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Sony Conference, starts at 8pm EST
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Tue, 07 Jun 2011 04:00:00

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Tue, 07 Jun 2011 04:03:33

There Goes the Neightbourhood (On Vectes).

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Tue, 07 Jun 2011 14:19:32

Dvader said:

Best conference by far so far.

Uncharted 3 was incredible. Vita looked awesome and LBP Vita is huge for me. Excellent price drop. Bioshock Vita is a big exclusive.  Sly 4 should be fun. Resistance 3 look good. God of War collection is sweet.

I didn't care for Starhawk. Strange that they didn't show Twisted Metal, that MMO looked terrible. Move only games look bad so far.

The only thing from that post that interests me. But I cannot find the fricking sony conference video to watch it.

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Tue, 07 Jun 2011 14:25:36

Gamespot again.  I'm also about to watch it now first time


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Tue, 07 Jun 2011 14:35:10
bugsonglass said:

Gamespot again.  I'm also about to watch it now first time

You're a lifesaver thanks Happy

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Tue, 07 Jun 2011 14:40:16

Watching now, the opening reel pwned MS's conference.

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Tue, 07 Jun 2011 14:46:37

Tretton starts apologising for PSN, then in an instant starts pimping it.

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Tue, 07 Jun 2011 14:49:23

Watching U3, all the guards are facing away from you, thats not stealth gameplay that's shooting ducks in a barrell. They weren't even on a patrol pattern.

I don't like how the gameplay is constantly interupted by cutscenes, even small ones.

Love the trailer, looks like a modern indiana jones.

How the hell did Resistance make it to 3 titles in one gen? I'm not sure this title has any distinct personality. Applause was muted.

That tv is kinda cool. It's a bit annoying that they are saying for the best experience, buy your PS3, buy your games, buy move, then buy this TV and glasses too.

Edited: Tue, 07 Jun 2011 15:06:43

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Tue, 07 Jun 2011 15:17:50

NBA on the move looks........... horrible.

Why is that reticule so horrid? Purple circle with cross in the middle and it doesn't work with a frenetic sport like Baskeball. IR is good for zoomed out football games. This is not exciting to watch.

Boooooooooooring. Why wont this end already?

Medievil moves, I can feel it will be fail before it begins. Wait, no nunchuk, so it's on rails. IR bow and arrow done in 2006 in Twilight Princess. Okay this looks like shovelware, who would want to play this?

Balancing with move, done already in tons of wii games, still looks horrible. Move really is Wii HD warts and all.

Infamous 2 looks good though I don't know what the hell is going on.

I'm a bit sick of all this macho bravado in games, this constant and neverending Epicness. He jumps off a roof in slow mo whilst shooting fire from his hands to blow up a tower. If every game attempts to be epic there are no ebbs and flows in the gameplay, it becomes a tired cliche.

Edited: Tue, 07 Jun 2011 15:22:23

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Tue, 07 Jun 2011 15:33:05

Starhawk cgi - yawn.

Slycooper, well thank god for a non-macho dudebro game. It actually looks like, ya know, a game like we used to play before this gen started. Not some action cinema replacement. But cgi - meh.

Iceland bastard is on stage. His country's banks owe the UK billions of pounds and the asses refuse to pay up. I say we bomb them.

He probably used our money to make Dust.

Ehhhhhhhhhh, from Sly Cooper to another game that looks like your average FPS. We already had our share of Resistance, now Dust, I pray to god there is no MW3 demo on stage.

Bioshock boobies. Just show more boobies. Game looks okay, not sure if I want to play a title set in a skybound themepark.

Edited: Tue, 07 Jun 2011 15:49:38

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Tue, 07 Jun 2011 15:48:26

Oh nice, the HD world discovers the Wiimote IR shooting in FPS. What an amazing discovery, 4 and a half years late. indecision

After years of trashing motion control, they finally give it a chance and give it the A-ok.

Free Bioshock on bluray is cool.

So Star Trek is trying to be like Mass Effect now?

Great, more EA, just what I need in my life.

Hirai! Needs to start every E3 by saying "It's Ridge Racer"

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Tue, 07 Jun 2011 16:04:59

PS Vita, leak was correct.

Front and rear cameras "never before seen" Wut?

LOL people are booing AT and T.

Social networ....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.......

This Scott Rodhe guy is so camp LOL So this was the gaydar alert?

Uncharted Vita looks great, nice graphics. BTW, anyone notice that Drake looks like:

Oh Jesus fuck no! Tilt to jump? Ugh those touch controls are pointless. At least you can ignore them.

Why is this Ruin guy sweating bullets and puffing for air? This is not my sort of game.

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Tue, 07 Jun 2011 16:28:04

Ruin has a PS3 version and Vita and you can play them both. It's gba connectivity all over again. Why is this guy kneeling to play? They couldn't get him a chair?

Mario Kart clone. Meh, bring back Diddy Kong Racing. Make tracks with the touch screen, DS trackmania game did that.

Is it just me or is Vita looking unhot in the games dept?  

LBP Vita looks cool, except for rear touch, rear touch is so useless. Wait...... it's just minigames Nyaa

SF X Tekken, cool - but I was never a tekken fan. Oh God it's Ono, I'm bracing myself for unfunny jokes. He's also in a battle with Scott Rodhe for campest guy on stage. Why do Japanese dye their hair so much?

Fuuuuuuuuuuuu those graphics. laugh

Wait, no unfunny jokes, this is new for Ono. I like it.

Vita showreel, it really does look like PSP2. I struggle to see who will be buying the games en masse, other than Monster Hunter. Wait was that tenchu? Ugh Vannilaware game, I gave up on those guys after Muramasa.

Ehh, it's over.

It's a B conference but only in light of MS's crapfest yesterday. If it weren't for MS I would give it a C.

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Tue, 07 Jun 2011 20:55:14

So how do you go through an entire re-cap of the Sony conference an not hit on the price of the Vita?

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Tue, 07 Jun 2011 22:30:24
aspro said:

So how do you go through an entire re-cap of the Sony conference an not hit on the price of the Vita?

I don't know, the price just doesn't impress me that much considering PS3 is 5 years old now. I guess people are comparing it to 3DS and saying: Better graphics for the same price.

You know the 3DS is expensive for a reason, even rendering what looks like GC graphics, it's actually rendering the image twice over just to acheive that effect in 3D with two images on a parallex barrier screen. So having Vita with better graphics at the same price, I understand it.

If 3DS games omitted the 3D they could get a huge graphical boost, but the 3D effect is pretty amazing depending on what you are looking at. I can see Vita selling a lot in Japan but if you look at the games sales difference between PSP and DS software, it's huge. Also the price in europe is going to be ass rape as usual.

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Tue, 07 Jun 2011 22:35:38
gamingeek said:

I don't know, the price just doesn't impress me that much considering PS3 is 5 years old now.



I don't know where to start, so I won't.

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Wed, 08 Jun 2011 03:49:41
The PSVita is a great system at a great price. I'm certainly getting one. As for how it compares to 3DS well I think I read somewhere that in parts the cost comes to about $150. Now I certainly don't begrudge Nintendo for selling it at $249, I have one and am content with the price, but I definitely think that pound for pound you get more bang for the buck with the PSVita.


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Wed, 08 Jun 2011 12:38:44

PS Vita is being sold at a loss, Sony don't expect to enter profitability till 2014. That's the news from today.

Nintendo always makes a profit on their hardware so you can see why both portables are priced at what they are. It's nice of sony to sell at a loss, not so good for their bottom line though. If it apes PSP sales then the unit will sell loads, which will actually lose them money on each unit sold. Then the games might not sell in a quanity large enough to offset the losses.  

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Thu, 09 Jun 2011 11:50:27
Archangel3371 said:
The PSVita is a great system at a great price. I'm certainly getting one. As for how it compares to 3DS well I think I read somewhere that in parts the cost comes to about $150. Now I certainly don't begrudge Nintendo for selling it at $249, I have one and am content with the price, but I definitely think that pound for pound you get more bang for the buck with the PSVita.

3DS offers something more though which automatically takes it beyond the pound for pound comparison.  The full 3D is a true innovation and a step forward which offers new and different possibilities and experiences.  Vita's features are ... stronger this, bigger that, more of those.  Innovation goes a long way for me, I just hope to see great applications now.


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Thu, 09 Jun 2011 12:49:38

Vita has a great feature set, it all comes down to software support though.

The one thing I don't like about vita is the rear touch panel it just seems so completely unintuitive and redundant, especially given the touch screen that already comes with the system.

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