Forum > Blogs > The only GOTY Awards that matter is Mine
The only GOTY Awards that matter is Mine
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Joined: 2009-03-24
Tue, 22 Dec 2009 00:08:50
My Personal GOTY Awards

I can't believe the year is almost over. Likewise, I can't believe it's Christmas already! Time sure flies by.

it's GOTY time again. And this time, instead of going through all the
hoopla of arguing about controversial choices in the popular websites
we all visit, I've decided to make my own list. Afterall, the true
games of the year are the ones we personally loved. I think that
matters the most.

In other words, we can all agree to disagree
and put our silly fanboyism and pride aside. We all have our own
tastes, styles, preferences, and opinions. I think we should respect

So without further ado, here are my choices based on Gamespot's award system.

Special Acheivement Awards

Most Surprisingly Good Game

Batman Arkham Asylum

games usually turn out bad, but a licensed game based on a comic book
turns out even worse, especially for Batman games. So it was quite
surprising that Batman AA was AAA. AA stands for "Amazingly, Awesome."

Runners-up: Borderlands, Ghostbusters: the Video Game

Best Story

The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks

think for me, seeing Zelda becoming a key part in this game was
intriguing enough for me to enjoy this story the most. The game is also
fun and much better than Phantom Hourglass and it's just a joy to play.

Runners-up: Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story, Dragon-Age Origins, Ghostbusters: The Video Game

Best Original Downloadable Console Game

Trials HD

was surprised how much I loved this game. During the XBL Summer of
Arcades deal, this game stole the show. Can't wait for the Big Pack DLC!

Runners-up: Shadow Complex, Gyromancer

Best Downloadable Content/Expansion

Fallout 3 DLCs

I can't count just one. I think the entire Fallout 3 DLCs are like one entire new expansion, so these are my choices.

Runners-up: Borderlands: Zombie Island of Doctor Ned

Best Atmoshphere

Ghostbusters: The Video Game

were a lot of great games with good atmosphere, but I chose
Ghostbusters because it felt like I was in the third movie. All the
environments were neatly crafted and varied.

Runners-up: Batman Arkham Asylum, Deadly Creatures

Best Voice Acting

Ghostbusters: The Video Game

Bill Murray, Dan Aykroid, Harold Ramis, and Ernie Hudson reprise their roles for this game. What could be better than that?

Runners-up: Batman Arkham Asylum

Best Use of a Creative License

Ghostbusters: The Video Game

Batman AA, this game could've gone horribly wrong. Good thing it
didn't. It's probably one of the best games, that was made for fans,
I've played.

Runners-up: Batman Arkham Asylum

Funniest Game

Ghostbusters: The Video Game

Having the original cast and the witty and clever writing from Dan Aykroid and Harold Ramis made this game laugh-out-loud funny.

Runners-up: Mario & Luigi Bowser's Inside Story

Best Competitive Multiplayer

Modern Warfare 2

already clocked in over 80 hours and having a blast with my friends and
cousins. Obviously, it gets my vote for best multiplayer game for this

Best Cooperative Multiplayer

Resident Evil 5

I had a lot of fun playing with my cousin. So that's why it gets my vote.

Most Improved Sequel

The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks

I was disappointed with Phantom Hourglass, but I am enjoying Spirit Tracks. So that's why I think it's the most improved sequel.

Runners-up: Mario & Luigi Bowser's Inside Story, New Super Mario Bros. Wii

Best Original IP


is also one of those surprisingly good games this year. There was no
hype, nobody seemed to talk about it in the forums, and everyone was
sceptical about this game. So it's surprising that it's so good and fun
to play.

Runners-up: Dragon-Age Origins

Most Memorable Moment

Ghostbusters: the Video Game

were a few in this game but the ones that stand out is fighting the
Stay Puft Marshmallow Man and the public library chapter when the
library cards flutter out of the catalog like in the movie.

Dubious Awards

Most Disappointing Game

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time Reshelled

I was looking forward to this but the game was "meh" and a little repetitive.

Flat-Out Worst Game

I didn't play a bad game this year. Why? I guess I avoided them successfully!

Worst Game Everyone Played

Tony Hawk the Ride

guessing this is the one because I've seen so many people buying this
at the stores, mostly parents buying it for their kids.

Best Game No One Played

Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes

is, by far, my favorite DS game! Seriously, it's that good! Sadly,
nobody played it...nor did any game sites review it either, which bums
me out.

Runners-Up: A Boy and His Blob, Muramasa The Demon Blade

Least Improved Sequel

New Super Mario Bros. Wii

get me wrong on this choice. I still love NSMB Wii, but I still wanted
more I guess. That's why I chose it as the least improved sequel. It's
definitely better than the DS game, but I felt that Nintendo could've
done so much more with it like more levels, different characters
instead of two Toads, etc.

Genre Awards

Best Action/Adventure Game

Murasmasa: The Demon Blade

I guess I love the illustrations and art in this game.

Runners-up: Batman Arkham Asylum, Brutal Legend

Best Driving Game

Motorstorm Arctic Edge

I haven't played many driving games this year except for this one. Good thing it's still a fun racing game.

Best Fighting Game

Street Fighter IV

Hands-down, the best fighting game of this generation not just for the year. Can't wait for Super Street Fighter IV!

Runners-up: Tekken 6, BlazBlue

Best Platformer

New Super Mario Bros. Wii

how I say that this was the least improved sequel yet I chose it as my
favorite platformer. Well, I still loved the game and it's probably
still one of the best Super Mario game I've played. It could've been
much, MUCH more! But it's still a damn fine game.

Runners-up: Prinny

Best Puzzle Game

A Boy and His Blob

guess this is considered a puzzle game since Gamespot says it is.
That's why I chose it as my favorite puzzle game of this year. The
illustrations are beautiful and the game is awesome.

Runners-up: Gyromancer

Best Rhythm/Music Game

Brutal Legend

I guess this is my choice for best music/rhythm game. I haven't played too many music game so this is my choice.

Best Role-Playing Game

Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavely Bride

It's a ****c and a awesome remake. One of the reasons why I love the DS is because of these Dragon Quest games.

Runners-up: Dragon-Age Origins

Best Shooter

Ghostbusters: The Video Game

I guess you can say it's a third person shooter. I'm having a lot of fun with this game so that's why it gets my vote.

Runners-up: Modern Warfare 2, Resistance Retribution

Best Sports Game

Punch-Out!! Wii

may be a funny choice but since I haven't played many sports games this
year, I choose Punch-Out. Is it a sports game? Well, it's boxing, so I
guess it is! LOL!

Runners-up: Pangya Fantasy Golf

Best Stategy Game

Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes

I mentioned, this game is hard to categorize because it's a awesome
fusion of many genres. But it's the closest to a strategy game and it
has one of the deepest and innovative mechanics I've ever played!

Platform Awards

Best PC Game


get most of my current-gen games with my 360 so I didn't get a chance
to play too many PC games. So I was ecstatic when I found out that
Torchlight had lower system requirements. Great game!

Best 360 Game

Ghostbusters: The Video Game

It's the most fun I've had on my 360 in awhile. So it's my favorite on the system.

Runners-up: Modern Warfare 2, Borderlands, Batman Arkham Asylum

Best PS3 Game

Uncharted 2

have a PS3 and I'm looking forward to playing this the most when I get
one. So I'll just choose it as my favorite on the system.

Runners-up: Killzone 2

Best Wii Game

Metroid Prime Trilogy

This year's Orange Box. So it gets my vote.

Runners-up: New Super Mario Bros. Wii, Punch-Out, Muramasa, A Boy and His Blob

Best PSP Game

Resistance Retribution

think the developers did a great job in making a shooter that works
well on the PSP. It's also a great game with content that's worth what
you pay for.

Runners-up: Prinny

Best DS Game

Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes

DS has a lot of great games, but this one here has become my favorite,
not just for the year, but probably my second favorite of all-time.

Runners-up: Zelda Spirit Tracks, Dragon Quest V

Game of the Year

Ghostbusters: The Video Game

guess that's why, for me, GOTY means my personal favorite, not what the
general consensus or public thinks. I've had the most fun with
Ghostbusters. Maybe it's because I've always been a huge fan of the
movies or because the actors are so great. But it's not just that, the
game is really fun. And that's all that matters to me. It's fun to play!

Runners-up: Might & Magic Clash of Heroes, Street Fighter IV

Most Anticipated Game

Dragon Quest IX

Forget FFXIII, God of War III, or anything else...I'm looking forward to a handheld game.

Runners-up: Metroid the Other M, Bayonetta, Dragon Quest VI

Well, that's it! Merry Christmas and we'll do it all over again' next year! cool.gif


Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns

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Tue, 22 Dec 2009 00:12:33
"Best Story

The Legend of Zelda"



Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile
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Tue, 22 Dec 2009 00:16:35
That's what I call being controversial! WinkWink


Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns

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Tue, 22 Dec 2009 01:24:24
The only little was repative, and not king's story. Sad
Edited: Tue, 22 Dec 2009 01:29:39

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Tue, 22 Dec 2009 02:40:16
Interesting choices but good list.

I enjoy reading these. I won't do mine until I play Dragon Age, Ratchet and TWEWY.
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Tue, 22 Dec 2009 09:32:36
I will do a top 10 GoTY soon, right after I finished the 10th game I have played in 2009.
The VG Press
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Tue, 22 Dec 2009 10:23:16

Nice read through.

I really think that the Little King would be on there, if you got around to playing it.

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