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Robio gets a PS3 (woot!) - Please offer up your thoughts
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Sun, 05 Dec 2010 20:32:06

I officially made the plunge and as of next week I should finally own an HD system. Up until yesterday I had been leaning towards the 360, but a good deal presented itself and I couldn't say no. So now I'm making my list of games to get and I'd like any thoughts or opinions you guys have. I'd like to have a little library in place but I want to do it for under $100. The rule for this console will be never buy a game for over $20. Also, if there's anything not listed you'd like I'd like please mention it.  Though most of what I'm looking to buy is fairly mainstream, I think by now most of you know my tastes run a little towards to obscure weird stuff.

The Must Buys - these are the ones I already know I want and will throw down for

  • Flower
  • Pac-Man Championship Edition
  • Assassin's Creed
  • Street Fighter IV (or Super) -  is the extra $15.00 worth it for Super?

The ones I will buy once they're cheaper as of now I think I want these but they're all over the $20 mark

  • Red Dead Redemption
  • Assassin's Creed 2
  • Castlevania: Lords of Shadow
  • Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood
  • Batman: Arkham Asylum

The ones I think I'd like - these are the ones I'd most like opinions on.

  • inFamous
  • Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection
  • Marvel v Capcom 2
  • LBP
  • flOw
  • BioShock
  • Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood
  • Marvel: Ultimate Alliance
  • Katamari Forever
  • Bionic Commando
  • Bionic Commando Rearmed
  • Demon's Soul
  • Valkyria Chronicles
Edited: Sun, 05 Dec 2010 21:02:19
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Sun, 05 Dec 2010 20:41:07

Darksiders: Wrath of War

Dead Space

Disgaea 3: Absense of Justice

Dragon Age Origins

God of War 3

Uncharted 1 and 2

Heavenly Sword

Metal Gear Solid 4

Ratchet and Clank: Tools of Destruction and Crack in Time

Sly Cooper Collection

Yakuza 3

Edited: Sun, 05 Dec 2010 20:44:01
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Sun, 05 Dec 2010 20:53:06

The ones I think I'd like - these are the ones I'd most like opinions on.

inFamous (Best "Super Hero" game on the PS3 but gets a bit repetitive.)

Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection (One of the best collections ever made; a few minor sound issues though. Definite buy!)

Marvel v Capcom 2 (Probably best to just wait for 3.)

LBP (Meh!)

flOw (Skip it. Was an interesting first download, but now it's really just a motion control tech-demo.)

BioShock (Awesome! Great, compelling adventure. Better than 2!)

Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood (Never played it!)

Marvel: Ultimate Alliance (OK. Not great. Dated now. Only if you MUST have a Super Hero game other than Batman: AA.)

Katamari Forever (Absolutely average. This series uniqueness faded away after part 1. Mostly just a compilation of previous games.)

Bionic Commando (NOT worth it. Annoying main character. Forced path and un-fun gameplay. Not even worth it for 19.99.)

Bionic Commando Rearmed (Good remake of the original. Worth it!)

Demon's Soul (Hardcore. Totally unique. Keep in mind they are going to be shutting down the servers on this one in a few months.)

Valkyria Chronicles (Old-school Sega at its Best! Wonderful graphics and intelligent gameplay. MUST HAVE!)

Edited: Sun, 05 Dec 2010 20:59:43
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Sun, 05 Dec 2010 20:56:13
  • Bioshock is a fast paced shooter wrapped up in a pretentious plot that for some unfathomable reason gets lauded everywhere as something deep and enthralling, when it's not. Nevertheless, its fluid combat and abundance of fun powerups (plasmids) ensure a solid 8 hour ride. Just make sure not to focus too much on the dismal gun selection. It's a shooter, but not focused on guns, if that makes any sense.
  • Demon's Souls is an oddity. It is an action RPG, but one that makes every single enemy encounter matter, as opposed to the usual slash-fests encountered in games of the genre. It has a fairly deep combat system, actual variety in fighting styles, with magic, melee and ranged attacks yielding dramatically different outcomes in any given scenario, imposing difficulty that improves a lot once the combat clicks, and enough secrets to keep you busy for hundreds of hours. I can't praise it enough, but the game asks for way more commitment to it than most other games before it lets you into all that goodness. Before that, it's an excruciatingly painful journey.
  • Valkyria Chronicles is an outstanding strat RPG with first person segments and a real time combat system. Takes the staples of the genre, an out-of-left-field combat system and wraps them up inside a beautiful art style.
  • Call of Juarez BiB is a nice shooter that gets the western vibe alright. Gunplay is solid, although gun selection is lacking, and it is paced well enough so you won't get bored. It has the right lenght as well. But the better part of it is that it doesn't go crazy with some shitty plot about supernatural twists or ghosts or whatever. It's standard western fare written up just fine. A trio of brothers, a woman inbetween two of them, and a story about vengeance, family and passion that takes place during the secession war. Going into it with low to no expectations worked wonders for me.
  • Don't bother with flOw. You have your artsy game itch already covered with Flower.
  • I didn't find LBP to be all that good, to be honest. It has some cool gadgets and stuff, but level design seems to have taken a backseat in favor of other priorities.
  • Be careful with the first Assassin's Creed. Don't let repetition kill the fun and try to make the ride as fast paced as possible without lingering too much in menial tasks. The second is almost flawless.

I haven't played or don't care about the others.  

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Sun, 05 Dec 2010 21:01:53

Get Super Street Fighter IV. It just takes everything from IV and refines it --AND-- throws in 10 more characters!

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Sun, 05 Dec 2010 21:03:30

Congrats on your new purchase.  May it serve you well and give you many many hours of fun and excitement

You may like:

Eternal Sonata


Fallout 3


Out of the ones you asked for opinions on Demon Souls is my personal favourite PS3 game.  Little Big Planet I like more as a concept than as a game ie I don't enjoy the platforming that much but I think it's really sweet.

Out of the ones you want to wait to get cheaper.  At least in Europe: Assassin's Creed II GOTY, Batman AA are dirt cheap £9.99.  And Castlevania is getting there fast.  RDR has remained at premium for quite a while but now it's shyly starting to get price drops here and there but nothing drastic yet.  Brotherhood will go on sale soon as the new AC gets released which shouldn't be long

Edited: Sun, 05 Dec 2010 22:10:30


Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu

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Sun, 05 Dec 2010 21:04:42
phantom_leo said:

Get Super Street Fighter IV. It just takes everything from IV and refines it --AND-- throws in 10 more characters!

and the price it the same now, it's not really more expensive than the first version


Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu

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Sun, 05 Dec 2010 21:05:56

I think you should eventually change the name of this topic to something fun and unique like:

Robio Gets a PS3 ...and plays a Crap-Load of Games!

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Sun, 05 Dec 2010 21:07:49

I agree with Bugsie about Borderlands too. IF you are into First-Person Shooters --AND-- Loot Games!

...and I would --FINALLY-- have someone to play it with!

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Sun, 05 Dec 2010 21:09:21

Okay thanks for the opinions thus far. It looks like Demon's Soul and Valkryia Chronicles will need to be put on the must own list.  I suspected that VC would be, but I'd heard conflicting things on Demon's Soul so good to hear those opinions.

As for LBP I was leaning against getting it. Vader seems to be the only person who ever laudes its greatness. I've played it a few times and never enjoyed it, but given the scores it gets and how rabid its fans are I always wondered if I'd just been missing something.  Apparently not.

As for Ultimate Alliance and MvC2, those were really just for the comic geek in me.  I've played both before. MvC2 was too un-even to enjoy long-term, but it was great fan service. I was really wondering if there were improvements/changes from the PS2 version. And I played the first level of Ultimate Alliance on the PS2, but the load times were some of the worst I'd ever experienced. So bad that I eventually found it entirely unplayable and traded it back approximately 48 hours of buying it. Minus those load times might enjoy it.  Still thinking that over.

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Sun, 05 Dec 2010 21:12:50
phantom_leo said:

I agree with Bugsie about Borderlands too. IF you are into First-Person Shooters --AND-- Loot Games!

...and I would --FINALLY-- have someone to play it with!

Define "loot game" please.  I'm not really a FPS fan, but "loot game" intrigues me.

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Sun, 05 Dec 2010 21:12:55
phantom_leo said:

I agree with Bugsie about Borderlands too. IF you are into First-Person Shooters --AND-- Loot Games!

...and I would --FINALLY-- have someone to play it with!

i also have the ps3 version.  we could become a merry band of looters


Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu

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Sun, 05 Dec 2010 21:17:33

Loot Games--Games like Diablo, Baldur's Gate (PS2) or Marvel Ultimate Alliance.

Kill tons of enemies. Get lots of Equipment, Weapons, etc. with (usually) randomized Stats and/or Attributes.

Also (usually) involves some kind of Skill-Tree development for your character.

Borderlands is this with guns.

Edited: Sun, 05 Dec 2010 21:19:13
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Sun, 05 Dec 2010 21:18:39

Oooooooooh. Oh okay. Yeah I like those.

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Sun, 05 Dec 2010 21:30:10

I'm thinking maybe Resonance of Fate may be a game that (excuse the horrible pun) resonates with you.  It's an rpg by SEGA which is said to do a few things differently from your standard RPG

Haven't played it personally ... little time for rpgs


Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu

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Sun, 05 Dec 2010 21:57:59

I would so get myself a PS3 if I could afford one right now.

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Sun, 05 Dec 2010 23:51:32


I did not like Assassin's Creed 1 AT ALL, but I'm in the minority on that one.

I vote for Infamous, Dead Space, Uncharteds, Yakuzas, MLB The Show (skip the first one O8 I think), Arkham, Mirror's Edge and 50 Cent Blood on the Sand.

Edited: Sun, 05 Dec 2010 23:52:05

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Mon, 06 Dec 2010 01:13:02

What would you guys compare Uncharted to game-wise, assuming there is something out there like it?

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Mon, 06 Dec 2010 01:14:22
robio said:

What would you guys compare Uncharted to game-wise, assuming there is something out there like it?

The good Tomb Raiders, except with characters you care about (due to the way they captioned the motion and voice acting at the same time). And much better art design.

Edited: Mon, 06 Dec 2010 01:15:25

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Mon, 06 Dec 2010 01:17:28

Ooooooh.... I never liked Tomb Raider. This one may be a no-go for me after all.

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