Forum > Gaming Discussion > Songs you learned about from games.
Songs you learned about from games.
Um, nothing really.
I would say GTA Vice City but it was all stuff I remember from when I was a babe in arms.
"Again please be well known songs and songs you never heard until a game."
If we're talking about well known songs, then the amount of songs made originally for a game that I've heard elsewhere before playing the game, is probably higher than the number of licensed songs I've heard in a game before hearing elsewhere.
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gamingeek (1m)
In this thread i want you to share what songs you first heard in a game and now always associate that song with a game. I want this to be licensed songs only, stuff that is played on the radio. I want these songs to be rather well known songs as well. The reason for this thread is mostly to see what songs you didn't know about until you heard it in a game and now you recognize it when its played else where. Obviously I expect a bunch of GTA in here, pick which ever songs you felt were the most interesting. Again please be well known songs and songs you never heard until a game.
Here are mine, I was never a big hard rock guy so my list has plenty of those.
Running Down a Dream - Tom Petty from GTA: SA
Yup never really noticed this song until GTA, it quickly became a favorite of mine in the game, now I hear it everywhere.
Turbo Lover - Judas Priest from Gran Turismo 3
This is my favorite GT3 song and I swear when I first heard it I thought the song was Turtle Lover. So I sang along "I'm your turtle lover!"
Ace of Spades - Motorhead from Tony Hawk 2 or 3
Awesome song in Tony Hawk, my favorite to skateboard to. I later checked out who sang it and was introduced to the dude with the craziest mustach ever. He seems kind of nuts too.
You Dropped a Bomb on Me - The Gap Band from GTA VC
Never had the pleasure of hearing this song before VC and now its an instant stop on the radio any time I hear it.
Kickstart my Heart - Motley Crue from GT3
Yeah I know, this one I should have known. I probably did hear it before GT3 but I never really knew anything about it. Obviously its totally badass. Speaking of GT3, what the hell happend to the soundtrack in GT5, what garbage.
Tom Sawyer - Rush from All Pro Football 2K8
This song plays during the menus, first time I heard it I hated it. What is this weird crap. After hearing it over and over I started to love it, its so weird but compelling. I never even heard of Rush before this.
A Horse with No Name - America from GTA SA
This is one catchy song, after hearing it a few times I was singing along with it every time I heard it in GTA.
Never Too Much - Luther Vandross in GTA VC
I feel ashamed that I never knew of this song before VC. This song is incredible.
Harden my Heart - Quarterflash from GTA VC
I pride myself in knowing most 80s pop songs, this one eluded me until VC. Such good sax.
Hold the Line - Toto from GTA SA
Oh yeah this one is awesome. Quickly became a GTA favorite, had to stop on this song all the time. Didnt know it was Toto until later, good band.
Running with the Night - Lionel Richie from GTA VC
This beat is so good. I love this stuff, cant believe i didnt hear this one until GTA. There will never be a soundtrack as good as VC.