Forum > Gaming Discussion > The Goldeneye (Wii) Thread: Reviews and hands on impressions from Page 10 onwards
The Goldeneye (Wii) Thread: Reviews and hands on impressions from Page 10 onwards
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Thu, 18 Aug 2011 21:50:45
gamingeek said:

What was frustrating about it?

Lots of enemies constantly coming at you and little cover. Also the camera was shaking all the damn time and there was so much fire and crap happening on screen it was hard to make out the enemies.

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Thu, 18 Aug 2011 21:52:22
Dvader said:

Lots of enemies constantly coming at you and little cover. Also the camera was shaking all the damn time and there was so much fire and crap happening on screen it was hard to make out the enemies.

I never really had a problem with it. I remember using the sniper rifle to pick people off from a distance first and then there was that round room where the shotgun is handy, and chopping fools in the face. The camera shake is only really prominent in the last 2 minutes where you have to chase the woman.

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Thu, 18 Aug 2011 22:02:29
gamingeek said:

I never really had a problem with it. I remember using the sniper rifle to pick people off from a distance first and then there was that round room where the shotgun is handy, and chopping fools in the face. The camera shake is only really prominent in the last 2 minutes where you have to chase the woman.

On 007 running up to someone will get you killed.

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Sat, 20 Aug 2011 15:43:37
Dvader said:

On 007 running up to someone will get you killed.

Depends on how you time it and if he's got back up. Also, if there is cover to hide behind afterwards.

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Sat, 20 Aug 2011 21:42:22

Done some more levels. I beat Bunker at Agent level. I am enjoying it more now, but some levels are so dark that I have to turn up my tv brightness to see something.

Do you remember the part in the Severnaya level where there is a war zone between two groups?

Yeah, I sneaked around and killed everyone, Russian or Janus they were all dead. Each and every one of them.

I will stop playing for a while, because Xenoblade is a priority.

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Sun, 21 Aug 2011 12:06:58
Iga_Bobovic said:

Done some more levels. I beat Bunker at Agent level. I am enjoying it more now, but some levels are so dark that I have to turn up my tv brightness to see something.

Do you remember the part in the Severnaya level where there is a war zone between two groups?

Yeah, I sneaked around and killed everyone, Russian or Janus they were all dead. Each and every one of them.

I will stop playing for a while, because Xenoblade is a priority.

Is there something in the options to turn the brightness up? I never had a problem with it.

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Sat, 10 Sep 2011 02:44:02

Got Goldeneye today. Played a couple hours so far, and I'm impressed. Graphics actually look pretty good on my HDTV, and the campaign is fast-paced and fun. Also, Classic Controller Pro, FTW! This is the first game I've been able to fully test my CC Pro with, and it feels great. Happy

Edited: Sat, 10 Sep 2011 05:18:47

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Sat, 10 Sep 2011 11:40:32

Use the pointer. angry

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Sat, 10 Sep 2011 14:28:18

No. lol

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Fri, 16 Sep 2011 19:05:30

Played some goldeneye online. It's fun, but why do they put level 1 players (like me) against level 47 players? Some dude named "ILikeYoshi" dominated the game with countless headshots. LOL

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Sun, 18 Sep 2011 16:06:53

What level are you on Raven?

Have you tried the levels on different difficulties?

What are your favourite levels so far and what are you enjoying about the game?

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Sun, 18 Sep 2011 17:22:54

I'm on ST. Petersberg Memorial.

I played the first level on all difficulties; got my ass kicked on 007 Classic, though. I'm currently playing though the game on Agent.

The first level is my favorite so far. I like that stealth is optional in this game, and objectives are marked, so I don't get lost.

Heh, if I knew the game would be this good, I would have waited for the graphically superior 360 version. Oh, well.

Edited: Sun, 18 Sep 2011 17:37:30

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Mon, 19 Sep 2011 12:23:50

Is st petersburg memorial  the one with the statues?

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Sun, 13 Nov 2011 14:45:37

Just finished Goldeneye. I was stuck on that annoying "Defend Natalya" mission for a while, but I finally got through it this morning. Happy

Edited: Sun, 13 Nov 2011 15:00:24

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Sun, 13 Nov 2011 14:52:56
gamingeek said:

Is st petersburg memorial  the one with the statues?


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Mon, 14 Nov 2011 19:21:37
Ravenprose said:

Just finished Goldeneye. I was stuck on that annoying "Defend Natalya" mission for a while, but I finally got through it this morning. Happy

Good job. What difficulty did you do?

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Tue, 15 Nov 2011 00:50:15


Edited: Tue, 15 Nov 2011 00:58:39

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Tue, 15 Nov 2011 13:50:16

You need to do double O I think. Different objectives and all that.

What are your overall impressions of the game?

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Tue, 15 Nov 2011 15:55:07
gamingeek said:

You need to do double O I think. Different objectives and all that.

What are your overall impressions of the game?

It was ok but ugly as sin on Wii, if you have not bought by now, I would wait and get a deal on 1 of the HD  versions for 360 or PS3.

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Tue, 15 Nov 2011 15:59:13

Did you play it on an HDTV Bear?

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