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The Official Killzone 3 Post-Hype Thread
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Sat, 19 Mar 2011 03:08:24
Woot!  Finally made it over 1:1 K/D ratio!   The past week I've been getting frustrated by lag issues, but I think I've solved it.  Today I couldn't even see my Wi-Fi access point on the PS3 or on my netbook, so I changed the channel from 11 to 1 and it seems to have cleared everything up.  I must have been getting interference from someone else in the building.  I was back to smooth playing tonight.


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Sat, 19 Mar 2011 03:14:18
Oh, and Archie, can you comment on the STA3 LMG as it compares to the Medic's LS 57 SMG?  The SMG works well for me as it doesn't have bad spray and matches fairly against other automatics and rifles.

But I get the impression that the STA3 is similarly accurate (as compared to the medic's M224-1A LMG with is useless), but more powerful and with a giant clip.  Except without unlocking the engineer, I haven't been able to test my theory.


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Sat, 19 Mar 2011 04:22:31

Congrats Yoda!

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Sat, 19 Mar 2011 13:24:14

I just downloaded two retro maps for mp.  They're from KZ2.

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Sat, 19 Mar 2011 13:29:55
travo said:

I just downloaded two retro maps for mp.  They're from KZ2.

Killzone 2 maps are considered "retro" now? Things age quickly on teh internetz! LOL


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Sat, 19 Mar 2011 13:34:04
Ravenprose said:
travo said:

I just downloaded two retro maps for mp.  They're from KZ2.

Killzone 2 maps are considered "retro" now? Things age quickly on teh internetz! LOL


Maybe they look like Combat maps. Nyaa  Would you play then?

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Sat, 19 Mar 2011 13:42:06
travo said:

Maybe they look like Combat maps. Nyaa  Would you play then?

Combat online?

atari combat

Hells yeah! laugh

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Sat, 19 Mar 2011 13:49:59

I think I'd get bored after two minutes. Nyaa

I did play a lot of that in the eighties.

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Sat, 19 Mar 2011 13:52:06
travo said:

I think I'd get bored after two minutes. Nyaa


travo said:

I did play a lot of that in the eighties.


Edited: Sat, 19 Mar 2011 13:53:53

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Sat, 19 Mar 2011 15:44:21
I haven't played the Medic much so my use of the LS 57 SMG is limited I'm guessing it's not as damaging as the other two guns and has less recoil and spray radius. I've used the StA3 LMG a little and it is really good as a close range weapon especially in corridors and small rooms with multiple enemies in them because of it's higher damage and ability to unload a volley of shots quickly. Once you get into mid-range combat it's recoil and spray radius make it too difficult to be relyably effective. I mostly use the M224-1A LMG on my Engineer because I find it really suits my play style which is that of a mid-range combatant. I find it accurate enough at mid-range because of less spray radius and a good clip size for it's middle of the road damage. The load time is horrendous on it though and recoil on it can take a bit getting use to.


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Sat, 19 Mar 2011 15:45:33
Congrats on the positive K/D ratio btw.


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Sat, 19 Mar 2011 20:43:46
Interesting.  I can't use the M224-1A LMG because unless you're aiming down your sights, it's pretty lousy at mid-range.  The SMG works because seeing an enemy at mid-to-short range I can just unload the clip and usually win the shootout as the spray doesn't really increase (by comparison, hold down fire on the LMG and those crosshairs really spread).  Get a bit further back, then aiming down the sights is workable.Downside is the small clip, and occasionally there's just an unusually quick death (not headshot) that thwarts the whole thing.

Though I guess this is all conditional on what we consider short and mid range.


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Sat, 19 Mar 2011 23:04:16
Oh yeah I'm usually aiming down the sites on the M22 and I generally like it's site. I rarely fire from the hip, only if I encounter an enemy up-close. For short range I guess I would consider anywhere up to about 50 feet, in-game measurement, as short range. For mid I'd say between 50 and 80.


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Tue, 22 Mar 2011 02:04:23
I've gotten a pretty good handle on the marksman now.  It tends to have a serious cat-and-mouse element to it.  You have to make sure of whether or not you were spotted when you get a kill; if so, you have to prepare for someone trying to get you there (which can be fun to catch them trying!).  The best place for this is Bilgarsk Boulevard, particularly if there's an opposing sniper; they really don't like that Grinning

There's also a diversity of strategies depending on the level, moreso than I do with the medic.  Bilgarsk it's not too hard to stay pretty safe and still pick guys off at some serious distance.  Snowdrifts you have to place yourself carefully and be more active.  Pyrrhus crater tends to jump between close-quarters and sniping, and Frozen Dam is a deathtrap.  Oh, and as always, the jungle sucks.

I've taken to using the double primary skill.  The assault rifle's pretty good, and I like the combination of sniping someone, then swapping to the rifle while visible.  It means I miss the silenced pistol, stay-cloaked kills, but that's trickier, perhaps too much so to be worth it.
Edited: Tue, 22 Mar 2011 02:06:20


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Wed, 23 Mar 2011 21:34:20
Oh M224-1A LMG, how I've misjudged you.  With other weapons and classes, I started using the sights more to make longer kills.  I've never liked the "down-the-sights" style from its inception because it didn't help and only made it harder to see what you're doing.

But with the ability to actually use the thing now, I went back to give the LMG another whirl.  Went 23-11 in Kaznan Jungle, which included a multi (4x) kill.  And I hate Kaznan Jungle.

It's been a slow burn, but now I'm consistently finishing with more kills than deaths in Warzone.

Now then!  Leo and I had discussed about online play -- anyone have/getting mics?  It would be nice to get in some games where there's actual coordination.


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Wed, 23 Mar 2011 21:50:52

Mics would be great, but at this moment, I simply can't afford a $60 blu tooth mic.  Maybe if I find one for less than thirty.

Edited: Wed, 23 Mar 2011 21:53:52
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Wed, 23 Mar 2011 21:55:23
Entirely reasonable, just surveying the landscape.  For reference for anyone who needs it, there's an extensive forum post covering everything

Note that most any bluetooth headset should work with the PS3, not just the Sony branded one (though that's what I have - can't say anything about the quality as I haven't used it yet!).


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Wed, 23 Mar 2011 22:26:32

Great find, Yoda.

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Wed, 23 Mar 2011 22:46:24
Yeah I plan on getting a mic sometime I just don't know when. So many games I want to buy right now first.


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Thu, 24 Mar 2011 02:41:50

I played some Killzone 2 yesterday. Instantly found a suitable game with more people than is possible on  Killzone 3. Joined it and played without having to wait for the matchmaking system to find a game itself. (List of games on a menu ftw!)

Wasn't too used to the controls, but they felt much intuitive than Killzone's 3 so it wasn't really a problem. Was nice to get headshots when I shot someone in the head too.

That was nice and easy! It seems like this patch business has made it quite hard to find games with those who don't have it. Took a long time to get into a game with just a few people. :/ I think I might go back to Killzone 2 for the minute. I don't think I can play with you lot anyway. Sad

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