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Silent Hill Shattered Memories: 9.5 Destructoid, 9/10 Eurogamer, 9/10 Nintendo Life
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Sat, 15 Sep 2012 18:48:56
gamingeek said:

But you keep telling yourself to go see RE movies at the cinema.


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Sat, 15 Sep 2012 18:50:54
gamingeek said:

So the chases in Shattered Memories are awesome.

Picture it, you're walking around the everyday world looking for your daughter in this desolate town when suddenly the crackling sound of the world freezing over appears. The entire landscape starts morphing, ice crackling all over the environment, some blocking off paths.

You know what's coming and the words "Oh shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit" starts playing in your head whilst you grin Grinning

Then, you're lost and wondering where to go. You turn a corner and suddenly some faceless freak beast thing -caught in your flashlight- sees you and points, a terrifying scream pierces the air as he summons his freak beast mates.

And the words "Oh shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit" starts repeating in your head. You turn and run, full tilt headed god knows where. You see a ledge and run full pelt towards it, leap over it like a steeplechase runner, hit the floor running and head towards a building.

BAM, you smash through a door in one movement, BAM through another door into a larger room. You see monsters in your peripheral vision, some rush at you from the side, you barely dodge them and then get caught in the next room. You have to turn in an awkward direction and your run is stopped. Freak beasts pile on top of you, you motion your controller to throw them off, screeching follows as you pelt away again.

Now you look back and have 4 of them on your tail, you run past and obstacle and physically motion to throw down the object in front of them and keep running, no time to look back.

Suddenly things are quiet, you must of lost them for now. You turn off your torch, take out your map and look around, ah I should be going here? You redirect your position to head in a straight line towards your destination but you know it wont be that simple.

Walking slowly, you creep along, as you approach a creature on the left the static crackles out of the wii remote. "Shit, shit, shit" you pause. Then it moves on and so do you. Just as you approach a building you spot a creature on your right, and IT spots you. The chase is back on!

You burst into a building, slam your fucking shoulder through the door, into another room, three doors in this room, which one to choose, no time to think, JUST RUN!

They are closer and closer, the creatures are so close you can feel their hot breath on the back of your neck, their screams pierce into your brain.

You enter a large chamber.

In a fraction of second you notice an unlit flare on the ground, but its in some kind of well like crevice. Do you run for the door or do you run for the flare? Suddenly notice another creature in front of you, the flare sits between you. Can I make it to the flare? Or will it get there first?

FUCK IT! You run headfirst for the flare, the creature is running straight for you and you towards it! "OMG OMG OMG"....

You get there first and rip the top off that flare, its light fizzes around you and the creatures stumble back. "Fuck you!" you hear in your head.

And then whilst the flare is fizzling out, you look for and find the exit, slamming out the last door from darkness into daylight.

Your eyes adjust to the cold light of day, the nightmare is over.

Wow, you say. Just wow.

I felt none of that but I can see where you are coming from.  Try this, just run in the right direction, forget everything else. You get the same result.

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Sat, 15 Sep 2012 19:11:03
Dvader said:

I felt none of that but I can see where you are coming from.  Try this, just run in the right direction, forget everything else. You get the same result.

But you don't know where the right direction is. A lot of the chase complaints focused on how confusing the layouts were so it's not as simple as that.

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Sun, 16 Sep 2012 01:56:37
gamingeek said:

But you don't know where the right direction is. A lot of the chase complaints focused on how confusing the layouts were so it's not as simple as that.

Well it has trial and error but for the most part running in the right direction is the best method. Turning off the light helps too but I would never stop unless its to quickly check the map. The hiding spots I feel are totally pointless. Any attempt to sneak around will ultimately fail. So in the end you just have to run and get to the end before they take you down. By my second run I was doing these easily on my first go. I would feel what you felt if I felt I could do something to evade them but to me the danger was not there. I knew no matter what I did they would chase me so why get worried about it. And if they get me, so what I start back and have to replay like 5 minutes at most, this time with a better understanding of the track.

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Sun, 16 Sep 2012 04:13:42

Shattered Memories was one of the few Wii games I have finished. It was eeeeeeeh... honestly I thought Homecoming was the best Silent Hill game since the early ones.

However SM has its moments. I generally found that the chase scenes were edge of your seat stuff, they were a few genuine scares there for me. I liked that there are different ways you can answer questions and play to make Harry a little different. My Harry was an alcoholic dbag, but there are like four or five ways he can turn out. The twist ending was pretty good, and overall id reccomend the game if you can find for $20 or less. Some people complain about the controls but I never had any problem with them.

I still thought Homecoming, while a little combat centric did a much better job of having the suffocating, oppresive atmosphere, and it really scared the shit out of me a lot of times. I haven't played downpour yet but its on my list.

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Sun, 16 Sep 2012 05:03:40
GodModeEnabled said:

Shattered Memories was one of the few Wii games I have finished. It was eeeeeeeh... honestly I thought Homecoming was the best Silent Hill game since the early ones.

However SM has its moments. I generally found that the chase scenes were edge of your seat stuff, they were a few genuine scares there for me. I liked that there are different ways you can answer questions and play to make Harry a little different. My Harry was an alcoholic dbag, but there are like four or five ways he can turn out. The twist ending was pretty good, and overall id reccomend the game if you can find for $20 or less. Some people complain about the controls but I never had any problem with them.

I still thought Homecoming, while a little combat centric did a much better job of having the suffocating, oppresive atmosphere, and it really scared the shit out of me a lot of times. I haven't played downpour yet but its on my list.

I am playing the original right now. Still my favorite one as no SH since has really captured that sense of complete mind fuckery. SH2 never went into hell version of SH and was pretty boring to me. SH3 was too action oriented. The room was well kind of a mess. SM is like a PG version of SH. So I really want to play a SH that is just crazy batshit creepy again. I really want to play Homecoming.

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Sun, 16 Sep 2012 10:59:26

So is the movie anything like the story from the games?

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Sun, 16 Sep 2012 15:30:05
gamingeek said:

So is the movie anything like the story from the games?

Yeah the first movie is basically SH1 without Harry and adding in the mom. The next movie is SH3 but changing some things up like Harry being captured rather than... I'll leave it there.

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Sun, 16 Sep 2012 20:26:06

The movie is still really bad compared to the actual story and lore of the series though.

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Mon, 17 Sep 2012 09:28:42

I kinda liked it.

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Mon, 17 Sep 2012 23:13:59
gamingeek said:

I kinda liked it.

Yeah I think its one of the best video game movies.

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Tue, 18 Sep 2012 03:38:21

Thats kinda like saying it's the best kind of STD. Just makes you real itchy and sore instead of making it turn black and pee puss.

I don't know where i'm going this o_0

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Tue, 18 Sep 2012 16:43:39

Don't mock it.

I like STDs

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Wed, 19 Sep 2012 23:45:31

If I am not tired tonight I will write me scathing review. Ok not so much I am giving it a 5.

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Sun, 21 Oct 2012 22:11:19

I started the PS2 version last night and found the first 90 minutes to be engaging, novel and, in places, goosebump inducing.  I cannot wait to get into more of it.

I started playing it on a PS3, but in the heat we have in this region right now my PS3 sounded like it was seconds away from exploding.  I know a lot of people say that in a hyperbolic way, but I don't.  I thought it was going to expode into a thousand shards of piano black plastic.

So I moved over to my CRT HDTV gaming rig and played it on a PS2.  It of course looked much better on a 20 inch smaller screen.

I should add that I was playing in an empty house with the lights turned off, at night.  it was not by design, that is usually how I play any game at night, but in this case it certainly added to the atmosphere.

Additionally, I have not really played deep into any Silent Hill game before, so I can't judge this game as "a Silent Hill" game.

The Wii controls have been moved over to the PS2 well enough.  I can imagine how it would be more immersive if I were to play on a Wii.  Proabbly a good time to explain why I bought the PS2 version (the collector in me determined it would be the harder to find in the future).

I enjoyed the psych stuff, simple "puzzles", the chases and QTE combat.  All so far so good.

Edited: Sun, 21 Oct 2012 22:12:56

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Mon, 22 Oct 2012 09:51:57

PS2? I thought you got the PSP vesion?

Here is some comparison stuff:

Silent Hill: Shattered Memories Wii vs PS2 FIGHT!

A lot of people I know skipped the Wii version of Silent Hill: Shattered Memories and went for the slightly cheaper PS2 port, assuming that the two games would look identical. Turns out that they don't. In fact, the PS2 version looks like it's missing a lot, to the point where I'm not even sure it's complete. As you can see in the above video, the first enemy in the game, the one that's supposed to send Harry tumbling down a road of madness and horror, doesn't even bother to show up in the PS2 game. Instead, Harry just stares at a big block of ice, then pretends to get scared.

Thanks for trying Harry, but it's not working. Pagophobia is so much less fun that skinless-freak-that-wants-to-hump-me-to-death-phobia.

Shattered Memories, PS2 vs Wii (spoiler free)

The good

The PS2 version is cheaper by $20 and will depreciate faster than the Wii version. Wii games are notorious for holding their value like a pickup truck. The controls translate very well; they are tight and simple without losing the functionality of the Wiimote.

There is a nearly fatal glitch in the Wii version, involving a radio, that seems to be absent from the PS2 version. On my first playthrough I did what was required to trigger the glitch (oblivious to its existence) and it did not occur, I am guessing it was fixed.

The bad

I am not aware of the following major problems existing on the Wii version. Instead of loading screens, the game lags between larger areas, separated by doors. The shadow effects are very low-resolution and polygonal. During the first playthrough I got eyestrain headaches from it, but the shadow rendering is not bad enough to make the puzzles unplayable.

Textures have two major problems: they waver or glitch on storefront signs and they are of an inconsistent resolution. Some textures and photos are rendered in high resolution, while others are blurry and indistinct. This makes it hard to read quite a few signs, and actually broke one puzzle on my first playthrough.

The skinny

If you have the extra scratch for a Wii and the pricier Wii version, get it. If you're poor or don't want/have a Wii, the Playstation 2 port is not at all disappointing at all despite a few rough spots. I have seen bad, bad ports, this is a great port.

PS2 Version of Silent Hill: Shattered Memories

I got my hands on the PS2 version today and I got to say I was disappointed in the graphics A lot of the details present in the wii version were completely missing. For example most of the ice wasn't transparent, lots of shadows and character details missing. I understand that a lot of that sort of stuff had to be cut done to get a streaming game but it was a little shocking the difference in quality compared to the wii.

Overall I thought the controls were nicely transferred from the wii and oo boy are the echo photos so hard not to miss in the ps2 version! Gonna try the psp version tomorrow. I've put up some screens and a PS2 game play video on my site if anyone is interested:

The backgrounds are the most different, in all 3 versions. I've made some really close examinations of the various Wii, PS2 and PSP backgrounds, and they're all VERY different, like each was created from scratch. There are some things on the Wii that are kind of downscaled on the PSP, and are completely different on the PS2 altogether.

It's interesting to see, because it's weird how they just decided to mix and match some things, and create the levels from scratch.


Okay now we get to the not so great part. The graphics I’m sad to say weren’t anything special. If people thought the wii version looked “bad” they aren’t going to like the PS2 one. Here are things that really jumped out at me:

-The lack of shadow effects. When I was in Theresa’s I was surprised not to see a shadow appear behind the dress mannequin (you should be able to see in my quick playthrough video below). I thought I was standing at a bad angle at first but nope it never showed up.

- Characters have less detail in their textures. Harry and Cybil had less blemishes and marks.

- Echo photos should be a whole lot easier to spot since you have several white staticey lines that appear through echo subjects…even through Harry.

- Background details removed. For example in the first nightmare when you jump into the pool there’s a large frozen puddle to one side in the wii version…this wasn’t so in the PS2.

- In the nightmare level there seemed to be less ice but it could be that I’m tired but a lot of it wasn’t translucent like in the wii version. This was especially apparent at the part where Harry runs from a monster in the alley. It was pretty funny since you can’t actually SEE a monster behind the ice and you can barely see one above Harry so it looks like he’s running from nothing.

-While inside Cybil’s car it didn’t snow outside (it did in the wii version right?) and I could see things clearly out the window.

Edited: Mon, 22 Oct 2012 09:52:59

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Thu, 25 Oct 2012 02:15:26

I skimmed lightly over that as I don't want any spoilers.  The loading on opening doors thing doesn't apear to be true. They've just made it a two part motion.

It's funny to see just how "Wii" this game is on the PS2 (in terms of presentation and controls).  It feels just like similar Wii games.  Makes me wonder why more Wii games were not ported to PS2 given the install base (and continued marketing of the PS2 up until last year).

I am almost half way through the game (just checked a walkthrough).  I'm in the high school level.

I'd say so far it has been enjoyable enough. There is not a lot of game in this game, it's basically shoving you down a tube.  The second chase (in the forest) became a little silly, running around in circles a fair amount until I finally found my way out of it, but I like the rhythm of pych interview, staged scene, discovery, scare, discovery, chase.  If it were a longer game it may get old.

But so far, so good.  It's in 7ish territory right now.

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Thu, 25 Oct 2012 10:45:04
aspro said:

It's funny to see just how "Wii" this game is on the PS2 (in terms of presentation and controls).

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Thu, 25 Oct 2012 14:08:34

He meant to say twee.

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Thu, 25 Oct 2012 21:21:40

Not sure what geek is meaning, but it is Wii-like.  The standard Wii- Hand and pointer icons for example.  Also the way the pointer indicator is there, as if you are using the Wii-mote.  Even the way it moves in that slightly slower manner.

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