The Press Room Unofficial Dvader one man podcast.
Here is a bonus extra. These next files are me flipping through radio stations and commenting on what is on. So if you are extremely bored and want to hear me surf radio land you can listen to this. In it I sing a bit, I almost die, and show my love for Safety Dance. Enjoy.
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robio (7m)
Hey guys, while driving up to Gainsville I was bored out of my mind and wished I could record a podcast while driving. Well I had my phone so I figured I would just record me rambling on about topics, so that is what you get. It is broken up into parts because the whole file was too big to send through the phone, but they are all in one place and very small files. Aspro cant edit them together cause they use some iphone format that he cant edit, dont worry you can listen to it just fine. They are numbered, just listen to them in order, start with the one with no number.
Topics include:
What I have been playing - Xenoblade
News - Captivate info, RE6, DmC, Lost Planet 3, and other Capcom crap. NPD March and my reaction to ORC selling so much in spite of me buying it.
Community focus - Aspro's dream thread and Avengers reviews.
It is a bit rough, remember I am driving and there was zero planning, this is all off the top of my head.