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The DSi - the gift that keeps giving
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Sun, 21 Jun 2009 23:08:36

Earlier today I cancelled my order for my pocket retro game thingie, and in its place I got a DSi as sort of a father's day present.  By that I mean after I bought it and showed it to my wife she said, "can that count as my father's day present to you?" and I said yes.  

Nice little handheld.  Has a nice feel to it, a good size screen and a pretty bright one at that.  Plus there have been some unexpected bonuses to it that kind of sealed the deal after the fact for me.

1.  While registering it on Club Nintendo I ended up getting 160 points for it, which was exactly the number I needed to get my status up to Platinum level.  In another week or so Nintendo will send out the announcement of what Gold and Platinum members get for reaching that status.  Hopefully it's something good.

2.  Also while registering the DSi, I got 1000 DSi points for the online store.  I think I remember reading about that, but I'd since forgotten so this was a nice surprise.  I used it to pick up Mario vs. DK March of the Mini's.  Not a bad little game.  Not the greatest thing I've ever played, but it's entertaining enough in small doses.

I also picked up some old DS games that I never got around to playing, Hotel Dusk and The World Ends With You.  Both were $18 a piece, and GS had a deal to buy 2 used games and get 1 free so I picked up Disney Friends for the kids.  This probably means I'll be putting off some other purchases but no regrets here. This is a great little system, and with DQ IX, Scribblenauts, and the new Professor Layton game on the horizon it was something that i needed anyway.

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Sun, 21 Jun 2009 23:36:24
Holy shit, you get 160 points for it on Club Nintendo?  Yeah, I'm waiting eagerly to see what I'll get this year with my gold status.

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Sun, 21 Jun 2009 23:40:08

It's crazy that Nintendo gives 160 Club points for those buying a DSi, but Wii owners get nothing. WTH, Nintendo? 

I'm glad you're enjoying your DSi, Robio. 

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Sun, 21 Jun 2009 23:43:55
Wow! Enjoy TWEWY! One of the best concepts ever --AND-- my personal GOTY last year! Yes, even though MGS4 and GTAIV and a lot of other AAA games were released in the same year!

Don't be overwhelmed by it --and-- take the time to learn the different nuances; it truly uses each and every feature of the DS.

Had I not played it inside out and learned the entire story beginning to end, I would play through it again in a second. It's the kind of game that will eat 100s of hours if you let it and will make you put aside everything else if you get really into it; there's just too many other games I want to play at the moment!
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Mon, 22 Jun 2009 00:20:13
great gift indeed and i'm sure you'll get endless hours of fun from it.  you got some great games for it too.  check some of those downloadable games leo wrote about in some of his blogs if you have any points left.  they looked cool


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Mon, 22 Jun 2009 00:44:34

Yeah 160 points. Who would have seen that coming?  Could just be an early incentive to create more adopters. Who knows?

TWEWY looks kind of intimidating, but it's been ages since I've played a game that's challenged me so I figured it was time to do so again.  I've never heard a bad thing about it though, so I'm confident that it will kick all sorts of ass.

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Mon, 22 Jun 2009 04:35:04
TEWEY is fantastic. Easily one of the best RPG's made in a LOOONG time.

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Mon, 22 Jun 2009 05:20:29
It'll probably be a Mario mouse pad.

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Mon, 22 Jun 2009 19:58:24
Thank god the brick is gone. I love Hotel Dusk.

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