Lost Vikings, Blackthorne, Rock n Roll Racing!!!
Now we're talking GAMES!!
You can tell this guy from Activision is a game publisher because he's wearing a sports jacket and jeans.
All the Bungie guys are wearing jeans and sports jackets? Was there a memo?
Now is about the time I would start browsing the sites for news, reviews, etc, etc...
...but I think I'll avoid GS...
Something tells me the PS Circle Jerk going on there at the moment is probably of EPIC proportions.
So..... anyone blown away? I don't know what I was expecting, but that wasn't it.
In summary: A higher HD PS3 with a streaming Virtual Console and a Share button I will never, ever use. The End.
...and I would forget all of it in a minute if Nintendo were to announce a new Metroid game tomorrow.
Just a question. Would you watch 10 minutes of gameplay that a friend posted? Would anyone do this? I kind of get sharing a screenshot. That takes 3 seconds to look at, and then you move on. But watching an entire video?? I don't get that. My time is valuable. As pathetic as it is, I still have a life.
Ravenprose said:
Light bar? WTF? I don't want more sensor bar shit cluttering up my TV again.
It's going to make having 2 systems on one TV get very crowded.
Braid guy said "Exclusive in the Launch Window."
Destiny is coming for everything.
Diablo 4? Cool but old news, and they just said a "Partnership" not "Exclusive." Porting Diablo to 360 would be easy money for them. Will happen.
Watch Dogs is coming for everything.
Motorstorm game... motorstorm is as bland a racing game as they come.
inFamous and Killzone. No surprises. Hope the new inFamous is better than the last infamous. Killzone is... Killzone.
Nothing earth shattering.
I hated the Wii sensor bar, and was so glad to finally be rid of it. Now Sony's making one? FFFUUUUU!!!!
Easier to develop for. So it's looking good to me.
Buy at launch? Depends on how my PC adoption is going.
But overall a credible foray into the next gen.
I almost feel bad that Microsoft is going to crush them with their conference. Almost.

Diablo III on PS4?