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The Real Process of Updating the News: Updated and Expanded 2013 Edition
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Wed, 27 Nov 2013 13:51:09
aspro said:

Okay, wow, you still don't get what I was saying. I promise not to comment on anything you do or say in the future.

Of course I understand what you were saying, you really don't think I understand locker room humour Pro? But some things are okay, others not as the Justice League pic makes clear.

I made it blatantly clear how I felt last time and you did it again. It obviously didn't get through to you. As I said I am 99.9% okay with everything you say and do apart from this. I think you are a great guy in general -all around- and a cool dude. But in general regarding everyone, when I post 4 articles in a row from Analysts saying the Wii U is a dud, a bomb, going to fail do I get any comment on that from anybody? "GG what are you trying to tell us from these analyst articles?" No I don't, I only seem to get the short end of the stick and not the other way round. It's like people have selective memories or something and it pisses me off because it feels like you only get comment on the bad but not the good. Being a Nintendo fan didn't stop me from busting my ass posting a billion PS4 updates on launch day.

Foolz said:

I was one of those pluses, and I also wish pluses weren't anonymous (it'd be interesting to see who they belonged to). I was just too lazy to post "LOL" instead.

I've pretty much hated most of, the plus and minus system, as it leads to a form of anonymous group bullying. Especially in the past when two members would argue amongst each other and people would wade with pluses only and not actual discussion. IMO if you think something you should say it or shut up, instead of piling in on one persons side.

Ravenprose said:

Okay, I'm trying to understand what's going on here, GG. You are upset because Aspro (and others) have jokingly implied that you are a Nintendo fan? I don't see the problem. You are a Nintendo fan. I'm a Nintendo fan. Hell, most of us on this site are HUGE Nintendo fans. So why exactly does it bother you to be called one? I am quite certain nobody here is mocking or trying to alienate you.

Because I spend a lot time and effort busting my ass, posting news for you guys to keep this group together, only to be ridiculed for a coincidental grouping of stories? Especially when the timing and release of said editorials is and was completely out of my control. And I actually don't see anyone else here being mocked for being Nintendo fans even when many play more Nintendo games sooner than I do, and criticise them less.

Re-read this Hamster


Recently I posted 4 articles which were editorials from various sites about why the Wii U was a better purchase this Christmas than PS4 and XB1. I received a short "LOL GG is a fanboy" equivalent response, which was then plus-ed by 3 people which means there are 4 people who think this. The reality is that I saw all 4 stories at the same time in one thread.

Wii U: what a difference a single game can make

As someone who is constantly reading and constantly looking for things to show you guys, I post what I see when I see it. So imagine you are me, you click a thread whilst reading GAF and the thread is about how Super Mario 3D world is changing peoples opinions on Wii U. In this single opening post are links to 4 articles about the subject. As someone who is constantly updating the news each day I post the stories one after the other.

They are posted one after the other because that is when I see them. Would it make sense to post 1 of them, wait till the next day and post another, wait another day or even a couple of hours then post another? That makes no sense. When I go to Eurogamer I post all the Eurogamer stories I see one after the other, as I am on the site at that time of day. When I am on CVG I post all the stories I see there one after the other as I am on the site. Then later in the day I usually do a 2nd run through where I return to said sites.

So logically when I am on GAF and see 4 articles in the same post, as a NEWS UPDATER it only makes sense for me to post them all as I see them, one after the other. It makes no sense NOT to. I explained why they were posted that way and posted a link to the thread where I saw them but no one replied or plus-ed my post. So I really don't appreciate the LULZ GG is a fanboy +1 treatment. Maybe you think this is an overeaction, but try updating the news everyday for years - LOOKING FOR INFORMATION FOR YOU GUYS TO KEEP YOU ENTERTAINED AND INFORMED and then getting shit for it.

And on the other hand, really do not ignore the dozens upon dozens upon dozens of stories I have posted about how the Wii U is weak, horrible, flatlining in sales or missing publisher support. And that's been posted continuously by me for about 2 years now. No one here has posted as much negative Nintendo news as me and I never seem to get recognition for that. Whether I agree with it or not, I post it.

I'm the one who posts that news regardless of whether it's negative or not. In fact the day before the 4 "Wii U is good" editorials I posted an analyst saying that it would sell like the Gamecube and just today I posted: Xbox One UK sales about to overtake Wii U total

So next time before jumping on the LULZ GG is a fanboy +1 train, stop and think about how the updating process is done and please stop being so silently glib. If you have something to say then say it.


But also the 3 silent anonymous +1s it received are just annoying because they feel like anonymous cowardly jibes. I explained in a post exactly where the links came from and why they were posted in a block like that. The reply was ignored by everyone. If Aspro had simply quoted my reply and said: "I see", or  if anyone else had even simply acknowleged my reply everything would have been fine. Instead I get stony silence from everybody and no silent plus ones for my post. It makes posting here become less and less attractive - especially if the message gained from such exhchanges is post less and get less hassle. Don't make yourself a target.

At this point it's honestly is tiring of being the butt of an unfunny, long running joke. At first it's funny, after a long time of repeats it just becoming annoying and tiresome.

Dvader said:

Both sides are right. You also can control what you post so all those stories back to back is kind of funny. It can be both , we love the work you do and we can point out funny things too, it shouldn't be seen as a slight.

No I don't believe both sides are right. The grouping of stories is a result of the updating process as described above. They were all linked from the same post on the same day and it makes no sense not to post them when I am on a site on the same page as they are presented which is what I do with every site as a bulk updater. Your basic assumtion is LOL GG is marketing for Nintendo today, you are in essence not commenting on the stories but on me which is something you argued against earlier. No one questioned why the internet released 11 simillar editorials from 11 independent websites? No one questioned why suddenly games journalists were advocating Wii U when new consoles were launching? No one actually went on to read and discuss what was said in those articles? I read a few and they weren't all RA RA GO Wii U editorials as one might assume from headlines.

The latter group of articles were all posted independently by different websites on the same day. If you don't understand why they are grouped like that then you need to imagine the posting process. I have no control over 11 different independent websites with regards as to the content or release date of said content. I try and post things when they are current, when they appear so if they all appear on the same day they will likely get posted on the same day. If they appear on the same page, they will get posted one after the other because this is the updating process.

Ask yourself: When I post a review do I post one review or many? When I post financial information do I post one take or many? When I post analyst insights do I post one story or many? There is nothing different about editorials. I try to read as much on any subject to get a broad view on things.

At the end of the day it doesn't matter what you all feel about this subject, as I'm one of the few it applies to and affects as a news poster. It's me who is doing the updates and me who it affects, so you need to be aware of my thoughts on the subject. I'm doing long stints of updates virtually everyday of the week for something like 5-6 years continuously in a fairly arduous and thankless task, all to supply you, my friends with interesting content to read and dissect. I don't need to feel like I'm just wasting time for nothing. And you can see how I take the updating more seriously because of it.

There are so many times when other people update when they do something wrong or fuck up and I never say anything. I fix broken links, spelling, I hardly even delete repeats, even when the same story is already posted 2 inches down. Even when every story somehow gets posted as big news, when there are 20 other updates that day of similar magnitude.

Maybe I should be doing less, but I'd still feel the same way about it. I shouldn't have to think twice before posting an update on the assumption that my group of friends might ridcule me for it.

EDITED for Justice League pic

Edited: Wed, 27 Nov 2013 16:00:08

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Wed, 27 Nov 2013 14:09:10
travo said:

GG, I plused Aspro's because it was funny to see all the articles lumped together, not because I agreed with it.  I didn't plus your post because A.  I was reading on the go and B. I just simply wasn't thinking about it.  I've corrected it.  Usually, if I plus your post, it's because you've made me laugh, even at my expense, judging from the times I've plused Iga's posts directed at me.

I don't think there's anybody that took Aspro's post seriously.  There's nobody that truly believes you have a bias towards Nintendo.  Hell, we are all Nintendo fans.

I thank you for that. I am somewhat biased towards Nintendo but I post everything regardless on other platforms and whether articles are critical of Nintendo or not.

That's why it's annoying. I can post a million non-tendo articles and nothing is said, then when a bunch of Nintendo stories appears because I am processing links off a page I get called out for it. It may appear a small thing for you but it's a big thing to me because I'm the one doing the bulk updating for hours each week.  

I don't know how many times I've pointed out that I can't play 360 in my room because of crippling muscular back pain which manifested itself a few years into 360s life. I can barely play Wii U because of a shared tv, if it weren't for off tv play I would hardly play anything but portables. I can hardly even sleep most nights.

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Wed, 27 Nov 2013 14:14:07
gamingeek said:

I've pretty much hated most of, the plus and minus system, as it leads to a form of anonymous group bullying. Especially in the past when two members would argue amongst each other and people would wade with pluses only and not actual discussion. IMO if you think something you should say it or shut up, instead of piling in on one persons side.

Ganging up on people can happen when people are posting instead of plusing or minusing something. You don't need anonymity for that, but you could perhaps argue that it makes it an easier behaviour to partake in?

For the record, I plused it because it was amusing (if only for highlighting all the articles bunched together as they were; not specifically because he implied you posted them all) and, like Arsene Wenger, I didn't even see your response because that's the nature of ggweekly (a lot of stuff gets missed; or at least I miss a lot of it).

I say that not to defend myself, but so that you know there wasn't even any banter involved in the plusing <3.

Feel better dude. I remember you had my back when Steel had a hissy fit over me posting a Halo troll story way back when I was posting news stories. So what can we take from this? Steel is a dick. A giant, engorged, hard as fuck dick.

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Wed, 27 Nov 2013 15:15:05
Foolz said:

So what can we take from this? Steel is a dick. A giant, engorged, hard as fuck dick.

I bet you say that to all boys. blush

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Wed, 27 Nov 2013 15:51:30
Foolz said:

Ganging up on people can happen when people are posting instead of plusing or minusing something. You don't need anonymity for that, but you could perhaps argue that it makes it an easier behaviour to partake in?

For the record, I plused it because it was amusing (if only for highlighting all the articles bunched together as they were; not specifically because he implied you posted them all) and, like Arsene Wenger, I didn't even see your response because that's the nature of ggweekly (a lot of stuff gets missed; or at least I miss a lot of it).

I say that not to defend myself, but so that you know there wasn't even any banter involved in the plusing <3.

Feel better dude. I remember you had my back when Steel had a hissy fit over me posting a Halo troll story way back when I was posting news stories. So what can we take from this? Steel is a dick. A giant, engorged, hard as fuck dick.

I don't remember it being Steel.

Myself, I know there are fans of many things here, I don't press it that much unless there's some explicit understanding of mockery. Especially in one case, because it's not polite and there's no need for it I respect and trust that person and understand his love of (insert item of fandom). That's social awareness.  If people want to rag on my Endless Ocean or Animal Crossing love so be it, but the implication of bias I do not appreciate even taken off hand and especially when I've made it clear I disapprove of it before. And not when I'm doing nothing differently, updating in the way I normally would, everyday.

I've ignored it many times but you can only poke a sleeping bear so much before he wakes up.

I could take it as: "Shit, well I guess I shouldn't do Nintendo updates anymore if people think I'm so biased?" That's what I could take away from it. I personally love this site because of the lack of restrictions on moderation on what you can and cannot post. If I suddenly feel like I can't be me, then it loses it's appeal.

I'm just saying, be aware of the updating process, not just on this recent issue but on all the rest of it. For instance on these sections:


Just because I post a story or editorial does not mean I agree with it. Remember this. I am here to deliver the news, not to filter and read and judge everything. If you do not like a particular story and have an issue with it, that is fine, but please do not shoot the messenger. Your issue is with the writer of the article or the content in it. Please leave me out of it.

"Shooting the messenger" is a metaphoric phrase used to describe the act of lashing out at the (blameless) bearer of bad news.


This relates to shooting the messenger. When people do updates en masse they are trying to get through and post a whole lot of news in not much time. We do not have time to read the content of each and every article we post. There are a whole bunch of sites with a whole lot of links and we are just trying to process them and get them up as links for you to click on. When you have a problem with a story, please note that the updaters have not neccesarily looked behind the one line headline when we post it.

I  understand you guys were joking about and thanks for taking the time for explaining it. Hopefully you can see things from my perspective.

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Wed, 27 Nov 2013 16:42:08

See? It wasn't me!

Can I still keep to be a giant, engorged dick, though?

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Wed, 27 Nov 2013 17:18:16

I probably shouldn't speak at all since I'm unaware of the post(s) which caused the misunderstanding in the first place.  I just want to say that since Mario World reviews, there has been a really big number of media coverage, reports, articles and opinion pieces not just from dedicated gamesites but from everywhere about how Mario is the best game out this moment and how the Wii U is the best and most sensible gaming purchase right now and this holiday season.

I guess they all suddenly felt guilty for writing it off and ignoring it and all of a sudden tried to overcompensate.  This being a news site it was inevitable that all of that would filter through here.  It's not a campaign for people buying Wii U's by any member of the vgpress.  After all if the percentage of gamers who bought a U was the same as it is amongst the vgp members the console would have sold a hell of a lot more.  So yes, a large number of vgp members are long time Nintendo fans, what unbiased gamer who has been around for longer than the last two generations isn't? Also for later members, it's worth remembering that the vgp came about after the mass exodus from gamespot which was caused by the scandal of the greatest game of all time receiving an 8.8 (for not having dolby surround sound) by the fat fuck whose name shall not be spoken here.  And after a long time of shunning and disregard for Nintendo games and hardware.

Anyways, forgive me for kind of stating the obvious.


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Wed, 27 Nov 2013 17:34:29

I guess the disconnect here is I don't see where we ridiculed you but I guess you feel that way so sorry. As others have stated 4 or 5 of the same story like that posted together in a row is funny.

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Wed, 27 Nov 2013 19:42:20
Dvader said:

I guess the disconnect here is I don't see where we ridiculed you but I guess you feel that way so sorry. As others have stated 4 or 5 of the same story like that posted together in a row is funny.

Okay're not laughing at the stories or the content. You're not laughing at why the internet has collectively decided to write the same thing at the same time. You were laughing at a post, laughing at me for posting it. Get that? So as I said the message I take away from that is to be wary of posting Nintendo stories.

No one ever makes comment when I post tons of Sony of MS stories on one day.

If you don't understand why the stories are grouped like that then you need to imagine the posting process. I have no control over 11 different independent websites with regards as to the content or release date of said content. I try and post things when they are current, when they appear so if they all appear on the same day they will likely get posted on the same day. If they appear on the same page, they will get posted one after the other because this is the updating process.

But as I said, that's part of why I don't like the plus and previously the minus system. I had no idea who plused it or why as the very nature of the system doesn't allow for any reason or explanation. I cannot read your minds on what you were thinking when you did it. All I can see is my "friends" plusing a somewhat misguided attempt at lockeroom humour, whose only message was: GG is a fanboy LOL - look at him posting pro-nintendo stories.

That's why I'm saying in this blog in the opening post, take a moment to think before you just pile in on the plus train. Because from my perspective I am getting shit for posting in the same way as I always have.

I trust Aspro 100% if he says he didn't mean anything by it, I don't want to fall out with a great guy, I just cannot believe that after last time he had forgotten how I felt about the issue and he hasn't really apologised either. I love the guy apart from this (one) tiny issue. AllI can say is that if I cause offence mistakenly, if I didn't mean anything by it, I apologise and that's the end of the issue, hands up.

As I've explained I put a lot into getting new stories to this place each day, do you even realise that when I say I post stories for you I literally mean it? I post FIFA and Killzone news for Foolz, Sonic news for Dvader, Halo and Gears news for Archie, PC news for Edgecrusher, Harvest Moon news for Robio, I used to post Deadly Premonition links for Aspro, what few there were....

I don't give a crap about most of that stuff I am literally doing it for you. The other stuff there is some cross over with my interests and other peoples.

bugsonglass said:

I just want to say that since Mario World reviews, there has been a really big number of media coverage, reports, articles and opinion pieces not just from dedicated gamesites but from everywhere about how Mario is the best game out this moment and how the Wii U is the best and most sensible gaming purchase right now and this holiday season.

I guess they all suddenly felt guilty for writing it off and ignoring it and all of a sudden tried to overcompensate.  This being a news site it was inevitable that all of that would filter through here.


No one was laughing at why the internet has suddenly had a eureka-moment-180-turn on Wii U. It was because I posted the stories from the same page one after the other and that, to me is a logical approach of the updating process. You go to a page, see links and copy said links across. It makes no sense to go off the page, do something else then come back to it. I could take a lazy approach and post a single forum link, I could do that a lot for tons of news and content, but then the updates would be a pale shadow of what they are. I don't know if any of you actually use the news search function here, but we've built up a large referencable database of important news stories that is a great resource.

I didn't even post any Mario 3D World reviews.

Anyway I've exhaustively explained how I felt on the issue, there's no point me explaining it anymore either you get it or don't. Just be aware of the mindset of a bulk updater: you put a lot in, you get very little out - but at the same time you don't expect aggro for it either.

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Thu, 28 Nov 2013 01:56:36
SteelAttack said:

See? It wasn't me!

Can I still keep to be a giant, engorged dick, though?

I chose you simply so I could call someone that with a certain degree of certainty.

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Thu, 28 Nov 2013 09:13:23

GG, your misunderstanding on the reality of the situation is based on so many complex misinterpretations and contortioned imaginings of my intent and true feelings that I don't even know where to start. I'll just stay true to my promise from here on out and not comment on your valued contributions to the site (no sarcasm) so to avoid further confusion.  These really are the last words I'll contribute to the topic.

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Thu, 28 Nov 2013 20:22:00

I think you're a super, intelligent, lovable and interesting great guy but I could just do without the quarterly Aspro reminder of my fandom, that's all, it's no biggie. I don't want to blank you or vice versa, but if that's how you feel that's okay too. If you think your single line post is so difficult to understand and has been interpreted by me with many complex misinterpretations and contortioned imaginings of your intent then explain your post, it's not hard. Don't pull the old misunderstood line and disappear.

To me it's simple, you made a bad joke - to me it was a bad joke, about an aspect of the site which I put a lot of time and effort into, it backfired - unfortunately it was then plused by other people (whose true intent can't be gauged by an anonymous +1's at the time) which amplified the post as it was like 4 fuck yeahs. So overall it annoyed me more, especially as no one seemed to acknowledge my reply. Because I go out of my way to cover platforms and games that I personally have little interest in, for the benefit of all the people here. I could pick my little niche and ignore everything else.

The purpose of this blog is to show the The Real Process of Updating the News: Updated and Expanded 2013 Edition with a few added sections, including showing people why updates are posted the way they are, including concurrent updates on the same day - as wel as more information on reviews and rumours.

I have no harsher feelings towards you than the other asswads on this site. We've all fucked each other off in some way or the other, but at the end of the day if there is no malicious intent and as long as everyone can understand how we all feel about the issue, hands up, remember it, it's done. Finished, end of issue.

My only purpose here in this blog is to make people aware of why and how things are posted. The only reason with you, it irked me is because we specifically talked about this last time. If someone tells me he doesn't appreciate making fun of (insert subject) I remember it and it's a no go area for me. Just please try and remember, after giving and giving I'm not asking for thanks, I'm not asking for praise, but just be aware I'll likely be touchier about update-criticism too. I haven't even read half the shit people have problems with and just because I post it doesn't mean I agree with it.

Edited for broken pic link

Edited: Fri, 29 Nov 2013 12:00:44

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Thu, 05 Dec 2013 16:30:03
I didn't pick up on there being some underlying mini-drama going on in here.  To give my unsolicited opinion, there are two differences sources of emotional inference here that clearly distinguish a silly observation with backhanding and disparagement.

From aspro's side, coincidentally there were a bunch of stories about buying a Wii U.  So anyone posting those would have been subject to the same joke, because with disregard to everything else, it's kinda funny to see them all in a row by coincidence.

From GG's side, the Internet and communities in general are awful.  They're entitled, cynical and hateful.  In the context of the Internet at large, "what are you trying to say, GG?" is a hostile statement the majority of the time, even as a "joke".

You aren't on opposite sides, you're just from different perspectives.  What would be best is if aspro could see this as not GG trying to find trouble or be prone to unwarranted offence, and GG that in the context of us here on the site, it's really not directed at you, your character or any commentary at all on your content.


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Thu, 05 Dec 2013 16:32:43

I need the ability to plus more than once.

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Fri, 06 Dec 2013 15:52:19

Sorta agree, I do agree most internet communities are filled with undesirbales but not here. As for the rest I sorta don't agree.

The message wasn't questioning why the internet was writing articles, echoing the same sentiment on the same day. It was saying: "what you are trying to tell me GG by posting it - I can't read between the lines." And people were plusing the post, even if they thought it was just funny to see updates bunched like that - they were actually plusing a post - which misakenly or not, intentionally or not - indicated I was just being fanboyish by posting them.

And from my perspective as I have linked and explained, it was my normal posting process, I wasn't doing anything special, where I saw all links in the same post on the same page and that I found it telling that the internets' opinion had changed on the perennial whipping boy of the internet.

As I said before, if Aspro says there is nothing behind it I 100% believe and trust him in that, I have nothing but good things to say about the guy - I just wanted people to know how it comes across to me, when it feels I am doing a lot for other peoples' benefit and then getting criticised for it. Yes I am touchier on the subject, but easily placated. And as I said before I've got no particular issue with Pro, anymore than the +1 crew or anyone else on the site. The people on the site who +1-ed the message are some of my favourite people, as is Aspro.

He's not talking to me, sadly and hasn't really said much apart from locker room humor and how my intepretations have many levels of wrongness, but he won't explain why. Still as said, he's totally cool with me, but I don't know if the feeling's mutual anymore. crying

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Fri, 06 Dec 2013 16:10:23
You're looking right past what I said and continuing the same thought-process.

I was suggesting the inclination to view a post joking about the articles as being a personal criticism was due to it being that's usually the kind of passive-aggressive crap that gets posted on the Internet.


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Fri, 06 Dec 2013 17:00:45
Yodariquo said:
You're looking right past what I said and continuing the same thought-process.

I was suggesting the inclination to view a post joking about the articles as being a personal criticism was due to it being that's usually the kind of passive-aggressive crap that gets posted on the Internet.

The post wasn't joking about the articles, it was joking about me posting the articles and making insinuations about what I was trying to tell everyone by doing so. That's the distinction here you're not recognising.

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Fri, 06 Dec 2013 18:05:58
gamingeek said:

The post wasn't joking about the articles, it was joking about me posting the articles and making insinuations about what I was trying to tell everyone by doing so. That's the distinction here you're not recognising.

That's your inference informed by negative association.  My entire point is there are multiple reasonable interpretations dependent on your base assumptions.


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Mon, 09 Dec 2013 13:21:59

Well you can hardly blame my interpretation when no one replied to my post in the first place and just blanked me. And it's not like Pro actually ever really explained what he meant anyway. My good buddy Vader took the post in the same way I did "You control what you post" etc.

What are these multiple reasonable interpretations? Going by the original message of having to 'read between the lines' and asking what 'message I was trying to send?' by posting those articles one after the other.

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