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So I am unemployed again
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Sun, 12 Jun 2011 13:17:05
Yeah, you heard it right, as of Monday I am unemployed. I know you guys are thinking: "You lucky bastard, how did you manage to get fired in two months?" Well I had a bit of luck

What happened I got sick, and I missed a day of work. So I went back to work the following day and thought nothing of it the rest of the week. Then the next Monday it struck me again. This time I missed 3 days. Then I came back. They found a bacteria Helicobacter Pilori inside of me, so they gave me antibiotics.

Well that did not go well and I was sick the very next week. Friday I actually went to work, only to pick up my laptop. The plan was to go to work the next Monday. But my body was not ready.

The fourth week of my sickness I went to the hospital twice. The second time I got a endoscopy. Which is a posh way of saying that I got a camera pushed through my throat. I actually did not gag at all during the procedure, perhaps my talents do not lie in engineering.

So the plan was to return the next Monday. But alas the company had enough and decided to end my contract. It ended on my birthday, what an awesome gift. Well the plan now is to get better. I lost 9 kilos in 4 weeks, so I have to get that back. Get my driving license, I had to cancel my exam because of my sickness. And buy Xenoblade and Chrono Trigger. In feel like playing epic RPGs.
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Sun, 12 Jun 2011 13:39:40

You lucky bastard!  I'm sorry, man.  Get better soon.

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Sun, 12 Jun 2011 14:07:45

On the bright side you're highly qualified for your new role of desperate male prostitute.

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Sun, 12 Jun 2011 17:03:37
Sorry to hear that. But you are Iga, you are a machine you will beat any sickness to submission. Hopefully you get cured soon and can get back on the job hunt. For now enjoy yourself.
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Sun, 12 Jun 2011 17:33:34
Iga_Bobovic said:
I got a camera pushed through my throat. I actually did not gag at all during the procedure, perhaps my talents do not lie in engineering.

You're hired!

Foolz said:

On the bright side you're highly qualified for your new role of desperate male prostitute.



Edited: Sun, 12 Jun 2011 17:36:23
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Sun, 12 Jun 2011 17:34:59

...get better!

The REVOLUTION needs you!

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Sun, 12 Jun 2011 17:38:35

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Sun, 12 Jun 2011 18:18:37
skip it..
Edited: Sun, 12 Jun 2011 18:36:28
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Sun, 12 Jun 2011 21:38:45
That's too bad Iga. Hope things turn around for you soon.

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Mon, 13 Jun 2011 10:15:29
That's terrible. What would have happened if you had a permanent position? They couldn't fire you for being sick right?

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Tue, 14 Jun 2011 15:05:02
That really sucks.  I hope you were at least given some compensation.  Did you get the evil Helicobacter in you during your holiday in Australia do you think?  Do you think it was Homer or Foolz who put it in you?  Nyaa


Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu

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Fri, 17 Jun 2011 20:31:28

So what's the latest?

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Sat, 18 Jun 2011 16:09:20

So a few weeks ago I got medicine that blocks stomach acid. The thing also prevents you to crap. You read that right, there is a medicine out there that turn people in GG.

Also returned the work laptop to my employer. He said that I should relax and get better. When I get better, they will contact my employer again to see if I can work there again. No guarantuees though.

travo said:

You lucky bastard!  I'm sorry, man.  Get better soon.


Foolz said:

On the bright side you're highly qualified for your new role of desperate male prostitute.

Why desperate?

Dvader said:
Sorry to hear that. But you are Iga, you are a machine you will beat any sickness to submission. Hopefully you get cured soon and can get back on the job hunt. For now enjoy yourself.

Job hunt will have to wait. Getting back in shape will be the first priority

phantom_leo said:
Iga_Bobovic said:
I got a camera pushed through my throat. I actually did not gag at all during the procedure, perhaps my talents do not lie in engineering.

You're hired!

Foolz said:

On the bright side you're highly qualified for your new role of desperate male prostitute.



And I already have a new job! Probably a better paid one.

Dvader said:

Vader you know what he is sucking?! Dirk Nowitzki's cock!

gamingeek said:
That's terrible. What would have happened if you had a permanent position? They couldn't fire you for being sick right?

I had a project contract, my employer had the right to sack my whenever he wanted. There is a difference in being a month sick while working there for a few years or being a month sick while you just worked there for a month.

bugsonglass said:
That really sucks.  I hope you were at least given some compensation.  Did you get the evil Helicobacter in you during your holiday in Australia do you think?  Do you think it was Homer or Foolz who put it in you?  Nyaa

Have to call to see if there is some sickness money from the government. I did not get unemployed because I got fired, but because of things outside my control. And the only thing Homer and Foolz put inside me was complete disdain for Australia.

aspro said:

So what's the latest?

It will take months. So not much has changed.

See I should have taken the better paid job, sure I would have been sacked there also, but I would be like 800 euros richer!

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Sat, 18 Jun 2011 16:20:13

Did you pick up some of that funky e-coli going around your part of the world or something?

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Sat, 18 Jun 2011 16:25:42

No, I did not crap blood and I did not have kidney failure. Not sure what I had. Heliocobacter Pilori was not responsible for the throwing up and feelig faint..

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Sun, 19 Jun 2011 03:29:27

Desparate only for dramatic effect.

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Wed, 22 Jun 2011 09:00:13

Okay, so the day before yesterday, the doctor called me. He said that the results of the endoscopy said that the bacteria is not there anymore. Which is weird because before they said it was there. So now I am not sure if I ever had that damn bacteria. So I call the hospital, but they do not want to disclose anything. I should talk to my doctor. WTF is this? It is my body why the fuck is information withold from me? The cunt on the phone did tell me that the bacteria was not found. So at least I know that, but the question remain was the bacteria ever in there. Because if it was not, then I just lost my job and got really sick because of a wrong diagnosis. The anti-biotics made me more sick that the so called bacteria and the doctors including Steel think it is highly unlikely that the symptons were caused by that bacteria anyways.

Also from the my unemployent till 4th of July I will get money from the government. They will pay be 70% of my pay because I am sick. After that I am not sure. Could get unemployemnt cheque or just take a holiday.

I am getting better, but still light headed and very bad conditioning. Get tired really fast.

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Wed, 22 Jun 2011 09:41:01
Iga_Bobovic said:

Okay, so the day before yesterday, the doctor called me. He said that the results of the endoscopy said that the bacteria is not there anymore. Which is weird because before they said it was there. So now I am not sure if I ever had that damn bacteria. So I call the hospital, but they do not want to disclose anything. I should talk to my doctor. WTF is this? It is my body why the fuck is information withold from me? ..

Because they can't tell who you are over the phone dummy. Patient privacy and all that.  I hope you find out what's going on soon.

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Wed, 22 Jun 2011 09:49:59
aspro said:
Iga_Bobovic said:

Okay, so the day before yesterday, the doctor called me. He said that the results of the endoscopy said that the bacteria is not there anymore. Which is weird because before they said it was there. So now I am not sure if I ever had that damn bacteria. So I call the hospital, but they do not want to disclose anything. I should talk to my doctor. WTF is this? It is my body why the fuck is information withold from me? ..

Because they can't tell who you are over the phone dummy. Patient privacy and all that.  I hope you find out what's going on soon.

I am the patient and they had no trouble telling me all the other stuff before.

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Thu, 23 Jun 2011 20:53:31

Usually they don't tell you anything over the phone. Particularly about test results:

1. If they are bad you might kill yourself.

2. If they are good they don;t get the money for a office visit.

3. You may be someone other than who you claim to be trying to get the saucy goods on Iga.

Maybe before you got lucky.  Anyway, glad you don't have helicopteritis.

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