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So now that everything has been delayed to Spring 2010 what is there for Christmas?
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Wed, 05 Aug 2009 18:11:50
I disappear for months at a time, and then come back with a monster post.  Hello everyone!

For me I think I'll be getting the following...


Batman Arkham Asylum (Yay!!!!!)

Katamari Forever (The demo is one of the prettiest things I've seen.  I love the water color filter.)

Demon's Souls(I hate buying this again, but I want the strategy guide, and Vader is such a wimp that he will need me to be there to co-op with him.)

Operation Flashpoint 2 (It makes Ghost Recon look like a run and gun twitch shooter.  Can't wait!)

Uncharted 2 (Anyone with a PS3 that doesn't buy this game is straight up fucking stupid and should be slapped.  The beta was phenomenal)

Way of the Samurai 3 (This is one of my favorite game series of all time.  The games are flawed to a point that I could never recommend them to anyone else, but OMFG!!!! WOTS3!!!1!!!)

Ratchet and Clank: ACIT  (Insomniac better not fuck this up like they did with Resistance 2)

Tekken 6 Bloodline Rebellion (Fighting game of the year!  Fuck you Leo, you know I'm right!)

Modern Warfare 2 (The MP footage for this was bananas, and all my real world friends are COD fanatics.)

Assassin's Creed 2 (Fuck the haters, this game looks great!)

Gran Turismo Fucking 5! (It is coming this year, or I will slit my wrists.  They are going to announce a release date at GamesCon, or I'm going to go insane.)


Muramasa (This game looks so beautiful.  I almost don't care how it plays, I just want to see it.)

Cave Story (CAVE STORY!!!!!!)

New Super Mario Brothers Wii (I had an orgasm when this was announced at E3.)


Shadow Complex (Anything that looks like Metroid and Castlevania is an instant purchase from me.)

Halo ODST (I still need to read up on this, as I don't really know anything about it, but it is Halo, so I will buy it with no question and no regrets.)

GTAIV- The Ballad of Gay Tony (TLAD was amazing, anything Rockstar North does is fantastic.  I will buy this and I won't sleep until I've beaten it.)

I might end up buying a PSP, it depends on my funds.  If so, I will definitely be getting GT PSP and LBP PSP, as well as the Persona remake and Assassin's Creed.  I'm going to go broke this year, and it will be awesome.
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Wed, 05 Aug 2009 18:14:40

Please tell me at least YOU have been playing Little King's Story...
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Wed, 05 Aug 2009 18:17:56

phantom_leo said:

Please tell me at least YOU have been playing Little King's Story...

 I haven't had time to play any games aside from a little Battlefield 1943 and Persona 4.  I'm finally all moved into the new apartment, and we got the old place all cleaned out last night.  From here I should get settled back into playing a lot of games.

My brother has stolen my Wii and hooked it up to the TV downstairs, so I will have to battle him in order to play LKS.  I do love it though.  When I get my September paycheck, I'll be buying a new TV and another PS3, so that I can have a dedicated game room downstairs.  When this happens, the Wii will be all mine again.

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Wed, 05 Aug 2009 18:27:38
I'll forgive you for not playing, IF AND ONLY IF, you take candid photos of your new roommate nekkid and send them to my e-mail.

That is all.


Edit: MINUS the Cheese Fetus thingee depicted in your blog. Pls thnx!

Edited: Wed, 05 Aug 2009 18:29:31
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Wed, 05 Aug 2009 18:28:38

phantom_leo said:
I'll forgive you for not playing, IF AND ONLY IF, you take candid photos of your new roommate nekkid and send them to my e-mail.

That is all.


 It seems you've taken a shine to him.LOL

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Wed, 05 Aug 2009 18:31:36
It's all your fault.

First you show Rag-on-Man pics in your blog...

THEN you show your cutie new roommate!

It's an indirect association, imprinting thing!

Now I must have him!


Edited: Wed, 05 Aug 2009 18:34:11
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Wed, 05 Aug 2009 18:35:00
LOL... I didn't know it worked that way.  I assumed that any picture of me would produce an anti-boner state.
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Wed, 05 Aug 2009 18:35:14
Your garb and pose brings to mind all of my Park Ranger meets lost and lonely Hiker fantasies...

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Wed, 05 Aug 2009 18:41:20

Yet another thread derailed by ass...
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Wed, 05 Aug 2009 18:44:05

phantom_leo said:
Your garb and pose brings to mind all of my Park Ranger meets lost and lonely Hiker fantasies...


 Hahaha!  Nice.  Did you ever see my Rag-queen photo?

To quote Silence of the Lambs:

"Do you wanna fuck me?  I'd fuck me"

er... wait a minute, no I wouldn't.Nyaa

Oh... and here is another pic for your fantasies... my roommate wearing a Batman mask.  I'm sure there are any number of Batman and Robin fantasies that this one can fuel...

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Wed, 05 Aug 2009 18:50:44


My schlong has vascillated between engorged and turtling so much in the last 10 seconds that my testes just imploded... Thank you very much...   Sad

**No offense, man, but (D)Rag Queens aren't my thing!**
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Wed, 05 Aug 2009 18:53:46
I didn't suspect they are your thing.  Only a complete idiot would assume that the average gay guy would be attracted to a drag queen.  It doesn't make much sense at all.  I'd like to think I'm more enlightened than most when it comes to issues of sexuality.

...edit- and I'm not photogenic at all in normal pictures, so a picture of me in drag is even worse.
Edited: Wed, 05 Aug 2009 18:55:28
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Wed, 05 Aug 2009 18:57:30
Knowing your love of all things Batman, despite not reading the comics and seeing you dressed as a woman with him dressed as the Dark Knight *sigh!* makes me wonder just what you two were up to when the camera stopped taking pics!

*Cue the cheesy Gay-Porn music!*

Bowm-chicka-bowm-bowm!  HappyHappyNyaa

Edited: Wed, 05 Aug 2009 18:58:42
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Wed, 05 Aug 2009 19:02:56
Haha... these were taken at different points.  I was in a dress for a short film that my friends and I made as part of a local film festival/competition.  The whole Batman thing came about when my best friend's 5 year old son was wearing his Batman suit and everyone took turns wearing the mask.

My friend Jason looked like the creepiest bastard ever when he put this on...

"Hey little girl, get in my van.  I've got candy."
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Wed, 05 Aug 2009 19:03:20

rragnaar said:

...edit- and I'm not photogenic at all in normal pictures, so a picture of me in drag is even worse.

Oh Stop That! Pretty much EVERY picture I have ever seen of you (with the exception of Friar Rag when you shaved your head), you've had a big-old, friendly grin on your face... You look like a big, friendly, instantly likable kinda guy in all of your pics! You are very photogenic!

...and TRUST ME, I know ALL about whether or not people are Photogenic!

Edited: Wed, 05 Aug 2009 19:14:54
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Wed, 05 Aug 2009 19:05:04
Oh... and I've long since rectified the whole 'not having read any Batman comics' thing.  DC has roped me in real good.  I've purchased just about every essential trade paperback, and am currently getting every Batman related comic that gets released each month.  It has been a total Batman dorkathon.
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Wed, 05 Aug 2009 19:08:39

rragnaar said:

You're friends with Ewan McGregor ? ! Cool ! ! Ever see Trainspotting or The Pillow Book ! ! Dude's HUNG LIKE A HORSE ! !

Obi-Wan needs TWO HANDS to swing THAT Light Saber ! !

What was this topic about again?

Edited: Wed, 05 Aug 2009 19:16:26
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Wed, 05 Aug 2009 19:16:55

phantom_leo said:

What was this topic about again?

It's was about Don Frye and how he is so much sexier (and 10 times manlier) than Nathan Drake

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Wed, 05 Aug 2009 19:17:31
LOL... total thread derail has been accomplished.
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Wed, 05 Aug 2009 19:21:08

Iga_Bobovic said:

phantom_leo said:

What was this topic about again?

It's was about Don Frye and how he is so much sexier (and 10 times manlier) than Nathan Drake


He's just another Mike Haggar wannabe!!!!!

Mike Haggar is sooo sexy, he actually scared the nipples right off of his pecs! They tried to belt down his sexiness, but it was too powerful and escaped anyway! True story!

Edited: Wed, 05 Aug 2009 19:23:01
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