SQL Queries, Optimization, and the Thrill of the Hunt
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Archangel3371 (7m) travo (9m)
Sometimes, it's just plain excitement and satisfaction of a job well done. It's a bit of a quandary, did I gravitate towards programming because of the excitement, or was that why I gravitated towards programming. Either way, while it can be downright painful to drudge through writing a lengthy form, or plowing through tedious bugs, there are the moments of personal academic breakthrough that turn it around.
Now to the lecture. I've mentioned previously about having a large update coming to The VG Press. Despite moving to a much improved server, part of this is improving code efficiency. When it comes to performance on the web, it's almost laughable how dependent it is on database queries. It's so heavily tilted, that you may as well completely ignore everything else that isn't a query when it comes time to worry about performance.
Thusly that's where it begins. By having my database handler class output every query when a page loads, I was able to pick out inefficiency. A significant issue was repeated queries per forum post for votes and stars. The reason was that previously I was unable to optimize this to include it in the initial query. Break in attempt number two.
You see, GROUP functions have multiple places where they can be used, but one of them is so terrible in performance, it ought to be eliminated altogether.
Selecting a GROUP value directly requires it run the function on every row, which is horribly inefficient and will cause queries on large tables to take several seconds or even minutes to complete.
Alternatively, and far more efficiently, you can JOIN onto a subquery.
(disclaimer: I have not tested these specific queries, so apologies for any errors)
Each individual query has overhead as well, so doing many small queries is worse than the sum of their execution times.
Consequently, when the database is so determinant of performance, and multiple queries or direct selections of group functions are so terrible, it's a big win to combine complicated logic into a single efficient query.
No one may ever actually be able to see what happens, but that's not the point. The sum of such efforts are the fruit of the labour, and oh how sweet it is.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile