Phantom_Leo: 1548 1567 1147
Robio: 1505 2092 2428
**Hands-on and Reviews**
IGN.Com Hands-On "Yes. It is in Fact as Cool as it Looks!" Preview:
"To say that this game is unconventional is an understatement. In our first two hours behind the wheel with Excitebots we've had office members stop and stare, and we've had comments about it being a 3D reincarnation of Uniracers, Wario Ware mixed with racing, an F-Zero styIe game, and others. The real obvious truth, however, is that the game simply does whatever it wants, as long as it ensures more fun in the process. You'll still get the star-based racing from the first Excite Truck, you'll get crazy air, terrain morphing buttons, a boost meter that needs to be kept in constant check, air spins, jump boosts, and plenty of locales to blaze through at ridiculous speeds. Add on top of that, however, is the some of the most insane stunt and micro-game elements I've ever seen in a racer."
"As for three unlockable bots we can talk about, you've got the mouse, mantis, and hummingbird each available for a certain price at the beginning of the game. Being a fan of the lighter racers, I unlocked the hummingbird for a cool 2,500 stars, and it was worth every penny. He rivals the bat as far as flight and gliding goes, making for serious air bonuses and tricking."
"Briefly in the first trailer you could see bots running on the ground, rather than driving. This is also a new power-up, collected by grabbing a wrench on the race track. For anyone that snags this amazing item, it could mean a serious edge on the competition, as your bot seamlessly transforms into a biped and starts running. Tilt control is still in effect, but slamming down left and right while trying to turn at the same time (basically a more exaggerated tilt) will cause the bot to sprint, busting into flames and tearing through the competition as it trots over trees and speeds ahead. The game takes it one step further though, adding another layer of awesome on top of the already in-place awesome for now double-awesome goodness."
"Nintendo has asked that we keep a lid on a few things within the game (mostly unlockables you'll be spending your stars on), but online is confirmed, and it's six players. We also had a chance to try out the odd – but again, awesome – Poker Race mode, which combines cIassc five card draw with in-level cards and a "hand" for each player. In these three specific tracks, players have a hand of five cards, and the ability to highlight those cards one at a time with left and right d-pad taps. When colliding with other cards in the world, your on-screen hand is updated, swapping out the new card for the highlighted one. Basic poker rules apply, with the A button used to "cash in" a hand and score points, getting a new stack of random cards immediately after. It's still a conventional race in the sense that you want to be in first to have your pick of the available cards on the track, but more importantly the different hands yield huge amounts of stars, and the racer with the most stars at the end of the track takes the gold. It's a lot to take in, since you'll be racing and trying to think strategically as well, but the game keeps your hand (as well as on-screen prompts for upcoming lines of cards) on-screen to streamline the experience. It's a fun mode, and hopefully – we'd assume – it's online as well."
"Overall the game is similar in visual and audio design as Excite Truck was, with an amazing sense of speed and some decent visuals given the speed and depth of field shown off when leaping into the air. The game also supports two specific control styIes for tilt Wii-mote driving, as well as twist-based Wii wheel controls."
Check out the search function of this site, they will give you all the news we posted about this game quickly!
Not sure I will get this unless it's cheap. Does look fun though. I'm still working my way through mario kart, I need golds in all 150cc cups.
The poker game in this looks pretty good, you actually drive through cards to get a better hand.
Love the transformers theme too. If it had wii speak support I would probably get it.
Iga_Bobovic said:EXCITEEEEEEEEE!!!
Check out the search function of this site, they will give you all the news we posted about this game quickly!
Best wii graphics confirmed. Off-colour tone so that it has Madworld appeal, too! And violence. Lots of violence.

Lucky Americans, us Europeans haven't even got a date for it yet

IGN posted their review for this - 8.4. Not a bad score, but what may have sold me on the game was Bozon's "Another Take" review.
Excitebots is a game that personifies what Wii is really about to me. Here you’ve got a title that’s blazing fast, friendly on the eyes (for both casual and hardcore players), and is just downright entertaining. It may be inspired by a Wii launch game, but everything here feels fresh, and if there was a chance to make something more fun along the way, Monster Games went for it. That’s why Excitebots is a success in my eyes. No matter the score, this title is a “game” in the purest definition of the word. This one puts the Excite series over Mario Kart on Wii for me, and my only wish for the team is that they just keep bringing on more. Give us more stunts, more action, more options, and more modes. In fact, the gameplay itself reminds me of a lighthearted WipEout or F-Zero. If the sand and snow is getting dull, why not take this one into an even more abstract futuristic realm. After this gem of a racer, you’ve already got my money for the next one. When a game is this downright fun, it doesn’t need to be anything else.
I'll keep reading reviews but this little bit is extremely encouraging. I may have to dig through the couch and see what change I can find.
Anybody know if there is split screen racing, though?
IGN.Com's 8.4 "Impressive" Review -- "Excitebots Trick Racing is a great racing experience that I sincerely hope gets more attention and recognition than Excite Trucks ever did. Monster Games' previous effort was fantastic, but this unofficial sequel is better in just about every regard. Not only does it play better -- the controls are tighter and the challenges awesome and surreal -- but it's got more options. Collectibles. A very robust and engaging online mode complete with a great betting system. You can even send instant replays and with tracked-on bets to friends. The trick system is enjoyable. And all the big air and breakneck speed of Excite Trucks is back, plus some. My biggest gripes relate to level variety. There are 20-something tracks but most of them fall under five regions or so and start to blend together. The lack of WiiSpeak support online is a disappointment. Same goes for SD Card-based music playback. And I definitely do believe that single-player-only gamers are given the short end of the stick where unlockables are concerned because they are going to have to spend much more time with the title than those who make and win bets online.
All things considered, Excitebots definitely delivers. The year is far from over, but I'd be surprised if this wasn't a nominee for best racer by the time the holidays roll around."
Another Take: "Excitebots is a game that personifies what Wii is really about to me. Here you’ve got a title that’s blazing fast, friendly on the eyes (for both casual and hardcore players), and is just downright entertaining. It may be inspired by a Wii launch game, but everything here feels fresh, and if there was a chance to make something more fun along the way, Monster Games went for it. That’s why Excitebots is a success in my eyes. No matter the score, this title is a “game” in the purest definition of the word. This one puts the Excite series over Mario Kart on Wii for me, and my only wish for the team is that they just keep bringing on more. Give us more stunts, more action, more options, and more modes. In fact, the gameplay itself reminds me of a lighthearted WipEout or F-Zero. If the sand and snow is getting dull, why not take this one into an even more abstract futuristic realm. After this gem of a racer, you’ve already got my money for the next one. When a game is this downright fun, it doesn’t need to be anything else."
It's freakin' FAST--!
You race while earning stars while trying to place first--!
You catch sooo much air the ground becomes a speck under your bot--!
The different bars, minigames, weapons, jumps, powerups keep you sooo occupied, this game will NEVER get boring--!
Between steering, pumping the controller on the horizontal bars, pushing on the vertical bars, steering while floating, rocking to run on 2 legs, and rotating to get air spins... this game is a FULL BODY WORKOUT--!
The craziness of Wario Ware with the air of Rush the speed of F-Zero the competition of Mario Kart the turbo of Excitebike... This is a game that T-R-U-L-Y DOES HAVE. IT. ALL--!
This is an official APB alert from Officer_Leo: Be on the lookout for any person claiming to be a "gamer" that doesn't think this game is the greatest thing since analog control. They are to have their gaming license revoked IMMEDIATELY!
Looks like a fun racer. Better than Mario Kart?
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
ASK_Story said:A little too excited? LOL!!!
Looks like a fun racer. Better than Mario Kart?
that's what bozon said but maybe he got carried away. looks like a solid game though. and i have to confess that the day i saw the screenshots with the pukka-pies and the darts and the poker and other gimmicks i thought it was going to be absolutely pants and all but dismissed it
robio said:IGN posted their review for this - 8.4. Not a bad score, but what may have sold me on the game was Bozon's "Another Take" review.
Excitebots is a game that personifies what Wii is really about to me. Here you’ve got a title that’s blazing fast, friendly on the eyes (for both casual and hardcore players), and is just downright entertaining. It may be inspired by a Wii launch game, but everything here feels fresh, and if there was a chance to make something more fun along the way, Monster Games went for it. That’s why Excitebots is a success in my eyes. No matter the score, this title is a “game” in the purest definition of the word. This one puts the Excite series over Mario Kart on Wii for me, and my only wish for the team is that they just keep bringing on more. Give us more stunts, more action, more options, and more modes. In fact, the gameplay itself reminds me of a lighthearted WipEout or F-Zero. If the sand and snow is getting dull, why not take this one into an even more abstract futuristic realm. After this gem of a racer, you’ve already got my money for the next one. When a game is this downright fun, it doesn’t need to be anything else.
I'll keep reading reviews but this little bit is extremely encouraging. I may have to dig through the couch and see what change I can find.
Why didn't they just let Bozon do the review? It sounds very fun, unfortunately over here there is no release date and I have other stuff to keep me occu-pied.
It beats Mario Kart Wii? Wow, may have to get it then. Eventually.
Nice impressions Leo. How is the steering? Not sure I like tilting to drive but Excite seems to have wider more open terrain style tracks which may suit the controls more.
Game Overview
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High-speed action. Robotic insect and animal racers. Wii Wheel controls. Bowling, poker, clowns – and sandwiches! Add them all together and you get the wild, nonstop fun of Excitebots: Trick Racing.
How to progress through the game: Players race around tracks at high speeds while performing stunts and participating in mini-games, all in an effort to earn stars. Players win bonus stars for crossing the finish line sooner, but stunts and styIe are as important as speed. Stars can be traded for a variety of goodies, like new vehicles, icons and statues.
Controls: The 2 Button on the Wii Remote™ controller is the gas. The + Control Pad gives drivers a speed boost. Players turn the Wii Wheel accessory left or right to steer, tilt the Wii Wheel in mid-air to glide or to adjust pitch for perfect landings, swing the Wii Wheel in circular motions around boost bars to build up speed and press the A Button to activate items or to cash in hands in Poker Mode. Note: The Wii Wheel accessory is recommended but not required to race. Wii Remote controllers can be used on their own as well.
Special powers/weapons/moves/features: Just as in Excite Truck, drivers can hit blocks that morph the terrain before their eyes and create ramps from which players can launch mega-jumps. Players can aim for and swing around boost bars or open presents that unleash a variety of wild items, such as bottle rocket boosts or clacker mouths that chomp on other racers to slow them down. Players also can activate in-race mini-games including: