Ending with Days Gone gameplay. Game looks good but seems like a kind of Ho-hum way to end the show.
Really good conference from Sony, some excellent games shown and Resident Evil VII blew my mind. Second best show of E3 just slightly behind Microsoft's excellent briefing.
Microsoft is a close 2nd.
Ubisoft's is last I feel asleep during that one.
So IMO from best to worst is:
Sony > Microsoft >>>> Bethesda >>>>>>> EA >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ubisoft.
For Sony I liked practically every game announced.
Only reason I put Sony ahead of Microsoft is because the games Microsoft showed they were all on PC as well.
Almost all of the games Sony showed were either exclusive to PS4 or had exclusive content on the PS4 or PSVR.
I got such strong P.T. vibes from that Resident Evil VII. The thought of Capcom eating Konami's lunch is so delicious.
I'm not sure how much fun the new God of War will be, but I really did like the look of the game, the Nordic theme, and Kratos may not be the unsufferable bag of dicks that he was by GoW III,
So is Days Gone a sequel to Last of Us or something? Looks like it's pretty much the same thing based on the trailer (Sony seems to have removed the gameplay one).
I'll be looking into Horizon: Zero Dawn. Final Fantasy XV too. I'll see about the others and hope I haven't forgotten any.
By Miu Watanabe.
Greatest conference of all time! I have never seen so many games I want day one in a row like that. Plus they all looked original, actual next gen stuff. The difference between what MS showed and what Sony showed could not be any more different. This is why I say sequels DO NOT MATTER, just cause it is a sequel does not mean it can't be totally original.
Sony showed a brand new God of War unlike anything we have seen from the series before. Totally different camera, different combat, different world. That was original. Horizon is the most impressive game of the show so far, the gameplay is so fluid, I could not believe what I was watching. That world was gorgeous, the way she fought is unlike anything I have seen. Totally original. Detroit, yes its Cage so we have an idea of how it is, but that presentation and how many choices and consequences was super impressive, again very original. Days Gone I have never seen World War Z zombies like that, this isn't dead rising, this was crazy. Again original, interesting.
RESIDENT FUCKING EVIL 7, first person, VR, looks nothing like any RE game. Could be a disaster, who knows but it was original, it wasn't a safe sequel. VR stuff was excellent. Even CoD looked amazing. They got FFXV for VR. Batman! A spiderman game by insomniac! Crash remaster! And then Kojima shows a fucking trailer and he gets Norman Reedus!
It was perfection. There was almost no talking, it was just game after game after game after game. No down time. No stupidity. No specs talk. No stupid company speeches. Just games. AMAZING GAMES.
Enjoyed footage of The Last Guardian, Horizon.
God of War looks like wank; but at least it's different? Maintaining that franchises mediocrity in a new genre does take talent. Days Gone doesn't really excite me, it doesn't quite engage me tone wise the way The Last of Us did with its presentations, it doesn't look fun the way Dead Rising is, and it's not looking like it's the systems heavy game that the first State of Decay is. The only hook I saw was "look at how many zombies we have" which isn't impressive, that's a parlor trick.
Detroit could be cool if it's a proper detective game thing. But
A: Video game stories
B: David Cage stories
All in all enjoyed it more than the other conferences, if only to watch the Crash fanbase get trolled so hard.
I'm thinking Capcom is fooling us and not showing the core gameplay. The PT part is a teensy bit and then we have a more traditional survival horror. Hey, if I'm wrong, at least they tried something different with the series.
Crash Badicoot remastering of the first 3 games is cool.