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The other martial arts demonstrations.
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Sun, 02 Jun 2013 18:28:04

Like promised before, the videos of the other martial arts demonstrations. There were about 9 martial arts schools there and they all had something to show. They were our competitors, but calling them that gives them too much honour!

All these videos are put on youtube bij MrRoninTV. First to be fair, I will put our demo as filmed by MrRonin here. This video is hardly edited.

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Sun, 02 Jun 2013 18:35:20

These gals were first. Shuri Ryu. Some female karate stuff!

You can see there video here!

The video of their sensei can be seen here.

There real demo was around 15 minutes. They removed lot of the crap in this video. You heard that right the other parts are much worse.

I will post the other demonstrations later!

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Mon, 03 Jun 2013 12:10:25
It's like Enter the Dragon, with white people.

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Mon, 03 Jun 2013 21:08:47
gamingeek said:
It's like Enter the Dragon, with white people.

What is? Our video or the female Karate?

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Tue, 04 Jun 2013 09:47:16
I watched the female one first, very slow and light. Then the one on the left, that was better. As for the joke it was just a bit of glibness, no meaning behind it.

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Tue, 04 Jun 2013 17:28:48
gamingeek said:
I watched the female one first, very slow and light.


gamingeek said:
Then the one on the left, that was better.

The left?! WTF are you talking about?! Be more specific

gamingeek said:
As for the joke it was just a bit of glibness, no meaning behind it.

I still do not understand the joke. Explain!

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Tue, 04 Jun 2013 19:03:08

The left of the comments, the one you embedded.  

The joke is self explanatory.

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Tue, 04 Jun 2013 19:48:35
gamingeek said:

The left of the comments, the one you embedded.  

You mean the iga warrior one?! That one is below the comments for me. WTF are you watching?!

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Wed, 05 Jun 2013 10:48:43
Are you viewing your blog through the blogs forum link or through the home page as I do?

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Wed, 05 Jun 2013 20:56:57
gamingeek said:
Are you viewing your blog through the blogs forum link or through the home page as I do?

Ah that explains it! So we are better than the female Karate?! Not sure if I can take that as a compliment, if we just stood there and did nothing we would be better than that female Karate video.

Time for Aikido. These guys actually gave lesson there. What is the point in explaining a technique to a audience when they cannot participate?! If you do that organize a seminar for goodness sake.

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Thu, 06 Jun 2013 19:41:40

Next up is Kenjutsu, the art of sword fighting. It was really weird to see a school specialize in sword fighting and not having a scabbard for their swords. Each time they sheath their swords, they do it in their hands. Come on. After our demo they approached us and were surprised that we had scabbards for our swords. Really?!

The video can be seen here!

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Fri, 07 Jun 2013 03:04:46

They're a sword fighting school, not a scabbard sheathing school, Iga.

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Sat, 08 Jun 2013 13:15:55
Foolz said:

They're a sword fighting school, not a scabbard sheathing school, Iga.

So why are they sheathing their swords in their hands?!

Enough with the chitter chat, time for the last 3 movies.

First these guys were good. They looked like a scary evil monks, but they knew what they were doing.

Second a Naginata (halberd) demostration, this one even has some sparring against a sword.

Third a kendo demostration. Did not see this one in person.

So there you have it all the demonstrations that I can find. There were some more demonstrations, but cannot find them.

So with this I am done with this blog.

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Sat, 08 Jun 2013 13:29:23

Because they never went to scabbard sheathing school, obviously.

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