Forum > Gaming Discussion > The Conduit (Wii) Official Thread: Geek has game, impressions commence
The Conduit (Wii) Official Thread: Geek has game, impressions commence
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Fri, 03 Jul 2009 11:14:08 have it on pre-order for £17.95

At that budget price you cannot argue at all, it will be £35 in shops, minimum. I pre-ordered it for July 10th release.

Edited: Fri, 03 Jul 2009 11:15:12

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Fri, 03 Jul 2009 11:26:54;page=1

Final Verdict - 8/10
An outstanding effort for an independent third party. It raises the bar for graphics, controls, and online gameplay for FPS on the Wii. While the single player could use more variety and co-op, the online is the best on the system. High Voltage along with SEGA have just proven there place as the premiere third party developer and publisher on the Nintendo Wii.

Final Word - 8/10
This is the Wii version of Perfect Dark. The campaign, guns, and feel are so reminiscent of Perfect Dark it's undeniable. The Conduit feels like a revision of Perfect Dark. Even with the feel of Perfect Dark there, The Conduit has enough standout merits to make the game one of the best third-party efforts on Wii. The online is great and can really help form a solid online Wii community. The Conduit is the best Wii FPS. Just get ready some minor problems here and there that really detract from the overall experience and keep the game from greatness. Still, if you want a great FPS experience for Wii and aren't expecting the next big thing in the FPS genre, The Conduit is a solid FPS and you should definitely check it out.

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Fri, 03 Jul 2009 13:28:57
Very tempting, but beneath it I see Little King's STory for even cheaper!

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Fri, 03 Jul 2009 14:54:15

Foolz said:
Very tempting, but beneath it I see Little King's STory for even cheaper!

Get that one instead.

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Fri, 03 Jul 2009 20:25:38
Price has jumped back to £30. Pre-order over.  

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Fri, 03 Jul 2009 22:01:46

SteelAttack said:

Foolz said:
Very tempting, but beneath it I see Little King's STory for even cheaper!

Get that one instead.

 You get it also

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Fri, 03 Jul 2009 22:14:26
Iga_Bobovic said:

SteelAttack said:

Foolz said:
Very tempting, but beneath it I see Little King's STory for even cheaper!

Get that one instead.

You get it also

No. I don't even know what the hell is it about. I believe someone told me already, but I forgot.

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Fri, 03 Jul 2009 22:25:40

SteelAttack said:
Iga_Bobovic said:

SteelAttack said:

Foolz said:
Very tempting, but beneath it I see Little King's STory for even cheaper!

Get that one instead.

You get it also

No. I don't even know what the hell is it about. I believe someone told me already, but I forgot.

 Screw that, you can get if for cheap. Listen to your inner hobo. You will need to hack your Wii though!

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Sat, 04 Jul 2009 05:03:50
Thank God, I almost actually bought it! Nyaa

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Sat, 04 Jul 2009 07:18:28

Foolz said:
Thank God, I almost actually bought it! Nyaa

 You mean LKS?! You do not have to hack your Wii, yours play PAL version naturally.

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Sat, 04 Jul 2009 07:57:01

Iga_Bobovic said:

Foolz said:
Thank God, I almost actually bought it! Nyaa

 You mean LKS?! You do not have to hack your Wii, yours play PAL version naturally.

 I mean The Conduit. I was referring to the price hike making it nowhere near worth it.

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Sat, 04 Jul 2009 15:26:09

SteelAttack said:
Iga_Bobovic said:

SteelAttack said:

Foolz said:
Very tempting, but beneath it I see Little King's STory for even cheaper!

Get that one instead.

You get it also

No. I don't even know what the hell is it about. I believe someone told me already, but I forgot.

We have a massive thread on the game. Type it into the forum search box, along with Aquaria.

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Tue, 07 Jul 2009 12:01:56

Hyper a magazine I subscribe to which is pretty crap now just reviewed The Conduit. They're notoriously anti wii, and there were some brilliant moments.

"During my first hands on experience the controls suffered from the same flaws of pretty much every wii FPS - twitchy, inaccurate aiming and oversensitive turning when you pointed too far over to one side of the screen. with the exception of Metroid Prime 3, most wii FPS games have either been shoddy ports of HD games, or forgettable wii exclusives like Red Steel that have done nothing other than show people that the wii isn't really a great FPS platform."


"The developers have wisely decided to keep motion control to a minimum. Aside from using the wiimote to aim and steer, motion control is limited to thrusting the wiimote to perform a melee attack and swining the nunchuck to throw a grenade at the targeting reticle. The grenade mechanics are very good when you get calibration of the controls right.If you have the aim sensitivity too high, swining the 'chuck will inevitably see your grenade going askew at every tiny movement that registers in thepointer... The Conduit may not necessarily convince you that FPS games are at home on the wii, but High Voltage Games have done the best to make sure the mechanics work as well as possible."


"No matter how well you calibrate the controls, the player is still saddled with a bit of pointer lag that can take some getting used to."

Wait a minute, these are the same controls tha with tiny movement from the nucnhuck will make your grenades miss their target from changing your aim?

"In an effort to make the controls a little more user friendly, the developers have implemented a kind of soft lock-on mechanic. Locking onto an enemy doesn't necessarily set the targeting reticule in [sic] that enemy, but instead locks the camera to their movement, making it far easier to follow some of the faster moving enemies. It's a smart move, as following enemies (especially flying enemies) with the pointer is painful in the extreme."

So in reality your problem with che controls is that you suck at aiming?

"While The Conduit looks positively archaic when compared to most games on the PS3 or 360, it looks pretty good for an ambitious FPSon the wii."

I didn't hear them complaining about wii graphics when they were reviewing Metroid Prime or Super Mario Galaxy...

"The Conduit isn't going to set the world on fire, but it shoudl definitely appease those gamers who have been longing for a decent first-person shooter fro the wii. If anything, The Conduit is a game that is better than the system it is on - the vast majority of the problems with the game stem from the relative inaccuracy of the wiimote as a pointer ather than game issues."


Actually their main criticisms beyond the controls were the generic graphics. But seriously, how can you be bad at using the wii-remote? If they pick up a gun are they going to try and aim with the fucking hammer or cock or whatever you call it?

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Tue, 07 Jul 2009 12:08:17

"The Conduit is a game that is better than the system it is on - the vast majority of the problems with the game stem from the relative inaccuracy of the wiimote as a pointer rather than game issues."

That's just....... awesome.

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Wed, 08 Jul 2009 05:01:01
Yup, they also gave Little King's Story a 7 in a review where they clearly hated it, but had to admit it was good. 

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Wed, 08 Jul 2009 10:19:11

Foolz said:
Yup, they also gave Little King's Story a 7 in a review where they clearly hated it, but had to admit it was good.


Anyhow the game is out in europe on Friday. I wonder if zavvi will post it to me by then? Truth be told given that I'm a single player gamer mostly I would not have bought this game based off reviews if it weren't for the special deal price.

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Wed, 08 Jul 2009 11:39:10

A measly one page review at that.

Previously they had done an editorial whinging about there being no really good wii games, and in the same issue gave Zack and Wiki a one column review. LOL

Okay hijack over.

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Sat, 11 Jul 2009 14:29:26

SEGA: The Conduit Off to Strong Sales Start

This is an interesting read.

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Sun, 12 Jul 2009 16:49:12

Looks like I missed a few reviews:

Looking at that list, 6 big sites/mags give it the worst reviews. Two of those sites are Giantbomb and Gamespot though.  

5 big sites peg it in the 7/10 range.

7 big sites peg it above that. 

Most of the smaller sites are kinder to the game and have it generally above 7.

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Fri, 17 Jul 2009 14:12:51
got an email from zavvi today to tell me they shipped it.  have a feeling that was 18 quid down the toilet but at least it wasn't full price


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