Is he remaking Ju On in videogame form? The kid looks awfully like Toshio. And some of the scenarios seem to have been taken directly from the movie.
Some stuff in there is just giggle inducing, though. What the fuck is that big ass key? Looks like a big pimp key to hang around your neck instead of a clock. And the kid showing upside down on the window?

I think the key must have englarged when the drawer opened.
There are new Ju-on movies out this summer in Japan. This game ties in.

Those rusty steps reminded me of the ghost ship area in Endless Ocean. Good times.

Now trailer is up in first post.
Actually scared me a couple of times. Really atmospheric.
I dont know. Most games when you get them home look better on your actual TV screen. Except for when you blow up an SD signal on an HD set.
I dont think there is much chance of this coming westwards though. If Fatal Frame can't make it. What are you playing at the moment Steel? I have all this egg furniture in my closet stored for you in animal crossing. When do you want it?

angrymonkey said:I wish I could bump into someone from nintendo so I could ask where the hell my fatal frame game is. Loved 1 and 2 in that series.
I'm still in mourn because of that.
gamingeek said:I just read that it uses the remote only, you move with the d-pad.
angrymonkey said:uh oh. Bet it's a myst type game. In other words - on rails.
Well, it is the wii we're talking about...
Seems like Rising Star are releasing this game in Europe.
Priceless. Remember this game is played with only the remote.
Ugh, jaggies, texture quality. Polish needed.