Yes I did. I have drawn the last two. My crappy drawings are working! Its pretty accurate or as accurate as my drawings can get.
New game!!!!
I give you a song clip, you name the game. Any era. First two are out. Please send me some. Just record with the record program, it has to be a short clip, no larger than blue.
Where did Skylock go? He just disappeared from the face of the earth? Working too much?
I invited him to hang out one time since apparently he and I live about 15 minutes away from one another. He said no, and then completely disappeaered from earth.. . . Basically I just don't like to be disrespected.
I see him from time to time on Steam, and once I messaged him over XBLive. He never bothered to answer. Oh well.
robio said:I invited him to hang out one time since apparently he and I live about 15 minutes away from one another. He said no, and then completely disappeaered from earth.. . . Basically I just don't like to be disrespected.
Look what you have done.
He is on PSN every once and a while. Messaged him once and no response. He hates or just went full hermit.
travo said:But what did we do?
We didnt buy his Wiiware game that he did music on?
Nah he just vanished.
I have NO IDEA what the last one is...
Did you draw this one?
I'll have to think about this one!