Forum > Gaming Discussion > The Beaten Games of 2013 --OR-- The Topic where Aspro and Vader put us all to Shame.
The Beaten Games of 2013 --OR-- The Topic where Aspro and Vader put us all to Shame.
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Joined: 2008-06-21
Sun, 06 Jan 2013 01:57:15

01. Adventure Time: Hey Ice King! Why'd you steal our garbage?!! -- A well animated game but not up to Wayforward's usual standards. If you're a fan of the show, you'll love the hundreds of references. If not, probably not a good buy. The game was originally supposed to be a modern Adventure of Link, but the utter and complete lack of difficulty make it anything but. You do get some special attacks for Finn and moves for Jake, yes, even a downward thrusting sword attack, but there's nary a Darknut to be found! Love the writing, love the irreverant attitude, but the game's only a few hours long. Most likely a game that was originally planned as a Downloadable that was turned into a cart for profit purposes alone. [01/04/2013]

02. Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet -- Incredibly stylized, Metroidian adventure in a Tiny Space Ship. Some VERY clever ideas in some of the puzzles. Some head-scratchers in there too, but over waaay too soon. Beat this in one afternoon. If you get it on sale, it's a good amount of fun, just don't expect anything more than a few hours. [01/10/2013]

03. Dust: An Elysian Tail -- A lot better than I thought it was going to be. A bit of Muramasa with a bit of Metroid with a side order of light RPG elements. Looks very pretty at times, but the real marvel is the fact that this was written, developed and programmed by ONE guy! There are special power ups to find that expand your skills and exploration abilities, but the combat plays quite like Muramasa. It lacked, however, HUGE bosses like either of those games had. One cool feature, being a VERY indie game, is the fact that you'll free "friends" in this game... and all these friends really do is give you bonuses to your life bar... but the cool thing is, these friends are The Kid from Bastion, Meat Boy and Bandage Girl, The Maw, The Spelunky guy and Yuki from Dishwasher Vampire Smile, among others... Gives the impression that these indie guys are close, but it could just be an advertisement for Live Arcade games... either way, cool little game. Took about 20 hours or so to beat, I believe! [01/16/2013]

04. The Dishwasher: Vampire Smile -- Incredibly cool art style. The closest you'll get to a DmC game in 2D. In one campaign you'll get a Machine Gun Arm, a Chainsaw Arm, a Shotgun Arm, your normal Katana, a Scythe, a Cloud (FF7) Sword and a huge Hypodermic needle to use as your weapons, along with your magic. You have a few combos, can switch between two weapons and two weapon load outs to combine INTO your combos and LOTS of brutal execution animations to finish your combos off. You get a bunch of bosses, mini-bosses and normal foot soldiers that have unique attacks that make you re-think your approach as you play. Pretty fair difficulty throughout the game 'til you get close to the end and find yourself fighting a few bosses, mini-bosses and hordes of soldiers one right after the other. Can get a tad frustrating at that point, but the game never fails to be great F-U-N ! ! ! [01/17/2013]

05. Spec Ops: The Line -- Three words: HOLY. FUCKING. SHIT. Such a soundtrack. Such a story. Nolan North's BEST PERFORMANCE ever. Haunting. Gripping. Unforgettable. Absolutely deserves any of the "praise" it receives. Play it. [01/20/2013]

06. Crimson Shroud -- From one of the creators of Vagrant Story. The influence is shown in the dramatic storyline and some of the elements of the gameplay. The game is short and kind of unusual in this day and age in the fact that it uses the roll of virtual dice to decide spell success, attack strength, ambush results, etc. Some may find this tedious, but most find it kinda charming, old-school and cool. A party of three mercenaries explore the Ruined Palace of Rahab looking for the legendary Gift, the Crimson Shroud. Of course, what you go looking for isn't always what you will find. Though it ends kind of quick (I got about 7 hours out of it) much like Vagrant Story, there's other things to see and do in the post-game. If you're looking for a unique time-waster on the 3DS e-shop, I would confidently say, give it a try! [01/24/2013]

07. Bulletstorm -- Listen up dick-tits! I'm tryin' to figure out why more of you pussy-lappin' namby-pambies haven't played this kick-ass game. Are you allergic to fun? Does bone-grindin', decapitatin' and ball shootin' make you queasy like an unwed, pregnant, teenage, baby-momma? Ask your gym teacher to check if your balls have dropped yet, cause you ain't a REAL man 'til you bested this cock-gorgin' blood bath! Ohhhh... Maybe all the cussin' is turnin' your puritan ass off? Well, I can assure you cock-gobblers it's nothin' worse than what your boyfriend whispers in your ear as he's rammin' you in your cornhole! Man up, grab the game out of your local Best Buy's bargain-bin and see what all the fuss is about! It's bad enough a boner-fide homo-sexual has beaten most of you to the punch, let's see if another one of YOU sorry excuses for GAYMERS can't get and beat the game before Phantom_Fuckin_Leo can find a random toddler on the street to beat the game before one of your sorry asses. In the words of a great Mexican leader... DOOOO EEEEET ! ! ! [01/25/2013]

08. Mark of the Ninja -- Best Ninja game since the original Tenchu! Klei is quickly becoming a --MASTER-- of 2D animation and level design. Very, VERY satisfying gameplay, lots of cool Ninja Gear and incredibly well implemented Stealth mechanics all come together in a downloadable game that --ABSOLUTELY-- earned and deserves the numerous GOTY nominations it received. Let's put this into even more perspective: This game has over a 90% overall rating on Metacritic and shares the "Best of" Spotlight of 2012 with XCOM, Borderlands 2, Mass Effect 3 and Dishonored, to name a few! Must play! [01/27/2013]

09. FEZ -- Don't know which idea came first, Fez or Super Paper Mario, but SPM doesn't hold a candle to this game! It's 8-bit-like 2D, but it's 3D at the same time. You play as the Fez wearing Gomez as an event unfolds that literally shakes the foundations of your simple 2D world. A cataclysm shatters an Ancient Artifact, revealing a 3rd dimension to an unsuspecting people. You set out to explore your new found world and make things right!  Basically, what starts as a simple platformer, collecting Cubes and Cube Bits across many different lands, grows and evolves into a Puzzle-Platform-Adventure game that boldly strives to change the way you look at things and expand your perception of the world around you as well! The credits rolled after about 5 hours, but there's sooooo much left to do in the game! So many mysteries to solve, so much more to see! So many ideas NEVER used in a game before! Like a Mario game it's possible to get to the end pretty quickly, but, also like a Mario game, you won't be satisified until you explore every last corner of this world. Can't say much more without spoiling anything. JUST. PLAY. THIS. GAME! [01/29/2013]

10. Ys: Book I & II -- One of the very first games available on a CD-Rom Drive for a game console in the US, and what a game it was! The original "Book" was released as a separate cartridge for the Sega Master System. I played that, not realizing I was only seeing half the story. When I played it again on the TurboGrafx-16 CD, back in 1990, I believe, it had real music, added hand-drawn cut-scenes, and voice-acted dialogue for the pivotal moments in the game. At the time, it was unlike anything I had ever seen before and quite literally paved the way for generations of consoles and console-RPGs to come. This is also the first game where I shed my first manly tear for a gaming moment. Yes, Feena, I promise I will always remember the girl in you! One of my highest regarded, yet also criminally under-rated, games of all time! [01/31/2013]

11. Rayman Origins -- What an amazing showcase for the power of the Ubi Art Framework Engine! GREAT Platforming, AWESOME Side-Scrolling Shooter sequences! What incredible music! Just how long are the damn credits?! The really fascinating thing about this game is something a few people might miss completely: There is a rhythm to each level that coincides wth the music. Events happen, platforms move, enemies shuffle, hazards re-arrange... all to the music! If you let yourself feel the rhythm as you play the levels and play along with it, get in tune with it, you'll find yourself getting by obstacles and pulling off amazing feats, not even thinking about it. Absolutely incredible! Can't wait to see and play Legends now, and especially can't wait to see what else this 2D powerhouse of an engine can do! [02/02/2013]

12. Monster World IV -- Today, I am 10 years old again. I sat in my room on a snow day, in my pajamas and played a Sega Genesis game through to completion. I cannot begin to convey how it feels to get a --TRUE-- sequel to Wonder Boy in Monster World and Proper Ending to one of my favorite series of all time after longing for it for decades! This could have been the pinnacle of Genesis side-scrollers had it been released outside of Japan back in the day. This could have been the Genesis Super Metroid. Forget today's standards, forget the simplicity of the gameplay. Once you hit 'Start' you will be transported back to happier, simpler days and all FPS, RTS and Open-World games will fade from your memory. You'll marvel at the color, you'll feel a joy from chiptune music you haven't felt in this millenium. The story may even bring a tear you your eye! I will never, ever take virtual consoles and downloadable games for granted again; making this game possible in this day and age was one of the best things that's happened to me gaming-wise in a long, long time. If the Monster World series must end here, I am sad but satisfied. This was everything I had been hoping for for many, many years passed! [02/10/13]

13. Rochard -- This is a Metroid-Vania style game starring the most unlikely of heroes. John Rochard is a portly, middle-aged Space Miner that gets himself caught up in plot to discover and uncover an ancient alien relic of incredible power. Being a space miner, he comes equipped with a Gravity Gun that allows for many diverse attachments. Over the course of the game he'll get a Rock Blaster (Gun), Sticky Bombs, a Grappling Beam and Anti-Gravity mines, among other things. Rochard also gets the ability to turn on and off artificial gravity in the areas he explores to allow for such things as Super Jumps, Soft falls and the lifting of Heavy Objects. All of these items and skills are put to use through series of puzzle rooms and in battle against (flamingly homo-sexual) Space Police, Rogue Gangs and an assortment of mechanical enemies. The Unity engine used to create this game allowed for great physics effects, dynamic colored lighting and multiple fore and background layers, as well as scaling and zooming of the environment and realistic particle and damage effects. Overall, its a VERY clever and fun game, although the strange mixing of American Indian references, Alien Colonists, Casinos and a Miner with a Southern drawl, thrown all together into the story comes across as a bit odd. This seems to be the beginning of a Sony franchise, as the game does end in a cliff-hanger. I wouldn't mind that at all, as the game was very good and received pretty positive critical praise as well! I say play it! [02/25/13]

14. Machinarium -- A charming little game. The un-named Robot essentially needs to stop the Black Hat Robot gang from blowing up the city and rescue his girlfriend at the same time. I can't say I'm a huge fan of the art-style. It reminds me a lot of Monty Python and I always found those cartoons more creepy than pleasant. I --DO-- appreciate what it must have taken to draw and animate this game though. Top notch! I also don't know how I feel about Point and Click adventures, especially on a game pad. I enjoyed what I played though and it was Thankfully short but sweet. The puzzles were definitely an exercise in logic at times, but they were not insurmountable. The fact that they put a hint guide --IN-- the game says a lot though; also thankfully, you need to complete a simple side-scrolling shooter mini-game to access it. You will rely on it, but playing the mini-game makes you hesitate to use it too. Best part of the whole game was watching the tiny hero's daydreams about his girlfriend! Adorable! [02/28/13]

15. DmC: Devil May Cry -- I'm floored! I just finished my FIRST EVER Devil May Cry! Now don't get me wrong, I've tried them all, but this is the first one I played through to completion. It's the trademark Ninja Theory gameplay mixed in with the Stylish Action. It's the awesomely human, demon characters and their demon, human enemies. It's the graphics. It's the utter sexiness of the new Dante... oh, and FUCK the whiners who complained about the new Dante. He's infinitely cooler than old Dante! It's the addictive combat and the replayability. It's the brotherly bond and rivalry between Dante and Vergil. **I'm stronger. I'm smarter. I'm better looking. I've got a bigger dick!** Fuckin' PRICELESS!! So many factors come together to redefine, reboot and refresh the series that started the Stylish Action genre. I can't say enough good about this game. Here's my testament, though: As soon as I finished, I started over on Son of Sparda mode! Now --THAT-- says A LOT! [03/13/13]

16. 10000000 -- Comments coming later. [04/20/13]

17. Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch -- Comments coming later. [04/23/13]

18. Bioshock Infinite -- When I was young and alone, I came up with a theory. It stated: "If the universe is infinite and human imagination has its limits, anything we can imagine must exist somewhere in all the heavens." I always imagined myself with a different life, one of my own, where I was free and happy. Talk about prophetic, this game was the story of my life. [05/05/13]

19. BioShock -- "They offered you the city... and you refused it. And what did you do instead? What I've come to expect of you. You saved them. You gave them the one thing that was stolen from them: A chance. A chance to learn, to find love, to live. And in the end, what was your reward? You never said it, but I think I know: a family." [05/19/2013]

20. BioShock 2 -- "The Rapture dream is over, but in waking I am reborn. This world is not ready for me, yet here I am. It would be so easy to misjudge them. You are my conscience father, and I need you to guide me. You will always be with me now, father, your memories, your drives. And when I need you, you'll be there on my shoulder whispering. If Utopia is not a place, but a people, then we must choose carefully, for the world is about to change, and in our story, Rapture was just the beginning." [05/30/2013]

21. State of Decay -- Game looks like butt --BUT-- it has great ideas comprising it! Think Dead Rising meets The Sims and you get a good idea. Pretty ambitious and well worth the money for this DL'able title. I probably got upwards of 25 hours out of it, maybe more! Although the studio that made it kinda screwed everyone by first saying they were going to add Multiplayer to the game, then backing out of that statement **as of 7/3/13** I'm still eager to see what they do next. With almost 100% certainty the next one will be an Xbox One MMO, so we won't be seeing it for a while anyway. Probably good; it will give the studio time to work on their graphics engine, character models and develop a TRUE multiplayer game! [07/03/13]

22. Tomb Raider -- Wow! What a way to reboot a franchise! How did this game NOT sell tens of millions? Perfect blend of stealth and action. Perfect game / item / weapon / skill progression. I feel like it one-upped Uncharted. The circle is complete: Tomb Raider inspired Uncharted; Uncharted inspired Tomb Raider. Hell, there was even a bit of a Metroid feel to it as well! Speaking of which: What a way to show the birth and growth of a female character. Lara was neither too bad-ass, nor too feminine, but she most certainly got the job done! I like the way finding artifacts actually built upon the story and world, as well as providing experience for Lara. Naughty Dog should take notes on that! Played on Hard, finished at 89% and I will absolutely go back to find the rest, without a doubt. Not many games would inspire me to do that! Truly a survivor is born, hopefully a franchise is too. I actually LIKED how they saved that one defining Lara Croft moment for the very last fight in the game. You waited for it all throughout the game and the pay-off was well worth it! Excellent game!! [08/27/13]

23. The Last of Us -- This or BioShock Infinite for GOTY 2013? I agonized over BioShock. I obsessed. I finished Infinite and immediately played the first two again, desperately looking for answers. Then I started Infinite again. It can't all have been for nothing. [09/20/13]

24. Shin Megami Tensei IV -- I put in just under 100 hours in to this game, and really didn't want it to end. No, REALLY, as in, literally! I bought the "End Game" story DLC. I bought the 2 DLC packs that let you fuse some of the Archangels after defeating them. These are all things you do near the end of the game. I went into an epic battle versus **SOMEONE** Lucifer, thinking "I still have things left to do. I'm sure the game continues after beating Lucifer..." It didn't. I saved the game, not fully understanding the warnings and I found myself back at the very, very beginning! With my Level, App Points and Demon Compendium still in place, but another 70 hours away from all the DLC I just bought! What do you do at that point? START OVER and play through it all again! Yep, the game is --THAT-- good! I will write more on it at a later date, just wanted to get this entry in here! [09/24/13]

25. Saints Row IV -- If there was a game that featured the voices of Neil Patrick Harris, Troy Baker, Michael Dorn **Worf from Star Trek: TNG!** and Nolan North; that had Music from Biz Markie, Paula Abdul, Aerosmith, Cyprus Hill and Stan Bush **Yeah, you know the song!** among 100+ other songs. If that game had laugh out loud moments from the start of the game to the finish. If it had one of the most robust character creators where you can literally create the most demented, realistic, sexy, gangsta characters you can think of... That parodied --ALL-- of the Sci-Fi / Superhero Movies you loved... If that game was one of the most enjoyable games you could EVER play... you would play it right? WHY THE HELL AREN'T MORE OF YOU PLAYING SAINTS ROW IV THEN ? ! I will say this in ALL SERIOUSNESS --DO NOT LET THIS GENERATION END WITHOUT PLAYING THIS GAME ! ! !-- In a year that had BioShock Infinite, The Last of Us and a shit-load of other AMAZING games, I would actually say this is a contender for my GOTY --SIMPLY-- for how much fun I had playing it! GTA open-world meets inFamous meets the irrepressible Saints Row style = MORE FUN THAN ANY ONE GAME SHOULD RIGHTFULLY CONTAIN! I cannot say enough good about this game!! [09/27/13]

26. Disgaea D2: A Brighter Darkness -- A continuation of the story and events that started it all ten years ago, but in glorious HD graphics! All the over-the-top elements are still there: Combo Attacks, 9999 Levels for your Characters, Endless Item Dungeons plus more POST-Game Content than --EVER-- before! You can literally tinker with almost all the stats in the game -- On your characters, your weapons, your items; you can make the game easier or harder, choose personalities, colors and Evilities for your Party and Demon Followers. What other game encourages you to cheat, providing you with a "Cheat Menu" NPC right in the courtyard of your castle, right from the beginning of the game?! There's no such things as an "Exploit" in this game, the developers put anything and everything you discover in there for a reason: Live the care-free life of a demon Overlord, do as you wish, become as powerful as your evil little heart desires... THAT'S THE WHOLE POINT!!! 40-odd hours in, I reached the story ENDING for the game... NOW the TRUE-GAME --REALLY-- begins! [11/10/13]

27. SteamWorld Dig -- Great game for a downloadable 3DS title; probably among the best available for the e-shop! Saying it's like a Metroid game is a little misleading, though. Yes, you acquire power-ups that give you new abilities and give you access to new areas --BUT-- it's not like this is a sweeping, sci-fi epic. The point is to dig, as deep down as possible, to try and discover what happened to your Uncle and what lies beneath your SteamWorld town. The improvements you get are for digging better and adding to your mobility; you don't fight a bunch of bosses, there isn't a detailed story line. This is more like Mr. Driller with a steam-punk plot than Metroid. There's maybe 5 or 6 different creature types that get in your way and one Final Boss, but that's pretty much it. This isn't a bad thing, it's a simple game, just keep your expectations in check and you'll really enjoy it! [11/11/13]

28. Guided Fate Paradox -- The Japanese love their Rogue style games. From Shiren the Wanderer to the Mysterious Dungeon series, there's a whole genre over there that's mostly ignored in the West. We've seen them here or there, but they've never reached the status they enjoy in Japan. If you think about it Dragon Quest, Final Fantasy and Pokemon have all had Mysterious Dungeon entries. Three of the biggest franchises in Japan adapted to the Rogue gameplay style. Torneko's Great Adventure, Chocobo's Quest, Pokemon Mystery Dungeons; those are three of the most well know, but there are dozens upon dozens of others. Eastern gamers can't get enough of the type of gameplay these games offer, and I totally get why. Random Dungeons, random items and weapons and often one of the harshest risk/reward systems in all of gaming. Most of the time, you die, it's back to square one! You think you felt it when you died in Dark Souls? Try putting 10 hours into one 100 floor dungeon, only to fall on floor 68 and lose all of your progress! Escape the dungeon intact and gain all sorts of powerful skills and treasures, die and... Guided Fate Paradox adds twists to that formula that I have never personally encountered in games like this before: Forced Scrolling, 3D rotating Worlds like Mario Galaxy, Dungeons where the whole layout shifts and moves every few turns. Challenge on top of challenge on top of challenge; this game keeps you on your toes! It's the BEST example of this genre I have ever come across! Of course, it comes from the minds of the creators of Disgaea, so, right there, you know it's going to be decidedly different; in their typical style, the game has barely begun after the credits roll at the end. There are enough dungeons in the post game to rival the content of whole other games! If you're not a fan of this type of adventure, this game probably won't convince you otherwise, it will probably intimidate you even more than before! Get into it, get to love it and appreciate it for what it is, though, and, wow, HUNDREDS of hours await you, should you brave the journey! At the end, my timer read 62 hours, but I can guarantee all the trips into the dungeon where I have fallen, gotten up, dusted myself off and jumped in again, if THOSE hours were counted? WELL into the triple digit time clock, easily! One of my favorite games this year! [12/16/13]

29. Super Mario 3D World -- Not going to go into much detail here, as you can read my impressions in my GOTY topic. Even after beating it, my original impressions hold true. Great game, but Galaxy is better, both of 'em! [12/28/13]

30. Picross e -- First of three 3DS downloadable Picross games beaten! [12/29/13]

31. The Walking Dead: A TellTale Games Series -- Season One -- Game enough for me. I believe decision making and QTE's count! Didn't cry the manly tears most others claim upon reaching the ending. Maybe because I played them one right after the other I was desensitized by it all? Haven't played any other games like this, really, but I did enjoy it a lot! Not GOTY a lot, but it was a great overall experience. [12/29/13]

Edited: Mon, 30 Dec 2013 02:00:13
Country: CA
Comments: 613
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Joined: 2008-07-10
Sun, 06 Jan 2013 02:58:13

Games Finished: 11
Hitman Absolution
Farcry 3
Lollipop Chainsaw
Spec Ops: The Line
Transformers: Fall Of Cybertron
Rayman Origins
Darksiders II
Castlevania: Mirrors Of Fate
New Super Mario Brothers 2
Dead Space 3
Tomb Raider

Edited: Tue, 19 Mar 2013 22:47:14

Country: US
Comments: 31804
News Posts: 1717
Joined: 2008-06-22
Sun, 06 Jan 2013 03:41:08

Games Finished:

  1. The Walking Dead
  2. Nights Into Dreams
  3. 999
  4. God of War Ghost of Sparta
  5. Little Inferno
  6. Zelda: Skyward Sword
  7. DmC
  8. LBP Vita
  9. RE Revelations
  10. Far Cry 3
  11. Zelda MM
  12. Monster World IV
  13. Dragon's Dogma
  14. Fez
  15. House of the Dead Overkill
  16. Galaga Legions DX
  17. Pilotwings 3DS
  18. Metal Gear Rising
  19. Sonic Colors DS
  20. Tomb Raider
  21. Hotline Miami
Edited: Sat, 16 Mar 2013 20:11:22
Country: CY
Comments: 7370
News Posts: 30
Joined: 2008-06-24
Sun, 06 Jan 2013 17:11:18

01.  Ni No Kuni (PS3) - Beaten 22/02/13

And my first game for 2013 is on the list.  And what a brilliant game it is.  A beautiful RPG from the developpers who brought you Dark Chronicle, Dragon Quest VIII, Jeanne D'Arc, Rogue Galaxy and Professor Layton and the animators who brought you Laputa, Princess Mononoke and Spirited Away.  The game is a joy to behold and it's full of moments of child like wonder.  I played very few RPGs in my life comparatively (not because I don't enjoy them, but simply because they require too many hours to finish, and my gaming time is very scarce now) but I can tell it's one of the greatest offerings in the genre from Japan in recent years.  I won't go into the gameplay specifics as I'm sure you've all read at least one review, suffice it to say that the battle system is great fun, stream-lined yet detailed, fast paced yet nuanced, easy to learn yet quite deep.  This was the first RPG I think which I finished without needing to level-grind.  I still have a lot of end-game stuff to do before I wrap it up (I have had about 60 hours so far) and I really want to stretch my time with the game as much as possible (I don't see me replaying such a long game but I will get as much out of it as I can before putting it away).  I recommend it highly to fans of JRPGs or just good ganes in any genre.

02.  Dragon Age: Origins (PS3) - Beaten 18/03/13

Game number two was again massive and took me a great many hours to do.  In contrast to Ni No Kuni however where I made a point of trying to do almost every quest and seeing as much as there was to see in the game, with DAGASP after a certain point it just felt overwhelming, so I just played it to get to the end.  I think this may have been the first game of this nature I played to completion (I guess Diablo and Diablo II are too old and not similar enough to count).  I enjoyed it well enough but I'm not sure I'll be looking to play anymore anytime soon.  It's just too long and I didn't find the core gameplay that much fun.  That may have been my fault because I chose to avoid learning it properly which made me think the game is probably too easy because I died very few times despite not bothering with specific strategies or even skills and upgrades etc.  Also the "moral" choices and the paths one can take are kind of gimicky, and there is always a very binary system at play.  It's side with A or side with B, or kill C or kill D etc which doesn't feel all that deep considering the games reputation.  Anyway, decent enough time sink but it won't suddenly turn me into a lover of WRPGs

03.  Dead Space 2 (PS3) - Beaten 30/03/13

I only got to play the original Dead Space sometime last year.  And I loved it.  Apart from a few annoying bits there was so much I loved about it.  The atmosphere, the horror, the suspence, the storyline, killing necromorphs.  When I finished the original I almost jumped straight to number 2 but I thought I'd give it some time.  Which was a good thing, and maybe I should have waited even longer.  A lot of what I loved in DS1 is intact in Dead Space 2 but it starts to get very predictable, boring and at times very annoying.  Also the game is quite hard (even on the normal difficulty) but in the most annoying manner.  Enemies always creep up on you from behind, all they come at you from all sides or you are flooded with big numbers of really powerful ones.  There are also some new enemies, all of which tend to be much faster and your character moves way too slow to be dealing with all that is going on from all sides at certain times.  There were times when I was close to giving up because dealing with annoying difficulty spikes when I had already had enough of this is very demotivating.  The story is mostly throw-away sequel material.  I sort of expected it but it was still disappointing because the story in the original is reminiscent of some of the greatest moments from the books of Isaac (Asimov) and (Arthur C) Clark.  Anyway, that's another one down from the ole backlog.

04. ICO HD (PS3) - Beaten 02/04/13

I've had this HD Classics collection since it was released two years ago even though I have both games on the PS2.  I finally felt like revisiting the games on a decent TV and in HD.  Actually I felt like playing Shadow of the Colossus but thought I may as well take this opportunity to experience ICO in HD as well since it's on the disc.  

The game looks beautiful.  I love the use of light and shadow, the sun-bleached colours of the environments, the cinematic feel of it.  The castle the game takes place in is huge, daedalian and harrowing.  It is a place where shadows dwell, the spirits of hundreds of kids left in sarcophagus tombs to die.  ICO is one such boy, born with horns and considered cursed by his village he is taken to the castle as a sacrifice to prevent something terrible befalling the village.  Breaking out of your tomb, your task is to make your way out.  You soon meet Yorda, a weak and pale girl whom you literally free from her cage and thereafter assume responsibility to keep her safe and to help her gain her freedom.  You also need her because she appears to posess some magical properties and opens doors for you which you can't do yourself.  You basically have to find your way through the labyrinth of the castle by solving a series of room puzzles.  The only enemies you are faced with are a bunch of shadow guys who basically try to snatch Yorda from you and carry her into the shadows.  

Technically the game has some huge glaring issues.  Namely the camera and the controls.  The camera behaves as though it's main purpose is to piss you off.  You are constantly fighting it to try and get it into a half decent position but it has a mind of it's own.  You constantly have your thumb on the right analog stick even as you're trying to jump on walls and ledges and swinging on ropes and pushing blocks etc leaving you with no easy way of pressing the face buttons.  It never stays in a natural position for you to do what you have to do.  It contantly takes the weirdest of diagonals making even a simple jump seem more like a leap of faith.  The controls are very wonky and imprecise.  Especially the jumping and the latching on.  Also your movement is based on where the camera is pointed, and since that is constantly moving and swinging this way and that, it makes moving Ico a nightmare.  But anyway the puzzles are good, the setting and the locales are breathtaking, and the underlying story is very moving and leaves a lasting impression which stays with you forever.  I love this game.

05.  Shadow of the Colossus HD (PS3) - Beaten 06/04/13

I went into this right after finishing ICO.  Fumito Ueda said that it's kind of like a loose prequel to ICO.  You can see several connections and the world feels like it's the same or at least connected to that of ICO.  In this game you play as Wander (or Wanda if you're playing the PAL version).  At the start of the game you carry the body of a dead girl (presumably your love), which we are told was a result of a sacrifice, into a huge temple reminiscent of the castle in ICO and you place her on a kind of shrine.  Then a voice from above (or is it from below) tells you that you will have to slaughter 16 ginormous beasts who roam this forbidden land, the titular Colossi, in order to have a shot at resurrecting the girl.  But there are no guarantees.  And this is what you set about to do, one after another you fight these sixteen beasts to get to the end and to see what will happen.  However it's not long before you realise that these are in many ways innocent giants merrily grazing and minding their business while you are the invader who hunts them down to slaughter them for your own reasons as well as to serve the machinations of whoever it is that is guiding you.

The game is breathtakingly beautiful, even more so than ICO.  You have a massive sprawling land to explore in your quest to find the colossi who are usually hidden in secret areas you get to by following little "secret" paths off of the main map.  The environments are huge and greatly varied but everything has this soft light hue, much like in ICO.  There are deserts, forests, lakes, underground passages, waterfalls and various bits of masonry waiting to be discovered.  To move across the huge map you have your trusted horse Argo (or Agro).  

The game is plagued with the exact same issues as ICO.  The camera is your worst enemy.  Here you are fighting these hulking huge creatures trying to cling on for dear life and to jump from limb to limb to get to their vitals and the camera is doing its best to obscure what it is you need to be looking at.  So again you are having to keep your right thumb on the camera stick (for all the good it does) and having to come up with fun new ways of pressing the face buttons.  Wanda controls abysmally.  The Colossus battles are meant to be like puzzles, not endurance fights, nor technical skill contests.  Supposedly your task is to discover what you have to do to kill them.  Instead, even after you know what you want to do, you may have to try it a dozen times because Wanda can't jump where or when you want him to.  The horse AI, well this is either brilliant or terrible depending whether you believe the developers.  She has a mind of her own and will very rarely do what you want or think you are asking her to do.  It's very annoying but Fumito Ueda said they wanted her to behave like a real animal so that was their intention.  The biggest problem the game had when it was released in 2006 was the frame-rate.  During the fights with the Colossus it would get very unsteady and sometimes dip to very low numbers.  This has been taken care of in the HD version, which is a huge deal.

Despite the flaws and frustration caused by the controls, this game is a masterpiece for me in several ways.  I love how focussed and single-minded it is.  You have one goal.  You fight only bosses.  Your path is determined.  Your fate decided.  You don't have to mow a thousand cabbage heads to get to a boss fight.  Most of the Colossi are very different and you have to make good use of the weapons at your disposal (your sword and bow and arrow) as well as your horse as well as the terrain and the environment.  It is also very thought provoking in ways games don't normally care to be.  The feeling that grabs you when you land the final blow to kill the Colossus and bring it down is really hard to describe.  It's not the elation you feel when you get the "You Defeated!" screen in Demon's Souls.  There really is no other game like this.  Anyone who has played it (I trust most have) will know why Fumito Ueda is so highly revered as a game director despite a resume of just two games, and they will also know why it is so sad that we will never get to see and to play The Last Guardian

06. God of War: Chains of Olympus (PS3 - Originally PSP).  Finished:  17/04/13

I don't know why but I decided to play every God of War game I had ... in a row (it must have been a moment of enormous self-loathing).  Originally I decided to play them chronologically in terms of story, so Chains of Olympus (as the prequel to GoW I had to be first.  This is a pretty mediocre by the numbers action game the main draw of which was "Hey look it's God of War on the PSP WOW!!"  At least it's short.

07.  God of War: Ghost of Sparta (PS3 - Originally PSP).  Finished: 21/04/13

After finishing CoO I decided I couldn't be bothered to make the effort to play the games chronoligically.  There was another game on this disc and I needed to play it so I went ahead and did that.  Ghost of Sparta is another fairly mediocre game the main draw of which was again the fact that it was on the PSP.  I don't even remember much about this game and I only played it last week.  I just about remember that Kratos has a brother and your main purpose in this game is to find him.  And that the final boss is Thanatos (the Greek god of death).  The psp GoW games are unremarkable and hardly worth bothering with.

08.  God of War (PS3 - Originally PS2)  Finished 25/04/13

Ahhh, at last onto the proper games.  This is the one that started it all, and it was the only one I'd played to completion before (when it was first released).  This game is shit.  It's not aged well at all.  I don't even know why I and so many other people were impressed when this was first released.  The platforming in the game is just appalling - half the time the perspective is such that you can't judge the distance of your jump.  Anyway there's a lot that's wrong with it and which annoyed me but I can't even be bothered to write about it.

09.  God of War II (PS3 - Originally PS2).  Finished 29/04/13

This was one of the PS2's last hurrahs and I remember a lot of people saying it should have been a PS3 game.  Whatever, the game is great.  I think I'd this stage I'd have really given up if this was not top quality.  At this stage it looks like they took all that was rubbish about the series and minimised it or ditched it (I'm looking at you awful platforming) and took what was god and exemplified it.  Tons of great bosses, large ones, small ones, huge ones... some great boss fights.  Puzzles are fun, someitmes not entirely obvious.  Environments are varied and beautiful.  You feel as though you go on a real journey for this quest.  Great game, thoroughly enjoyed it.

10.  God of War III (PS3).  Finished 02/05/13

This game looks stunning.  This is the shiniest, most impressive looking and did I mention shiniest game I ever looked at.  The other aspects of the game were also upgraded.  Whereas in all the previous games you were never faced with more than three or four baddies this one at times has you fighting hordes.  There is no slowdown like in the previous games, this is smooth as silk.  In terms of what is actually going on ... well it's a little less impressive than GoWII.  There's still a good number of nice boss fights (but also some very underwhelming ones almost entirely consisting of QTE sequences) and some nice puzzles.  The setting and the environments are somewhat disappointing.  You seem to be constantly going to and fro Olympus to Tartarus with this sort of vaguely cosmic/apocalyptic background.  Anyway, good game, beautiful game, but not as good as II.  Phew

11. Guacamelee (PS3) - Finished 07/05/13

Pretty long game I'd say for a downloadable game, especially if one bothers with all the optional secrets and sidequests etc. Also pretty hard at times, partly because the controls get kind of ridiculous after a point and you need to be pressing a dozen different buttons in the right order and in quick succession to get through some tricky bits and the PS3 controller proved wanting (I feel sorry for people playing it on the Vita).

Thoroughly enjoyable game. Certainly the kind of game I want more of. The influences and tributes are too many to mention. The most obvious would have to be the metroidvanias but it borrows and winks at so many games it's ridiculous. There's the switching worlds mechanic that was also used in Outland, there's bits which will remind you of Portal, there's VVVVVV in there somewhere. There are nods to Mario, to Zelda and even Journey which I'm sure will delight some of you. And I shouldn't forget to mention Grim Fandango, the whole game world is based on the Mexican day of the dead and the duality of living-dead world. I am sure there are tons more references and tributes to other games in there which were lost on me so I'm kind of looking forward to others like Leo playing it as I'm sure they'll spot more.

Great 2D game. If you like Metroidvania type games and want to support a small independent studio you could do a lot worse than this.

12. Ucharted: Drake's Deception (PS3) - Finished 04/06/13

Fun game.  Follows the exact same template as the previous ones in the series.  Adds new locales, some fun new set pieces, nice new puzzles etc.  The story is the usual Indiana Jones cursed antique and lost city hunting stuff that's been in all the previous games.  It's good but very by-the-numbers sequel.  It also has some major annoyances such as dream/reduced conciousness sequences where you move very slowly and your view is very hazy and it's almost like a cut-scene except you have to pretend you are controlling it.  It's bad, and it happens way too much and way too often in this game.  Also, complete lack of bosses (I know they are frowned upon nowadays and looked like a thing of the past only japanese games do anymore but I would like even this type of game to have something resembling a boss fight or two).  The ending is very anticlimatic.  The bad guys just die and you walk off with Sully and the girl (yeah major spoiler there sorry!).  So, fun game but I probably wouldn't altogether mind if no more Uncharted games were made (hopefully The Last of Us will be really good to give Naughty Dog something new to work with.

13.  Luigi's Mansion 2: Dark Moon (3DS) - Finished 24/06/13

Finished Luigi's Mansion 2.  I really enjoyed it for the most part.  Great Nintendo games have that certain hard to define quality which you don't find elsewhere.  I think this is one such game.  I loved the original on the gamecube and this is just a more fleshed out game along the same basic premise.  It has nice clever puzzles, a good variety of levels and a handful of bosses most of which are fun to fight and very different from each other.  The game is quite hefty, especially compared to the original LM on GC.  The mission structure is nice as it makes the game a bit more focussed but it's slightly annoying not to have the option to save during a mission is a little annoying as some of the missions can feel slightly long and you can't play the game in short bursts.  There's a bunch of hidden things to find which offer some incentive towards replaying certain missions, like some hidden gems, or a Boo in each level.  And when you find all the Boos in any of the "mansions" you open an additional level.  You also get a rating on how well you perform on a level but that's probably the worst of all the reasons for replaying.

I haven't tried the multiplayer.  I've read that it's a lot of fun but I'm not a very multi-player minded gamer.  And probably not too many people are playing this online now as it's been a couple of months or something since it was released.

14. New Super Mario Bros. U (WiiU) - Finished 15/09/13

I started this game before I left for nine weeks during the summer.  I didn't have that much left so I thought I'd finish it and I did when I got back from holiday.  This game (and the fact that I haven't felt like playing much) made me question whether I should still consider myself a gamer or not.  I used to love these games.  As a child I used to love this games ... they were largely the reason why I loved games on the whole, and yet here I was playing the latest instalment on Nintendo's brand new HD console and I felt very little except boredom and mild irritation.  Where was the fun?  Where was the excitement?  Maybe something just died in me.  Maybe I was wrong to still consider myself "a gamer" if I couldn't even enjoy the latest Mario platformer.  Oh well.

15.  Dark Souls - Prepare to Die Edition (PS3) - Finished 04/11/13

After Mario I spent several weeks playing nothing except for a few minutes of Animal Crossing (mostly on the bog) every other day.  I wasn't going to force myself to play anything just for the sake of doing so.  The I started thinking about playing Dark Souls.  A game I bought and started almost two years ago when it came out, only to hit a brick wall and eventually give up (seamingly for good) feeling I wasn't good enough to beat it.  Yet here I was wanting to have one last go at it.  So I did, started it from the beginning and played it very meticulously and with great care and organisation.  And I loved it.  And I finished it.  And I got quite good at it.  Seriously, there's just nothing like it (except Demon's Souls and the soon to be released Dark Souls 2).  I love this game so much.

Edited: Mon, 04 Nov 2013 22:00:54


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Mon, 07 Jan 2013 10:40:13

  1. Asura's Wrath, Capcom, 2012. (PS3 Version) I give this one a 9.0. Brilliant game, a must play for anyone who likes anime.  If you like God of War, or Devil May Cry, give it a go as well.  There is no game like this.
  2. Simpsons, The: Hit and Run, Vivendi Universal, 2003. (Xbox Version) Developed by Radical. 4.0. Dull, long and repetitive.
  3. Wall-E, THQ, 2008. (PS2 Version). This is a platformer puzzler similar to Portal. You basically have to collect a certain number of items through the stage to progress to the next stage.  Over time you develop new skills which enable you to traverse levels in new ways.  Pretty good. 8.5.
  4. Barkley Shut Up and Jam!, Accolade, 1994. (Genesis Version). This is two-on-two streetball, very similar to Midway's NBA Jam.  Sir Charles is so ridiculously better than anyone else in the game it was a breeze to get through the Tournament mode.  Fun, not challenging and great research for Barkley Shut Up and Jam!: Gaiden. 6.0
  5. Crackdown 2, Ruffian Games, 2010. It's the same game as Crackdown except they took out the different gangs, the territory wars and the character evolution (no aging, you only can upgrade your skills to one level). 6.0
  6. Homefront, THQ, 2011. (PS3 Version). *start cheesy informercial voice* Do you like Call of Duty? How about Half-Life 2?  Then you'll love Homefront.  To enjoy it even more invent a time machine and go back to 2003 and this would be GOTY (back before  Half-life 2 launched on PC).  Here in 2013 it's a mildy enjoyable 6 hour shooter with a very decent conceit -- the US invaded by a newly united Korea.  Art design is good, but the graphics are bad and the game froze up on me five times during play.  At least the checkpoints were decent.  If you like the idea of fighting a war agains "Norks" in the 'burbs and don;t mind a short game give it a try. 6.5
  7. Gears of War 3, Unreal, 2011. Pretty good. Looks great, plays great, but a little to easy on default. A fine ending to the triology. 8.5
  8. Bully, Rockstar, 2006. No challenge and a bit long, therefore pretty dull.  Technically well executed with many fine mini-game tributes (my favorite was PaperBoy).  Setting was unique, but Jimmy was a bit flat, showing flashes of personality only at the end of each chapter. 7.5
  9. Serious Sam 3 Enjoyable arcade shooter with just a few problems.
  10. The Walking Dead It's not really a game, but it is rewarding interactive experience.
  11. Resistance 3 Perhaps the best FPS of the generation.
  12. Tomb Raider 2013 Well crafted, enjoyable to play and fortauntely you can skip the cut scenes.
  13. Last of Us GOTY so far.
  14. Killzone 3 Dissapointing, but there were still stages of the game that satisfied.
  15. Bioshock Infinite Garbage.  Interesting garbage, but still garbage.
  16. Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine
  17. Bastion
  18. Max Payne 3
  19. Papers, Please
  20. Journey
  21. Flower
  22. Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons
  23. Grand Theft Auto V
  24. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
  25. Back to the Future: The Game
  26. Retro City Rampage
  27. Resistance 2
  28. Papo and Yo
  29. Driver: San Francisco
  30. Stanley Parabl, The

Edited: Tue, 24 Dec 2013 22:53:24

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Mon, 07 Jan 2013 23:03:46

Edge's Finished Games of 2013:

  • #1: Assassin's Creed 3- Wii U

Assassin's Creed III Boxart

  • #2: The Walking Dead- PC

The Walking Dead: A Telltale Game Series Boxart

  • #3: Mario Kart Wii

Mario Kart Wii Boxart

  • #4: Alpha Protocol- PC

Alpha Protocol Boxart

  • #5: Legend Of Zelda Skyward Sword- Wii

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Boxart

  • #6: Xcom Enemy Unknown- PC

XCOM: Enemy Unknown Boxart

  • #7: Goldeneye 007- Xbox 360

GoldenEye 007: Reloaded Boxart

  • #8: Tomb Raider- PC

Tomb Raider Boxart

  • #9: The Walking Dead Survival Instinct- Wii U

The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct Boxart

  • #10: Resident Evil 6- PC

Resident Evil 6 Boxart

  • #11: The Last Story- Wii

The Last Story Boxart

  • #12: Resident Evil Revelations- PS3

Resident Evil Revelations Boxart

  • #13: The Last Of Us- PS3

The Last of Us Boxart

  • #14: Pikmin 3- Wii U

Pikmin 3 Boxart

  • #15: Crysis 3- PC

Crysis 3 Boxart

  • #16: Civilization 5- PC

Sid Meier's Civilization V Boxart

  • #17: Metro 2033- PC

Metro 2033 Boxart

  • #18: Timesplitters 2- Gamecube

TimeSplitters 2 Boxart

  • #19: Eternal Darkness- Gamecube

Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem Boxart

  • #20: Mass Effect 2- Xbox 360

Mass Effect 2 Boxart

  • #21: Mass Effect 3- Xbox 360

Mass Effect 3 Boxart

  • #22: Splinter Cell Blacklist- Wii U

Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Blacklist Boxart

  • #23: Legend Of Zelda: Wind Waker HD- Wii U

The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD Boxart

  • #24: Hitman Absolution- PC

Hitman: Absolution Boxart

Edited: Tue, 31 Dec 2013 19:42:16


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Tue, 08 Jan 2013 18:27:12

1.) Jak II HD

2.) Jak 3 HD (I beat the game but I didn't beat it 100%.)

I just looked and Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy HD I beat that on December 29th.

Edited: Tue, 08 Jan 2013 18:31:31


  • SMB Mix-Up! (1AB2-0000-0047-5A7D)
  • Storm the Castle (77BD-0000-00E0-A9C0)


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Wed, 09 Jan 2013 12:32:32

[-3] to total for the removal of Killzone 2, Spec Ops co-op and extrenous 47 minute Papers, Please playthrough.]

1. 9th of January: A Virus Named Tom.

Genuinely great. Some crappy pacing, but its best moments are just incredible. Demon's Souls? Lolz, try this instead.

2. 19th of January: A Book of Unwritten Tales: The Critter Chronicles.

Not as inspired as the first, but a whole lot more consistent. The lack of moments of genius means it's probably equal with the first, but as such it doesn't have the same charge. Nate is much improved, and they tried their best to add some challenge to the gameplay, to mixed results. Good stuff all in all.

3. 30th of January: Journey.

Uh, okay. I don't see what all the fuss about it is. That goes for people who love it and people who hate it.

4. 2nd of February: The Ship Single Player.

The worst game I have played in a very long time. No doubt the worst game I will play this year. The mission design is frustrating, the level design is retarded, and 50% of the time the game doesn't work. Why did this happen when the multiplayer is so good? Ugh. Oh well, the characters are quant and all I suppose. But fuckity fuck is it boring and frustrating: worst combination ever.

5. 23rd of February: Antichamber.

Better than Portal, there I said it. Not really got much to do with Portal either, so the relevance of that statement is low, except that Portal is fucking good, and this is better.

6. 3rd of March: Nikopol.

Some pretty easy puzzles, and some incredibly stupid ones that have the audacity show up again later on in the game! Rather bad condensation of the source material, and amusingly bad voice acting and script. But Nikopol has an awesome voice, and the atmosphere and look of the game is great. Soundtrack isn't bad either. So pretty much how I expected it to be, and an enjoyable experience. A hell of a lot better than the Nikopol film, though with no hilarious rape scene. Oh well.

7. 14th of March: Tomb Raider.

Speaking of rape scenes...badoomtish.

8. 28th of March: Zeno Clash.

The combat system could have been something really great if the AI was better, and heavy attacks weren't so over powered. I'm yet to try "extreme" difficulty, though, so maybe that will help. The music was brilliant. Catchy piano with eerie ambience FTW, and the story would have been pretty damn cool if it wasn't for Golem which not only ruined the ending, but also made the story rather generic and made the actions of the protagonists completely meaningless. The limitations of each area kinda take away from the visual impact as well. Pretty damn cool all in all, though.

9. 8th of April: Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner: Raidou Kuzonoha vs. The Soulless Army.

Solid battle system that can get pretty hectic in the latter battles that makes good use of blocking and a few different attack styles. The demons are basically a simplified version of Pokemon, which is definitely a good thing...but the sound. It's going for a silent film look, and it works. The problem is the silent aesthetic simply means no dialogue. So there's still sound effects, and music (which is okay, but far too repetitious) which makes the lack of dialogue seem a little jarring. When a scene is silent the effect is actually pretty good, with the facial animation pulling off silent over acting reasonably well. Not at all what I was expecting, and the worst game I've ever played for random battles (closest two encounters: under 5 seconds) but really enjoyable all the same. Plus there's tentacle dicks, penis heads, Raidou appears to be wearing a bra and panties, and I was allowed to call him Staunche Cuntery. Good shit.

10. 10th of April: Spec Ops: The Line.

10. for the 10th game I've played this year. No, not really. 6. /dealwithit. Nyaa

11. 23rd of April: Spec Ops: The Line co-op missions. [x]

Simple kill and move forwards, but simple works well in co-op. Satisfying on hard; a cakewalk on normal, and impossible on anything when the connection is poor, which it very often is. Battle spontaneous teleportation, and immortal enemies that eat bullets for breakfast...and the damned 33rd.

12. 27th of April: Killzone.

Fascinating playing it after 2 and 3, and pretty much confirmed my Helghast theory. Geurilla Games is the Paul Verhoven of gaming. And despite its mediocrity I couldn't help but enjoy it due to how damn ambitious it is. Better pacing and variety than 2 as well, but like 3 it lacks from originality issues. Rico is hilarious instead of annoying as well: "It's lucky for you you hold some vital shit in your head, you bald fuck, else I'd rip it right off and shove it up your---"

13. 27th of April: Dyad.

Visually and aurally an exceptional experience. I need to delve into the trophies and remixes to make full judgement on the gameplay, though, but it doesn't really seem to do anything with its hook.

14. 7th of May: Left 4 Dead 2.

Gore is great (except that dead zombies can't be further messed up). Them long intestines FTW. The level design and what not are lacking, like in most Valve games; it's not bad, just a little bland and boring. Last level setting is cool, and weather effects in the preceding level are a cool gimmick; even if you're backtracking. Fuck the carnival. Fuckity fuck the carnival.

15. 8th of May: Cursed Mountain.

Well this was a surprise. Controls are inconsistent, progression is sometimes boring, but the use of buddhism and Tibetan culture, the setting and the atmosphere make it a thoroughly enjoyable experience. There's nothing remotely scary about it, though. In fact, it's a wonderfully relaxing trek up a haunted mountain. I loved it

16. 19th of May: Resident Evil: Revelations.

So, so good. Loved it; but hey, I loved Cursed Mountain, so what does that say?

17. 22nd of May: Metro: Last Light.

It had me at the red flags.

18. 25th of May: Malicious.

Great last boss battle. Lacklustre rest of the game. Great art style and music; terrible short story, but kudos for its existance. Liked it, really.

19. 28th of May: The Walking Dead.

They dropped the ball so badly with Episode 4 and 5, though they both ended brilliantly. I have no faith in The Walking Dead Season 2, however. All in all really liked it.

20. 29th of May: Proteus.

Better than Journey, that's for sure.

21. 30th of May: To the Moon.

The fact that I didn't hate this goes to show that arguing about whether a game needs to be particularly gamey to be a game is missing the point.

22. 7th of June: Deadly Premonition: Director's Cut.

I don't know; what do you think, Zach?

23. 8th of June: Remember Me.

[Insert pun about rememberability or forgetability]

24. 13th of June: Uncharted. [Aproximate?]

One of the best platformers of the generation. Shame it's not a platformer. Eh.

25. 20th of June: Uncharted 2. [Aproximate?]

Is it a game? Barely. Who cares, though? It's great.

26. 26th of June: Uncharted 3.

One of the best---oh, no wait. Shame it is at all.

27. 27th of June: S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadows of Chernobyl.

Revolutionary AI, stylised "simulator"-level ballistics, engrossing setting and atmosphere...buggy, unfinished, lazy...amazing.

28. 3rd of July: Bioshock.

One of the best looking games of the gen. Tremendous music and setting. Amusing voice acting and solid dialogue. Decent story....and alright gameplay. That's right, not "all right" Susan O'Connor FFS.

29. 8th of July: Bioshock 2.

Superior gameplay in comparison to the original...but the pastiche lacks soul, originality, and understanding.

30: 14th of July: Bioshock: Infinite.

Technically a big improvement over the original, but still behind 2. The presentation isn't up to the standard of the original with some glaring anachronisms and boring aproximations of styles, but it's still enough to make it more interesting than 2. Ken Levine needs a daughter.

31: 16th of July: Hotline Miami.

Were the bosses and stealth levels meant to be deconstructions? If so, they fail. If not, they're still shit. They're shit either way. But who cares when the rest of the game, and the music, is so damn good?

32: 16th of July: Odin Sphere.

Great story; great first 10 hours; pretty good 10 more hours in there somewhere; 10 mediocre hours; 20 hours of genuine, patented bullshit...amazing art and all that jazz, but at times I wanted to strangle George Kamitami to death. The fucking fuck! FUCK! But after the ending I can't even hate it. :')

33: 17th of July: The Walking Dead: 400 days.

An hour and a half of "gameplay" for a short interactive teaser trailer at the end.

34: 19th of July: Leisure Suit Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards Reloaded.

Effortlessly endearing and enjoyable, though not totally transient.

35: 21st of July: Darkwing Duck (NES)

Interesting use of the MegaMan 5 engine. Actually feels tighter, with a stronger focus on platforming. It's a shame they didn't do more with the fan service, plot and characters, though.

36: 23rd of July: Killzone 2 multiplayer. [x]

Apart from getting the trophies or the number 1 ranking, there's no other way I could possibly finish online so fuck you I'm listing it.

37: 25th of July: Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine.

Homoerotic. Hot in every way.

38: 28th of July: Retro City Rampage.

Disappointing. Rampaging is fun and the missions are amusing, but not for 7 hours. Needed more depth.

39: 29th of July: Thomas Was Alone.

Thomas is dead. Sad

40: 31st of July: Another World.


41: 3rd of August: Zeno Clash II.

Horrible PS3 port. Horrible glitches. Otherwise just as good as the original, but for different reasons. More ambitious, too.

42: 10th of August: Max Payne.

Worst. Dream. Levels. Ever. Other than that, thoroughly enjoyable.

43: 11th of August: Vanquish.


44: 14th of August: Max Payne 2.

Sam Lake is a racist.

45: 24th of August: Papers, Please.

Technically I finished it.

46: 27th of August: Mafia II.

Molotov cocktail cutscenes.

47: 3rd of September: Killzone 2.

Dat lead up to Radec.

48: 11th of September: Papers, Please.

Achievement, Please.

49: 12th of September: Left 4 Dead 1 (in 2).

Way to ruin a good thing with your shitty streamlined l4d2 levels. This is SO much better than 2, Jesus.

50: 12th of September: Red Steel 2.

Did the same move 1400 times just to max everything out. FU UBI

51: 13th of September: Killzone 3.

Much better with the context of Killzone 1.

52: 14th of September: Brothers - A Tale of Two Sons.

Dat title.

53: 22nd of September: The Raven - Legacy of a Master Thief.

Glitchy as all hell, but another very endearing outing from King Art Games.

54: 27th of September: Saints Row 2.

Shitty shit shit port. Good game, but.

55: 6th of October: Dragon's Crown.

The smallest MMORPG ever.

56: 6th of October: Saints Row: The Third.


57: 21st of October: Saints Row IV.

WTF happened?

58: 21st of October: Goodbye Deponia.

Sehr gut.

59: 26th of October: Resistance.

Metroid Prime 3 looks better you HD obsessed dickwads.

60: 29th of October: Resistance 2.

Looks better than Metroid Prime 3 now, though. Still pretty damn ugly.

61: 31st of October: Resistance 3.

Oh, now it looks way better than Metroid Prime 3, but isn't ugly to boot.

62: [aproximately the] 4th of November: Enslaved: Odyssey to the West.

The Uncharted of Us. Better than both.

63: 6th of November: Pigsy's Perfect 10.

Really good DLC campaign. Wanves massively towards the end, though.

64:10th of November: Journey of a Roach.


65: 15th of November: Call of Duty 4.

Aldous Huxley's favourite game.

66: 22nd of November: The Last of Us.

I didn't ask for this.

67: 5th of December: The Swapper.

Antimetroidvania-lite. Which is as good an idea as it sounds.

68: 13th of December: Steamworld Dig.

I can dig it.

69: 21st of December: Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory

Fucking finally.

70: 23rd of December: Gone Home.

Good ending at least.

71: 26th of December: The Stanley Parable.

Way better than the demo. You trippin'.

72: 27th of December: The Stanley Parable.

Should I throw in the demo too?

73: 28th of December: Depression Quest.

Eww. Fitting for my 70th? Eww!

Edited: Sat, 28 Dec 2013 12:36:28

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Sat, 12 Jan 2013 15:23:34

1. Max Payne 3

2. Journey

3. Metal Gear Solid 2

4. Assassin's Creed 3

5. Fez

6. Metal Gear Solid 3

7. The Walking Dead

Edited: Sun, 17 Feb 2013 12:45:22
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Sat, 12 Jan 2013 22:14:39

1. Lollipop Chainsaw - Easily the stupidest game I've played in quite some time, and yes I loved it. It's Suda 51's take on the action game so the result is God of War with a sexy cheerleader. It's short, around 6 or 7 hours long, but there's definitely some replay value there. The length is probably ideal too. Just like with Shadows of the Damned, the longer the game goes on less focused it seems with more mini-games and gameplay varations being thrown in and each seems worse than the last. So any longer than 7 hours and it probably would have just been filled with more minigames. Anyway, very fun game.

2. Anarchy Reigns - It seems I owe Sega an apology. This was not a great game. Very big letdown from Platinum. It wasn't bad by any means, but there was a complete lack of focu on this game. The main story/campaign had a few cool moments, but overall it was bad. Story is just awful, and a lot of the battles get very repetitive. The multiplayer mode is fantastic though and alone justifies the game's existance. Unfortunately there aren't enough people playing so getting into group matches is tough. This is just a month after the game's release too. A few more months down the line the online mode will be just dead and worthless. Very sad.

3. Injustice: Gods Among Us - The quick and dirty is that Injustice is a good fighting game, just not as good as Mortal Kombat. Its still a lot of fun and NetherRealm Studios' sensibilities are perfect for an over the top fighting game. They just nail the larger than life battles that this game needed to have. Worth buying for any fan of fighting games or DC Comics.

4. Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate - I loved this game. I'm not entirely sure what adjustments were made from Monster Hunter Tri, but whatever they were they completely worked. I loved this game. 85 hours of gameplay to beat the story... and there seems to be at least that much post-game content and even more with online hunting. I'm taking a break for a while, but this is a game I will come back to for a very very long time.

5. Solomon's Key - I was infatuated with this game when it was originally out, mainly because it was virtually impossible to find. Anyway after playing it off and on for about 25 years I'm happy to say I've finally beaten it. It's a tough as nails puzzle game, and despite being old school in virtually every way it still holds up as a good game. All I will say though is thank heavens for for the Wii U's VC save anywhere feature. That was ultimately the difference maker.

6. Persona 4 - I really enjoyed P4, but I can't help but feel a little disappointed by it too. This was a classic case of a game being superior to the installment before, but not having it's predecessor's "wow factor," very much like Mario Galaxy 1 and 2. So with that being said I still stick with my original impressions that Persona 3 was the better game. Despite this, Persona 4 was excellent and I'm very happy to have this 70 epic experience under my belt.

7. Kirby's Dreamcourse - Fun little game. Nothing amazing, but it was a pleasant experience. Mini-golf + Kirby and his special attacks. Using his special attacks at the right times, and knowing which order to attack the enemies on the course so you get the lowest score possible almost turn this into more a puzzle game than a golf game. Kirby fans and even puzzle fans will both find something to enjoy here. Golf fans... not so much.

8. Persona 4 Arena - I have mixed feelings on this one. It was a good fighting game, though I wouldn't quite call it great. My biggest issue with Arc Systems' fighting games is that while the art style is usually great, the animation is pretty jilted and I always find that distracting, and once again that's the case here. Still it's good enough and the Persona and player team controls are pretty original and were integrated well. If nothing else, it was just nice to get a second chance to play with some characters I've grown fond of, and getting to see Persona 3 characters again was great. The story was bloated and repetitive as hell, but I will say it's gotten me even more excited for Persona 5.

9. Mega Man X - This was another SNES classic that I never actually finished back in the day. I think this was only a rental for me when I first played it, and I don't think I ever quite managed to get through the final levels. At any rate, it was tougher than nails, and now I'm looking forward to MMX2.

10. Game & Wario - A good, but uneven mini-game collection. There's a few mini-games that are absolutely brilliant, and a perfect example of what an imaginative developer could do with the Wii U pad. Unfortunately there just aren't enough, and most of the games really feel like $2 iPad games. Still for it's discounted price there's enough fun and quality to make it worth the buy, and its all wrapped up in that blanket that you only see in a Wario game.

11. Earthbound - Thanks to the Wii U's "create a saved game state" Earthbound has gone from a "weird boring game I didn't quite get" to "absolute genius." The pacing and random difficulty spikes are completely aleviated by being able to save anywhere, and finally I was able to appreciate it. Loved it, and very happy I got it.

12. Pikmin 3 - This is the most enjoyable Pikmin game I've ever played and the first one I finished. Not sure if it just too me a long time to understand, but I can say that I finally figured out how to effectively play the game and it made it a lot more fun. Even if I hadn't figured it out, the game is just beautiful and a visual treat. The microverse that it takes place in is still almost nonexistant anywhere else, and the Wii U's graphics did a great service to making the things we walk on every day look amazing.

13. DuckTales Remastered - For the most part I loved the game. The revamped end sequence however was a punch out of nowhere. Still, after beating it that experience wasn't quite as souring as I initially thought it would be thanks to a great ending. Anyway fuck critics who complained about difficulty or anything else. This game is strong and holds up quite nicely against modern games.

14. SteamWorld Dig - "Metroid with mining" is a fair way to describe the game, but doesn't quite do it justice. The mining element creates almost a "loot game" experience. Do you go back up and sell what you got? Do you keep exploring and look for more valuable items? It was a great game. Definitely the best indie title I've come across in years. It took some solid gaming conventions and wrapped it up in a new kind of world and made it feel very fresh and original. Very addictive too. I can see this game becoming a speed runners dream too.

15. NightSky - I probably would have enjoyed this game more had it not been accompanied with 4 years of anticipation (that's how long ago it was announced for the Wii). Anyway it's a good puzzle game. Not great. It switches back and forth between very easy and considerably harder, though it's never exactly a hard game. Aesthetics and music are extremely impressive. Worth picking up if it ever goes on sale.

16. Kid Icarus: 3-D Classics -  This game really sets the bar on how all games for how all 3-D classics need to be developed from here on out. The game is as good (or rough depending on your opinion of the game) as ever, but along with the 3-D enhancements they've added a neat little background to the levels. Nothing amazing, but just a nice simple enhancement. And as far as the gameplay, Kid Icarus is still the game that separates the men from the boys. Lots of fun, glad I bought it.

17. Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask - Pretty much everything you'd expect in a Professor Layton game.  They tried a few new kinds of puzzles to mix things up, but overall it's a by the books game. It's a solid formula, so that's not a complaint. The 3-D effects looked good for the most part, and the visual update from the DS to the 3DS is very nice.

18.  Lego City Undercover - Fun Lego game. It starts off well and the last quarter of the game is great, but there's a whole bunch of boring in the middle. The biggest problem this game has (aside from terrible loading times) is that the variety of puzzles in each level is in direct correlation to the costumes you have available. So in the first half of the game when you don't have many at your disposal things are very repetitive. Still the game is pretty funny, and that humor goes a long way in covering up some of the slower parts.

19. Super Mario 3-D World - Awesome. Absolutely awesome. Damn near flawless 3-D experience. A little more cohesion between the levels might have been nice, but it's hard to really complain about it because these really are some of the best levels I've ever seen in the series. The cat suit was surprisingly fun, and has absolutely carved it's niche into the Mario lore. Amazing final boss fight, and now onto the post-game content!

20. Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara - Not a bad compilation. Tower of Doom felt pretty repetitive and showed it age, but Shadow Over Mystara's additions were enough to make that game feel fresh. It's still about $5 more expensive than it should be. Nice to have an old school brawler to play with friends. Online mode is fine, but frankly it kind of loses something when the person isn't next to you.

21. The Mysterious Cities of Gold - This was a decent 3 person puzzle game like Lost Vikings, Gobliins, or even Trine 2 I suppose. It's a little on the easy side, and kind of repetitive, but for what it is (a family-friendly licensed game) it's not bad. My bigger issue is that they really skip around on the story, so it's clearly directed towards people who've watched the show (the French only) and leaves fans of the original series a bit out in the cold. Wouldn't quite recommend it, but I don't regret playing it.

22. NES Remix - A very pleasant end of the year surprise. It's a cross between WarioWare and Retro Gaming Challenge all with classic NES titles. Great idea and very good execution. I would have liked to have seen more cross-over remixes like Link in Donkey Kong, and some longer challeges as well more similar to RGC. A lot of people balked at the $15 price, but rest assured I got plenty of gameplay out of this, and will be going back to get those last few stars I couldn't get the first time through.

Edited: Sat, 28 Dec 2013 19:15:39
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Mon, 11 Feb 2013 06:17:01

1. Uncharted 3: A very safe, by-the-numbers sequel. Lots of shootouts, great looking setpieces where you seem to have even less control than ever before, and the occasional quip here and there. Doesn't really set the world on fire but it doesn't shit the bed or overstay its welcome either. It's just...kind of there.

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Sun, 17 Feb 2013 08:07:15
travo said:

1. Max Payne 3

2. Journey

3. Metal Gear Solid 2

4. Assassin's Creed 3

5. Fez

6. Metal Gear Solid 3

Nice run Travo. You are having a much better year than me so far (certainly in terms fo quality).

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Sun, 17 Feb 2013 12:40:33
aspro said:
travo said:

1. Max Payne 3

2. Journey

3. Metal Gear Solid 2

4. Assassin's Creed 3

5. Fez

6. Metal Gear Solid 3

Nice run Travo. You are having a much better year than me so far (certainly in terms fo quality).

Just added another one.

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Mon, 18 Feb 2013 01:03:18

999Catherine PS3.Tomb Raider PS3House of the Dead: Overkill Extended Cut PS3Bioshock Infinite ps3

Edited: Sun, 07 Apr 2013 05:17:24

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Fri, 22 Feb 2013 12:56:07

Took me a while to get game no. 1 for 2013 on the list but it's a very special one


Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu

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Fri, 22 Feb 2013 15:10:27

Just updated:

Homefront, THQ, 2011. (PS3 Version). *start cheesy informercial voice* Do you like Call of Duty? How about Half-Life 2?  Then you'll love Homefront.  To enjoy it even more invent a time machine and go back to 2003 and this would be GOTY (back before  Half-life 2 launched on PC).  Here in 2013 it's a mildy enjoyable 6 hour shooter with a very decent conceit -- the US invaded by a newly united Korea.  Art design is good, but the graphics are bad and the game froze up on me five times during play.  At least the checkpoints were decent.  If you like the idea of fighting a war agains "Norks" in the 'burbs and don;t mind a short game give it a try. Oh, and good weapons, particularly the sniper rifle.

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Fri, 22 Feb 2013 15:48:49

No wonder I am in a gaming funk.

My average score for the 6 games I have finished this year is 6.58 (and that includes one that scored a 9).

The average for 2012 was 8.28.

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Tue, 26 Feb 2013 23:11:31

Just replayed Xcom & Goldeneye.

Xcom I really has great replay value. One of those gems I could replay over & over. Goldeneye on the was still fun but it doesn't have that magical replay value that the N64 classic had. I thought the better production values would help, but I still got bored towards the end.


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Thu, 28 Feb 2013 18:33:47
Just finished Ni No Kuni last night. It was quite a good game. Not really my favourite kind of artstyle but it's a nice looking game nonetheless. Same with the story. I prefer stories that are more grandiose and epic so to speak but this was ok and it had some strong emotional moments. Gameplay was pretty good but had some frustrating moments. It was fun capturing and training creatures. Music was very good. Lots of content to the game. A solid 8.5 out of 10.


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Sun, 03 Mar 2013 23:16:51

Updated. I just finished Catherine. Awesome game!

Edited: Sun, 03 Mar 2013 23:23:22

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