If it weren't for Fux, there would be a decent array of Silver Surfer movies by now.
Star Wars day allowed me to keep up the tradition of seeing the "canon" Star Wars films in the cinema that I began with the prequels. (I should probably see the original ones in the cinema sometime, too.)
And, well, at least it's less fan fictiony than The Force Awakens. And it was a very fun blockbuster that attempted to come up with an interesting aesthetic based on the original trilogy (and the prequels with the casino?) rather than straight up plagiarise them. (Though a lot of the high highly saturated scenes used to contrast different colours were very much like the Empire Strikes Back) But it didn't really seem to build much on the first film, nor set up the third: so a teensy weensy rebellion is going to make a last stand against a rejuvenated empire? I mean, wasn't that kind what the first film was leading up to (I don't remember it that well, so maybe I'm wrong). Sure, Rey completed her training, but other than that, what the fuck changed? Most of the characters felt completely flat too, which may have been because every third line of dialogue had to be a joke. This worked okay for the new characters like the c-c-c-c-ode breaker and the nerd and the old comic relief characters like Finn and Chewbacca, but not for anyone else; except Snape, who remained super fun in his brooding toddler tantrums. Can't wait to see Adam Driver in The Man Who Killed Don Quixote.
But the thng that really disappointed me was the ham-fisted writing of the political and religious themes. Shitty monologues on balance and weapons dealing? Get the fuck out! Felt like neither the filmmakers nor the characters believed in any of that shit, and you can't get more un-Star Warsy than that.
Hamill, Dern, and Fisher put in some pretty solid performances in spite of their hollowed out characters.
Wtf is up with Leia being sucked out into space and surviving? Bad decision, too, considering recent tragic events. Does lightspeed travel make any sense if you can hit things?
I thought it was going to suck because it is YouTube exclusive and it is a continuation of the Karate Kid franchise.
Season 1 is only 10 episodes. YouTube gave 2 free episodes for people to try it out. You have to get YouTube Red to watch the rest of the episodes.
It takes place 30 years after the end of Karate Kids, so it is suppose to take place in 2014 I guess but it probably is present day.
I decided to watch the first free episode and it was good so I decided to watch the 2nd free episode. Then I had to get a free trial of YouTube RED.
Foolz said:Star Wars day allowed me to keep up the tradition of seeing the "canon" Star Wars films in the cinema that I began with the prequels. (I should probably see the original ones in the cinema sometime, too.)
And, well, at least it's less fan fictiony than The Force Awakens. And it was a very fun blockbuster that attempted to come up with an interesting aesthetic based on the original trilogy (and the prequels with the casino?) rather than straight up plagiarise them. (Though a lot of the high highly saturated scenes used to contrast different colours were very much like the Empire Strikes Back) But it didn't really seem to build much on the first film, nor set up the third: so a teensy weensy rebellion is going to make a last stand against a rejuvenated empire? I mean, wasn't that kind what the first film was leading up to (I don't remember it that well, so maybe I'm wrong
). Sure, Rey completed her training, but other than that, what the fuck changed? Most of the characters felt completely flat too, which may have been because every third line of dialogue had to be a joke. This worked okay for the new characters like the c-c-c-c-ode breaker and the nerd and the old comic relief characters like Finn and Chewbacca, but not for anyone else; except Snape, who remained super fun in his brooding toddler tantrums. Can't wait to see Adam Driver in The Man Who Killed Don Quixote.
But the thng that really disappointed me was the ham-fisted writing of the political and religious themes. Shitty monologues on balance and weapons dealing? Get the fuck out! Felt like neither the filmmakers nor the characters believed in any of that shit, and you can't get more un-Star Warsy than that.
Hamill, Dern, and Fisher put in some pretty solid performances in spite of their hollowed out characters.
Wtf is up with Leia being sucked out into space and surviving? Bad decision, too, considering recent tragic events.
Does lightspeed travel make any sense if you can hit things?
Completely agree, are you sure you are foolz? lol
It felt so unstar wars to have so many ham fisted attempts at meta commentary.
Dvader said:Completely agree, are you sure you are foolz? lol
It felt so unstar wars to have so many ham fisted attempts at meta commentary.
Lol, does this mean I won't like the new Zelda and Mario*?
*Actually, I'm not entirely sure if Mario disappointed you or not.
Saw Infinity War, it was a good movie. I liked it.
It wasn't really the Infinity Gauntlet though. Didn't like the Wakanda bit at all, felt a bit like a LOTR style battle for the sake of it.
I couldn't get over Captain America - who now looks exactly like Kenny Loggins and the theme tune from Caddyshack played in my head whenever he appeared. There was also a rather unfortunate camera shot when he was trying to stop Thanos from closing his Gauntlet - where a hairy Kenny Loggins seemed to be screaming into a giant golden glove. Shame the Hulk didn't show up.
It was Battle of the goatees when Dr Strange met Iron Man, there should have been a beard stroke off. Good/great film though. Wasn't really the Infinity Gauntlet at all really. It was the kind of pre-amble before Thanos gained all the gems which mostly happened on and off in the Silver Surfer comic books.
I keep thinking, maybe part 2 will have the giant death platform, the celestial beings will all show up and it will mark the triumphant return of the Silver Surfer and Warlock. Wishful thinking.
One thing that did bug me was what they did with the Thanos character. I knew they would try and humanise him and give him some noble-ish concept that would give people more of an understanding and depth. It was cheesy and obvious and I could see it a mile away. It also goes against his character type. Thanos is a fuck everything character, he does what he likes, when he likes. He revels in death and anarchy and he does things on a whim, for fun or because it might make things interesting. And he's not an inherently "bad" character, he's just like a force of nature, who will even do good things if it benefits him or if he thinks it might be interesting.
The central conceit of Thanos in Infinity War doesn't even make any sense because if he did have all the gems he could just eliminate famine/hunger, poverty and war and would not need to kill half the universe. So yeah. Massively flawed conceit there.
It was also mildly irking that they replaced Wolverine and Silver Surfer for Thor and Hulk moments.
I've recently watched The Boy and the Beast (I liked it a lot) and A Letter to Momo (it was too annoying to like a lot, but I still liked it).
By Miu Watanabe.