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The gigantic post E3 wrap-up thread.
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Mon, 08 Jun 2009 22:42:13

E3 is over, time to dissect it. I did this last year, which you can check out here, interesting to see which games I was excited about after that E3 since now we know how they turned out (good lord I forgot how bad Nintendo was last year). This E3 was a hell of a lot better than last year, it was back to being the mega show we all remembered. Lets start off with the conferences:

Microsoft - This conference set the stage for the overall show we were going to have, you can tell immediately that the surprises and major reveals were back. The show kicked off with Rock Band Beatles, I love the Beatles so I am excited for it but the segment went on for far too long. While it was a major deal having the Beatles on stage, Paul and Ringo looked totally out of place. Quickly it got into the games, well not before a weird Tony Hawk reveal with a terrible skateboard peripheral, who's going to use that. Once they got into their exclusives it was golden. Some truly stunning stage presentations like Splinter Cell, Modern Warfare 2, Halo: ODST, and my favorite new game Shadow Complex. They actually showed Alan Wake, it exists! It might not have been what I expected but it was there. Forza 3 was announced, Crackdown 2, L4D2 and a new Halo, so in terms of new game announcements they did not disappoint. Then came the moment we all expected, Metal Gear was coming to the 360 and we got a crappy teaser of the new Raiden game, I was actually surprised that MGS4 won't be ported. They also covered some new multimedia enhancements, like magic streaming HD movies, looks like MS went to the same magician those OnLive guys visited. Oh that's right, Facebook and Twitter support, yay...

Microsoft then revealed their new controller, Natal. It's impressive tech to be sure, I especially love the voice recognition but I cant see it being applied to the games we normally play like Halo. It looked like a giant mini game peripheral, I am not sure having nothing is better than having something in your hand. Then Peter Monlenuex (sp?) showed off his creepy boy simulation. The demo did blow me away but afterwards reality set in, how much of a real conversation can you have with AI, it's yet to be seen.I don't see any practical use for this stuff yet, they have a lot of work to do to show that this tech can work in actual games.

Overall Grade: B

Nintendo -Easily the most improved conference compared to last year, well to be fair Miyamoto could have taken a dump on stage and it would have been improved from last year.Cammy was the first presenter so I already wanted to turn off my TV but she was more serious this time, almost too much. It was like someone replaced last years Cammy with an emotionless robot Cammy, still wondering which one I prefer, probably neither. Why did I spend two sentences on Cammy? (crap now three) Anyway they started by showing New Super Mario Bros. Wii which was better than all the games they showed put together from last year. Clasic 2D Mario with four players on a console, sweet! Next was the Wii motion plus segment showing off Wii Sports Resort, to be honest it wasn't that bad but still boring to watch. Then it all went to hell. I tried to erase the memories, all I recall is that there was some fashion game, women being murdered, and Iwata talking about a vitality censor.

The outcome was looking bleak, there is no way this conference can be saved. Out came Reggie, he has become a far cry from his ass kicking self from years past. Something was different though, Reggie was ready to kick ass and take names, that's when he announced Super Mario Galaxy 2!!!! What!?! There is an actual Galaxy 2! Reggie was not finished though, he then pulled a Team Ninja Metroid game out of his ass, no one saw this one coming! That's how you freaking end a show! If they had Zelda to show at that moment it would have been the perfect trifecta, it would have been legendary. Still two big game trailers is not enough to erase the crap that filled the middle of the conference.

Overall Grade: C

Sony - Sony kind of did the same thing they did last year, have a solid conference but some how managed to make it boring. It went on forever, to much blabbering from the suits and the uninterested translator. If they just stuck to the games, of which IMO they had the best lineup of the three, it would have easily been the best conference of the show. The games were stellar, none better than the opening Uncharted 2 demonstration. They had gameplay of Assassin's Creed 2, MAG (boring), Modnation Racers, and ended it with another fantastic demo, GoW3. As with MS they had plenty of new game announcements like The Agent, the aforementioned Modnation Racers, the official unveiling of The Last Guardian and FFXIV which is online but still was a cool annoucement. Sony spent a lot of time on the PSP and for good reason, it has a great lineup. There was a true MGS trailer at this show, filled with Kojima flare and comedy. An announcement of a new Resident Evil for the PSP. Gran Turismo was well represented with the PSP reveal and a glorious new trailer for GT5.

Again like MS they showed off their new motion controller. It borrows heavily from the Wii, it's basically a wiimote with a light bulb on the top. No IR censors, instead it uses the eye toy to keep track of the movements. They showed 1 to 1 motion in a variety of tech demos, again nothing we haven't seen before as Nintendo has this tech coming out this week in stores, but I can see this being applied to actual games rather easily. Like Sony said you need buttons to play games, no amount of body control can ever substitute for buttons. So while the tech is boring, I can see actual games using this next year. Overall not as well put together as MS's conference but I feel a better lineup.

Overall Score: B-

EA - This was a great show, they didn't waste any time, it was straight to the games. Great stage demos of Brutal Legend, Mass Effect 2, Dragon Age, and the best trailer ever in Star Wars The Old Republic. They had strong guests, great speakers (Peter Moore is a natural), great show.

Overall Score: B

Ubisoft - Stop talking!!! OMG Stop! I swear they did not show an actual game until about 40 minutes in. They hired some dude from E! to host, he wasn't bad but he didn't help. James Cameron came on to talk about Avatar the movie and game, he went on for 20 minutes describing the entire movie, while I am very interested in the movie you don't spend that much time talking about it in a game conference. Lots of kid stuff like Imagine and Petz. They had the same stage demos of their games that the other conferences had. Bad.

Overall Score: D

Konami - They had Kojima talk about MGS: PW, MGS: Rising, MGS the arcade and Castlevania, what?! Castlevania?! OMG!!!! There was more to the show after that but it was total trash.

Overall Score: C-

The Games (this year I will rate the games on a scale of 1 to 5, 5 being I want this game right now! and 1 being I wouldnt play it if it were free)

God of War 3 - Last year a dumb CG trailer, this year a freaking 30 minute demo! Boy it did not disappoint. The action looks similar but the sense of scale is bigger than ever. New gameplay elements were on display, like the riding of a cyclops to break the shields of the enemy. After the most gruesome death I have ever seen in a game, you gain Helios head which will be your light in dark areas. The demo ended with a fantastic flight segment up a wind tunnel. The demo had everything that makes GoW so special, its not just an action game like DMC or NG, its far more than that, the gameplay variety in that demo alone is more than those two games I mentioned.

Score - 5


Assassin's Creed 2 - What a demo they had of Assassin's Creed 2. It showed off new stealth moves, better graphics, andbetter combat. The best part was when the producers stated that the mission structure is totally revamped and all of the boring crap from the first game is gone. This game will probably be one of the best games of the year.

Score - 4


Modern Warfare 2 - You know what I learned from this game, climbing up mountains in real time is boring. But riding snowmobile's while shooting guys is awesome! It clearly has the same variety of locations and situations that the first game had. You know multiplayer will be excellent. A no brainer.

Score - 4

Halo: ODST - I saw the stage demo of this on G4, its cool that its trying to be a more open world FPS. I am sure it will be interesting to play as someone that is no Master Chief and I bet the story will be great. Still it looked like Halo to me, which is not bad but not terribly exciting, I still need to play Halo 3 so maybe that's why I am not feeling it.

Score - 3

Super Mario Galaxy 2 - OMG!!!! Its Super Mario Galxy 2!! Yoshi!!! More crazy wildly imaginative levels! New items like the drill top! The first one was the best 3D platformer of all time, this one will even be better.

Score - 6 razz.gif


Modnation Racers - Take the concept of LBP and mix it with Mario Kart and this is what you get, I guess. Looked ok, I am not a huge kart racing fan so it didn't appeal to me. I think the user creation tools are really neat though.

Score - 2

Silent Hill Shattered Memories - They had a nice long demo on this one, strangely I am still wondering how it will all come together. It's one of those games you will just have to play to find out. Having a game where your choices change the outcome is hard to convey in an E3 demo. The action segments were a kind of meh to me. Also the game seemed very slow, the demo had Harry moving from store to store just looking at things, nothing too exciting. The start of SH1 was incredible, this not so much. We shall see, I am still very interested though.

Score - 3

Left 4 Dead 2 - Another case where I need to play the first. Looks like L4D but in daylight and with an axe, cool. Looks good, very un-valve like to release another game and not expansions though.

Score - 3

Shadow Complex - This is how you do an XBLA game! The geniuses at Epic decided that "hey we love metroid! Specifically 2D Metroid. We can't make Metroid, so lets makes something just like it!" Thank you! It seems to have the Metroid formula firmly intact while giving it a modern world take on it. This game I would buy in a heart beat.

Score - 5


Wii Sports Resort - You know what, it didn't look half bad. There will be a load of new events and some old ones returning with better control. The archery seemed cool, as did the basketball. Not bad, not bad at all.

Score - 3

Gran Turismo 5 - Look, it's still in development, yay! Best visuals in a racing game by far. It seems to have a full rally racing license as well as Nascar, making it three full games in one. It will have damage, maybe only in those two modes but who knows. Of course it will have online. The trailer showed me all I needed to see, GT5is the one racing game I will need this gen.

Score - 4

Monado - This is a game that was revealed on a Nintendo press release. Its a game made by Monolith and Nintendo, the dude that made FF Tactics and Ogre Battle is heading development. Its a huge action RPG for the Wii. Looks great.

Score - 3

Metroid: Other M - Team Ninja and Nintendo making Metroid, HUH?! The game looks like its a 2D/3D hybrid, other than that I cant tell much from the trailer. I hope it keeps all the elements that make Metroid Metroid. Too many questions surround this title but I am sure I will get it when it hits.

Score - 4


Brutal Legend - I'm not really a metal fan but I like the lore of something like Heavy Metal. This is basically a game based on that and it looks like a ton of fun. Open world action/adventure with an excellent cast and theme. Plus its Tim Schafer.

Score - 4

Splinter Cell Conviction - Oh hell yes! No weird hobo Sam, its badass super spy Sam. They are doing cool things with the gunplay, making it very cinematic, almost like a spy movie. The environments seem more open, more ways to tackle a situation is always welcome. I was impressed.

Score - 4

Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker - Kojima is trying really hard to get the message across that this is the true sequel to the MGS franchise. Sadly its on the PSP. It looks like MGS3, which is awesome. He says it will play like an MGS game but with the limited controls of the PSP we shall see. There were four Big Bosses, so I assume there is some co-op and one hell of a screwed up story. Because its on PSP I cant care about it that much.

Score - 3

Uncharted 2 - A building collapsed in real time as you are in the middle of a firefight, holy ****! That gameplay demo was as impressive as anything shown at the show. The trailer shows a more complex story in terms of the characters, which if you played the first you love. It's Uncharted 1 x 100, with multiplayer (which is awesome btw.) A big time GOTY contender.

Score - 5


Resident Evil Darkside Chronicles - RE2 and CV, my two favorite old school RE games together in one game. UC was actually a really good game, very deep for a light gun game, but a tad bit sloppy. Impressions from this game say this one is even sloppier. Watching videos it seems even slower than the first. Not a good showing.

Score - 3

Dead Space Extinction - Much like DSC a cinematicon rails shooter but the gameplay demo showed many abilities like stasis, camera movement, loads of cool guns. This one might turn out to be the better light gun game, I will still buy RE and not this.

Score - 3

Alan Wake - Actual Alan Wake gameplay?! Proof right there that this E3 was great. To be honest I was expecting something different, it was too standard 3rd person action game to me. Again it's just a demo, and there were cool things going on like a floating car, trees being knocked down in the background. I just hope there is a larger focus on puzzles, horror and exploration rather than shooting.

Score - 3

Mass Effect 2 - Good lord this game looks amazing. Combat looks more fluid than the first. I heard the first had some issues; hopefully this game fixes that up. I am still dying to play the first and I want the second just as badly.

Score - 5


New Super Mario Bros. Wii - 2D mario on consoles once again, sweet! I just hope its more SMB3 rather than SMB1 like NSMB was. Luckily the Koopa kids are back and there seems to be far better level design in this game than the DS version. The question still remains of how well a single player game it is.

Score - 4

Scribblenauts - He ****ing traveled through time, grabbed a dinosaur to ride, brought him back to the future so that he can kill the ****ing robot zombies! A game where your imagination is the limit. It remains to be seen how good the puzzles will be but they say you can create and share levels so I expect great things from that.

Score - 4

Bayonetta - The demo was crazy, guillotines, iron maidens, giant demon hair monsters being summoned in the middle of battle. Action that makes DMC well cry. There was this huge boss battle, the dude ripped out a bridge and used it as a weapon against you, insane stuff. Bye DMC and NG, a new champ is coming.

Score - 5

Ratchet and Clank A Crack in Time - It's ratchet so I am sold already. The demo showed a large world to run around, a larger level than I have ever seen in a Ratchet game. Ratchet now has these boost rocket boots that allow you to zoom around the level. I hear Clank will have his own side to the game as well. I have no doubts that it will be better than the last one.

Score - 4

Castlevania: Lords of Shadow - A 3D Castlevania that looks good?! It seems like Konami finally put up the money, its visually stunning, has an all star voice cast, its got the polish all other 3D CV games did. The action looks like its heavily borrowed from GoW which is not a bad thing. Plus Kojima is helping. It might be Castlevania only in name though. I still need to see more than just a trailer but I am excited.

Score - 4


Split Second - A racing game that is like starring in a Michael Bay movie, cool. It's innovative to say the least; I would be interested in playing it.

Score - 3

Batman: Arkham Asylum - I have played the combat demo now I got to watch a demo about the stealth gameplay and I was floored. It's got a splinter cell like feel to it but in the air since Batman uses height to his advantage. There looks to be many ways to get around any one room. Best of all it is Batman, everything about it, especially the voice acting is Batman. Wow.

Score - 5

Red Steel 2 - Wow, much improved from the first game, in fact it has nothing to do with the first game. Looks beautiful for a wii game, cell shading is the way to go. Combat looks fun you got the wii motion plus that should make sword fighting more dynamic. Good mix of gunplay with sword play. Looking good.

Score - 4


Final Fantasy The Crystal Bearers - I have seen enough of this game to know I want it. Sadly the E3 demo wasn't that great. It showed off some cool scripted moments like flying an airship and riding a chocobo while shooting enemies. But it did not show the normal combat of the game, i wanted to see more of that. So as an E3 showing it wass not so great.

Score - 3

MAG - *snore*

Score - 1

Tekken 6 - Its got a full brawler mode, just like Tekken 3, sweet! I love Tekken cause of all the crazy extra stuff they throw into their game. It's a really good fighting engine as well but I am not a fan of their crazy insane dial a combos. But I loved Tekken 3, this looks to follow in that games footsteps, I am interested.

Score - 3

Zelda : Spirit Tracks - I still see nothing that shows me that this won't be another stripped down Zelda title. Will I buy it yeah, will it be good yeah, will it be Zelda, no. It's an imposter.The artwork for the next Zelda is more exciting than this.

Score - 2

Mafia 2 - I saw a stage demo of this showing an action sequence inside what I think was a winery. Looks like it had GTA4 like combat, slightly better in fact. The story seems to be a far more realistic gangster story. One producer said this game isn't really an open world game, there isn't much to do outside of missions, which is fine as long as those missions are excellent. That remains to be seen.

Score - 3

There are probably a bunch of games I missed, stuff like Heavy Rain and downloadable games like Gravity Crash and Pixeljunk Shooter which both look great. It was a huge show, far better than last year.

Time for awards:

Best graphics - Uncharted 2

Biggest surprise - Metroid Other M

Best new game announcement - Super Mario Galaxy 2

Best game you probably missed - Scribblenauts

Most Innovative - Scirbblenauts

Most improved sequel - Red Steel 2

Best new hardware - Project Natal

Best trailer - Star Wars The Old Republic

Most embarrassing moment - Women's Murder Club

Best company showing - Sony (while Nintendo had trailers of their big games, Sony had gameplay. Their lineup interests me more than what MS themselves had)

Best 360 exclusive game - Shadow Complex

Best Wii exclusive game - Super Mario Galaxy 2

Best PS3 exclusive game - Uncharted 2

Overall Game of the Show (had to have a demo) -Uncharted 2(runner-up God of War 3)


This was a tough choice between the two games. Both had the most impressive gameplay demos of the show IMO. When I saw the full GoW3 demo I was blown away. But the more I thought of it the more I felt that GoW is still GoW, we have seen this, we have played games like it. Uncharted 2 is a huge improvement over the first, the scale is on a whole new level. It's got a story with characters that are easy to care about and this game looks to go deeper with that, can't wait for an Elena vs the new chick throw down. It's a game that does everything right. It also helped that I got to play the multiplayer and co-op beta, I actually got hands on experience with it, I know its good.

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Mon, 08 Jun 2009 23:59:02

Well I'm not going to put that level of effort, but here are my observations.

1.  Every other company could learn a lot from EA in regards to presentation.  They were the only company that seems to understand how to do a conference.  Game footage, big announcement, and updates to previously announced games all shown off with people who know how to speak and everything done at a good pace.  The quality of what they showed may not have always interested me, but I can honestly say I never got bored during their show.

2.  MS did pretty well and kept my interest which is pretty impressive since I don't have their system.   The Beatles showing up was a legendary moment and their game will be the first Rock Band game that I've ever wanted.  Most of the games looked cool, but really I couldn't give a crap about Natal.  It's going to be a Virtua Boy.  Mark my words now.

3.  Nintendo started off strong and ended on one of the strongest notes of the whole show.  But god damn there was about a 30 minute gap of nothing interesting at all.  Even as big of a fan of Wii Fit and Wii Sports as I am, I just didn't need to spend that much time seeing footage of their sequels.  Very disappointed that they didn't announce a DSi VC.  But Metroid: Other M and Galaxy 2 were both awesome unexpected surpises.

4.  Sony showed a ton.  Sadly the only thing I really care about is God of War 3 which looks incredible.  Once again, get me backward compatibility Sony and I'll buy your console.  As far as the rest of the show, lots of other good looking games, but it went on so long I just stopped caring particularly since I don't have the system and it isn't likely I'll buy it for a while.

My favorite moment will go down to the Metroid: Other M trailer.  Who the hell saw that coming?  And as someone who doesn't even like Metroid I'm surprised to find myself wanting as much information about it as possible.  I'm even now debating picking up the Prime trilogy and that's all just based around the excited surrounding this trailer.

God of War 3 footage was darn close as a second though.  

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Tue, 09 Jun 2009 11:07:40

Wow, that must've taken a while to write all that, Vader.

My summary is simply this:

Nintendo: Surprisingly great! A-

Microsoft: Lame! D-

Sony: N/A

Best game of the show: Super Mario Galaxy

2nd Runner Up: New Super Mario Bros. Wii

3rd Place: Forza 3

4th Place: Metroid: Other M

The VG Press

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Tue, 09 Jun 2009 13:46:34

That was a great read.

I dont have much to add, except that I really need to go back and watch the full Splinter cell demo again as it nothing for me initially. I couldn't see much with a shitty net feed anyway.

Otherwise the game I have hated for so long, Wii Sports resort, actually looks okay for what it is, a means to show off the potential of this new controller in many different ways.

My two games of the show are Silent Hill firstly. It looks completely immersive, has a great control scheme, seamless cutscenes, a great technical engine which probably could have better textures (damn PS2/P ports) and actually looks like an evolution of survival horror.

Next game of the show was Red Steel 2. I always felt like I was opening myself up to mockery looking forward to the sequel to a 'failed' game. But its turned out great, with help from Retro no less. It looks great, its completely new, bold, exciting and fresh. These two games are the sort of brave blockbusters that try to do something new, which I appreciate oppossed to cookie cutter sequels.

Natal is great, but its applications are skeptical, Milo was BS - the gametrailers editor said it was smoke and mirrors and that there were Lionhead guys in the back manipulating him. If you dont have a controller then it will be eyetoy type stuff.

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Tue, 09 Jun 2009 14:31:15

Press Conferences:


Probably the best all around conference. Barring some weird moments like watching Paul and Ringo act like a couple of stoned clowns, it was very entertaining, even though it dragged in some parts. The important part is that they managed to show a good number of quality games, stayed away from boring ass sales stuff and showed a couple of interesting tech concepts like NATAL/Milo.


The conference of surprises. After last year debacle, they improved their game by leaps and bounds. Even though they showed some weird stuff like that vitality sensor, they saved the best for last with announcements for Galaxy 2, new Metroid and NSMB2 for Wii. They only missed Zelda for their holy trinity. They could have performed much better if they had taken some time to show their third party efforts some love, but we all know the big N only cares about itself.


Good stuff overall but kind of boring. That's weird considering the caliber of the games shown, but a great deal of the suck was because of their focus on the HW revision of the PSP and the barrage of games to support it. However, no amount of suck can drag the great number of quality games that they brought to the table.

Highlights for me:

  • Distracted translator (didn't catch him live, but that GAF thread is all kinds of win).
  • Red Steel 2: New looks, cel shading and dynamism locked at 60 fps with WiiMotionPlus included? Sold.
  • Assassin's Creed 2: If they manage to improve this sequel they way they are implying, it could be an outstanding game, among the best.
  • Super Mario Galaxy 2: I didn't expect this one.
  • New SMB2: Must buy for me. This is a game that my whole family will enjoy.
  • Uncharted 2: Enough said.
  • Forza 3: Missed the second one for reasons unknown. This one will be a sure buy.
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Tue, 09 Jun 2009 19:43:45

Endless Ocean 2 wins E3 BTW.

2010 for america, hopefully it will come out this year in Europe like the last game released here early.

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Tue, 09 Jun 2009 20:19:56

Wow dude you put in an awesome effort for this thread, I rate it AAAA. Grinning

There isn't much that I haven't already said and most of my E3 impressions somewhat mirror your own.

Microsoft's conference is my number one pick. They showed alot of great games that I'm interested in like Splinter Cell Conviction, Halo ODST, Halo Reach, Metal Gear Solid Rising, Forza 3, Alan Wake, etc. Also I totally dug the Natal showing.

Sony's was number two and had some excellent stuff like God of War 3, Uncharted 2, Gran Turismo 5, etc.

Nintendo came in third with New Super Mario Bros. Wii, Super Mario Galaxy 2, Metroid Other M, and even though the next Zelda game for the Wii was just a sentence or two it was still very cool to hear.

An excellent E3 all-around and tons of games that I'm amped about like Castlevania Lord of Shadows, Modern Warfare 2, Brutal Legend, Bayonetta, Left 4 Dead 2, Shadow Complex, plus the ones that I've mentioned previously.


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Tue, 09 Jun 2009 20:29:04

One thing I'm dreading is the post E3 lull. Its going to be very boring for a while.

How about missing games? I wanted to see this big Bethesda game other than Brink.

Was it really Medievil games?

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Tue, 09 Jun 2009 21:09:24

gamingeek said:

One thing I'm dreading is the post E3 lull. Its going to be very boring for a while.

How about missing games? I wanted to see this big Bethesda game other than Brink.

Was it really Medievil games?

I wanted to see a new Pilotwings, Starfox, and Kid Icarus. I have no idea if Nintendo is even working on any of those games. Starfox was heavily rumored before this year's E3 (Michael Pachter, FTW!), but never showed up. Sad

This is why I have a love/hate relationship with Nintendo. They know exactly what their fans want, but will only give us just enough to keep us buying. Nintendo's a digital crack dealer. I successfully went through rehab a while back, and now Nintendo's trying to lure me back with their newest drugs: Mario Galaxy 2, MotionPlus and NSMB Wii. Bastards!!! *shakes fist*

Edited: Tue, 09 Jun 2009 21:11:12

The VG Press

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Tue, 09 Jun 2009 21:44:06
What's the next big game show anyway?  Is it that one in Leipzig?
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Tue, 09 Jun 2009 22:18:46
Yeah, although I don't know if MS hosts its own gig before Leipzig.
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Wed, 10 Jun 2009 10:12:48

Ravenprose said:

gamingeek said:

One thing I'm dreading is the post E3 lull. Its going to be very boring for a while.

How about missing games? I wanted to see this big Bethesda game other than Brink.

Was it really Medievil games?

I wanted to see a new Pilotwings, Starfox, and Kid Icarus. I have no idea if Nintendo is even working on any of those games. Starfox was heavily rumored before this year's E3 (Michael Pachter, FTW!), but never showed up. Sad

This is why I have a love/hate relationship with Nintendo. They know exactly what their fans want, but will only give us just enough to keep us buying. Nintendo's a digital crack dealer. I successfully went through rehab a while back, and now Nintendo's trying to lure me back with their newest drugs: Mario Galaxy 2, MotionPlus and NSMB Wii. Bastards!!! *shakes fist*

Those are really old franchises that have had no sequels in years (decades?)

Nobody really cares about the lesser franchises to the extent that recent money making ones count. That's why you don't see the investment when they are busy sustaining cash cows and trying to create new ones.

SteelAttack said:
Yeah, although I don't know if MS hosts its own gig before Leipzig.

Yeah they used to have that big euro event. It was before E3 though I thought.

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Wed, 10 Jun 2009 12:57:58

Ravenprose said:

gamingeek said:

One thing I'm dreading is the post E3 lull. Its going to be very boring for a while.

How about missing games? I wanted to see this big Bethesda game other than Brink.

Was it really Medievil games?

I wanted to see a new Pilotwings, Starfox, and Kid Icarus. I have no idea if Nintendo is even working on any of those games. Starfox was heavily rumored before this year's E3 (Michael Pachter, FTW!), but never showed up. Sad

This is why I have a love/hate relationship with Nintendo. They know exactly what their fans want, but will only give us just enough to keep us buying. Nintendo's a digital crack dealer. I successfully went through rehab a while back, and now Nintendo's trying to lure me back with their newest drugs: Mario Galaxy 2, MotionPlus and NSMB Wii. Bastards!!! *shakes fist*

this is a really good post.  they are also such teases ... like how the skydiving game in wii sports 2 could so easily have been part of a new pilotwings, or how they did a jet-ski game (again for sports 2) but they won't do a new wave-race for the wii.  and still i'm such a sucker that i will get wii sports 2 for that jet-ski mini game as a small fix for my wave race craving....  as well as all the other drugs raven mentioned. Sad


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