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So where do we go now?
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Sat, 02 Jan 2010 15:59:13

As you might already know, there is trouble in paradise. So now we need to solve this conundrum. 

Basically we had a huge fight (click link for details) which led Yoda to vacant is position as God of the VG Press (okay I don't know the official title, so I call him God). Now everyone has the ability to edit and delete threads, basically we are all gods now. This won't end well, we need some order here. 

We need new moderators. At least two. It is not reasonable to put the burden on one single guy. We also need rules. We managed to get far without rules, but we need some now. Rules like what constitutes blogs, threads and reviews would be a start. What happens when someone breaks the rule would also be necessary.

We need tech support. The one that fix things or make them better. Aspro and Yoda would be suitable for that job. Not sure if Yoda wants it, he seems to had enough.

We need an artist. People that design the look of this site. Yoda did a good job, but he only did it because no one else is available. Maybe we should ask someone from Gamespot. Foolz what about Veni-Vidi-Vici? Or someone else perhaps?

We need new members and bring back some members that hardly post anymore. Where is Punk, Angry Monkey, Will, Iwata, Kaz, GME, Travo?

But most importantly we need more active users. Let's be honest here. Yoda did lot's of things because we were all lazy. He did all the tech support, that is normal because he is a IT guy. But he also did all the moderation because Punk is missing. He did all the art because we have no artists. Oh I almost forgot he did all the podcast montage and went to Gamespot to promote this site. He even foresaw this and made a thread about it, but we largely ignored it. 

So in short we need:

  • 2 moderators
  • tech support guys
  • an artist
  • more active members
  • new members

It is not all doom and gloom though. The GG weekly is going fine. It used to be only me and GG, but now we have multiple users. Which was nice, because thanks to graduation I did not have time to do updates. So thanks for that guys and let's hope we can do the same with the rest of this site.

So did I miss something? Do you want something else? Should I stop asking these questions? 

Edited: Sat, 02 Jan 2010 23:37:11
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Sat, 02 Jan 2010 16:06:34

All is well as far as I'm concerned.

I think we're all sensible enough to relax and get past this bump in the road and not blow it out of proportion.

So far I still haven't seen a need for any regular moderation as there  has been nothing really offensive I've seen.

Yoda has done a site that works very reliably too. Happy

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Sat, 02 Jan 2010 16:11:36

I am not sure if you have seen it GG, but everyone is a mod now. Whatever your ideas are about what happened, we still need some moderators, tech guys and some basic rules. 

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Sat, 02 Jan 2010 16:21:41
Personally I'm against having too many rules beyond obviously posting no porn.

Which includes blogs/reviews etc. as posting things in the wrong section has obvious downsides and obvious upsides, and so far hasn't actually happened en masse beyond isolated and most likely temporary incidents.

As for pretty much everything about the site i think Yoda's actually done a great job, including the art. But, it's definitely not fair to have him doing everything.

Veni-Vedi-Vici seems to have disappeared. Who's the guy that's making a comic? And the massive doom fan, both of them have posted some art I think. xD They might be able to do something if we need it and they have time.
Edited: Sat, 02 Jan 2010 16:24:07

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Sat, 02 Jan 2010 17:27:47
Yoda has done an amazing job and I agree with Iga that we should split up the duties more.

As for one actually happened, I don't even want to comment on it cause I think it is pointless.

Where does this site go from here, I dont know. I see so many random sites on the internet handing out GOTY awards, getting review copies,  being gaming sites and I know we can do it better. I just have no clue how.

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Sat, 02 Jan 2010 19:44:45

Iga, I don't think further action is appropriate without Yoda's involvement.  

My suggestion moving forward is that when Yoda is ready we should have a small Board that can meet in a chat client to discuss defining the roles that are required and firming up the site policies. as for the members of that board I think it should be any of the top ten users who have an interest.

Vader, to get this thing moving we need more users.

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Sat, 02 Jan 2010 19:46:30

Holy shit.

I feel guilty because of what has happened, but after reading Yoda's last post, it seems as though the lack of direction, feedback and activeness from most users of the site (me being the first one to blame), coupled with the burden of having to take care of practically all aspects of the site and the self-acknowledged increase of stress in his life, eventually took their toll on him.

I do want to apologize (although I believe he's done with this place for good) because of my last comment there. I wasn't fair to him, and it was a pretty shitty thing to have him read such a comment as his last one over here after all the effort, time, and dedication he put into this place throughout all this time. I'm sorry, Yoda. I wish you nothing but the best in this upcoming stage of your life (in case you don't come back).

Having said that, the incident that caused the rift was, from my point of view, inconsequential. Board fads happen everywhere, they come and go, they're mostly harmless, and we are a small community, small enough to self-moderate without the need of direct intervention. A single PM will iron out most of the things that should come up in a place with a community as small and close as this one.

People post all kinds of stuff at the boards because they feel there is a lack of feedback at blogs. But also because the blog format doesn't seem to lend very well for discussion and interaction. We have to remember that we are just a handful of users, scattered around different time zones, and it's exceedingly rare that we all happen to coincide here at any given time.

To solve out where do we go now, we need to understand where are we. We are a 10-15 people community of active-ish users, and we haven't got past that for the last year. That raises a question: Do we want this place to actually grow in userbase? Or do we want it to stay like this, small and with only a handful of people that know each other?

We need to answer that first before deciding our next move.

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Sat, 02 Jan 2010 20:34:46

^We need slightly more users. Because we are international we tend to communicate in shifts, and that can be pretty lonely sometimes, it would be nice to have more users around to use all the cool tools we have and drive conversation.

Yoda can't be gone forever, because he is the site admin and designer.  Without him we'll have to get a whole new site going, which I could do pretty quickly but it would not going to be anything even CLOSE to what Yoda has created here.  He makes it look simple, but it is not.  And still would not solve the underlying problem of one dude being the "responsible one" . 

So, I'm in favor of cooling this down for a few days, letting Yoda come back at the level of involvement he is comfortable with and a few of us discussing our future roles at that point.

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Sat, 02 Jan 2010 21:26:49
I think we all have our meltdowns every once in a while and all this will pass.

In the meantime, I think we are all reasonable enough adults where we can self-moderate ourselves for a while without any adverse effect!


Edited: Sat, 02 Jan 2010 21:29:53
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Sat, 02 Jan 2010 21:35:53
^Leo, do you always make everything so sticky?

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Sat, 02 Jan 2010 21:36:39
Jeez, i go away for a week's holiday and all hell breaks loose?  I don't even understand what happened but I realise some things have changed and there is a general level of unrest.

I have to admit that i enjoyed the general spirit of freedom, anarchy and irreverent fun (all of it friendly) that has characterised this site from the start even though i am but a simple user who mostly just benefited from all the hard work others did and whose contributions amount to little more than just posting in the forum, the gg weekly and the odd blog entry.

having said that this is the only gaming site i actually log into and take an interest in, so wherever you guys decide to go, you have my support.


Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu

The VG Press

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Sat, 02 Jan 2010 21:36:41

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Sat, 02 Jan 2010 21:37:15

aspro said:
^Leo, do you always make everything so sticky?

Just in the pants, ass-pro. Just in the pants...

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Sat, 02 Jan 2010 21:58:45
I don't think we can ALL delete things...


Edited: Sat, 02 Jan 2010 21:59:00
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Sat, 02 Jan 2010 22:02:38

teh_rodent said:

I wouldn't be comfortable as a mod. It scares me to see all of the "delete" options on the site now. I'm paranoid I'll accidentally delete something, which I almost did when I tried to quote someone earlier.


My tech support knowledge is quite limited, but I'll try to help when I can. And I'll keep putting up news articles. . . primarily from GoNintendo since we can never have too much GoNintendo. WinkWink

I think I am in love with Leo, though! I say he can delete anything he wants of mine whenever he wants!


Edited: Sat, 02 Jan 2010 22:05:34
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Sat, 02 Jan 2010 22:03:09

Where's my

Edited: Sat, 02 Jan 2010 22:20:18

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Sat, 02 Jan 2010 22:03:13

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Sat, 02 Jan 2010 22:07:52
Dedicated to Yoda:

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Sat, 02 Jan 2010 22:26:58

I didn't do it this time! I Swear!
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Sat, 02 Jan 2010 23:00:16

aspro said:

Iga, I don't think further action is appropriate without Yoda's involvement.  

My suggestion moving forward is that when Yoda is ready we should have a small Board that can meet in a chat client to discuss defining the roles that are required and firming up the site policies. as for the members of that board I think it should be any of the top ten users who have an interest.

Vader, to get this thing moving we need more users.

Agreed, but we might as well start talking about it.

Assuming Yoda does get back.

But our priority now is to get a mod right now. I am definitely not comfortable with everyone being able to lock and delete stuff. We need to pick someone, with the sole responsibility of deleting and locking threads. He will not do much, but it is safer to have one guy. Maybe we should give it to someone with an alt account, so he can still post safely with his normal account.

Can someone make a new alt account and see if it gives you right to delete threads? I don't want someone to sign in and wreck havoc. Let's stabilize this mess first and then move forward.

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