Forum > Gaming Discussion > Sin and Punishment 2 thread of grabbing a hold of your dick and not letting go until it's done!!
Sin and Punishment 2 thread of grabbing a hold of your dick and not letting go until it's done!!
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Tue, 03 Nov 2009 09:12:58

1-2 Player

October 29, 2009 (Japan)

2010 (America / Europe)

Official Japanese Site 


First ten minutes

First stage (spoiler) part 1 and part 2

Stage 3 (again spoiler)

2 player mode

Impressions from Gaf


Yeah so, I'd say I'd post when I beat it, but that wasn't happening tonight because the motherfucker that I presume to be the final boss just wouldn't. fucking. die. Like the other bosses, he telegraphs all of his moves, so it's just a matter of figuring out the patterns, safe spots, and ways to counterattack, but it's a lot to take in right now. I generally do okay until he starts stacking his attacks and doing 2 things at once and what is this i don't even aaagggghhhhhh. I do like this fight a lot more than S&P1's final boss, though. I was actually never much of a fan of the final fight in the first game because the gameplay for that part was so different from everything that preceded it. S&P2's final fight is more of a final test of all of the abilities you've been using for the entire game, and that's the way it should be.

My impressions might change a little once I'm experienced enough to actually beat this game without dying constantly, but right now I'd say that this game might be closer to 3 times the length of the first game rather than 2 times as long. It has a short intro stage followed by 7 really long stages. The first game had a short intro stage followed by 3 moderately long stages. Lots of bosses with multiple forms, lots of mid-stage bosses that you expect to be end-stage bosses. Health power-ups also seem to be rather rare compared to the first game; unless I'm missing a bunch of ways to get more, they tend to only appear after a mid-stage boss.

Three hours might be a low-ball estimate. Unless you pick easy mode, watch some superplays in advance, or are just really good, it's going to be quite a bit longer than that for a first play. I don't want to imagine what it would be like without a generous amount of checkpoints or infinite continues, either.

The player (Isa at least, haven't tried Kachi yet) is so much more mobile in this game. Between flight and being able to shoot while side-dashing (neither of which were possible in the first game), you'd think that you'd be a little overpowered, but if you didn't have those abilities you'd be a total goner. You're expected to use every move at your disposal pretty frequently.

My favorite thing about the game in general so far is that there seemed to have been no shortage of ideas. More than once, I'd continue on a boss about 3 or 4 times after having gotten him close to death at least once or twice, and he'd still pull out shit that I'd never seen before. And it just gets better towards the end.

Music is nice. Can't make heads or tails of the plot. Graphics kinda blow but who cares. There's a little bit of slowdown here and there, but nothing major and it's usually more of a blessing than a curse.

1cc-ing this game is going to be a total pain.


I finally got to play the game in a non work related setting.

9 hours later I need to take a shower and I don't really know where I am.


I thought Uncharted 2 was going to be this year's thrillride game to play, but man, I was wrong. I was way wrong. Sin and Punishment 2 grabs a hold of your dick and won't let go until it's done with you. Every level is just jam fucking packed with the coolest shit you will see in a game this year, maybe even this decade (lol, sure why not?). Just when you thought Treasure has run out of ideas, they totally fucking flip the switch and say "oh yeah, now you've gotta do THIS crazy shit!" and you're like "FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!" but somehow you make it through and you are left for only a brief moment thanking your lucky stars until shit goes absolutely nuts again.

Every encounter in this game, EVERY SINGLE ONE, is just so fucking clever. Fuck, I mean levels 3 4 and 5 may be my favorite levels in any game ever. 1 and 2 are awesome, but they are like the appetizer to the biggest, juiciest prime rib you will ever eat.

I just put the controller down, I can't really form a complete sentence, I wish I could spoil it all butttt ffuuuuuuck this game is soooooooooooooooooooooo gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood.


I finally got a chance to play it and damn is this game nice. The controls (I've only played with Nunchuck + WiiMote) are SEXY. Like others in the thread because of my limited Japanese I have no clue what's going on. But killing shit up is a universal language. Right now I'm favoring Kachi over Isa just because of her charge shot. I'll get more into the game later though. S&P1 with WiiMote Controls needs to fucking happen now!!!!!!!!!!!!




I've only played up to chapter 4 last night, and I definitely know what Sprsk is talking about in terms of grabbing the penis and not letting go. I was just like let's play a chapter or two, but the action simply rockets along. Seriously one of the best-paced games I've ever seen. It doesn't want to let you stop playing. I had to make a conscious decision after chapter 4 to be like 'yo hey...alright. jesus.'

I'm currently playing easy, and I like how they handle the multipliers. Even if you get hit, your multiplier will only get cut by maybe 1/4? You can easily get it back up. And after you beat a boss there always seems to be a crowd of enemies to lock shot and jack the multiplier back up. Stage design from heaven.

Thinking back to hearing fans clamoring for a Radiant Silvergun port, I'm glad as hell Treasure didn't waste their time with that shit. This is a qualitative step up. Real next-level gameplay. Currently playing it side by side with Bayonetta to find out which I will crown best action game of the year.

Dash Kappei

Okay, this game is friggin' unbelievable.
Fuck yeah so glad I imported it.

And what a punch.
The game starts with what could very well be one of the worst cutscene graphics to ever grace the Wii, super aliased PS1 character's models and I was like "WTF is this SHIT?!".
Already regretting the 65Euros I spent for the game shipped.
I also despise the art of the two main characters, thanks god you're only going to see them from behind when playing and that they look good enough standing from there.

Then the game started and.. oh my the GLORY.

Smooth like a baby butt's skin, 60 fps of orgy visuals where as far as I'm concerned the right choices were made (I'm up to Stage 4) in terms of polycount/effects/framerate: I really, really love the "dynamic" hitpoint lighting, faking (?) self-shadowing when your fired bullets' trail hits different parts of the enemis' models and having the light/shadows created by the sparks react and change constantly as you aim for different parts.
If you'd take apart the graphics you'd notice that there's nothing mindblowing, but the whole package just look really really good with plenty of eyecandy.

It's a perfectly (fast)paced born child of a G-Rev 2.5D shoot'em up having resteless groupsex with PN03/S&P1 and a Wii fast-paced railshooter: this is a really different beast from its prequel, the IR controls totally change what's in the franchise plate imo, it's such a perfect blend of action game plus shooter.

Even trying a couple of levels with the awful Zapper shell was awesome.
God, I love this game.

But yeah, I wish they'd change all the cutscene with 2D art/sliding panels for the NA/EU releases  

Also, can somebody explain to me how does the multiplier thing work?
It doesn't go back to zero when I get hit, and as far as I understand I don't get props for firing less bullets or killing with or without the lock-on.

Why would you do that?

So I went to a friend's house, someone who imported the game. I liked the first Sin and Punishment and all, but was kinda turned off by it (possibly the Virtual Console controls), so I wasn't anticipating the sequel.

So I played Sin and Punishment 2, and I'm still freaking out over what I played earlier. I only played the first 3 stages (I guess 0, 1, and 2), but this game freaked me out with how amazing it was. I have so much hype in me from earlier still. As sprsk said, there's so much variety in it, it's just silly. The whole game is fresh, and each stage just got better and better.

The bosses, environments, the bosses, the random occurrences, the imagination, the BOSSES. I love the bosses. Well, most of them. The ones I don't love I still like a ton.

Also, the beginning I think has a homage to Contra. I found that really cool.

This game reminds me of why many old school games were great.


Iwata asks (translated by Siliconera)


You can post some pictures. Try to post pictures of early stages only, so that we are not spoiled too much. Impressions are welcome too.

@Insomniac and people saying 60 fps is not important

Go to hell! Go to hell and die!

@people saying Nintendo does not care about hardcore

You must be feeling pretty stupid now!

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Tue, 03 Nov 2009 09:47:32

Hmm, so game of the decade etc.

8.0 territory then? Nyaa

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Tue, 03 Nov 2009 10:21:29
I didn't like the first game so much when I got it on VC so I'm not too hyped for this, as well as being burned out on on rails games. I'd like to see the reviews on this one though.

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Tue, 03 Nov 2009 12:29:59
i'm pretty sure i'll get it.  even though i will hardly be able to play any games next year


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Tue, 03 Nov 2009 13:13:47

"killing shit up is a universal language"

That's awesome.  That reminds me how I need to get more colorful with my reviews and impressions again.  I used to write like that.  See what you did to me Gamespot!!!! You killed my creative juices.

I never actually played the original though, so I'm not overly sure about this game.  For some reason I think I'm going to have more fun reading other people impressions rather than playing the game myself.

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Tue, 03 Nov 2009 13:21:50
Well. That certainly got my attention.

Not that I wasn't going to buy it anyway, but anything that is going to grab my dick commands every ounce of my consciousness.
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Tue, 03 Nov 2009 13:28:46
The original never appealed to me, so I'll pass.

Someone wake me up when Sega decides to make another Panzer Dragoon.
Edited: Tue, 03 Nov 2009 13:29:38

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Tue, 03 Nov 2009 13:29:02

Foolz said:

Hmm, so game of the decade etc.

8.0 territory then? Nyaa

A 8.0 out of 8.0! Niche games always get lower scores. They will probably complain that a shoot-em-up is not 40 hours long and there is no online multi player.  

Fuck them

gamingeek said:
I didn't like the first game so much when I got it on VC so I'm not too hyped for this, as well as being burned out on on rails games. I'd like to see the reviews on this one though.

Rail games? You better not be comparing this to House of the Death Overkill, Umbrella Chronicles and Extraction!!

bugsonglass said:
i'm pretty sure i'll get it.  even though i will hardly be able to play any games next year

 All the other things can go to hell, Sin and Punishment comes first.

robio said:

"killing shit up is a universal language"

That's awesome.  That reminds me how I need to get more colorful with my reviews and impressions again.  I used to write like that.  See what you did to me Gamespot!!!! You killed my creative juices.

I never actually played the original though, so I'm not overly sure about this game.  For some reason I think I'm going to have more fun reading other people impressions rather than playing the game myself.

Well the original was like a walking version of Starfox. The screen scrolls automatically, you aim with the analog stick and strafe left and right with the shoulder buttons. Some levels, the camera was behind you and some other ones are side scrollers. 

Sin and Punishment 2 you aim with the Wiimote and strafe with the analog. You can even fly now, again you use the analog for that. It's like Starfox were you can move and aim independently. And again there are some levels that play like a side scoller. 

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Tue, 03 Nov 2009 13:44:04

The way the orignal controls makes it very hard to play.

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Tue, 03 Nov 2009 14:29:21

gamingeek said:

The way the orignal controls makes it very hard to play.

which is why the wii-mote IR controls would fit it like a glove.  this will be another showcase of the awesomeness of the nunchuck + wii-mote control combo


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Tue, 03 Nov 2009 15:33:15

gamingeek said:

The way the orignal controls makes it very hard to play.

No kidding, especially on the Gamecube controller. You have to push the shoulder buttons all the way in to get the character to move. 

bugsonglass said:

gamingeek said:

The way the orignal controls makes it very hard to play.

which is why the wii-mote IR controls would fit it like a glove.  this will be another showcase of the awesomeness of the nunchuck + wii-mote control combo

Yep, the original begged for nunchuck+wii-mote controls. 

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Wed, 24 Feb 2010 19:55:53
portrait.jpg ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The optimist proclaims we live in the best of all possible worlds
while the pessimist fears this is true.
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Wed, 24 Feb 2010 20:08:10

Agnates said:

Damned ISP, this will have to be watched tomorrow. Thanks for the update though. Happy

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Wed, 24 Feb 2010 22:52:33
That trailer blew me away. You know there was a time where I used to get games like this, back in the Sega days when I used to buy arcade ports and games like Panzer Dragoon. Now its hard for me to accept that I am paying full price for an on rails shooter. Still I may convince myself to get this one.
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Thu, 25 Feb 2010 02:51:29

Dvader said:
That trailer blew me away. You know there was a time where I used to get games like this, back in the Sega days when I used to buy arcade ports and games like Panzer Dragoon. Now its hard for me to accept that I am paying full price for an on rails shooter. Still I may convince myself to get this one.

Unless it's an RE game. Nyaa

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Thu, 25 Feb 2010 04:01:14

Foolz said:

Dvader said:
That trailer blew me away. You know there was a time where I used to get games like this, back in the Sega days when I used to buy arcade ports and games like Panzer Dragoon. Now its hard for me to accept that I am paying full price for an on rails shooter. Still I may convince myself to get this one.

Unless it's an RE game. Nyaa

Well of course. LOL

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Thu, 25 Feb 2010 05:48:06
This game looks like a real fun rail-shooter. Treasure is the master with shooters so I'm getting it for sure.

And LOL at the thread's title.

You stole that line from 1up! Nyaa


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Thu, 25 Feb 2010 06:17:37

ASK_Story said:

And LOL at the thread's title.

You stole that line from 1up! Nyaa

 No, I stole it from Sprsk

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Thu, 25 Feb 2010 06:19:53

Iga_Bobovic said:

ASK_Story said:

And LOL at the thread's title.

You stole that line from 1up! Nyaa

No, I stole it from Sprsk

Wherever you stole it from, it's funny.


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Thu, 25 Feb 2010 10:32:05

I cant get this trailer to load Sad Once I click the ESRB thing I get the page, sans flash player.

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