The Press Room Episode #117
In giantbombs coverage of Nintendo day they made a David Koresh reference... over 12 hours after our cast went up...
I. think. not.
“Where else would I be”
In hell perhaps?
“We got it up before anyone else.”
But no one else got podcasts up!
“This is where I put all my hopes and dreams into.”
Poor Vader. :’(
You’re all Nintendo fanboys.
Aspro’s big on Broadway...yet more evidence he had rich parents until he bankrupted them.
You can still (I assume) get rectangular blocks of LEGO.
Aspro I forgot to ask this earlier, but what was the song that you used for the intro for this? I was digging it.
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In our 117th episode of The Press Room, Rob "Robio" Van Matterhorn, Derek "Yodariquo", David "Dvader" MiamiWesker and Shane "Aspro" Lockheed give E3 coverage of the Nintendo conference.