Forum > Gaming Discussion > So... What's the Deal With Burnout (read on)
So... What's the Deal With Burnout (read on)
Yodariquo said:Iga_Bobovic said:SteelAttack said:
That's expected from someone who enjoyed Madworld. You eerie bunch.Big words for a guy that put Assassin's Creed in his top 25 list.
Big words from a guy who can't even hold a strong enough opinion to write a top 25 list.
Better no list than a crappy list than a crappy list you guys made. Don't worry I will make an ultimate top 50 list, that will end all discussions, someday!
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Big words from a guy who can't even hold a strong enough opinion to write a top 25 list.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile