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Sat, 23 Oct 2010 04:04:34
eggmiester said:

i refuse to support team meat after what they did to nintendo

Do tell.

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Sat, 23 Oct 2010 04:13:22

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Sat, 23 Oct 2010 05:37:52
Foolz said:

Do tell.

2 years ago team meat said that super meat boy would be a wiiware exclusive  then a year after they say that its now coming to 360 and pc and the 360 and pc will come out before wiiware game and it have free dlc that they are will leave out of wiiware

that just pissed me off i wouldn't mind if they released it on other systems but to push the starting system to coming out last after being in works for a year and then leaving it out of dlc just is wrong

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Sat, 23 Oct 2010 06:00:50

The Gameboy level is kind of cool and creative.


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Sat, 23 Oct 2010 07:07:36
eggmiester said:

2 years ago team meat said that super meat boy would be a wiiware exclusive  then a year after they say that its now coming to 360 and pc and the 360 and pc will come out before wiiware game and it have free dlc that they are will leave out of wiiware

that just pissed me off i wouldn't mind if they released it on other systems but to push the starting system to coming out last after being in works for a year and then leaving it out of dlc just is wrong

sounds a bit like NBA jam, and a few other games.  3rd parties have no faith in wii exclusives anymore it seems ... unless they're mad geniuses making Epic Mickey.  Nintendo should have been funding/commissioning many more games


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Sat, 23 Oct 2010 13:14:52
eggmiester said:
Foolz said:

Do tell.

2 years ago team meat said that super meat boy would be a wiiware exclusive  then a year after they say that its now coming to 360 and pc and the 360 and pc will come out before wiiware game and it have free dlc that they are will leave out of wiiware

that just pissed me off i wouldn't mind if they released it on other systems but to push the starting system to coming out last after being in works for a year and then leaving it out of dlc just is wrong

You are absolutely entitled to your opinion Egg, but consider this:

This game was made by a teeny-tiny development team. I think it was only the two guys in the video, but I could be wrong. These guys obviously have a great love for games, gaming and the whole gaming industry. Not only do they have shout-outs to the independent game developers in Meat Boy by including such characters like Tim from Braid and Alien Hominid from Behemoth --BUT-- they ALSO have shout-outs to classic gaming too by having awesome references to games like the original (Nintendo Entertainment System) CastleVania and the Adventures of Lolo. Seriously, watch the video! These are two, humble guys that REALLY love games!

I believe they were probably handed a bag-o-cash to develop Meat Boy for other platforms other than just Wii-Ware and --ESPECIALLY-- Microsoft for their "Gaming Feast" promotion. These guys really SHOULD BE rewarded for their work! The little guys NEED to be recognized for their originality and dedication --OR-- they WILL quickly fade away! That would be a travesty for guys that love gaming as much as them! They are what this industry NEEDS right now, desperately! If getting funded by other companies keeps them afloat, I say go for it!

These guys need to NOT just limit themselves to Wii-Ware for a few reasons: (1)They need as much exposure as possible because they REALLY, REALLY made a good game. (2)Playing the game, I can TOTALLY see NINTENDO giving THEM a hard time in their approval process... Copious amounts of Blood? Ooooh yeah. Main Villain is a Fetus in Jar? Yup! Not exactly Nintendo's style! IF the game still comes to Wii-Ware, I would be SHOCKED if it was totally intact!

Do I completely support Nintendo? Each and every week for the last several years, the answer to THAT should be obvious --BUT-- I know them well enough to know what they will or will not stand for too. Stifling the creativity of these guys... that would just be wrong.

Like I said, they probably got paid REALLY well to expand the Platform for Meat Boy... so what do they do? They cut the price of it by 30% for the first month (?) it is available on Live Arcade! They didn't HAVE TO do that! They also didn't have to make FREE DLC for the game either, but they did!

I understand that's one of the things that upsets you about the Wii-Ware version... Where did you hear they were NOT going to do the DLC on the Wii version though? I didn't hear that. Truth be told the proper game in itself has dozens upon dozens of levels you probably aren't going to see, anyway. A few DLC levels here and there, I really don't think you are going to miss --ESPECIALLY-- when what is there is so good in itself and as tough as it is too! NOT having the DLC is not going to take away from the game, proper in the least. The full spirit of Meat Boy is present in the first world and Title Screen alone!

Do I hope the DLC comes to Wii-Ware? Of course! BUT, the generous gesture by these guys to do FREE DLC in the first place is a precedence that other devs need to SEE and FOLLOW no matter what console it is being done on. This was probably born out of the extra cash they were given by NOT making it Nintendo exclusive to begin with! It also is GREAT advertising for them, too, and like I said before: Such a tiny developer deserves such attention!

Having a game delayed or having to go against original promises made does suck, but its hard to hold it against these guys. In this day and age, in business, you do what you have to do. Sometimes it works in Nintendo fan's favor (like what happened with Cave Story), sometimes it doesn't. I know all this is easy to say right now because I have the game and am able to enjoy it right now... but holding it against these guys, boycotting their game and not giving them the $ they worked so hard for, it REALLY hurts the little guys and strikes at the "heart" of the industry. For companies like Activision, fine... but these guys... they deserve a chance!

Like I said before Egg, you are totally entitled to your opinion and I won't hold it against you in the least --BUT-- don't take what was probably a very smart BUSINESS decision on these guys part, personally. I hope Meat Boy comes to Wii-Ware quickly (and intact). I hope it gets the reception it deserves and I hope you reconsider just a little bit, too! It would be a great loss on their/your part not to!

Edited: Sat, 23 Oct 2010 18:25:50
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Sat, 23 Oct 2010 13:33:32

Yeah, Nintendo totally says no to bloody video games, if you live in the early 90s of course. Especially since the game is coming to WiiWare as well, just later and lacking in features. I don't care what they say, I just care the WiiWare product is gimped for no reason whatsoever. It has nothing to do with not being exclusive, I don't think anyone cares. It's not exclusive to any platform after all. Still, creative indies are a dime a dozen these days as it's relatively easier for anyone to release a game so it doesn't fly with me that they should be supported just for that. As for the shoutouts to other indies, it helps them more than it helps others. They've made no other games, nobody knows them, yet they get to actually use already popular indie game characters therefor gaining interest from their existing fans, which is fine and cool but let's not pretend it's some act of holiness. Hell, the PC version will have a Minecraft character, it's going to sell a fuckton of copies just for being associated with that game.

It's also confusing you praise them for offering free DLC (which to me sounds quite substantial with like 20 level campaigns being the norm going by their blog, and it's all early enough to believe it could have been included in the main game but was held back to help generate hype in the coming weeks) yet a couple sentences later proclaim said DLC is not important at all. Why praise them for offering something so inconsequential then? The same for the discount. It's called marketing. Is Valve offering discounts (and free DLC) every weekend because they love you? No, they do it because shit sells when they do that. Discount/free content = extra hype, it's that simple, it's got nothing to do with having acquired "enough" money from MS and passing that on to the customers. They don't have the marketing prowess of big publishers, they try to gain interest and hype in other ways, including these stunts. It's cool for us and good for them. Regardless, if they take all this delay time to actually add online multiplayer and scoreboards, I may bite eventually, as long as the price reflects the lack of the content.

As for where the information came from, it's from their own interview.

They said:
AR: Will there be any online content, such as leaderboards or co-op play?

Tommy: These things will not be on the Wii…

Fitting image right after that question as well.

Anyway, if you want to support indies who don't get enough exposure (unlike these guys who just got lucky) start with Konjak's Noitu Love 2 and Bit Blot's Aquaria. Hell, even Frictional's Amnesia is rather low profile, which is pretty sad. Just follow websites like TIGS and Independent Gaming, or check out the yearly entries to IGF (like 400 this year alone), there are plenty unknown gems that didn't get the online media onslaught and exposure Super Meat Boy is getting. I guess that's what being involved with Microsoft nets you, even websites that generally don't cover indies like Giant Bomb offered substantial coverage. It's too bad that it reinforces the false mindset of believing that if an indie game is good then it will get the same exposure, and if it doesn't then it's probably sucks. It's too bad such websites don't do their job and find and cover all the meaningful content on equal terms, MS or no MS. Maybe this helps a few chosen ones, but it harms pretty much every other indie out there.

Edited: Sat, 23 Oct 2010 15:11:20
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Sat, 23 Oct 2010 14:10:10

Thanks for the info guys. Happy

Play nice. Nyaa

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Sat, 23 Oct 2010 16:09:24

Now I get it! I didn't quite understand how the Retro-Themed levels fit into the game and I haven't read the reviews entirely, so this was always a curiousity...

The Retro levels ARE the "Warp Zones."

I was avoiding them at first cause I didn't WANT to skip ahead. The earlier levels are tough enough WITHOUT going ahead too far.

This morning I said: "What the heck!" I jumped into one just to see what would happen.

I was greeted with a NES-style title screen and an NES style "Game." Unlike in the regular game, the Warp Zones have a limited number of lives to finish them. 3 deaths and you are booted back to the main game's World Map. Besides seeing the Retro style presentation, it's IN the Warp Zones (I am assuming) where you get the greatest number of Bandages. I have yet to complete one, but pretty much every stage of the Warp Zone levels has a bandage, whereas one out of every 3 or 4 stages in the main game has one.

From doing a quick search, it seems the Warp Zones are ALSO where you find Secret Characters too! VERY COOL!



This movie shows the first 15 minutes of the game. It shows the basic tutorial AND the Warp Zone I just mentioned!

Is it wrong of me to secretly REALLY enjoy the squishy, squelchy noise Meat Boy makes when he runs and jumps?

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Sat, 23 Oct 2010 16:16:37

Also: Just to note, getting an A+ in a level by beating the Best Time for that level, opens up the Dark World version of that level!

These are pretty much the same levels redone with more obstacles for an even GREATER challenge!

IGN illustrated it PERFECTLY:


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Sat, 23 Oct 2010 16:20:43

Oh, and Robio, don't worry about your Meat being too small.

When things get REALLY intense, you pull in closer than normal, making your Meat appear MUCH LARGER!

This makes penetrating those tough spots even easier!

Wow! That's some pretty huge, engorged Meat in that pic, eh?

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Sat, 23 Oct 2010 16:26:20

I'm going to kick myself for asking this, cause it's probably ridiculously obvious, but what is this Warp Zone screen a parody of? I can't place it!

For some reason, I immediately thought Blaster Master, but that's NOT it... Is it another Lolo reference?

Edited: Sun, 24 Oct 2010 03:11:27
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Sat, 23 Oct 2010 17:26:43
eggmiester said:

i refuse to support team meat after what they did to nintendo

What did they do?  

Oh, nevermind, read it. I'm not interested in the game anyway.

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Sat, 23 Oct 2010 22:11:47

leo i disagree with blood and stuff not being Nintendo's style nintendo presdent's both in jpn and reggie in noa have said that they would like M rated games on the systems but now days companies don't make them because of the starotype of it being "kiddy" a system  its the same reason why gamers don't buy them as much as other systems, but if  you think of about it every nintendo gen there as been a nice amote of M games

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Sat, 23 Oct 2010 22:14:10

...but have there been any bloody or mature games released for Wii-Ware?

I can't think of any...

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Sun, 24 Oct 2010 00:23:56
phantom_leo said:

...but have there been any bloody or mature games released for Wii-Ware?

I can't think of any...

There have been a few though I don't think any real good ones.  Stop Stress: Day of Fury might have been a little bloody. There's also that upcoming fat guy with a cleaver on an airplane game.  And as far as actual M rated games, the only one I can think of is that Sexy Poker game.

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Sun, 24 Oct 2010 02:59:50
phantom_leo said:

...but have there been any bloody or mature games released for Wii-Ware?

I can't think of any...

alien bug shooter they exploud green blood, Dracula: Undead Awakening may have blood its been months since i played it, and last flight when it comes out will have blood and lots of it

but like i said its not nintendo fault but the dev behind the games and of corse the gamers

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Sun, 24 Oct 2010 20:42:31

Last Flight is on wiiware, that zombie slash em up.

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Wed, 03 Nov 2010 19:04:06

A realistic Super, Boy!


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Mon, 08 Nov 2010 13:41:22

Lifted from Destructoid:

Did you see that charity live stream we did of Super Meat Boy on Saturday? Did you? I sure hope not. The whole thing was to help support Danny B., the composer for Super Meat Boy, in his efforts to raise money to fight Multiple Sclerosis. It was a big deal.

While we were streaming, Edmund McMillen (co-creator of Super Meat Boy) called in for an impromptu chat. He revealed some stuff about Super Meat Boy to us that you may or may not already know.

In case you missed it, I thought I'd recap the finer points of our chat for you. The information that I speak of lies beneath the words that you are reading right now. You must read the full story to see them for yourself.

  • Edmund is currently working on some Gish-only levels for Teh Internets; the free DLC mode for Super Meat Boy on the Xbox 360. Yes, Edmund is still working on new free stuff for Super Meat Boy. Crazy
  • The 360 version of Super Meat Boy will never get paid downloadable content. It will always be free.
  • All of the bandage characters from the 360 version will be swapped out for new, PC exclusive characters. So far, two PC exclusive bandage characters have been announced; Mr. Minecraft and Captain Viridian.
  • All of the warp zone characters will be back for the PC version.
  • The exploding fanged demon's in the hell level of Super Meat Boy were influenced by from the fang faced jerks from Earthworm Jim's Hell level. The Beholder-esque enemies from the Purgatory level are called, Oobs. In the original build of the game, they had the same A.I. as the Boos from the Super Mario series. If you looked at a Oob, it would charge you, if you looked away from it, it would leave you alone. Edmund decided to ditch this idea in the end.
  • Edmund and Tommy Refenes do not think that I'm retarded for bringing up the idea of going episodic for Super Meat Boy on WiiWare, but they would never, ever go that route.
  • Team Meat have discussed "several good options" with Nintendo for the Wii version of Super Meat Boy, and they feel confident that Nintendo fans will be "very happy" with the option that they choose.
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