Forum > Gaming Discussion > The 2013 Animal Crossing 3DS GOTY Thread: It begins here, bring your bells
The 2013 Animal Crossing 3DS GOTY Thread: It begins here, bring your bells
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Thu, 11 Oct 2012 11:59:08
Edited: Thu, 11 Oct 2012 15:19:41

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Thu, 11 Oct 2012 17:23:37

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Thu, 11 Oct 2012 19:46:01

Never use THIS GAME for Animal Crossing, they dont go together. THIS GAME is for something stunning, something mindblowing not a chick picking flowers.

I clicked the comment in the home page expecting something else. Nyaa

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Fri, 12 Oct 2012 03:59:08
Dvader said:

Never use THIS GAME for Animal Crossing, they dont go together. THIS GAME is for something stunning, something mindblowing not a chick picking flowers.

I clicked the comment in the home page expecting something else. Nyaa

LOL Evil vader. Oh shush you. THIS GAME has the kind of lasting value a turd like Resident Evil 6 can only dream of.

THIS GAME is seriously making me consider picking up a 3DS.

THIS GAME is awesome and you are but a dingleberry in the universe's anus.

That is all.

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Fri, 12 Oct 2012 04:04:57


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Fri, 12 Oct 2012 09:48:58


Dvader said:

Never use THIS GAME for Animal Crossing, they dont go together. THIS GAME is for something stunning, something mindblowing not a chick picking flowers.

I clicked the comment in the home page expecting something else. Nyaa

Do you not see it? There is a little coffee shop with cakes and everything! Well, someone has made it inside their house. It is totally awesome.

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Fri, 12 Oct 2012 09:54:33

Don't. Draw. Me. In.

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Fri, 12 Oct 2012 11:10:24

Too late.

Some new info from scans:

Weed day (9/3):

- Reggie, the gardener, holds a weed day festival when the gardening shop is open.

- Pick all the weeds to get a special present handmade by Reggie.

- Reggie counts the number of weeds left to be picked.

Harvest Festival (11/4):

- Totally different from previous Animal Crossings.

- Franklin the chef comes and will treat you to food if you help him out and gather ingredients.

- Gather ingredients yourself or through trading things with the villagers.

- Franklin will give you a special present when the food's ready.

Christmas Eve (12/24):

- Different from previous games.

- The Mayor (the player), dresses up as Santa Claus to give the villagers presents.

- Meet up with Jingle while dressed as Santa Claus to get a sack of presents for the villagers.

New villagers:

- Frank, male eagle, birthday is 6/1, personality is smug.

- Koyuki, female tiger, 12/13 birthday, personality is energetic.

- Mike, male kangaroo, 12/1 birthday, personality is stubborn.

- Arthur, male lion, 8/7 birthday, personality is smart.

- Tsukasa, female? sheep, 10/21 birthday, personality is mature.

- Lily, female wolf, 3/24 birthday, personality is normal.

- Tokio, male? ostrich, 9/23 birthday, personality is airhead.

- ???, female mouse, 2/5 birthday, personality is energetic.

- Osmond, male koala, 10/12 birthday, personality is smart.

- ???, male hippo, 10/15 birthday, personality is smug.

Dream Mansion (could also be translated, literally, as Mansion where [one] sees dreams)

- Anteater named Yumemi (dream viewer) runs the shop 24/7.

- Connect to the internet and visit other players' villages from around the world.

- Can head to a village based on address, the type of village you desire, or by area.

- Anything that's done to the dream village won't have an impact on the actual village.

- Speak to Wendell (Seiichi) the starving artist while you visit another player's dream village to get a pattern that that player created.

Scans of Dream day pic

Scan - Gracie is back and Pelly has her own Post office

Edited: Fri, 12 Oct 2012 11:28:48

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Fri, 12 Oct 2012 13:16:26

@ 51 seconds in this video there is a fu**ing picket fence around the house.

You can push animals to buy your items at the recycle shop. You can hang items on your walls now.

KKs music comes in album sleeves which you can put on walls and stuff.

You can put the famous paintings on your walls now.

@ 2mins in this video, there is a megaphone item, you can call out animals names and they will respond

It allows you to easily find the animal you are looking for.

@ 5 mins 30 you can design the museum rooms yourself.

@7 minutes 30 you can buy parts for your house in a special dedicated shop

OMG Model home area video

There are 48 houses in the area! People you meet online or streetpass their houses will appear here for you to visit. Like that model room in City Folk X 48


@ 4 mins 12

The Dream Mansion feature lets you visit the towns of people online - even people you do not know and they can visit your town. You sleep in a bed wake up in the dream in your PJs. Then you roam, no consequences. The photoboards you stick your head through and the game takes memorial pics. So when people visit your town you will get a souvenier.

@6 min 20 you can design the town hall, they made it like a Sultans Palace.

@ 11 mins, DK KK at the club.

This video, wear the marine suit to go swimming

On the island you can catch summer fish/insects all year round.

The shop has exclusive island goods, you compete in minigames to win medals to buy them.

Edited: Fri, 12 Oct 2012 18:02:21

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Sat, 13 Oct 2012 19:19:59

More info

Dream Salon (Dream Mansion)

- Can also register your village in the Dream Salon.

- Can be opened via communal work.

Club 444

- Saturday Nights are Totakeke (KK's) Live.

- Sunday through Friday night is DJ K.K.'s DJ Time.

- The owner of Club 44, Shisho, might teach you some reaction acting during the day before the club is open (art of acting centered on making people react. I don't know if there's an English equivalent term).

- Can be opened via communal work.


- Travel to other villages and invite friends to your village from here.

Police Box

- Police can check whether someone is visiting your village or if any lost articles have come in.

- Can be opened through communal work.

- Picture on the site shows the policeman saying, "Rollan has asked for permission to visit and sell things today."


- Pretty much the same as previous Animal Crossings. Costs 1000 bells to go to the resort island.


Fishing Tournament (held January through May and October through December)

- Done once a month during the above time frames.

- Uomasa the beaver holds the tourney.

- Catch the biggest fish to win a prize.

Bug Catching Tournament (held June through September)

- Kameya-san, the lizard, runs the tourney.

- Can you catch a rare bug that'll even surprise Kameya?!


- If you're invited to a villager's birthday party bring a present.

- If you become good friends with the villagers something might happen on your birthday, as well.


- Become a member of "Club Kotobuki".

- Can play with friends or total strangers at the island.

- Island has its own shop that sells souvenoirs.

- Rent a marine suit to play in the ocean.

- Catch rare fish and insects at the island.

- There are a bunch of minigames tours.

- Hammer fun tour: a machine runs around and the objective is to hit it with your hammers a set number of times in the alloted timeframe.

- Diving tour: split up with friends and go diving, gathering things from the ocean.

- Labyrinth tour: everyone works to grab the various things placed around the garden maze within the alloted timeframe.

- Other tours include flower picking competition, borrowed item competition (not sure what this would be).

Happy Home Exhibit

- Can see the profiles of, and talk to (I think just an NPC version of) the people you street passed with here in addition to the other stuff.

Full Calander:

11/17 - Fishing Tournament

11/22 - Harvest Festival

12/8 - Fishing Tournament

12/21 - Winter Solstice

12/24 - Christmas Eve

12/31 - Countdown (New Years)

1/1 New Years

1/19 - Fishing Tournament

2/3 - Last day of winter

2/9 - Fishing Tournament

2/11 - Carnival

3/3 - Doll Festival

3/16 - Fishing Tournament

3/31 - Easter

4/1 - April Fools

4/13 - Fishing Tournament

5/5 - Children's Day

5/18 - Fishing Tournament

6/15 - Bug Catching Tournament

6/21 Summer Solstice

7/7 - Tanabata

7/20 - Bug Catching Tournament

8/4-11-18-25 - Fireworks Meet/Tournament?

8/15 - Obon - Latern Festival

8/17 - Bug Catching Tournament

9/3 - Weed Day

9/19 - Moon Viewing Festival

9/21 - Bug Catching Tournament

10/12 - Fishing Tournament

10/31 - Halloween

11/16 - Fishing Tournament

11/28 - Harvest Festival

12/14 - Fishing Tournament

12/22 - Winter Solstice

12/24 - Christmas Eve

12/31 - Countdown (New Years)


Visit The Houses of People You Streetpassed:

At the Happy Home Exhibition Street in front of the shopping street, you can visit the model houses of people you street passed. Any piece of furniture you like you can also order through mail order sales!

Take a Relaxing Vacation on the Island of Endless Summer!

Former Mayor Tortimer, after retiring, is now living on this resort island of endless summer. You can take many kinds of tours and purchase gifts to bring home amongst other things. Enjoy a relaxing vacation either by yourself or with everyone you know!

Visit Lots of Towns in Your Dreams!

When you sleep in the Dream House, you visit an actual person’s real town. You can freely walk around their town and visit houses while dreaming!

Make a Best Friend!

Become best friends with your Nintendo 3DS friends! If both you and your friend save one another as best friends, you will be informed of when that person comes online and even if you aren’t currently visiting their town, you can still talk to them by sending messages!

KK’s Famous Tunes Are Now Club Music?!

Every Saturday night you can enjoy listening to KK Slider’s music at “Club 444.” (Note: Club 444 in Japanese is referred to as “Club Shi Shou” or “Club See Show” – it’s a cute pun.) From Sunday to Friday, during D.J. KK Time, you can enjoy KK’s normal sound with a club music twist!

Say Hi to Far Away Friends!

When using your megaphone, you can call one of your animal friends by saying their name inot the 3DS mic. Even if they are far away they can still hear you and respond!

Swim, Dive, and Fully Enjoy the Sea!

If you are wearing a Swim Suit (they called it a Marine Suit in Japanese), you can swim in the ocean and dive beneath the water. Pay close attention to the depths and you can collect items that you can’t via fishing like special shells, sea grapes, and others!

Edited: Sat, 13 Oct 2012 19:21:21

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Sun, 14 Oct 2012 18:59:26

More pics here

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Mon, 15 Oct 2012 10:49:47

Fishing tournament ceremony:

Make a Best Friend!

Become best friends with your Nintendo 3DS friends! If both you and your friend save one another as best friends, you will be informed of when that person comes online and even if you aren’t currently visiting their town, you can still talk to them by sending messages!

Shizue, the secretary, has a brother, Kent, that works at the happy home exhibit.

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Tue, 16 Oct 2012 11:27:02

Fossils can now be miniaturized and placed on surfaces such as desks or tables.

"Will you bring the triceratops you ordered home with you?"

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Wed, 17 Oct 2012 11:33:21

OMG at 4min 21 secs there is a star trek room

Edited: Wed, 17 Oct 2012 16:53:52

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Thu, 18 Oct 2012 12:51:04

- Take 3D in-game pictures.

- Hold original exhibitions at the museum. Build a second floor in the museum through community work to open the museum shop and original exhibition room.

- Palotini will reward your hard work with a badge. Badges include ones for catching a lot of fish, gathering a bunch of stuff from the ocean, pulling lots of weeds, etc. Badges are displayed on your profile, so anyone you streetpass with will see your badges.

- Can work part-time at the cafe if you're a regular customer or order coffee for take out. Working part time will reward you with unique furniture.

- Fortune Teller hut opens through community work. Follow your fortune and keep a lucky item with you and something good might happen.

- ID card box: Passcard given to you once you're registered as a citizen. The photo used on the card is taken in the ID card box.

- Can now look up at the sky. Can see things such as a rainbow after it rains, aurora on cold nights, cumulonimbus clouds in the summer, shooting stars, balloons with presents, etc.

- Fruit produced in your village can now have special flavors or appearances to them.

- Animals from other villages will come to visit in the camp grounds. You can play games with them such as gesture games or rock, paper, scissors.

- Play hide and seek with the villagers you're good friends with. Can get items if you manage to find them all.

- Become good friends with one of the villagers and they might send you a special letter with a photo attached that you can place in your house.

Play Your Way

You've finally arrived at a new town by train. Due to a slight misunderstanding, you wind up becoming town mayor! Living here you take care of flowers, catch bugs, and catch fish while interacting with the animals of the village; you play your way.

The town progresses in real time; in the morning the animals start waking up with you. At night you can see the stars starting to come out. Depending on the season, the look and feel of your town changes as well. You can also enjoy special events during the different seasons.

Go Shopping at the Shopping Street

If you pass the train tracks and head out of town, you can visit a shopping street with all kinds of shops. You can buy daily items and buy/change your clothes like always. There are also all new shops never seen before! If you go shopping a lot, the shoping street becomes more and more popular and busy.

Build Your Town as Mayor

As the mayor, you're in charge of building your town from your desk at town hall. As apart of public works, you can make benchs, clocks, lamposts, bridges, and others. You can place them and set up your town as you see fit. What kind of town you make is up to you, the mayor! You can also set the rules in your town. For example, you can extend store hours to be longer than they normally are and go shopping even at night. You can determine the rules in your town and match your town to your time schedule.

Coordinate Furniture and Your House

There are now more types of furniture. You can have fun collecting your favorite types of furniture to make your rooms exactly as you envision. Also, at the recycle shop in town, you can sell furniture you don't use anymore or even remake it! You can even make a room like this.

Using the things you buy at Tanukichi's Real Estate (Tom Nook Real Estate), you can even change the size of your house. You can change your door and everything to your liking.

Further on than the shopping street, you can also see other player's houses at the Home Show Street. Here you can visit the homes of other players you have street passed and take your time looking around. You can also buy any furniture you see there that you like.

Go Out and Play

Using local play or the internet, you can visit other people's towns and play together with your friends.

Go to the Vacation Island

If you take a boat from the town pier, you can travel to The Vacation Island. On this resort-like island you can come across lots of bugs and fish you wouldn't normally see in town. You can even experience new things like diving beneath the ocean and seeing what you find!

If you participate in tours, you can play all kinds of mini games. Using local or internet connectivity, you can play along with your friends or even people you've never met before!

Take your time and play at your own pace, living a heartwarming lifestyle with the animals in your town. Tobidase - Doubutsu No Mori.

Also avaiable: the downloadable edition that is always with you and you can't lose as well as the 3DS Special Edition Pack, which also contains the downloadable edition.

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Fri, 19 Oct 2012 12:53:35
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Fri, 19 Oct 2012 19:53:45

If I buy another game ... it will be Paper Mario 3DS.  If I buy one more after that, it will be this one.


Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu

The VG Press

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Fri, 19 Oct 2012 20:25:44

If this game were a piece of jewellery it would be the One Ring to rule them all.

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Fri, 19 Oct 2012 20:38:17
Is Animal Crossing your favorite series, GG.
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Fri, 19 Oct 2012 20:39:04
bugsonglass said:

If I buy another game ... it will be Paper Mario 3DS.  If I buy one more after that, it will be this one.

No Layton, Bugsie?! Now you have me downright WORRIED!

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