10:10:49

Game is miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine!

Sorry World Ends with you, but you never wanted to be posted, so I had to cancel you for another lover. Impressions soon. 

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Thu, 14 May 2009 11:07:36

gamingeek said:

Game is miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine!

Sorry World Ends with you, but you never wanted to be posted, so I had to cancel you for another lover. Impressions soon.

hurry up and get to the ghost band level.  i need you to tell me how to do it so i can get on with the rest of the game.


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Thu, 14 May 2009 11:25:48

bugsonglass said:

gamingeek said:

Game is miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine!

Sorry World Ends with you, but you never wanted to be posted, so I had to cancel you for another lover. Impressions soon.

hurry up and get to the ghost band level.  i need you to tell me how to do it so i can get on with the rest of the game.

 What's wrong with gamefaqs? Nyaa

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Thu, 14 May 2009 12:20:50

gamingeek said:

bugsonglass said:

gamingeek said:

Game is miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine!

Sorry World Ends with you, but you never wanted to be posted, so I had to cancel you for another lover. Impressions soon.

hurry up and get to the ghost band level.  i need you to tell me how to do it so i can get on with the rest of the game.

What's wrong with gamefaqs? Nyaa

so impersonal Nyaa


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Thu, 14 May 2009 14:27:51

So yeah you might want to hold your breath on the help. I only played the demo before so the robot filling game was hard enough, with no discernible beat. 

Then I played the monkey clapping game. Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaan. Either the game is a lot harder than I thought or I have no rhythm LOL It's going to take some skill to play this. But it's so fun. I was laughing my ass off while the monkeys were giving me the evil eye LOL

Edited: Thu, 14 May 2009 14:28:40

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Thu, 14 May 2009 15:16:46

gamingeek said:

So yeah you might want to hold your breath on the help. I only played the demo before so the robot filling game was hard enough, with no discernible beat.

Then I played the monkey clapping game. Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaan. Either the game is a lot harder than I thought or I have no rhythm LOL It's going to take some skill to play this. But it's so fun. I was laughing my ass off while the monkeys were giving me the evil eye LOL

claaap, clap clap, hey!!


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Thu, 14 May 2009 18:03:59
I suck at rhythm games and had trouble with the monkeys. But  I left it for a few days and came back to it and aced it. The ping pong one has me really stuck.
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Thu, 14 May 2009 19:44:05

angrymonkey said:
I suck at rhythm games and had trouble with the monkeys. But  I left it for a few days and came back to it and aced it. The ping pong one has me really stuck.

yeah that one is hard because the slow one is really slow, and the quick one really quick but you'll do it soon enough.  i just about got a gold but i cannot perfect it.

the one i'm stuck at i don't even understand when i'm supposed to strum, doesn't seem to have anything to do with rhythm either. so annoying


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Thu, 14 May 2009 20:04:27

Okay played some more. I love it. It's more difficult then I expected, but practice makes perfect. It's pretty much warioware with great music. 

I love the ping pong, have trouble with the robots. The remixes are great. Really fun game so far. Wondering what the toys do, so far I have the business cards which dont seem to do anything. 

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Sat, 16 May 2009 16:10:12

Okay, I'm really suprised how many of the games are hits and how many have really great original tunes. 

There is some repeating of mechanics in some but mainly it feels great. The DJ game is priceless.

And I love shoving dumplings in that guys mouth. 

I got the ghost guitar down Bugs. You have to strum like a guitar, so it seems weird because you have to make sure that your stylus connects and sweeps the screen. 

There are like 3 strums in a row so the stylus has to connect with the screen, sweep upwards then lift. Then repeat in succession with the beat. Best thing to do is to get your grip much shorter with your hand and press a little harder and more precisely on the touch screen. 

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Sun, 17 May 2009 05:48:50

gamingeek said:

Okay, I'm really suprised how many of the games are hits and how many have really great original tunes. 

There is some repeating of mechanics in some but mainly it feels great. The DJ game is priceless.

And I love shoving dumplings in that guys mouth. 

I got the ghost guitar down Bugs. You have to strum like a guitar, so it seems weird because you have to make sure that your stylus connects and sweeps the screen. 

There are like 3 strums in a row so the stylus has to connect with the screen, sweep upwards then lift. Then repeat in succession with the beat. Best thing to do is to get your grip much shorter with your hand and press a little harder and more precisely on the touch screen. 


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Sun, 17 May 2009 10:38:18

OK, it's gushing time. I have to take a moment out to spooge over this game, which I have come to love. 

I got it on Thursday and for several nights I have gone to bed at 10pm and booted it up for a quick blast. Then I look over to the clock and a couple of hours have gone by and I want to continue playing it. 

The music is all original and just absolutely toe tapping, catchy and addictive beyond belief. The games are just........ I find it barely fathomable how many of them are just SO good. In games with mini-games usually there are some good ones and a lot of duff ones. In this game, you can't even pick a favourite because I found that the next one becomes your favourite, oh and then the next one, oh and then the next one. 

Space soccer? LOL I mean the dual rock guitars? Grinning Crap the Monkey clapping? Farming, dumpling throwing, DJs. Just wow. SO MUCH FUN. 

And I dont like normal music games. But this is different. No icons to watch, no matching buttons to a scrolling bar. Its all about getting in the groove. It uses really simplistic inputs, tapping and flicking and yet has extraordinary depth to the controls and make no mistake, it will take some skill to get perfects on each level. 

You know there are many reasons to hate nintendo, they're always screwing around or coming up short or taking too long. But when you play this game you just remember why they're so special. When they make a game like this, wholly original, completely off the wall, suprising and something which effortlessly plasters a big smile on your face, you just have to grin, laugh your ass off, jam to the music and give them a massive double thumbs up. Joyous game. 

Check the reviews out in this thread. So good. 

Oh Bugs the Ghost guitar game definetly works. I have the pro-tip for you. Try doing it using a pen and paper. Do the motions and you can see exactly the strokes and what you have to be doing. Connecting pen tip to paper and quickly drawing 4 lines in succession. 

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Sun, 17 May 2009 10:52:51
OMG at the ninja dog game.  i loved it so much i got a gold on first attempt.  hope it asks me to perfect it soon. so glad to be through that stupid guitar game so i can see what awesome ones are still in store.

yeah the drum game is awesome.  you're right that bird game is not so hot but my least favourite i think will always be the ghost one
Edited: Sun, 17 May 2009 11:21:18


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Sun, 17 May 2009 11:11:02

bugsonglass said:
thanks for the tips, i will try it again tonight.  like you said for a long time this was the game i would go to bed playing and it was great fun and very relaxing and joyful.

i love all the games you name-checked.  also really enjoy the lizards mating, the girl boy chemistry and the photo snapping game

 Relaxing? Grinning I found myself sitting up in bed and grinning playing it. Whenever there is a chance at a perfect I have to prep!

The lizard one is the only game which is failure for me. The grating sound of that tail puts me off the rhythm. I would prefer if it was the maracas sound like the other lizard. 

Yep the chemistry game is awesome, love the music too and the one with the squares and girls which pop up. Photo one is fun. The army bird one is weak but the pictures that pop up are precious. Oh oh! The Vs drumming game Grinning

And I started unlocking the endless games and toys. Toys are rubbish so far, phone, business card, monster thing. But the endless games are sweet. The bossa nova driving tap game. So great. 

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Sun, 17 May 2009 21:56:45
I've bought almost every quirky rhythm game that has come down the pike, and when I went to buy this one I stopped myself. I drew a line in the sand because I just felt that I had come to a point where I was sick of buying quirky games, playing them for 10 minutes and then never picking them up again (Ontamarama I'm looking at you).

But this sounds Wario Ware good.  Is it?

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Sun, 17 May 2009 22:15:43

aspro73 said:
I've bought almost every quirky rhythm game that has come down the pike, and when I went to buy this one I stopped myself. I drew a line in the sand because I just felt that I had come to a point where I was sick of buying quirky games, playing them for 10 minutes and then never picking them up again (Ontamarama I'm looking at you).

But this sounds Wario Ware good.  Is it?

yeah, if you like Wario Ware quirky this will be right up your alley.  Not only is it made by the same team but it plays very similarly in that the gameplay mechanics are extremely simple.  The only difference is that each game is played to a rhythm and they're a little longer than wario ware games.

edit:  you may still be able to download the demo from the nintendo channel.  that is a good way of figuring if you would enjoy the game enough to warrant buying it or if you would only play it for 10 minutes and never pick it up again

Edited: Sun, 17 May 2009 22:19:14


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Sun, 17 May 2009 23:00:13
Damn, with all the great sounding levels you guys are going on about I've got to get back to playing this. And yeah, try the demo. If that doesn't hook you at all maybe you just need a break from them.
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Mon, 18 May 2009 10:15:48

bugsonglass said:
OMG at the ninja dog game.  i loved it so much i got a gold on first attempt.  hope it asks me to perfect it soon. so glad to be through that stupid guitar game so i can see what awesome ones are still in store.

 Did you not just hit the cafe to skip it? I had real problems with that offbeat game but I learnt how to do it. Grinning Ninja dog is cool and if you get the medals there is another ninja slicing game in the endless games. 

aspro73 said:
I've bought almost every quirky rhythm game that has come down the pike, and when I went to buy this one I stopped myself. I drew a line in the sand because I just felt that I had come to a point where I was sick of buying quirky games, playing them for 10 minutes and then never picking them up again (Ontamarama I'm looking at you).

But this sounds Wario Ware good.  Is it?

 Aspro, 10 minutes here can turn into 2 hours. That's two hours every night for a week. 

At first I would say it is like warioware but after playing it for a long time I have to say that the comparisions fade away. WW is about micro games which last fractions of seconds. Rhythm heaven's games have proper music tracks and last for a good 3 minutes each including the tutorials.

Then as a boss level it remixes all previous games into a new track. 

Its all rhythm based too so its about keeping in time, not attaching things or spinning things. There is a ton of content and you will replay the levels endlessly because of how much fun they are. 

I completed the main 30 levels and there is just tons of content, it unlocked another 20. And then you keep getting medals and keep unlocking more and more games. Supreme value here for me. Game is awesome. Last night I had another 2 hour play session till midnight. It has you pumping your fist in the air when you get a perfect or grinning so hard your jaw hurts. And even when you put it down I find myself enviously looking at my DS, wanting to pick it up and play it again. And again. And again. 

Go to the first page and check out the videos I linked. 

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Tue, 19 May 2009 06:34:44
^Those videos kind of sell it.  Damn you nintendo!

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