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The Official Killzone 3 Post-Hype Thread
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Sun, 13 Mar 2011 20:26:59
I know how I'm going to get that final push over the 1:1 K/D ratio: Marksman class.  I did my first rounds as a marksman (in Guerilla Warfare/deathmatch).  First time out, not so great, 4-9.  I was in the positives every match after that, ending by going 15-1 in Frozen Dam.

It feels a bit wrong not moving around nearly as much, but it's still tactical and a matter of positioning.  Two things I love about it,

1. Headshots.  Constant headshots.  I actually have accurate weapons with time to aim.
2. Cloaking works.  If you keep running around, you'll end up dead, but stop almost anywhere that's not in the middle of where people are walking, and they'll go right past you.  Combine that with the silenced pistol so you can kill without decloaking, and you can just rack a pile of bodies without anyone noticing.
Edited: Sun, 13 Mar 2011 20:27:28


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Sun, 13 Mar 2011 20:38:41

Yeah. You have to play the game entirely differently, but it IS fun!

Almost every mode has your opposition crowding to one spot or another. Just find a good place to perch yourself and choose your target!

**It probably would have helped if I realized you COULD cloak after playing a few rounds of Warzone... Nyaa**

Edited: Sun, 13 Mar 2011 20:39:22
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Sun, 13 Mar 2011 20:47:02

Yeah, it's time for me to try a new class.  Perhaps Infiltrator.

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Sun, 13 Mar 2011 20:56:37
And I haven't even unlocked the sniper rifle yet.  Though unfortunately it's not silenced so the cloak will disable temporarily after killing someone.


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Sun, 13 Mar 2011 20:57:51

I love, love, love, love, love the Crysis 2 cloak!

...but I'm not gonna post about it in here!

My attention is DEFINITELY going to be divided after the 22nd!

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Sun, 13 Mar 2011 21:00:06
Oh, what do you guys use for your skill (armor / silent footsteps / extra ammo / second primary)?  Aside from extra ammo as a marksman since the pistol has limited ammo, and the goal is to not really get into firefights in the first place, I have a hard time justifying using anything other than armor.


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Sun, 13 Mar 2011 21:02:13

Just armor for me.  As an engineer, silent footsteps seem pointless.  I don't have the other skills yet, but armor still seems the best.

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Sun, 13 Mar 2011 21:03:02

I use the 2nd most powerful Engineer Gun, Armor, I have the Level 2 Turrets, and the Level 3 Repair skill.

I haven't purchased a Secondary weapon.

I've unlocked Silent Footsteps, but haven't tried it yet!

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Mon, 14 Mar 2011 01:50:39

My K/D ratio before I played Warzone: 1.4 (or there abouts). Afterwards: 0.9 or something. LOL

Warzone is so far very disappointing. It was one of the best and most unique things about Killzone 2, but now it's lost much of its personality due to the smaller maps and being much faster paced. It doesn't feel like much of an achievement when you plant a bomb, assassinate someone or deliver a speaker anymore because you can kill people so easily and the map is so small that it's not about knowing where to go and what paths to take, it's just about shooting your way in. Sad

On the bright side the campaign is a lot better without a second player. Even if veteran feels like trooper on Killzone 2.

Edited: Mon, 14 Mar 2011 01:50:56

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Mon, 14 Mar 2011 02:16:23
I've been mostly using the Engineer class with armour. I have him fully upgraded except I haven't purchased the last primary weapon. I love setting up turrets and fixing ammo crates for replenishing my ammo especially grenades which I throw frequently. Nyaa I might start playing more as a tactician because capturing tactical spawn points can be quite helpful especially ones where you can get mortars.


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Mon, 14 Mar 2011 03:17:46
I don't get that vibe from Warzone, though I haven't played Killzone 2.  Often, the areas you have to get are very heavily guarded, so it's not so simple to just run in firing and accomplish anything.

I don't really get anywhere with the capturing points and planting bombs, but I do rather well with retrieving the priority thing, and assassination.  It's a bit frantic with the retrieval, but there's a significant amount of tact in the path and technique in running back with it.  Running blindly back is pretty hopeless.  Dying quickly is what makes this trickier.  Though I do get the sense that if I were using an infiltrator I'd have an enormous advantage.

Assassination for me is all about getting behind the defences, then going kamikaze.  For example, I looped around and ended up right at the point where the enemy was herding its target and got killed just above a hole to a tunnel.  So I get back up (medic) drop down right in the middle of them and melee the target.  Thinking about it, I pretty much always assassinate with a melee.

And ratio-wish I'm up to 0.96.  Almost there!


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Mon, 14 Mar 2011 08:55:01

I've only played two maps so it could well be difference elsewhere.  Don't think it'll end up being the same pace or experience as 2 even if I was just lucky (or unlucky!) on those two games.

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Wed, 16 Mar 2011 22:35:25
Zero Punctuation Killzone 3 review

This is pretty accurate, actually.


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Thu, 17 Mar 2011 02:29:55

But not funny. Should be the other way around!

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Thu, 17 Mar 2011 03:37:55
I'm starting to pick up on the imbalances.  While the team spawn-points need some work, I'm starting to get the impression that engineers are overpowered.

Not having the opportunity to play all the classes in full capacity, it's hard to judge, but aside from the turrets being way too effective, building ammo crates avoids the ammo deficiency everyone else has who has to wait on it, and there's a gun that's overpowered that I've been trying to work out, and I now believe it's the STA3 LMG, which is one of the engineer's guns.

It's kind of neat to be able to revive people as a medic, but the kills count either way so it's rather pointless.  Same with the zombie skill, but that can be useful for surprise vengeance, and is also handy for assassination.  Medibot is definitely good, though, and the SMG primary gets the job done (but the small clip is its main problem.  The recoil also can be difficult).

Marksman's alright, but it's frustrating, because any movement blows your cover, and if you use the sniper rifle as your primary, then your guns are crap if anyone can see you.

Tactician's ability to see a wider view of enemies on radar is gimped by marksman and cloaked infiltrators being invisible to it.
Edited: Thu, 17 Mar 2011 03:39:53


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Thu, 17 Mar 2011 20:15:08
LOL That Killzone 3 review was pretty funny. I do find it's controls sometimes awkward. I am pretty used to them now but some still throw me off a bit especially when I've been playing another FPS game.


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Fri, 18 Mar 2011 09:28:31

After Leo and Travo left I had a few excellent games. Best one I won easily and had sometihng like 43 kills and 25 deaths.

Few more games and my death match ratio should over over 1 again.

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Sat, 19 Mar 2011 00:20:45
Foolz said:

After Leo and Travo left I had a few excellent games. Best one I won easily and had sometihng like 43 kills and 25 deaths.

Few more games and my death match ratio should over over 1 again.

So we're holding you down? Nyaa

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Sat, 19 Mar 2011 00:23:30 if you were holding him down, I would have had my way with him...  Nyaa

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Sat, 19 Mar 2011 00:30:03


I think in good conscience if I play badly I will blame you to both then!

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