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The VG Press thread of software sales and Pachter wannabees (Ninty and Capcom numbers at page 3!!)
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Mon, 27 Apr 2009 23:47:57

In the latest podcast we talked about the sales of the non shooter games on the 360. We had many threads and discussions about Wii software sales and now there is a thread about Rare and if their games are selling on the 360.

So I thought it would be a good idea to put the life to date software numbers here. They are leaked numbers that give life to date US sales until January 2009. They were originally leaked on Neogaf. 

NPD US Software LTD sales to Jan 09


Assassin's Creed - 2.3m (360), 1.15m (PS3)
Bioshock - 998k (360), 106k (PS3)
The Bourne Conspiracy - 103k (360), 83k (PS3)
Burnout Paradise - 371k (360) 306k (PS3)
Civilization Revolution - 96k (DS), 254k (360), 149k (PS3)
The Darkness - 284k (360), 133k (PS3)
Dark Sector - 139k (360), 97k (PS3)
Dead Space - 337k (360), 212k (PS3)
Disgaea - 45k (DS), 78k (PSP)
Dynasty Warriors 6 - 113k (360), 103k (PS3), 26k (PS2)
Eternal Sonata - 98k (360), 33k (PS3)
Fallout 3 - 1.14m (360), 452k (PS3)
Fight Night 3 - 1.19M (360) 526k (PS3)
Guitar Hero 3 - 2.37M (360) 830k (PS3) 2.75M (Wii)
Guitar Hero: World Tour - 924k (360) 466k (PS3) 1.39M (Wii)
Kane & Lynch - 300k (360), 197k (PS3)
Karaoke Revolution Presents American Idol Encore 1 - 85k (360) 46k (PS3)
Karaoke Revolution Presents American Idol Encore 2 - 20k (36o) 16k (PS3)
Lego Batman - 207k (360), 128k (PS3), 507k (PS2), 420k (Wii)
Lego Indiana Jones - 241k (360), 142k (PS3), 456k (PS2), 563k (Wii)
Mirror's Edge - 207k (360), 125k (PS3)
Mortal Kombat vs DC - 592k (360), 512k (PS3)
N+ - 26k (DS), 21k (PSP)
Prince of Persia - 282k (360), 248k (PS3)
Pure - 158k (360) 92k (PS3)
Rock Band 1 - 1.65M (360) 648k (PS3) 1.03M (Wii)
Rock Band 2 - 1.02M (360) 384k (PS3) 353k (Wii)
Saints Row 2 - 480k (360), 188k (PS3)
Saints Row 2 [Collector's Edition only] - 30k (360), 11k (PS3)
Shaun White - 271k (360), 141k (PS3), 537k (Wii)
Silent Hill 5 - 73k (360), 84k (PS3)
Silent Hill Origins: 80k (PS2), 154k (PSP)
Skate - 606k (360) 202k (PS3)
Sonic Unleashed - 113k (360), 69k (PS3), 315k (Wii)
Soul Calibur 4 - 500k (360), 353k (PS3)
Space Invaders Extreme - 58k (DS), 34k (PSP)
Star Wars Force Unleashed - 823k (360) 464k (PS3) 626k (Wii) 175k (DS) 263k (PSP) 352k (PS2)
Tiger Woods 09 - 216k (360), 174k (PS3), 565k (Wii)
Unreal Tournament III - 164k (360) 219k (PS3)
The World Ends With You - 172k

Beautiful Katamari - 96k
Banjo: Nuts & Bolts - 154k
Battle Fantasia - 4,704
Blue Dragon - 189k
Halo 3 - 4.66m (regular), 633k (CE), 479k (LE)
Infinite Undiscovery - 110k
Left 4 Dead - 1.28m
Lips - 46k
Lost Odyssey - 348k
Ninja Gaiden II - 517k
Saints Row 1 - 1.02m
Tales of Vesperia - 107k
The Last Remnant 118k
Viva Pinata 2 - 80k


Folklore - 109k
Genji: Days of the Blade - 96k
Heavenly Sword - 386k
Lair - 185k
Little Big Planet - 670k
Metal Gear Solid 4 - 1.09m
Motorstorm 1 - 427k
Motorstorm 2 - 138k
Ninja Gaiden Sigma - 316k
Rachet & Clank: Tools of Destruction - 427k
Resistance - 1.07m
Resistance 2 - 640k
Time Crisis 4 - 206k
Uncharted - 534k
Valkyria Chronicles - 74k


Animal Crossing - 654k (game only), 161k (Wiispeak bundle)
Blast Works - 31k
Castle Shikigami 3 - 7,366
Fantastic 4 - 76k
Mario & Sonic @ at the Olympics - 1.99m
No More Heroes - 208k
Ultimate Duck Hunting - 49k
Ultimate Shooting Collection - 1,126
Zack & Wiki - 117k


Disney Golf - 59k
Final Fantasy X - 2.46m
Final Fantasy XII - 1.85m
Katamari Damacy - 450k
Kingdom Hearts 1 - 3.28m
Kingdom Hearts 2 - 2.3m
Kingdom Hearts: RE:Chain of Memories - 312k
Marvel vs Capcom 2 - 246k
Odin Sphere - 149k
Persona 4 - 123k
SMT: Devil Summoner - 43k
SMT: Digital Devil Saga 1 - 51k
SMT: Digital Devil Saga 2 - 43k
SMT: Nocturne - 60k
Silent Hill 2 - 512k
Silent Hill 3 - 279k
Silent Hill 4 - 209k
We Love Katamari - 230k
Yakuza 1 - 56k
Yakuza 2 - 24k


Crisis Core: FF7 - 708k
Patapon - 229k
God of War: Chains of Olympus - 640k
Star Ocean: First Departure - 69k
Yggdra Union - 12k


Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney - 71k
Chrono Trigger - 210k
Contra 4 - 115k
Dragon Quest 4 - 76k
Final Fantasy 4 - 275k
Final Fantasy Tactics A2 - 233k
Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney - 117k
Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney: Justice for All - 110k
Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney: Trials and Tribulations - 92k
Professor Layton & the Curious Village - 340k
Trauma Center: Under the Knife - 225k
Trauma Center: Under the Knife 2 - 61k

MyCoach Series
Word - 263k
Spanish - 224k
Japanese - 90k
French - 83k
Weight - 76k
Chinese - 34k
SAT - 25k
Smoking - 3k

So what do you guys think? Do only casual games sell on the Wii? Is the 360 a shooter/sport console? Do 3rd parties sell on the Wii?

Okay it's time for you guys to be analysts and draw some conclusions. Let's give Pachter a run for his money.

Edited: Sat, 09 May 2009 19:00:40
The VG Press
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Mon, 27 Apr 2009 23:58:16

What the hell people? Buy Zack and Wiki!  Quit fucking buying Wii Play! (Not aimed at any of you guys here.)
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Tue, 28 Apr 2009 00:05:21

travo said:

What the hell people? Buy Zack and Wiki!  Quit fucking buying Wii Play! (Not aimed at any of you guys here.)

But  Zack & Wiki sucks. Nyaa

Edited: Tue, 28 Apr 2009 06:16:02

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Tue, 28 Apr 2009 02:00:03
It's so disheartening to see awesome games like Pure selling so poorly. But I guess it's understandable because who'd want to pay $60 for a ATV racing game?

But the recent Best Buy clearance on Pure shows that people wanted this game but the price was too steep. The game sold out in all the five Best Buys I've been to looking for this game (and others), so price does factor in on game sales.

Of course we already knew that but just saying that Pure was still in people's interest and the game deserved better.


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Tue, 28 Apr 2009 03:08:10
I had to look this one up:

My Stop Smoking Coach

Artist's rendition:

Actual screenshot:
Edited: Tue, 28 Apr 2009 03:09:21


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Tue, 28 Apr 2009 05:15:32
good thread.  world ends with you is just on the ds isn't it?  it slipped into the multiplat list


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Tue, 28 Apr 2009 07:11:49

Hmm, let's see the jRPG's

Disgaea - 45k (DS), 78k (PSP)

The World Ends With You - 172k (DS)

Chrono Trigger - 210k (DS)

Dragon Quest 4 - 76k (DS)

Final Fantasy 4 - 275k (DS)

Final Fantasy Tactics A2 - 233k (DS)

Crisis Core: FF7 - 708k (PSP)

Blue Dragon - 189k (360)

Lost Odyssey - 348k (360)

Tales of Vesperia - 107k (360)

The Last Remnant 118k (360)

Valkyria Chronicles - 74k (PS3)

Besides Lost Odyssey all the jRPG's have not sold well. Even remakes on handhelds have sold more. And keep in mind it is much cheaper to develop for the DS than the 360/PS3. And ouch at the Vesperia and Valkyria numbers. 

Let's compare the numbers to last gen shall we?

Final Fantasy X - 2.46m (PS2)

Final Fantasy XII - 1.85m (PS2)

Kingdom Hearts 1 - 3.28m (PS2)

Kingdom Hearts 2 - 2.3m (PS2)

Kingdom Hearts: RE:Chain of Memories - 312k (GBA)

But these games are Final Fantasy or they have Final Fantasy characters. Until FFXIII comes out we have no base of comparison. So let's see how the other RPG's are doing!

Odin Sphere - 149k (PS2)

Persona 4 - 123k (PS2)

SMT: Devil Summoner - 43k (PS2)

SMT: Digital Devil Saga 1 - 51k (PS2)

SMT: Digital Devil Saga 2 - 43k (PS2)

SMT: Nocturne - 60k (PS2)

Okay the first two (Persona 4 and Odin) are above Tales of Vesperia, but below Blue Dragon and The World Ends With You. But then again they are kinda niche. In conclusion the jRPG market really needs Final Fantasy. Niche RPG's can better be developed for the DS/PSP/Wii because it is cheaper to do so. One of the reason that Tales of Graces is coming for the Wii and the DS and PSP have so many RPG's.

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Tue, 28 Apr 2009 10:27:40

Ugh, only US.

Worldwide would be great. I remember the original Prince of Persia got a sequel because it did really well in Europe.

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Tue, 28 Apr 2009 14:45:48

Bourne conspiracy bombed hard. Damn, Silent hill sells poorly these days, Shattered Memories is going to have a hard time. Viva Pinata 2 at 80k??

Look at the drop here:

Motorstorm 1 - 427k
Motorstorm 2 - 138k

LOL at blastworks, not at the game but it has a very small audience for such a unique game. Man the Yakuza games sell badly. What incentive to SEGA have to bring these to the west?

Ravenprose said:

travo said:

What the hell people? Buy Zack and Wiki!  Quit fucking buying Wii Play! (Not aimed at any of you guys here.)

But  Zack & Wiki sucks. Nyaa

Your mom sucks and I know from experience! BTW Loontown has a character called Hamster? One of my residents told me. Is your sister playing this now? Hook her up with us online so we can learn all your embarrasing childhood secrets.

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Tue, 28 Apr 2009 15:15:31
i've been trying to buy blastworks for weeks.  if even online retailers don't stock it, how is anyone supposed to buy it?

it will be mine though ... oh yes


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Tue, 28 Apr 2009 18:08:03

gamingeek said:

BTW Loontown has a character called Hamster? One of my residents told me. Is your sister playing this now? Hook her up with us online so we can learn all your embarrasing childhood secrets.

 Whoa, that's kinda weird. Yeah, I created a new town a while back just to show my sister the game; I thought she might like it. And I did create a character called Hamster. I'm surprised your residents told you about that character since it was a completely new town with a different friend code. Hmm, maybe it linked up because I used the same Loontown name? Weird. Anyhoo, my sister didn't like the game at all. She thought it was boring. LOL

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Tue, 28 Apr 2009 19:15:17

Okay Rare analysis

Banjo: Nuts & Bolts - 154k

Viva Pinata 2 - 80k

Very bad, we know that Perfect Dark sold more than a million worldwide. So Banjo and Pinata might be to kiddy for the "manly" crowd. 

My prediction Rare will focus on their more edgier IP's like BlastCorps, Killer Instinct and Perfect Dark.

Now let's see the platformers

Mirror's Edge - 207k (360), 125k (PS3)

N+ - 26k (DS), 21k (PSP)

Prince of Persia - 282k (360), 248k (PS3)

Sonic Unleashed - 113k (360), 69k (PS3), 315k (Wii)

Banjo: Nuts & Bolts - 154k (360)

Little Big Planet - 670k (PS3)

Rachet & Clank: Tools of Destruction - 427k (PS3)

That's all the data we have.

But we know that Super Mario Galaxy is 8 million and rising, New Super Mario Bros is around 15 million and rising, de Blob is 800,000 and rising. (Worldwide numbers)

So in conclusion, there are some flops like Mirror's Edge and Prince of Persia, but also new IP's that are doing well like de Blob and Little Big Planet. Known IP's like Mario and Rachet are doing very well. The 360 is not doing well in the platforming department. Banjo the only exclusive flopped. In conclusion the platforming genre is doing alright.

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Tue, 28 Apr 2009 19:21:25

I wonder how much Banjo N&B sales are at now? I mean, those numbers only to Jan 09, so that only accounts for about a month-and-a-half of sales on Banjo. I was told by a Gamespot employee a few weeks ago that the game was selling fairly well at his store, which makes me wonder if the game is selling more now that it has had a price drop to $30.

Personally, I don't think it's fair to call any game a flop or failure unless it's been out a year. Some games just take time to build up sales. 

Edited: Tue, 28 Apr 2009 19:25:37

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Wed, 29 Apr 2009 02:35:52
Hmm, maybe Banjo and Viva Pinata just failed to live up to the level of suckiness found in Perfect Dark Zero.


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Wed, 29 Apr 2009 07:48:31

Good stuff, Iga you covered most of it by now. SH is not a surprise, its been declining as the games decline. I think the new SH will be different cause the game is trying something different and going back to the best selling game in the series, the original.

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Wed, 29 Apr 2009 11:55:41

Dvader said:

Good stuff, Iga you covered most of it by now. SH is not a surprise, its been declining as the games decline. I think the new SH will be different cause the game is trying something different and going back to the best selling game in the series, the original.

 I think it depends if it hits the T or M rating. And are most Silent Hill verterens 360 or PS3 owners? 

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Wed, 29 Apr 2009 12:25:16

gamingeek said:

Dvader said:

Good stuff, Iga you covered most of it by now. SH is not a surprise, its been declining as the games decline. I think the new SH will be different cause the game is trying something different and going back to the best selling game in the series, the original.

I think it depends if it hits the T or M rating. And are most Silent Hill verterens 360 or PS3 owners?

i think the sales of recent games have been so low that they practically don't count.  this looks like an attempt to wipe the slate clean.  they might as well try a new platform, why not?


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Wed, 29 Apr 2009 12:31:21

bugsonglass said:

gamingeek said:

Dvader said:

Good stuff, Iga you covered most of it by now. SH is not a surprise, its been declining as the games decline. I think the new SH will be different cause the game is trying something different and going back to the best selling game in the series, the original.

I think it depends if it hits the T or M rating. And are most Silent Hill verterens 360 or PS3 owners?

i think the sales of recent games have been so low that they practically don't count.  this looks like an attempt to wipe the slate clean.  they might as well try a new platform, why not?

 I'm just saying that as gamers, well we and journalists are going to be like, yeah look how high quality this is. And then we're going to be suprised when it doesn't sell loads and complain about it. 

If you look at recent Silent Hill figures, they aint good full stop, no matter the platform. So if the game comes out, its great, yet it doesn't sell or whatever, I dont want to be seeing the same 3rd party games don't sell, mature games don't sell arguments again. Silent Hill isn't Resident Evil. 

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Wed, 29 Apr 2009 12:38:07

gamingeek said:

bugsonglass said:

gamingeek said:

Dvader said:

Good stuff, Iga you covered most of it by now. SH is not a surprise, its been declining as the games decline. I think the new SH will be different cause the game is trying something different and going back to the best selling game in the series, the original.

I think it depends if it hits the T or M rating. And are most Silent Hill verterens 360 or PS3 owners?

i think the sales of recent games have been so low that they practically don't count.  this looks like an attempt to wipe the slate clean.  they might as well try a new platform, why not?

I'm just saying that as gamers, well we and journalists are going to be like, yeah look how high quality this is. And then we're going to be suprised when it doesn't sell loads and complain about it.

If you look at recent Silent Hill figures, they aint good full stop, no matter the platform. So if the game comes out, its great, yet it doesn't sell or whatever, I dont want to be seeing the same 3rd party games don't sell, mature games don't sell arguments again. Silent Hill isn't Resident Evil.

Bugsy is right, they better treat this as a new IP, because fans of the old series are gone

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Wed, 29 Apr 2009 12:56:40

Assasins Creed really blows my mind. It got really mixed reviews and yet it absolutely blew it out in sales a couple of years back, why? Because it looked like Prince of Persia?

Tell me, people who bought the game, why and why weren't put off by the mixed reviews?

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