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Success! Yes!
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Tue, 15 Feb 2011 19:50:51

If you don't get this job it's the biggest fucking tease I've ever heard from an employer.

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Tue, 15 Feb 2011 19:57:14
aspro said:

If you don't get this job it's the biggest fucking tease I've ever heard from an employer.

He seemed very impressed but he never once said or even hinted at it being a sure bet to me directly. I don't see it as teasing. The school is the one teasing me with behind the scenes info.

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Wed, 16 Feb 2011 18:37:13

Golden Tip number 4

If you do not get the job ask them for the reasons. You are looking for things that you can do better next time. Also if you can't find any other job and this is your last hope, ask them about similar positions, either at the same company or another one. If they are as impressed in you as they say they are, they will know that you do actually need a job. They might know other positions or people. Remember it is not about 'What you know', but 'Who you know.' Use this opportunity to build your network. Social networking is important if you want to get a good job, not everyone is sexy and charming as me.

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Wed, 16 Feb 2011 20:02:19
Iga_Bobovic said:

Golden Tip number 4

If you do not get the job ask them for the reasons. You are looking for things that you can do better next time. Also if you can't find any other job and this is your last hope, ask them about similar positions, either at the same company or another one. If they are as impressed in you as they say they are, they will know that you do actually need a job. They might know other positions or people. Remember it is not about 'What you know', but 'Who you know.' Use this opportunity to build your network. Social networking is important if you want to get a good job, not everyone is sexy and charming as me.

Thanks but I dont need this. I have the job. Happy

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Wed, 16 Feb 2011 20:03:46

So yeah just got the call, during an important cutscene in ME2, of course I cant pause the damn game.  Well that is one of those calls where its worth missing a cutscene for. Nyaa

I have the job, training begins tomorrow! Step two, don't screw up.

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Wed, 16 Feb 2011 20:04:33

I was going to offer that as well, but I figured they would not contact you directly to give you the bad news.

In the past I have turned away people for a postion but hired them later for a different position -- or if the person I hired doesn't work out I've gone back to the second person and given them the job.

If they do actually call you, remember that it is just as an uncomfortable situation for the caller as it is for you, by asking some of the questions Iga suggested you make it easier on them and you can then use this to your advantage.

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Wed, 16 Feb 2011 20:06:14

Well my advice above stands for the rest of you.

FUCKING AWESOME VADER!  Congrats!  Time to fish out that social security card and ID (you do have ID right, you didn't float over from Cuba, eh?)

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Wed, 16 Feb 2011 20:14:54
aspro said:

Well my advice above stands for the rest of you.

FUCKING AWESOME VADER!  Congrats!  Time to fish out that social security card and ID (you do have ID right, you didn't float over from Cuba, eh?)

Thanks. Yes I have a social secruity card and ID.

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Wed, 16 Feb 2011 20:16:44

So now you'll fall into Raven's sitch, all the money for games, but no tiem to play them.

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Wed, 16 Feb 2011 20:29:19
aspro said:

So now you'll fall into Raven's sitch, all the money for games, but no tiem to play them.

LOL, hopefully not. I am still very single and probably wont be looking seriously for another year or so until I get my life in order. I think I can manage work and play. Nyaa

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Wed, 16 Feb 2011 20:32:28

That's right, you'll be travelling, so between the DS and PSP you'll get plenty of time to play.

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Wed, 16 Feb 2011 20:54:25

Oh crap I have to sleep at normal times now. Booo.

I have work tomorrow, that thought is so crazy.

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Wed, 16 Feb 2011 20:59:56

Oh man I also am going to need a new laptop. If I am going to get a new laptop it might as well be a gaming laptop. I am going to become a PC and portable game whore, noooo!

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Wed, 16 Feb 2011 21:02:00

Awesome news, D. I'll join in the congratulation extravaganza. Grinning

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Wed, 16 Feb 2011 21:30:13

Congrats dude!

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Wed, 16 Feb 2011 21:32:54
Dvader said:

Oh man I also am going to need a new laptop. If I am going to get a new laptop it might as well be a gaming laptop. I am going to become a PC and portable game whore, noooo!

Unless you really need the portability, get a desktop. One you build yourself, much cheaper and better suited for gaming. Get a LCD TV that can be used as a PC monitor and a wireless keyboard with trackball. Internet while lying in bed, here you come.

Also get Mass Effect 1 one the PC, no bugs and performance issues there.

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Wed, 16 Feb 2011 21:44:31
Iga_Bobovic said:

Unless you really need the portability, get a desktop. One you build yourself, much cheaper and better suited for gaming. Get a LCD TV that can be used as a PC monitor and a wireless keyboard with trackball. Internet while lying in bed, here you come.

Also get Mass Effect 1 one the PC, no bugs and performance issues there.

If I am traveling I will need a laptop for business emails and stuff. So it has to be a laptop. When I am home I will have it hooked up to a TV, witha 360 controller. The more I hide the fact that I am playing on a PC the better.

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Wed, 16 Feb 2011 21:48:32
Dvader said:
Iga_Bobovic said:

Unless you really need the portability, get a desktop. One you build yourself, much cheaper and better suited for gaming. Get a LCD TV that can be used as a PC monitor and a wireless keyboard with trackball. Internet while lying in bed, here you come.

Also get Mass Effect 1 one the PC, no bugs and performance issues there.

If I am traveling I will need a laptop for business emails and stuff. So it has to be a laptop. When I am home I will have it hooked up to a TV, witha 360 controller. The more I hide the fact that I am playing on a PC the better.

If you need it for work, they will give you a laptop. They cannot expect you to buy your own equipment. Check this with them before you buy a laptop. Maybe they can pay a part of it, for you need it to do your job.

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Wed, 16 Feb 2011 22:11:13

Iga had such a nice description of his job process, I guess I should share how I got to this point as well. I have been in contact with the Ultrasound school I graduated in since I left. They allow me to come into practice with the garbage Ultrasound machine they have left. Our former instructor was fired cause he wasn't good at teaching. Our local ultrasound program was dissolved, I was the first and only class. All our machines got sent to Orlando to another branch of the company, all except an old portable machine. I did not get the externship I wanted which was at a hospital site until the final four months, for most of it I was with a mobile unit, I dont see much there. Also the two sites I was at had no job oppertunities, most techs get a job at their extrern site. Since graduating and trying to get a hospital job all sites wanted a years worth of hospital experience, not mobile.

The school knew they screwed up and has been helping me ever since. They are really nice people, if not I would have sued their ass a long time ago. They hired a new ultrasound tech to instruct whatever students needed more classes (some came in late) and to help us scan at the lab (which is now just the back of a class room behind a curtain). This guy was fantastic and helped me improve my skills. I was in constant contact with the schools job placement advisors, none of them really familiar with ultrasound personel. I went between about 3 people none of them helped me much, gave me the same leads I would find myself that would lead nowhere. In the mean time I studied and got my licenses. I would go through phases where I would try hard to get a job and then not try at all.

This went on for a year. Finally I told the school that they need to do something, anything to get me into a hospital as an extern again even, anything to get actual work experience. The assistant president, the wife of the campus president then sent me an e-mail that she would like to have a meeting with me. This is a no nonsense lady, New Yorker in your face kind, the meeting turned into a psych session basically. She wondered why a guy like me with good enough experience, with multiple ultrasound licenses and who all my teachers and former coworkers said was excellent can't get a job. She figured my entire personalty and life story within minutes, it was scary. She straight up told me "you are a shy guy right", yes I am. You don't think you are anything special, correct again I don't. You are a nice guy but you are boring. You lack self confidence and its coming through in your resume and comes through when you speak to people. Woah, all true though, still doesn't feel nice to hear it from someone else. She give me tips on my resume and demanded that I go out and speak to random people. She said I am intruging to her and she will not stop till I have a job somewhere, at first she was thinking of getting me as even a medical assistant just to get into a hospital.

That was a week ago today. Last friday she called me up and said that one of their other instructors, another person I had no met got a lead for a mobile ultrasound company and that I have an interview on monday. She said come in early monday to have a mock interview, she told me how to create a portfolio and to have one ready. I came in early on monday and that instructor that set up the interview did a mock interview with me. She asked me the usual questions, strengths, weaknesses, goals, experiences. Apparently I wowed her cause she told the assisstant president that I was extremely ready. Then I met with the AP, she helped me get the portfolio ready, gave me a pep talk and I was on my way, the entire school cheering me on as if I was going on some rescue mission.

The actual interview was no big deal at all, the mock interview was way tougher. It was two guys and they went straight to buisness telling me what the job would be like and asking if its something I would like to do. I answered in the way that made it sound that I was their perfect candidate and that this is the job of a lifetime for me. It was over in about 20 minutes, they talked more than I did and basically said they liked what they saw and will be in contact. They were impressed with the portfolio so that helped. After that I told the school it went well, they in turned called the guy and continued to push for me. It worked casue here we are. I am very grateful but also wondering where the hell was this lady for the past year?! In one week she did what no other could do, get me a solid lead.

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Wed, 16 Feb 2011 22:13:25
Iga_Bobovic said:

If you need it for work, they will give you a laptop. They cannot expect you to buy your own equipment. Check this with them before you buy a laptop. Maybe they can pay a part of it, for you need it to do your job.

True. I guess I will get many of that stuff answered tomorrow. This is my first real major job, my UM job was an internship turned job that naturally occured, I was just kind of there and never left. I really dont know anything about contracts and crap.

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