Forum > Gaming Discussion > Super Mario Galaxy 2 Thread
Super Mario Galaxy 2 Thread
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Thu, 25 Feb 2010 14:52:43

gamingeek said:

Yoshi bothers me, I only really liked him in Mario world and yoshis island.

You have no soul. Even Dark Robio thinks there's no hope for you.

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Thu, 25 Feb 2010 14:57:32
robio said:

gamingeek said:

Yoshi bothers me, I only really liked him in Mario world and yoshis island.

You have no soul. Even Dark Robio thinks there's no hope for you.



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Thu, 25 Feb 2010 15:20:43
As far as I'm concerned, Nintendo could have left Mario out of this game, and called it Yoshi's Galaxy instead. In other words, Yoshi rules!
Edited: Thu, 25 Feb 2010 15:21:23

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Thu, 25 Feb 2010 16:02:00

gamingeek said:

Yoshi bothers me, I only really liked him in Mario world and yoshis island. I hate that little extra jump where he kicks his legs about in mid-air.

He's not in NSMB Wii enough to be useful either and was useless in Sunshine. I hope he isn't used too much in SMG2 or if he is, he's actually useful and well controlled.

Don't worry GG. You're not saying that you don't like Yoshi. I understand that what you're actually doing here is a cry for help. What you're really saying is "will someone please pee on me?"  And I am more than happy to help you out.

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Thu, 25 Feb 2010 17:04:09

Yoshi needs to get his own games. 

And STAY in his own games. 

Edited: Thu, 25 Feb 2010 17:04:29

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Thu, 25 Feb 2010 17:17:45

gamingeek said:

Yoshi needs to get his own games.

And STAY in his own games.


GoNintendo's Super Mario Galaxy 2 - Nintendo Media Summit 2010 impressions
RMC said:

Here's what I learned from my multiple hands-on sessions with Super Mario Galaxy 2...

2. Having Yoshi in a Galaxy setting is so much fun that it seems criminal

Easily the best part of the whole demo was getting to take Yoshi along for the ride

Edited: Thu, 25 Feb 2010 17:22:43

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Thu, 25 Feb 2010 17:32:32

Ravenprose said:

gamingeek said:

Yoshi needs to get his own games.

And STAY in his own games.


GoNintendo's Super Mario Galaxy 2 - Nintendo Media Summit 2010 impressions
RMC said:

Here's what I learned from my multiple hands-on sessions with Super Mario Galaxy 2...

2. Having Yoshi in a Galaxy setting seems criminal

Easily the worst part of the whole demo was getting to take Yoshi along for the ride

 You read it wrong! Check again. 

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Thu, 25 Feb 2010 17:38:55


It's great to see that even after the massive success of New Super Mario Bros. Wii, Nintendo hasn't been tempted to "dumb down" Mario Galaxy 2. In fact, in the demo levels we played in London today, the second game feels even more challenging than the first - and we love it.

Galaxy 2 is the second part of a learning curve that began the moment you fired off your first starbit in the original game. In our first level - the 'Flip Swap' galaxy - we traverse a maze of red and blue platforms suspended over space. The moment Mario performs a spin jump however, the platforms flip, with one colour disappearing to expose a perilous jump.

This was an unexpectedly tricky course to clear - and our objective of racking up 100 purple coins only made it harder (though Nintendo has added classic checkpoint flags to accommodate the rookies among us).

Confusion quickly sets in as we attempt to spin jump across large gaps - causing our target platform to disappear - and later rolling chain chomps appear, forcing us to jump and spin to different colour platforms, dodging the big black baddies and dropping them into oblivion in the process.

A hallmark feature of the second adventure is the welcome return of Mario's dinosaur chum, Yoshi - and he's a joy to play. Unlike the dodgy implementation in GameCube entry 'Sunshine, Yoshi makes you feel empowered again, offering the ability to effortlessly gobble up baddies with the Wii Remote pointer.

Yoshi feels vulnerable like he did in the original Mario games; one hit from a Hammer Brother or Zelda-style electric blob will either send the dinosaur hibernating back into his egg or legging it away Mario World-style.

Bowser Jr.'s Fearsome Fleet - another challenging galaxy - showed off Yoshi's awesome skills brilliantly. The level opens with an inviting glass dome accompanied by a bullet bill turret. Quickly we realised our green mate can gobble up the missiles and then aim and spit them out as your own projectiles, smashing the glass and any baddies unfortunate enough to be in the way.

Quickly,this intuitive mechanic turns Galaxy into a swift-draw shooting game: Mario and Yoshi hop onto a moving platform and all of Bowser Jr's armies unload their bullets in our direction. A quick aim and a flick of your wrist is all it takes to gobble up and fire back the incoming bullet bills - it's effortless and great fun.

It's sections like this that make it clear that Nintendo has plenty of ideas left over from the first game. The five levels we got to play all felt unique and a genuine step forward from the excellent original.

The new drill ability is another example and adds a whole new dimension to Galaxy's planet-hopping gameplay. The demo level we played eased us into the idea with inviting craters scattered across a spherical moon. Drill through them and Mario will dig his way through the entire planet, inevitably emerging inside a 1UP cage on the other side.

Eventually we were using the drill to dig our way to the top of huge towers, attacking boss characters through the ground and even burrowing our way inside planets, running around their hollow innards collecting coins.

By far our favourite level in the demo though was the Tree Trunk galaxy, which expectedly takes place on top of a gigantic tree.

Here, Mario's rarely apart from Yoshi and he's also introduced to one of the dino's new abilities. By gobbling up blue Blimp Fruit Yoshi bloats up to a gigantic size, allowing him to blow out air from his mouth (which is done automatically) and send the pair of you soaring towards the sky.

The excellent pacing and wide variety of celestial playgrounds is again present all over the second game, and soon Yoshi blows us to the top of the tree where a launch star sends Mario and friend flying towards another area - a giant log in the sky.

This is the definitive 2.5D platformer; though gravity keeps us tethered to the log (so if Mario falls he'll simply spin around it forever) we're only moving left and right - like a classic Mario game.

The change of perspective also allows the game to present a very Donkey Kong Country-style vertical section, which has bloated Yoshi blowing his way up towards a Power Star, dodging spiky bushes and flying goombas with the A button, which holds your breath.

The sheer amount of imagination present in just a few levels has us convinced that Galaxy 2 will deliver yet another standout Mario experience when it arrives this summer - you just might want to get some practice in with the first game before it arrives

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Thu, 25 Feb 2010 19:00:26

gamingeek said:


It's great to see that even after the massive success of New Super Mario Bros. Wii, Nintendo hasn't been tempted to "dumb down" Mario Galaxy 2. 


The VG Press
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Thu, 25 Feb 2010 23:08:13
GG doesn't like Yoshi, aren't you always SMW >>> SMB3 guy.
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Fri, 26 Feb 2010 10:32:12

Dvader said:
GG doesn't like Yoshi, aren't you always SMW >>> SMB3 guy.

 Like I said, Yoshi was only good in SMW and Yoshi's Island. Since then its been a complete bust. 

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Fri, 26 Feb 2010 18:18:15
I like the return of old themes, like riding a Yoshi, and the Big World.

Listen to Iced Earth and play Doom

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Fri, 26 Feb 2010 18:25:22
Man its just not the same not having a super Galaxy mega thread by GG. GG you made some of the most incredible threads in the history of the GGD, I miss those. But to be fair Nintendo isn't releasing much of anything now. This footage will probably be the last before review copies hit.
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Fri, 26 Feb 2010 19:09:39

Dvader said:
Man its just not the same not having a super Galaxy mega thread by GG. GG you made some of the most incredible threads in the history of the GGD, I miss those. But to be fair Nintendo isn't releasing much of anything now. This footage will probably be the last before review copies hit.

I didn't make the thread here, so I have no responsibility for filling it with info.

Hamster just shows how lazy he really is! Nyaa

Eurogamer preview SMG2

[]Super Mario Galaxy 2 preview

Mario Galaxy 2 & Metroid: M impressions


Mario Galaxy 2 video interview

Gamedaily Super Mario Galaxy 2 preview

[]Super Mario Galaxy 2 impressions

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Fri, 26 Feb 2010 19:10:58

Dvader said:
Man its just not the same not having a super Galaxy mega thread by GG. GG you made some of the most incredible threads in the history of the GGD, I miss those. But to be fair Nintendo isn't releasing much of anything now. This footage will probably be the last before review copies hit.

So, my thread isn't good enough for ya, huh? Argh! Cry

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Fri, 26 Feb 2010 19:12:09

Ravenprose said:

Dvader said:
Man its just not the same not having a super Galaxy mega thread by GG. GG you made some of the most incredible threads in the history of the GGD, I miss those. But to be fair Nintendo isn't releasing much of anything now. This footage will probably be the last before review copies hit.

So, my thread isn't good enough for ya, huh? Argh!Cry

No no, sorry I wasn't referring to this thread, I was thinking about the GGD and how empty it feels about Nintendo news.

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Fri, 26 Feb 2010 19:13:47

gamingeek said:

Hamster just shows how lazy he really is! Nyaa

This thread is supposed to be about discussion, not a bunch of spoiler-filled updates.

That's what GG Weakly is for. Nyaa

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Fri, 26 Feb 2010 19:17:57

Dvader said:

Ravenprose said:

Dvader said:
Man its just not the same not having a super Galaxy mega thread by GG. GG you made some of the most incredible threads in the history of the GGD, I miss those. But to be fair Nintendo isn't releasing much of anything now. This footage will probably be the last before review copies hit.

So, my thread isn't good enough for ya, huh? Argh!Cry

No no, sorry I wasn't referring to this thread, I was thinking about the GGD and how empty it feels about Nintendo news.

LOL No worries. GG is the master at creating hype threads after all.

Edited: Fri, 26 Feb 2010 19:23:02

The VG Press

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Fri, 26 Feb 2010 19:19:34

Ravenprose said:

gamingeek said:

Hamster just shows how lazy he really is! Nyaa

This thread is supposed to be about discussion, not a bunch of spoiler-filled updates.

That's what GG Weakly is for. Nyaa

Yo mama.

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Fri, 26 Feb 2010 19:20:51

Ravenprose said:

Dvader said:

Ravenprose said:

Dvader said:
Man its just not the same not having a super Galaxy mega thread by GG. GG you made some of the most incredible threads in the history of the GGD, I miss those. But to be fair Nintendo isn't releasing much of anything now. This footage will probably be the last before review copies hit.

So, my thread isn't good enough for ya, huh? Argh!Cry

No no, sorry I wasn't referring to this thread, I was thinking about the GGD and how empty it feels about Nintendo news.

LOL No worries. GG is the master at creating hype threads after all.

But its like he retired, or only does it for weird stuff like Animal Crossing and Endless Ocean. Don't sell Leo short, the man is a hype monster. Today I give Leo the crown, GG has been slacking.

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