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The Press Room Episode #126
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Thu, 16 Aug 2012 10:54:53

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Shane "Aspro"  and David "Dvader" return to host the 126th episode of The Pressroom. Big Gamescom coverage this week as well as hands-on impressions of Darksiders II (PS3), Sound Shapes (PS3), Borderlands (PS3) and Mass Effect 3 (PS3).

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Thu, 16 Aug 2012 22:08:05

Correction #1: The Game Informer cover is this month, for the first time ever, is different from the US one. The US one has Army of Two and a cover story on the best co-op games of all time.  The Aussie one has an exclusive interview with Spector, Molyneux and Schaeffer.

Correct #2: Sleeping Dogs was developed by United Front Games, the makers of LittleBigPlanet Karting and Mod Nation Racers (this one is for Vader, I actually edited out my error).

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Fri, 17 Aug 2012 15:24:04
Hmmm an Australian Jamaican accent still sounds more convincing than Deejay's voice actor from SSFIV.

Hurray for Anti-Artsy Game Guy!

The Gospel according to Aspro: "and Jesus, finding the Romans naughty in his eyes, unleashed his death stick and smote them all before ascending into heaven."

Great description of Darksiders 2 Vader. "If you don't like dungeons, stay away" is the most helpful thing I've read. I am now confirmed in staying away.

And yes MM's new game is destined to be as bad as all the early DS games that forced all the worthless features on us. Taking pictures to give cows new colors is not what I want in gameplay. I didn't think anyone else was either.
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Fri, 17 Aug 2012 20:59:06
I'm sorry,  the Biblical character reference we were looking for was Samson.  Samson.


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Sat, 18 Aug 2012 06:12:03
robio said:

The Gospel according to Aspro: "and Jesus, finding the Romans naughty in his eyes, unleashed his death stick and smote them all before ascending into heaven."


He comes back in the sequel. Jesus Christ!: The Second Comening.

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Sat, 18 Aug 2012 06:25:32

When you said momentous, I didn't know you meant of biblical proportions!

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Sat, 18 Aug 2012 06:34:16

Did I say "momentous"? Cringe... I meant Earth-changing. It's quite possibily the most important recording in human history.  I don't want to oversell it though.

But it's ephiphanous.  You might want to really assess where you are in life before listening or it could hit you hard.

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Mon, 20 Aug 2012 07:06:18

Downloading speed was terribly slow. (as low as 10kbps, probably averaging around 30). Also Podcast length estimation on podcast page off by half an hour. Hrm

Sound quality was slightly worse as well; not a problem with mixing, though. I think you were just unlucky enough to get a bad recording from Pamela/Skype.

Aspro, I think you mean “mix with the little people”.

So GameInformer finally hired the reviewer? Noooo.

Only 1 PC mag? In America? Certainly not in Australia! There’s Atomicpc, PC powerplay, and probably others too. Plus there’s the multiplat mags...or is that just Hyper now? Anyway, they cover PC games.

It’s not just that you don’t get the context, there’s actually a lot of Aspro revisionism going on with online reviews. Plus if you've got a writer who excels in a succinct format then quality is often higher than online reviews due to there not being competition to post reviews quickly. Of course there are a lot of reviewers who can't write a good review with one or two pages, so overall it probably evens out.

Uh, the worst was the lowest possible score? (70). That’s bad, Aspro, not good! Nyaa

Definitely don’t believe the review saying it’s crap like the Wii. WinkWink

The Germaican accent. LOL I was just waiting for it to turn into Mrs. Doubtfire at the end.

De Blob was also a school project.

The problem with the whole art game discussion is it’s simply not true that all non-art games are actually rated on the gameplay.

The technical flaws of blockbuster games are also completely glossed over. Where were the reviews complaining about Skyrim PS3? (Apart from, was it, IGN?) Did the fact that the game became completely unplayable hurt the scores? No? Oh hey, it wasn’t even disclosed! Therefore by this pretty poor logic of picking and choosing random examples, we can say that Papo & Yo was treated more harshly than Skyrim because all the technical issues were actually highlighted in the reviews, where as that was not the case with Skyrim.

P.S. Arkham Asylum’s gameplay is barely better than Papo & Yo’s.

Vader’s issue really isn’t with reviews, as he says at the end, it’s him wanting art games to be something different and that’s resulting in him being pissed off about the reviews. His defence of the sanctity of scores is just an excuse to cover up him complaining about reviews due to his taste. Nyaa

The point being: there isn’t some universal rule that gameplay is king when non-art games are reviewed. They also get away with lots of technical, and gameplay flaws. What’s the difference? Art games as a genre are something new, so people who don’t like them are going to be given a lot more leeway to complain because there’s not a massive instutition behind the genre, even though they’re actually not being treated any different by reviewers.

By the way, there’s a far better argument for them being treated better because it’s they're new, and that’s probably the case. But it’s not that they’re brushing over the gameplay and the technical flaws, it’s that they’re overrating the quality of the art side of the game because it’s more original and fresh (even if, outside of gaming, it's a boring, trite idea). Same thing happens with new shit in other genres too; or other whole genres as they pop up, so it’s not something related specifically to art games.

Darksiders 2 is the dumbed down version of Katamari Damacy. LOL

Dumbed down SOTC. LOL

“It’s kinda like criticising the shooting in GTA compared to Call of Duty”

Well that would indeed be pretty stupid given the different perspectives...and considering that the shooting in Call of Duty isn’t that great. Nyaa

Ethernet cable that came with the PS3?! One didn’t come with mine. Sad

You can watch YouTube on PS3! WTF are you talking about Aspro? LOL The quality is poor, though. An app would be appreciated.

Media Molecule is artsy?! LOL Media Molecule has the gameplay to back it up? LOL

“The exact thing I like, everything that other artsy games should strive to be”? My theory is definitely confirmed. In fact LBP and LBP2 both got huge passes on the actual game because of their other features, and even then, they really don’t deserve the massive scores that they got. FUCKING ART GAME BIAS! FUCK LBP!!!

I think you guys are underestimating just how popular, and well received, the Naughty Dog Crash Bandicoots, and Jak were. 2 and 3 were getting lower 9s which is easy equal to what the Uncharted series is receiving today. They were on magazine covers, had huge hype, massive previews, lots of videos, etc. etc.. They were huge, and of a very high quality.

I think “influential” far better sums up the difference between their previous work, and their new, not quality.

“The new Laura Croft” LOL

Uncarted’s influence is ruining 3D platforming? What a legacy! Hrm

On the VA: and that’s because English voice acting is of such a low standard. You really shouldn’t have to do that to have a good performance, unless you’re an actor, not a voice actor. And let’s be honest, that’s what most English (in the sense of the language, here, not the country) voice actors are. They’ll be doing VA to support their Shakespeare productions. Let’s  not beat around the bush: voice acting in most English speaking countries died with the radio. It’s survived elsewhere, though.

“My cock is rising” got as high as 37 on metacritic? LOL

The Last Guardian sucks, Aspro? Sad

“I was against war simulation games”

Yeah, they’re war sims like Ace Combat is a flight sim. LOL

As for World War II it’s been long enough. I’d be excited to play a massive current-gen WWII game with all the bells and whistles.

“You’re Hitler”

“Hiroshima all over again”

Make up your damn mind, man! LOL

Daddy issues? Mass Effect is Papo & Yo in space?

That post-ending section was very entertaining; seemed way less inhibited than your normal impressions, Aspro. Except when you go crasy on a game like you did with Binary Domain. The amount of swearing also increased. The more swearing the better, I say.

Jamaican space alien? Sounds like Jar Jar Binks to me.

P.S. Stay hustling, Vader. Cool

P.P.S. Another graet 'cast. Wish I could have been on for the review discussion! You need to do a devil's advocate thing when you've got two people disagreeing. Feel free to do it as I did, though. Nyaa

P.P.P.S. Thanks for the review plug, and the kind words, Aspro!

Edited: Mon, 20 Aug 2012 07:33:19

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Mon, 20 Aug 2012 07:51:50
^ That was some brutal criticism of the podcast.  It's like Hiroshima all over again!


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Mon, 20 Aug 2012 08:17:44


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Mon, 20 Aug 2012 08:30:53

Some of these "artsy" games have practically no game and they are judged as almost something else. Aren't we playing games. How does a game that is like 2 hours long with crappy puzzles get a high score, make it artsy. Bullshit. The game can remain as artsy as it is with actual good gameplay, it does not have to be one without the other, I just want people to acknowledge this. As for Skyrim PS3, I played it just fine, I mean it gets annoying but its playable.

Edited: Mon, 20 Aug 2012 08:31:29
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Mon, 20 Aug 2012 08:48:29
Dvader said:

Some of these "artsy" games have practically no game and they are judged as almost something else. Aren't we playing games. How does a game that is like 2 hours long with crappy puzzles get a high score, make it artsy. Bullshit. The game can remain as artsy as it is with actual good gameplay, it does not have to be one without the other, I just want people to acknowledge this. As for Skyrim PS3, I played it just fine, I mean it gets annoying but its playable.

Those games are playable; the crappy puzzles are just annoying.

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Mon, 20 Aug 2012 08:53:40
Foolz said:

Those games are playable; the crappy puzzles are just annoying.

Almost every game is playable, what does that have to do with anything

Edited: Mon, 20 Aug 2012 08:53:58
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Mon, 20 Aug 2012 09:03:04
Dvader said:

Almost every game is playable, what does that have to do with anything

I was making fun of your defence of Skyrim because there's more than enough people who ended up with an unplayable game because of poor porting; besides it's not as if that was the only technical issue with the game. It was made by Bethesda FFS. Nyaa

Anyway, if it's not just a case of art games having normal gameplay, but done badly, then logically there might actually be a reason as to why the gameplay functions differently and, if there is, then obviously they should not be judged in the same way another game is judged. Other genres are judged differently to one another. Why are you picking up on art games for any reason other than you don't like them?

I don't see how people aren't acknowledging that art games can have traditional gameplay in them. Uh, isn't SOTC pretty well received for exactly that reason? Don't the vast majority of Journey's reviews point out that the game is incredibly simple, and is not to be enjoyed as a traditional game? I really don't see what you're complaining about, except that you don't like them.

Nothing wrong with that of course, but it's not as if reviewers are in some brainwashed OH MY GOD ARTSY!!!! state beyond their normal level of hyperbole and mindlessly jizzing over something new, cool, contemporary, and politically correct. So once again, beyond your dislike of the genre, I don't really see any reason for your complaints. What am I missing here?

If you literally just want them to get a lower score because of the non-existant gameplay, then why is it okay for something like the Arkham games to get such ridiculously high scores when, unless you play it in some completely unnatural way (Nyaa), it has absolutely awful combat, and terrible level design, whether you play it in a certain way or not. Conversely, why is it okay for Bulletstorm to get bad scores because it's no longer cool to make dick jokes in games? The answer to both those questions is who the fuck cares, but the point of both these examples is that inflating scores for games with mediocre to down right bad gameplay because it does something awesome (like making you feel like the motherfucking batman!) happens in every genre, and not just to art games. And I know you love Batmans, so just take a look at Alan Wake. Reviewers love the story and concept, so a game with mediocre to down right bad gameplay gets great reviews! Alan Wake certainly isn't an art game. LOL

Edited: Mon, 20 Aug 2012 09:32:43

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Mon, 20 Aug 2012 09:27:03

My Skyrim was fine too. However, I heard from the various podcasts that the problems with the PS3 version were legion. Giantbomb, though they gave it game of the year specifically excluded the PS3 version (for example).

I don't think that  "big" games get a free pass on technical issues, I hear about them from the press all the time.


On the quality of the call, basically we don't have vader with a kick-ass mic like the one Yoda has.


Did I say the Last Guardian sucks? No way. It's in development hell, but I don't think anyone knows if it is good or not. Some press got to play it at TGS many years ago, it's likely a completely new game by now.


On my effusive discussion of ME3, that was two part. If both of us have played a game (like Binary Domain) the conversation goes better.  Mostly though it was because I had a free pass to waste everyone's time (since the podcast had officially ended).

Thanks for all your comments, and for listening.

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Mon, 20 Aug 2012 09:37:23

Definitely not a free pass, but they do tend to go on about technical issues in reviews to a lesser degree than if the game is an indie or smaller title. However it's probably about even because in indie games their complaints regarding technical issues are usually more sympathetic due to limited budgets. So yeah, put that statement in the extreme hyperbole section. Nyaa That's an area where they should really be harsher whether the title is big or not, though. A lot of close to broken games don't get much criticism in reviews at all.

Well you did say it after saying how much (can't remember what the game was) must have sucked because Sony canceled it, yet they still have The Last Guardian on their books, so I hope you can understand my confusion! Nyaa

The sound was a bit worse on your end too, though. I think it just had the recording level ever so slightly too high (or you had the mic closer to your mouth than normal) but there's not really anything you can do about that as the gain control in Skype/Pamela seems pretty random, and I don't think it's something you can control manually.

Just to reiterate, really enjoyed the podcast! Happy

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Mon, 20 Aug 2012 17:11:06

Foolz first off art game is NOT A GENRE. It can be any genre its just a kind of game where usually they focus on the "artsy" aspect rather than gameplay. SotC is one of the greatest games of all time, because it has gameplay. That is what I am saying, artsy like games can still be every bit as good as games that aren't trying to be artsy, but all to often they can get a free pass just cause the art aspect is so strong. It is almost the equivalent of a game with fantastic graphics getting a pass for everything else. I personaly cant understand how someone can play Journey and SotC and give them almost the same score and that happened all over the place.

Are reviewers allowed to score games the way they want, of course. But I cannot trust that reviewer any longer with games like that, we do not see eye to eye. If you think Journey is one of the greatest gaming experiences you have ever had more power to you but from now on I will ignore your opinion on any artsy game. I still think they are also setting the bar way too low as well.

As for the  Alan Wake analogy (never speak of Batman again, you are forbidden Nyaa ) it is kind of the same thing but not. If a reviewer decided to look past the gameplay issues and enjoy the game mostly cause of its story then yeah I dont agree with that either. The big difference here is that Alan Wake has interesting gameplay, it is a long fullfilling game. I can totally see someone loving the light mechanic far more than I did. A game like Journey there is nothing to like except its pretty, there is no sense of gameplay that someone can say "oh I love that you can do this". So you like jumping along a linear path, wow that is great.

For me there has to be some gameplay related reason why you like the game. That is my personal view, I am not saying that story and such can't help a game, they can influence how good a game is tremendously but it still needs to go with a game. I can relate a lot more to reviews that like or don't like a gameplay element more than I do than a review that I feel is giving a game a free pass on something that has nothing to do with the gameplay aspects.

Edited: Mon, 20 Aug 2012 17:11:48
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Tue, 21 Aug 2012 03:14:27

Thanks for the reply; I think I get what you're saying now. Happy

A couple of things I don't personally agree with, though...

"Foolz first off art game is NOT A GENRE. It can be any genre its just a kind of game where usually they focus on the "artsy" aspect rather than gameplay."

And that's exactly what makes it a genre. Art house cinema is incredibly broad as compared to other genres of cinema such as action. Within reviews and the critical approach it's really a catch all for films that don't fit within a crtain genre, and that's exactly why it applies to the art games you take a particular disliking to as well. Because the games that piss you off have no gameplay as you put it, then that must be a consistent, even if one game is completely different to another in every other way, and is enough to define a genre, and more effective than trying to say Journey is an adventure game.

There's no doubt that reviewers approach the games as if they are a different genre (but not completely different entities where they give the game a free pass), so I don't see why it cannot be considered a genre if there's something consistent that pisses you off about them, and reviewers approach them as if they are a genre. It's not as if they review them like they do other indie games; no, they treat other indie games as smaller versions of the particular genre they are in.

This means that art games would be defined as a separate genre to the likes of Braid or Limbo as both those games have traditional gameplay, and I don't see a problem with that. They're both obviously platformers; they'd be equivelent to something like Blade Runner within noir, where it's vastly different to the majority of the films within that genre, but is still easily defined as fitting within the confines of the genre. But how are you going to describe Journey or The Path? No current genres apply, and because no one's going to be copying either on masse, then neither of them actually have a genre to fit into. That's where an arthouse definition comes in, and that's really how reviews are approaching them.

I have no doubt that there will be a similar descriptor to art house within gaming to describe them in the future, as already that's how reviews are approaching them. Still, I could be wrong, and it might never be made official, but they are effectively now a genre. It looks like a genre. It smells like a genre. It just hasn't been openly called one by the majority of the media.

I personally don't see the difference with Alan Wake. It's like Iga's argument that Metroid Other M having a story was automatically better than not having one. Fuck no, having a feature that is horrible, is not better than having no equivelent feature at all, and to me reviewers ignoring a lack of, or the badness of something, are completely analogues failings in their analysis. Of course it's usually not a failing in their analysis, but their score.

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