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The OFFICIAL 3DS Thread!
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Mon, 28 Mar 2011 17:31:24

Bear friend code please. Again mine is 0731-4748-8002

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Mon, 28 Mar 2011 20:56:14

Hey Vader I don't have a 3DS yet, I want one but could not shell out 300+ for a unit and 2 games plus not much gamewise I want yet. But I'm seriously thinking about trading my Wii and all the games for a full 3DS setup.

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Mon, 28 Mar 2011 23:09:12

By the way, if you are looking for a case and you don't want to buy a $30 "Starter Kit" Best Buy has this little gem for $19.99.

Unlike almost ALL of the DS cases like this one, the system doesn't fit sooo tightly into the case that you can't get it out. It is PERFECT and still fits into an inside pocket of a jacket!

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Wed, 30 Mar 2011 12:36:45

I don't like the big leather cases, I prefer the knit ones which are like socks.

Going on two trips in the next two weeks (Malta for the weekend and Scotland at Easter) and I may get very tempted to get a 3DS if I see it in the airport electronics shops.  But there isn't a single game I want to play at present so I don't know, I may wait.  At least until the summer.  I got my DSLite from the Nintendo shop in NYC in June 2006, and I there is a good chance I may be in NYC again this summer so I may get one then ...

oh wait, I just remembered the stupid region locking Sad


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Wed, 30 Mar 2011 13:07:35
Oooooo. That case looks really nice. I'll definitely have to get one of those when I get a 3DS.


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Wed, 30 Mar 2011 21:07:20
a question i have that may or may not be stupid but i am wondering is regarding dsiware is about redownloading it or transfering it to the 3ds  i do remember hearing that nintendo said people can do it but what  want to know is if  it is made avabile  how does one do it?
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Wed, 30 Mar 2011 23:12:45

There is an option in the 3DS menu to do it. It's not active yet and it's not been explained HOW it's done!

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Wed, 30 Mar 2011 23:23:47

Okay two things!

1) We might as well make this the official 3DS thread since it morphed into just that

2) A question about Pilotwings. Does turning the 3D on make it easier to fly to the rings, because you can judge the distances better?

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Wed, 30 Mar 2011 23:39:57

I really need to play Pilotwings more so I can give you a better answer. Just on snap judgement I would say Yes, but I want to really dig into it to see if it isn't just aesthetic and my excitement was playing tricks on me.

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Thu, 31 Mar 2011 07:16:09

Just got it, charging and setting up. 5241-1930-3233

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Thu, 31 Mar 2011 10:29:54

Added, but do international Friend's codes work?

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Thu, 31 Mar 2011 21:52:18

GG I need your friend code.

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Thu, 31 Mar 2011 23:20:13

I almost bought an Amazon Warehouse 1 for $187,but there are no games I want still I'm going to wait until summer. I want the thing badly but I know I would have buyers remorse.

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Sat, 02 Apr 2011 18:13:54

I finally played the 3DS at a store today. First there were two little kids playing them, after scaring them away by telling them they will go blind because of the 3D, it was my turn to play Pilotwings.

The 3DS was stucked on a table to prevent people from stealing it. So first I touched the analog nub. It felt real good, with a nice spring to it. It definitely felt better than the PSP nub. The d-pad felt fine, but the location was different. I cannot tell if it is good or not without playing a game that needs it. Then I started messing with the 3D slider. Because the 3DS was stuck on the table I saw double and no way in hell that I was going hunch forward to see the effect. But I did see that when you activate the 3D the screens get brighter. It makes sense, because each eye will receive a different image and therefore the light will be split between the eyes, hence it required higher brightness and that in turn is what makes the battery life somewhat crappy.

Then I grabbed the 3DS and picked it up from the table (it is still connected by a cord). Now I could see the 3D effect. It really feels like you are watching something inside the box. It really feels if there is more depth to it. Also the hud is like totally at the front, so it is easier to destinquish between hud and the the rest of the screen. Switching it back to 2D feels like someone flattens the image. It becomes little bit brighter (when 3D effect is on it seems not as bright when in 3D, while it is actually twice as bright) and lifeless. The cool thing about the 3D switch is that you can change it in real-time during gameplay, it is very easy to reach. Full 3D was too much, I settled with 3D halfway. You need to keep the 3DS at the correct spot, otherwise you see double. But normally you hold your handheld like the DS at a certain spot anyway, so nothing new there. And if you lose the effect, no problem, just adjust  and you are good to go. It is not like you cannot play it when you see it double. This technology would not work with TVs though. Only one person could be able to watch and he had to sit still on a certain distance at a certain viewing angle. But for a handheld it works. Did not perceive any eye-strain or headache, but I played only a few minute. When watching Avatar in 3D, I got a light headache 90 minutes in, but that could be because the movie was crap.

I could not tell if the 3D made flying trough rings easier, because that was pretty easy even in 2D. But I certainly could judge the distances better. It is a cool technology, but I will not buy it. For there are no games I am that interested about. It is expensive, the battery life is a problem and I have so many game to buy and play on the DS, GBA and Wii. Maybe next year!

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Sat, 02 Apr 2011 20:01:14

Just wait for the better model which will probably have better battery, better camera and come with everything set in rather than waiting for updates for features. I feel like its the PS3 all over again.

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Sun, 03 Apr 2011 18:00:53
Dvader said:

Just wait for the better model which will probably have better battery, better camera and come with everything set in rather than waiting for updates for features. I feel like its the PS3 all over again.

thats all of nintendo's handhelds from the gb to the ds ever few years they get better tech and make a better model

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Sun, 03 Apr 2011 21:01:18
eggmiester said:

thats all of nintendo's handhelds from the gb to the ds ever few years they get better tech and make a better model

No I mean features that are supposed to be ready at system launch but instead get patched in later.

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Sun, 03 Apr 2011 21:36:46

3D pictures time! This site hosts them

Will upload some soon. To see it in 3D transfer the 3D file to the DCIM folder in your 3DS SD card.

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Sun, 03 Apr 2011 21:52:52

I'm not one to be into game "fluff" as I put it. Sports Resort, well, I found kinda boring because it seemed like more of a collection of motion control activities than games...

Pilotwings Resort, however, WOW! I haven't given a second glance at the Free Flight mode cause it just seemed like the usual "fluff" to me, but then I tried it just now...!

The Rocket Belt, starting on the cliff and having the whole island underneath you and open to you...

The Plane, starting off in the sea and being able to buzz by buildings, under bridges and through trees...

The 3D just makes this AMAZING and is absolutely GAME-CHANGING!! The depth and the control in the 3D space is just breath-taking sometimes!!

Coming from an era where the trees on the side of the road in Out-Run arcade (for example) were just 2D cardboard cut-outs... to this... being able to fly between, around and through those 3D trees...


Anyone with a 3DS HAS TO get some quiet time with Pilotwings. In a lot of ways you haven't experienced the 3D until you've experienced THIS PARTICULAR GAME!!


Edited: Sun, 03 Apr 2011 21:54:19
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Sun, 03 Apr 2011 21:55:54


Yes its me, happy now.

Bah I'll be back.

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