There Will Be Cheats: Think back to Goldeneye, Turok and Perfect Dark on Nintendo 64 – they all had weird cheats and unlockables that gave the games tons of replayability and spiced up multiplayer like you wouldn't believe. The Conduit plans to offer cheats along the same line – as well as some pre-order bonus codes for unlockable stuff.
i will in all likelihood get this game because i think i will enjoy it and also because i'd like to see developers rewarded for putting the time and effort to make something for the console most just dump their rubbish on and also sega deserve it for publishing three of the best games on the system.
and i know i'm speaking without having played this but since it's been mentioned ... anyone who has yet to play madworld, please make it your priority over this or any other game for that matter. GOTY so far for me
bugsonglass said:why is matt talking as though there are no other good FPS games on the Wii and this game could be our saviour? I understand that call of duty 5, metroid prime 3 are pretty good, no?
MP3 is no shooter. Metroid is Metroid!
Iga_Bobovic said:bugsonglass said:why is matt talking as though there are no other good FPS games on the Wii and this game could be our saviour? I understand that call of duty 5, metroid prime 3 are pretty good, no?MP3 is no shooter. Metroid is Metroid!
maybe it's not a typical shooter. but, it's in first person and you shoot stuff, thus...
bugsonglass said:Iga_Bobovic said:bugsonglass said:why is matt talking as though there are no other good FPS games on the Wii and this game could be our saviour? I understand that call of duty 5, metroid prime 3 are pretty good, no?MP3 is no shooter. Metroid is Metroid!
maybe it's not a typical shooter. but, it's in first person and you shoot stuff, thus...
Oblivion is also a FPS?! Metroid most of the time you are shooting doors to open them. Metroid is a adventure/platforming/shooting hybrid, always was and always will be!

Foolz said:MP 1 and 2 not shooters. Metroid Prime Hunters is Halo 2 in the Metroid world .
Fixed it!
bugsonglass said:why is matt talking as though there are no other good FPS games on the Wii and this game could be our saviour? I understand that call of duty 5, metroid prime 3 are pretty good, no? and even heroes 2 and red steel had their saving graces.
i will in all likelihood get this game because i think i will enjoy it and also because i'd like to see developers rewarded for putting the time and effort to make something for the console most just dump their rubbish on and also sega deserve it for publishing three of the best games on the system.
and i know i'm speaking without having played this but since it's been mentioned ... anyone who has yet to play madworld, please make it your priority over this or any other game for that matter. GOTY so far for me
He's right. I mean Call of Duty World at War is the best shooter on the system. MOHH2 has good controls but is quite retro in design. Red Steel is a good game hampered by difficult controls and Prime 3 I see as an adventure game. There really hasn't been a good stab (other than COD5) at making a decent shooter. Combine the graphics of Prime 3 with the 32 player online of MOHH2 and those controls, plus a great shooter (as oppossed to adventure) design and you have a winner on your hands.
Conduit at least seems to get 2 out of 3 right, graphics and control. But until I hear otherwise, the design looks fairly flat.
I LOLed at this, the guy has obviously never played any Wii FPS. He's moved the remote outside of the TV screen area i.e out of the sensor bars pick up scope.
Last month when I sat down with High Voltage to talk to them about their upcoming Wii shooter, The Conduit. I also managed to finagle some time playing the game.
I was surprised at how deftly the game seemed to handle... with one exception.
The Conduit is meant to be a solid first-person shooter built from the ground up for the Wii. I was impressed with just how customizable the controls are, allowing you to tweak just about everything in the game to try and create, or recreate, your favorite shooter controls.
Taking the Wii remote in hand, I was able to adjust to the controls within a few seconds and was pulling off head shots in minutes.
I found the controls exceptionally tight and more than able to deliver a solid shooter experience. I did run into one significant problem though.
To look around, you need to aim the remote to the edge of the screen. This worked fine normally, but when I pointed too far off the screen the game would sort of flip out, sending me spinning in circles until i was able to recenter my controller and stop the movement.
Of course, the problem is that when playing a fast-paced shooter, one that may expect you to spin around quickly, the possibilities of over turning are pretty high.
Hopefully this is something High Voltage can fix with software, because without the one flaw it seems like the best controls for a Wii shooter that I can remember.
On top of tracking headshots and nailing precision aiming, every gun you use also has a zoom option and many, I'm told, will have secondary fire.
While the controls seemed mostly flawless, when I saw the game is still lacked a bit of polish. In particular, the graphics seemed to need a little work, but nothing that is insurmountable.
gamingeek said:I LOLed at this, the guy has obviously never played any Wii FPS. He's moved the remote outside of the TV screen area i.e out of the sensor bars pick up scope.
Last month when I sat down with High Voltage to talk to them about their upcoming Wii shooter, The Conduit. I also managed to finagle some time playing the game.
I was surprised at how deftly the game seemed to handle... with one exception.
The Conduit is meant to be a solid first-person shooter built from the ground up for the Wii. I was impressed with just how customizable the controls are, allowing you to tweak just about everything in the game to try and create, or recreate, your favorite shooter controls.
Taking the Wii remote in hand, I was able to adjust to the controls within a few seconds and was pulling off head shots in minutes.
I found the controls exceptionally tight and more than able to deliver a solid shooter experience. I did run into one significant problem though.
To look around, you need to aim the remote to the edge of the screen. This worked fine normally, but when I pointed too far off the screen the game would sort of flip out, sending me spinning in circles until i was able to recenter my controller and stop the movement.
Of course, the problem is that when playing a fast-paced shooter, one that may expect you to spin around quickly, the possibilities of over turning are pretty high.
Hopefully this is something High Voltage can fix with software, because without the one flaw it seems like the best controls for a Wii shooter that I can remember.
On top of tracking headshots and nailing precision aiming, every gun you use also has a zoom option and many, I'm told, will have secondary fire.
While the controls seemed mostly flawless, when I saw the game is still lacked a bit of polish. In particular, the graphics seemed to need a little work, but nothing that is insurmountable.
What a silly sod lol. You can customize the controls so that when you point the controller off screen the camera just re-centers instead of continual spin.
I was reading about the Pre-order bonus for this, sounds pretty cool. Anyone know if the pre-order thing will be available in the uk? I've looked around and can't find any info. Hope it's not a Gamestop exclusive >.<
Strap in your ballsacks, this guy loves it.
This is potentially the title that could be the next best thing since sliced Goldeneye.
Straight away I realised just how intuitive the Conduit is; after literally 5 minutes of tutelage from Kerry I had the controls nailed.
Playing the Conduit didn’t feel like any other FPS out there: it felt natural. It’s a truly unparalleled experience. Visually too, the game shows us what the Wii is capable of with its built-from-scratch engine.
The range of choice is simply immense, and the different game modes rich and diverse. Everything I tried was truly engaging. This looks to be a truly magnificent multiplayer title.
Conduit is not just a shooter with sublime controls, but it’s a game that has the balance of gameplay modes, level design and accessibility that helps to distinguish great games from the crowd.
It was fantastic to get some hands-on experience with what looks to be the game to revolutionise the FPS genre with its intuitive controls and accessibility to both seasoned and new gamers alike. It’s still a little early to pass judgement but, from my hands-on impressions, the Conduit is looking very promising.
Edit: Well, it looks a lot better in video than screenshots, but still.
Well, every preview now is pretty much positive. I think its time that we stopped being snobby about this game now.
After only a single round of playing The Conduit's multiplayer mode, it's clear that it's been heavily influenced by the Nintendo 64 classic GoldenEye. This is no bad thing, but in terms of look and feel, Voltage's upcoming Wii first-person shooter feels very much like a spiritual successor to the Rare classic. Thankfully, the feature set is completely 2009, with 12-player online multiplayer, seven maps, unlockable player skins, and voice support using Nintendo's WiiSpeak peripheral. In fact, it could be said that The Conduit is the most feature-packed online game for the Wii so far.
Guess we'll have to wait a bit longer for the hands on multiplay then.
Cheers for the info!