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Spec Ops: The Line (Spoiler Free)
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Sun, 07 Apr 2013 21:52:23
aspro said:

Glad you enjoyed it Steel since I contributed in compelling you to buy it.

Did you have any of the AI problems that Foolz is having on PC?

No. But I played it on normal. Like normal people do. Nyaa

And yeah, we're now Spec Ops bros.

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Mon, 08 Apr 2013 02:55:09

Screw the AI, did you have random jaggies and shit? I'm wondering if it's because they were too lazy to support a range of native resolutions properly, or if it actually looks that bad.

Example (note it's especially bad on the right):

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Mon, 08 Apr 2013 03:41:41

Yeah, the game is far from a looker. I forced FXAA through my card control panel so the aliasing might not have been as jarring to me, but it definitely was there.

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Mon, 08 Apr 2013 03:51:10
SteelAttack said:

Yeah, the game is far from a looker. I forced FXAA through my card control panel so the aliasing might not have been as jarring to me, but it definitely was there.

Okay, just glad it's not me. There was no FXAA on the graphics menu and I was like wat lol.

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Mon, 08 Apr 2013 07:28:49

And yes, the chopper run bit is BULL FUCKING SHIT. Awfully designed. If there was a part that almost made me quit the game, it was that one.

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Mon, 08 Apr 2013 08:30:01
SteelAttack said:

And yes, the chopper run bit is BULL FUCKING SHIT. Awfully designed. If there was a part that almost made me quit the game, it was that one.


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Mon, 08 Apr 2013 14:32:53

Must be a WASD thing, because I don't remember that being difficult at all on PS3.

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Mon, 08 Apr 2013 14:35:18
aspro said:

Must be a WASD thing, because I don't remember that being difficult at all on PS3.

Did you pass it first time?

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Mon, 08 Apr 2013 14:47:42

Must have, or I'd remember it.

Edited: Mon, 08 Apr 2013 14:49:07

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Mon, 08 Apr 2013 14:56:55
aspro said:

Must have, or I'd remember it.

Yeah, well then, the thing is there's just as much chance that you were simply lucky. WinkWink

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Mon, 08 Apr 2013 15:03:48

Or remember the time I slept throught the difficult jestski part of Binary Domain?  The elvel you had trouble with. I actually fell asleep during that level, woke up and had beaten it.

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Mon, 08 Apr 2013 15:08:09
aspro said:

Or remember the time I slept throught the difficult jestski part of Binary Domain?  The elvel you had trouble with. I actually fell asleep during that level, woke up and had beaten it.


Bet I could finish Retro City Rampage, though...

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Mon, 08 Apr 2013 15:11:55
Foolz said:


Bet I could finish Retro City Rampage, though...

Prolly. Just that one platformer boss to beat Sad

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Mon, 08 Apr 2013 15:38:44

The thing with the chopper was that you living or dying during the run was completely random. There was no cover available, and no way to fight back to buy yourself some time, all you were supposed to do was run. Sometimes you'd get killed right away, other times you'd get killed right before reaching the first flight of stairs, regardless of what you did.

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Wed, 10 Apr 2013 13:25:26

Why couldn't they have put the thought and effort they put into the second last level into the rest of the game? Solid challenge that actually required a little nousand planning.

Yeah, yeah, the story. Can't think of a game that does narrative choices anywhere as good, which isn't much of a compliment when you consider that I've never really even been curious about what would have happened if I'd done something else. But the truth is that it does them excellently, and also illustrates something else. Choices are so redundant 99% of the time because they hold no relevance to the themes of the game. The whole "THERE'S ALWAYS A CHOICE!" bullshit that they oh-so-subtly kept reminding you about fits with giving you choices so well because a large part of it is that you don't actually have any control; yes, you can make  a choice, but in reality the consequences are out of your control. Then...should you still take responsability for them? Solid ending. Kinda disappointed with my decision there, tbh. Made my choice based on the lulz; didn't really feel entirely true to the character, or to what I might have felt like doing naturally. Which is a problem that rears its ugly head whenever they make a choice so obvious; make it gamey and vulgar, and you don't deserve to be treated with respect. In summary: the subtle choices are just brilliant; the obvious ones, not so much; even though the consequences are still good. And of course there's moments where there should have been a choice, and where it was slightly pointless. Still.

Also, really good soundtrack (both voices and music) that once again really falls flat when they attempt something melodramatic. Credits song is the shit.Port is shit.

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Wed, 10 Apr 2013 16:19:52

Sounds like ultimately you got what the game was going for:

In summary: the subtle choices are just brilliant

Too bad your port on PC sucked.

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Wed, 10 Apr 2013 20:20:58

And only his port!

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Thu, 11 Apr 2013 02:59:47
SteelAttack said:

And only his port!

Nah...unless it was a jaggy mess on consoles too. But apart from that I know other people playing who have had the same issues that I have (people using more up to date hardware as well). The port is shit, you were just lucky. Just like Aspro was lucky with the helicopter scene. Happy

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Sat, 20 Apr 2013 23:40:06

I'm playing this now, up to chapter 8.  Visually, it's quite impressive and like Steel said, the music is great as well.  I'm just now getting to the heavy part of the story...whoa!

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Sun, 21 Apr 2013 02:11:53

For spoilery discussion of Spec Ops the line, we start at the 1:17:25 mark.

Edited: Sun, 21 Apr 2013 02:12:47

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