Forum > Gaming Discussion > Sony Playstation 3: My Top 25 Games
Sony Playstation 3: My Top 25 Games
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Wed, 04 Jun 2014 21:27:51

Ah, the PS3. What a strange console cycle it had.

Kind of the opposite of the Xbox 360, it started out slow with Sony making some horrible business choices. But then Sony pulled their heads of of their asses, and the console ended up being the best one out there over the past few years. Arguably, the hardware was never really fully utilized outside of a few games because of its awkward architecture. This also led the Xbox 360 to get better versions of games for years even though Sony's hardware was more powerful. While PS3 wasn't the dominating force that the PS1 or PS2 were, it still ended up being a great console with tons of great titles. Many of which, I will list for you now.

These are my favorite PS3 games of all time.

  • #25: Metal Gear Rising

This was an odd match...Metal Gear meets Devil May Cry. But because of Raiden's style, it worked out great. The game also impressively still has the Metal Gear vibe.

Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance Boxart

  • #24: Ninja Gaiden Sigma

This was the best version of an awesome action game originally released on Xbox. Added a new playable character with giant tits, and improved visuals.

Ninja Gaiden Sigma Boxartninja-gaiden-sigma-20061008020521261-000.jpg

  • #23: Yakuza 3

SEGA's pretty much exclusive Playstation series, and arguably the best franchise it makes today.

Yakuza 3 Boxartyakuza-3-20100308101824392-000.jpg

  • #22: Final Fantasy 13-2

In many ways, FF 13-2 was a better game than the original. Certainly a less linear game, it added a ton of freedom. Like usual, a beautiful entry....some of the PS3's best visuals here.

Final Fantasy XIII-2 Boxartfinal-fantasy-xiii-2-20120127093147680-000.jpg

  • #21: Red Faction 3

Like all RF games, Red Faction 3 was completely different from previous games. This time, its a 3rd-person open world game with, of course, destructible environments. Much better than I thought it would be after the average RF2.

Red Faction: Guerrilla Boxartred-faction-guerrilla-review-20090528002437829-000.jpg

  • #20: Catherine

Catherine is another unique title from the gods at Atlus. Tells the tale of some dude getting vagina from two different babes through a puzzle/RPG hybrid. Fucked up, but it works.

Catherine Boxartcatherine-20110713035302714.jpg

  • #19: Ratchet & Clank Tools of Destruction

Ratchet has always been a great, fun platformer series. One of the few Sony games that feels like it was born during the days of the Nintendo/Rare relationship. This game brought it to PS3 intact, with gorgeous visuals and new weapons.

Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction Boxartratchet-clank-future-tools-of-destruction-20071023012625940-000.jpg

  • #18: Brutal Legend

This will always be a game I remember fondly even after I forget about games that were better, simply because its a true metal fan's adventure game. The game tells the tale of a metal roadie stuck in an alternate world full of metal characters and some really great underground stuff that only a big metal fan would even know of. I really wish it did better because I'd love a sequel with even more metal goodness.

BrĂ¼tal Legend Boxartbr252tal-legend-20091011030417685.jpg

  • #17: Valkyria Chronicles

A surprise modern SEGA gem that came out of nowhere. Think Fire Emblem.

Valkyria Chronicles Boxartvalkyria-chronicles-20081029061026862-000.jpg

  • #16: Uncharted

Dude Raider, as we all called it. In truth, I wish the original was MORE like Tomb Raider and less Gears Of War. Its basically a mix of those titles. Laid the building blocks for one of the best games of the generation.

Uncharted: Drake's Fortune Boxartuncharted-drakes-fortune-20071113035913195-000.jpg

  • #15: Castlevania Lords of Shadow

This game was more Devil May Cry than Metroid, but the result was the best console Castlevania in years. Well paced, good story, and very pretty, Lords of Shadow brought a proud series back.

Castlevania: Lords of Shadow BoxartCastlevania: Lords of Shadow image

  • #14: Assassin's Creed Brotherhood

While more of an expansion pak to AC2 than a full new game, Brotherhood had the same great characters and gameplay, and let you explore Rome. Enough said.

Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood Boxartassassins-creed-brotherhood-20101116001533361.jpg

  • #13: Uncharted 3

Uncharted 3, while great, felt like a step back from Unchrted 2. The gunplay didn't feel as good, and the adventure wasn't as well realised. Maybe because they were focused on their next game.... Still a great game with insane production values and a wonderful cast.

Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception Boxartuncharted-3-drakes-deception-20111024085057999-000.jpg

  • #12: Devil May Cry 4

Devil May Cry 4 had the style of DMC3, but without the insane difficulty level which made it more enjoyable to me. One of the best games in the series, it felt like it came out just before Capcom started to go downhill.


  • #11: Assassin's Creed

It may have been flawed, but there was never anything like it. The world was insanely detailed and made you really feel like you were 2000 years in the past. Paved the way for one of my favorites.

Assassin's Creed Boxartassassins-creed-20071113110118928.jpg

Let's take a quick break before the TOP TEN.


  • #10: God of War 3

GOW3 didn't have the same impact as the first two on the PS2. How could it? But it was still a hell of an adventure into the world of Greek myth. Kratos, forever pissed.

God of War III Boxartgod-of-war-iii-20100305034329854-000.jpg

  • #9: Final Fantasy 13

Final Fantasy 13 brought the great franchise to the PS3 era with cutting edge visuals and a memorable cast of characters. While not the best game in the series, it is a solid entry and does the name justice in this epic tale.

Final Fantasy XIII Boxartfinal-fantasy-xiii-20100308083523016-000.jpg

  • #8: Dark Souls

Ah, a game I'm playing right now! Dark Souls is great, punishing fun. These games are cool because while insanely hard, they don't frustrate you like, say, Devil May Cry.  I'm a huge fan of the dark, oppressive atmosphere as well. Dark Souls is even better than Demon's was.

Dark Souls Boxartds01fire_1317398826.jpg

  • #7: Demon's Souls

While Dark is better, Demon's is great in its own right and really set the bar for the industry to know that, yes, people don't always want their hands held.


  • #6: Grand Theft Auto 5

What really needs to be said here? GTA 5 was a big improvement over GTA 4 and brought back the humor of past games while moving its brand of storytelling forward.

Grand Theft Auto V BoxartGTA 5 5225e49b967084c470e94291

  • #5: Assassin's Creed 2

Assassin's Creed 2 should be the posterchild on how to make a sequel. 10 times better than the original in every way, and introduced one of the best main characters in the generation.

Assassin's Creed II BoxartAssassin's Creed 2 4fa6cb3ecdc388ed13f43c37

  • #4: Uncharted 2

Hey, another sequel that was 10 times the original! Uncharted 2 was perfectly polished from start to finish. Awesome story, great gameplay, relatable characters, and brilliant environments. One of the first games a PS3 owner should play.

Uncharted 2: Among Thieves BoxartUncharted 2 (Fortune Hunter's Edition) 4fa6cb38cdc388ed13f3d444

  • #3: Red Dead Redemption

In my opinion, THIS was Rockstar's best game of the generation....NOT either of the GTA games. Redemption brilliantly applies GTA's gameplay to the old wild west America in a game dripping with atmosphere, great characters, and awesome missions. Hell, its fun just hunting out in the middle of nowhere for animals. For those who feel GTA is too over the top in subject matter, the down to earth realism of this game may be a better option as well. MAKE A FUCKING SEQUEL!

Red Dead Redemption Boxartred-dead-redemption-20100516105643671-000.jpg

  • #2: Metal Gear Solid 4

Ah yes, the mighty MGS4. Playing as Old Snake, the game makes you sad for the character to the point that you feel closer to him than in any previous game...and its this attatchment that really drives the game. Kojima tried some different ideas in the gameplay which felt slightly weird but worked out just as well. And while the story gets a bit insane as usual, it all comes to a satisfyingly sad conclusion. For fans of the series, the trip to Shadow Moses is almost too much. A landmark PS3 exclusive.

Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots BoxartMetal Gear Solid 4 image

And now, the PS3's #1 game as brought to you by this fine lady....


  • #1: The last of us

The Last of Us was shockingly good. As much as I love Uncharted, this game blows them away. Hands down the best game Naughty Dog has ever produced, and also truly the PS3's swan song. Combine Resident Evil 4 with The Walking Dead and you have a good idea of what the game is like. Unparallelled storytelling.

The Last of Us BoxartThe Last of Us 50cb735af4915b4dcf84393e

Edited: Wed, 04 Jun 2014 23:20:06


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Thu, 05 Jun 2014 01:25:53

Good to see this list actually has some exclusives on it. Nyaa

Country: US
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Thu, 05 Jun 2014 04:22:14

Good to see a reply!

Actually I just checked, both lists so far have 9 exclusives out of 25.

Edited: Thu, 05 Jun 2014 04:24:56


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Thu, 05 Jun 2014 05:45:55

Fantastic list bro. I would have some stuff moved around but its mostly all there.

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Thu, 05 Jun 2014 11:21:51

Edge! I was scrolling down your list as a family member appeared behind me and your porn starlets showed up. angry

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Thu, 05 Jun 2014 11:37:38
gamingeek said:

Edge! I was scrolling down your list as a family member appeared behind me and your porn starlets showed up. angry

I'm sorry, but you should have known better. lol


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Thu, 05 Jun 2014 12:11:05


The VG Press

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Thu, 05 Jun 2014 12:14:52

That's a lot of Assassin's Creed.

Interesting choices (god bless you for putting VC on the list). Of course until Persona 5 finally comes out for you to add, the list will really never be complete.

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Thu, 05 Jun 2014 12:16:41

Good point Robio.


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