The Press Room Episode #120
Wow Yakuza 2 mentioned 6 times in thirty seconds and that's still not a record for these podcasts.
I need to fact check you guys on all the 3DS talk. Its been out for over a year and by the time the XL launches it'll be over a year and a half. Thats actually a longer time frame from when they introduced the DSi XL after the DSi was launched. And it's likely being sold at a profit now or at least breaking even. In March Nintendo announced it wiuld be profitable by the middle of this year, and I believe they speculated they would be able to break even with it by the end of April. Sorry to be THAT guy but when I yelled at the computer while I listened no one seemed to hear me.
And great idea with the kids on the podcast. I'll get him prepped for 2019 so he can discuss GT6 and maybe The Last Guardian if they stay on their current track.
I need to fact check you guys on all the 3DS talk. Its been out for over a year and by the time the XL launches it'll be over a year and a half. Thats actually a longer time frame from when they introduced the DSi XL after the DSi was launched. And it's likely being sold at a profit now or at least breaking even. In March Nintendo announced it wiuld be profitable by the middle of this year, and I believe they speculated they would be able to break even with it by the end of April. Sorry to be THAT guy but when I yelled at the computer while I listened no one seemed to hear me.
And great idea with the kids on the podcast. I'll get him prepped for 2019 so he can discuss GT6 and maybe The Last Guardian if they stay on their current track.
Thank you for the correction.
Yakuza 2 has been finished, so it is likely to go unmentioned again. Until Vader plays his copy.
I will have to look into 3DS profitability. Usually when Nintendo makes internal component changes ine of the tear down sites does an analysis. You'd think also would tell shareholders. Maybe they did and I missed it, I was not paying attention for a while.
Yakuza 2 has been finished, so it is likely to go unmentioned again. Until Vader plays his copy.
I will have to look into 3DS profitability. Usually when Nintendo makes internal component changes ine of the tear down sites does an analysis. You'd think also would tell shareholders. Maybe they did and I missed it, I was not paying attention for a while.
I feel a birch for even mentioning now. Oh well.
Oh and thank you to Yoda for reminding us all what a real rant is. Next time do it with a Japanese accent. The Canadian accent sort of waters it down.
Oh and thank you to Yoda for reminding us all what a real rant is. Next time do it with a Japanese accent. The Canadian accent sort of waters it down.
^It sounded so polite didn't it?
Thanks for listening, sorry if I sounded anything but appreciative for your listenership and comments, I most certainly welcome them. That was the first thing I wrote this morning if that helps explain the clunkiness of my communique.
No, no I didn't take it like that. It was just a further expansion on that post. I just hate mentioning stuff like that. I don't like offending people.... well that's not entirely true. When I do it I just prefer to use horrendous language when I do it.
aspro said:^It sounded so polite didn't it?
It sounded like Nardwuar.
Enough of it. Truth told I barely remember recording or editing the show my headache was so bad.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile
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David "MiamiWesker", Shane "Aspro", Derek "Yodariquo" and's Tom "Foolz" Towers host the 120th episode of The Pressroom.
We give a wrap of the week's news along with hands-on impressions of Vanquish, Halo 3, Crackdown, Shank 2, Yakuza 2, Yakuza: Dead Souls, Killzone 2, Neopets: The Darkest Fairie and Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown.
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