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Thanks for the humanity guys!
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Mon, 02 May 2011 20:36:21

Just wanted to say thanks to everyone for not being douchebags and for conducting yourselves here like you would probably do in real life as opposed to behaving like.... you're on the internet.

The reason I bring this up is I've had to pretty much leave Facebook behind today. Ever since the announcement of Bin Laden's death a lot of my other social media outlets have been flooded with people, some who I consider friends, belittling each other for how they're feeling or reacting. Frankly this is a time where I don't think people need to hold back or feel guilty about being happy that a person was killed. It really irritates me that people either can't feel the need to hold back or even worse have to express their individuality by crapping on the events of the day.

Still this point actually extents to how we all behave around here. I know we've had a few arguement around here, but as far as internet level arguements they're pretty much on the pussy level. I'm really thankful for that. It's nice to be in a place where civility, humanity, and just a bit of cooth are worth something.  Anyway thanks for it guys. It's nice to know I have at least one little sanctuary on the internet. And to those who took the time to scream about Bin Laden's death on Facebook, Twitter, Livejournal, and any other social media source where opinions can be read, I wrote this and shared it:

Most people seem to be happy the guy is dead. For some it's relief. Others are feeling a swell of patriotism. And others still and going the route of "America, fuck yeah!" The former examples are good but the latter frankly annoys me. Whatever though. I don't want to infringe on anyone's happiness, and frankly this is a legitimate moment in history to be happy.

What's irritating me though are the people who are seizing the opportunity to shit on the moment. This runs the gamut too. We've got conspiracy theorists wack jobs who say he's not dead or that he's been dead for years. We've got others who are putting down a hamburger long enough to tell us not to celebrate because life is sacred. There are people attacking the president for his speech or in some cases just not being a Republican. Some people are saying "we're just making the terrorists madder." The list goes on and on and on.

Is it really that important for them to offer the counter-point right at this momement? I'm not saying who is right and who is wrong here. There are valid points for people who don't want to be happy right now. But I do question their need to make their opinions public at the very moment all of this happened. At the end of the day though, that's kind of like an atheist announcing to the world why God doesn't exist and Christianity it wrong on Christmas day.

To be a little more extreme, I don't think it's too different than Westboro picketing a funeral.

For the moment some people are happy. Some people are comforted. Have the decency to give them a day to enjoy that before you start attacking their happiness. Is your opinion so important that you have to announce it at this very moment? Why pick a fight today? Unpopular opinions are a part of what makes our country great, but there is a time and a place for everything and today is not the time.

Sure you've got the freedom of speech and I won't tell you that you can't use it, but why not excercise your right to freedom of shutting the fuck up for just a little while? I realize it's a very under-utilized privilege, but one we should still remember we have. Let the country and people who want their moment have it. There's plenty of time for cynicism and individualism tomorrow.

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Mon, 02 May 2011 20:45:04

I ran into a few conspiracy theorists at work today. *Eye roll.*

The worst one was the one who said Obama purposefully interrupted Donald Trump's Apprentice show.

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Mon, 02 May 2011 20:48:21

Yeah, my brother-in-law called this morning and within seconds said, "do you believe it?" and then went in on how Bin Laden had been killed 7 years ago and they killed someone else with the name Bin Laden, but it wasn't really him..... I always knew he was a little retarded (the guy has lived his entire life in New Jersey what can you expect?), but I didn't know he had gone full whack-job.

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Mon, 02 May 2011 21:24:16

Here is what I find. As a news-junkie I keep up on as many topics as possible, and I formulate my attitudes and opinions based on a broad source of inputs.

When a major news event breaks, that's when EVERYONE becomes a news junkie.  And that's when you find out how dumb almost all of the population is.  it's when you realize that System Wars isn't just a gaming forum, it's what the rest of the world is -- on every topic.

I can only imagine what a festering petri-dish of disinformation and hate Facebook and other sites are like today.

Edited: Mon, 02 May 2011 21:24:35

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Tue, 03 May 2011 03:21:34
Nevermind me!



Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile
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Tue, 03 May 2011 03:39:00
aspro said:

I can only imagine what a festering petri-dish of disinformation and hate Facebook and other sites are like today.

It started the second the announcement was made last night. People I knew were getting nasty real quick. Disgusted me and I'm about to delete the account all together. The only thing holding me back is that I do use it for convention contacts.

Yodariquo said:
Nevermind me!


Hey you keep that queer hippie lovin' crap to yourself!!

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Fri, 06 May 2011 11:40:22
You're welcome.

I think people on the internet just exagerate hugely and act like asses because its semi-anonymous.

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Fri, 06 May 2011 21:00:10

Well that's just it. On Facebook there is no anonymity. We all know each other. They're all friends or at the least acquaintances. In my case 90% are people I've met in real life. I don't know what it is about something liike Facebook but maybe it allows just enough for people to spew out stupid thoughts but not let them fully explain themselves.

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Sat, 07 May 2011 10:45:13
I try to minimise and avoid my facebook use. I hate it really.

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