Metal Gear Solid did this, as did Contact, and Animal Crossing. You are ushing the analog stick forward to go up the stairs to the 2nd floor of Nooks. You walk through the door, as soon as you go through the door the perspective changes and now analog forward translates to analog backwards, so as soon as you enter the door you then go back through it immediately.
That mechanic can be put down forever.
aspro said:The thing I think should be forever retired it kind of hard to describe.
Metal Gear Solid did this, as did Contact, and Animal Crossing. You are ushing the analog stick forward to go up the stairs to the 2nd floor of Nooks. You walk through the door, as soon as you go through the door the perspective changes and now analog forward translates to analog backwards, so as soon as you enter the door you then go back through it immediately.
That mechanic can be put down forever.
Same thing happened to Okami. So annoying.
I remember that in Zelda games you keep moving forward, even if the perspective changes. Than if you let go, the analog controls get back to normal.
My issue unskippable cutscenes. The beginning of Okami is just a piece of shit that does not end. Can you imagine not being able to skip that, like in the PS2 version?!
Iga_Bobovic said:aspro said:The thing I think should be forever retired it kind of hard to describe.
Metal Gear Solid did this, as did Contact, and Animal Crossing. You are ushing the analog stick forward to go up the stairs to the 2nd floor of Nooks. You walk through the door, as soon as you go through the door the perspective changes and now analog forward translates to analog backwards, so as soon as you enter the door you then go back through it immediately.
That mechanic can be put down forever.
I remember that in Zelda games you keep moving forward, even if the perspective changes. Than if you let go, the analog controls get back to normal.
the way it should be.
Backtracking. Which gets even shittier when enemies respawn again when you have to go back because of some stupid item or just to get out.
Games guilty: Condemned, Halo, Halo 3. And many, many more.

SteelAttack said:Backtracking. Which gets even shittier when enemies respawn again when you have to go back because of some stupid item or just to get out.
Games guilty: Condemned, Halo, Halo 3. And many, many more.
You just killed Metroid. On the plus side though, you also killed Phantom Hourglass.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileThe Grenade Lottery in Call of Duty. Having grenades constantly falling at your feet from nowhere.
SteelAttack said:Backtracking. Which gets even shittier when enemies respawn again when you have to go back because of some stupid item or just to get out.
Games guilty: Condemned, Halo, Halo 3. And many, many more.
SteelAttack said:Cho Aniki.
Let's balance things out a bit in this fucking garden of Mario/Zelda/Metroid splooging erect dicks:
1. StarCraft/BroodWar
2. Street Fighter 2
3. Half-Life 2
4. Age of Empires 2 (noticing a pattern yet?)
5. Super Mario Galaxy
6. Warhammer 40K: Dawn of War
7. Mass Effect
8. WarCraft 2
9. Metal Gear Solid 3
10. Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
Eventually, I did get tired of SotN neverending back-and-forth between rooms and alternate castles, but having never played a Metroid game before, it was a first-in-a-lifetime experience for me. On the plus side, I'll never have to play any Metroid game.
So steel hasn't played metroid or zelda?
I'm calling for a ban.
I hate that. It's like you're cruising through the game, enjoying it, and then all of a sudden, you face a insanely hard boss and ruin the whole game. Dragon Quest is really guilty of this. I love the series but things like this really make me push the game in my back file. Sadly, sometimes I don't even feel like coming back to it. DQIV was the main culprit. I haven't run into something like this in DQV yet though.
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
Since I'm playing Fallout 3 here are a couple of design doosies.
Firstly, no more "you cannot do this because you are not a level 30 in (pick category)"
It's cheap. Sure if its an adventure game and I need a power glove to lift huge boulders, fine. Restricting me from reading a computer or opening a locker because of numerical stats? NO
And making levels for scope instead of gameplay. Because trudging through miles of pointless scenary for nothing is not fun.
Over collecting.
Collecting is good but not endless collecting. And if there is lots of collecting then it has to be worthwhile. For instance instead of a million identical banana's in DK64, have individually rendered items you can treasure and decorate with like in Animal Crossing.
The inspiration for this topic is locking onto enemies that are behind you. If the enemy is more than 90 degrees either direction from where the character is looking, IT SHOULD NOT LOCK ON.
Add them as you think of them.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile