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The Wii U Launch Thread: Because Edgecrusher is too lazy
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Tue, 23 Oct 2012 19:43:04

I have HDMI, I dont have to worry about anything right?

Oh I see its if you want the sound put to a seperate reciever

Edited: Tue, 23 Oct 2012 19:43:38
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Tue, 23 Oct 2012 19:57:55

Good new footage of Wii U Super Mario from last night on G4

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Wed, 24 Oct 2012 11:28:17

_Bear said:

Not sure that will work thats analog, I think the output for multi channel is only digital on Wii  U  but we won't know because they will never tell us  just have to wait until its out and see. I will most likely just hook it up HDMI and hope my reciever can decode it.

Yeah it is analog. That's the question that is up in the air. You can get Linear PCM from analog RCA cables and the Wii U is decoding the LPCM before it's outputted. But we need to know if the AV Multi out will be able to output it, we need to see if a cable is released for it that can do that.

It's more likely that it outputs 2 channel analog. But there is another option, an HDMI converter cable/box that splits off the audio into the analog source for RCA cables. I checked my system last night it has 3 inputs of analog not 6 so it probably would not work for me anyway.

Dvader said:

I have HDMI, I dont have to worry about anything right?

Oh I see its if you want the sound put to a seperate reciever

Yeah, older receivers do not have HDMI audio and you need HDMI for uncompressed sound that is above 2.0 channels because the cables allow more bandwidth than optical or coaxial.

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Fri, 26 Oct 2012 12:55:08

Watch the IGN zombi U video preview latest build

They say the game has shaped up to be "the absolute must have" and to forget about mario etc.

Also the following video shows an 18 minute quickplay with this area in.

Edited: Fri, 26 Oct 2012 15:48:14

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Fri, 26 Oct 2012 13:06:52

Edited: Fri, 26 Oct 2012 13:20:15

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Fri, 26 Oct 2012 15:19:38
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Sat, 27 Oct 2012 08:18:58

Honestly, Zombi U was my must have all along...there was instantly something about it that caught my eye. Just seemed like a great use of the system more than any other game, and a pretty original take on the zombie genre. Mario isn't even on my radar....I'm sure it will be a good game, but at the end of the day, its just another New Mario Bros game. Its not like its the next REALLY big Mario game or anything.

gamingeek said:

What is the release date for this one?


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Sat, 27 Oct 2012 14:09:09

No idea about the wonderful 101 release date, did you check out that video? Why aren't more videos 60 FPS? You remember the days when you could just download a video from a link and watch it? Now it's all embedeed crap.

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Mon, 29 Oct 2012 12:50:24

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Mon, 29 Oct 2012 14:58:41

That video made me want to jerk off.


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Mon, 29 Oct 2012 16:31:09

I thought the Wii U was the same size but a bit longer. Seems its bigger all around.

Aw shit. I just ordered Zombi U. I have never bought a game before without reading a review first and now I am panicking.

Is this a mistake?

Edited: Mon, 29 Oct 2012 17:10:06

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Mon, 29 Oct 2012 21:30:56

Embrace it..the game looks great.


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Tue, 30 Oct 2012 12:40:22
Microsoft engineer said:

On the XBox 360, audio mixing for a normal game can use as much as two full hardware threads, 1/3 of the CPU dedicated to audio. That's not even considering complex games like car racers, where each vehicle can have dozens of voices and complex filters. That's hugely wasteful in terms of cost. A general purpose CPU is just not optimised for audio processing.

The difference is that a CPU core costs you dollars, and a DSP core costs you pennies. That's why almost all mobile architectures have dedicated audio silicon. By far the most popular request my team gets from game devs is "Make audio cheaper!". Just running a single good reverb will completely blow the L1 and L2 cache, and require ridiculous amounts of memory bandwidth. We support 320 simultaneous voices on the 360 (that's how many the XMA hardware will decode at a time). AAA games use all of them. Even plants vs zombies uses over 100 and most of a core, _just for audio_. If we were to have the choice of adding a full core to the 360 or a DSP that can handle the same load. We'd probably choose the DSP, since it would be vastly cheaper in BOM and essentially give devs an extra 50% CPU for game logic.

Shows how a DSP in the Wii U will offload CPU work.

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Tue, 30 Oct 2012 15:49:03

A certain site has a mass of Nintendo land media up

Anyway I was flicking through and noticed that if you go original size on a couple of the character shots (scroll down) it appears the models are taken directly from the game and shows all the detailing, patterns and shaders they have added.

I love how they have patterned most things and the cloth textures and wood is nice.

Check this out in original size.

You get a good view of the hub.

Edited: Tue, 30 Oct 2012 16:45:41

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Tue, 30 Oct 2012 16:02:17

I cropped these from the original size.


Check this video at 5 mins 26 seconds it shows the Nintendoland hub in more detail. Wow, those are the kinds of games I want to play in HD, colourful and crazy.

Edited: Tue, 30 Oct 2012 17:23:19

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Thu, 01 Nov 2012 13:30:42

Watch in HD, click the cog

When NSMB2 proved disappointing, I still didn’t believe its Wii U counterpart would save it. Yet now, after spending several hours with the game, my entire impression of it has changed. This is precisely what this franchise needs. It’s simultaneously respectful of its heritage while adding numerous new ideas in what amounts to a fantastic mix. In fact, alongside ZombiU, New Super Mario Bros. U is now my most anticipated Wii U launch game.

Like I said, times have changed.
It’s clear that the team working on Mario’s inaugural Wii U adventure has a fondness for Super Mario Bros. 3 and Super Mario World. A great fondness. And for someone like me, whose childhood was defined by those experiences, that’s great news. The Torpedo Teds. The vast, continuous overworld that stretches and offers branching paths. The return of the Koopalings. Monty Moles. Perhaps more than any ‘New Mario’ game before it, this one brings back elements of some of Mario’s greatest adventures –some of the best in gaming history – and runs with them. And we’ll all benefit from that.
By far and away, New Super Mario Bros. U is not only a significant improvement on its 3DS counterpart, it’s rapidly shaping up to be one of the best Wii U launch titles. Regardless of what you thought about NSMB2, keep an eye out for this one. It has something for everyone, and is a clear tribute to Mario’s past while finding very smart ways to advance its future. Just weeks ago I was ready to dismiss Mario U. Not anymore.
More at the link up top. wink

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Fri, 02 Nov 2012 19:35:52

HTML5 is the language of the Internet. It’s what makes most things possible on the web and the browser in Nintendo’s Wii U console can handle it better than Microsoft’s Internet Explorer 10 for PCs.

That information comes from benchmarking website Here’s how the Wii U, Internet Explorer, and other popular browsers fare (scores out of 500 + 15 bonus points):

  • Wii U browser – 323 + 8
  • Internet Explorer 10 – 320 + 6
  • Chrome 22 – 434 + 13
  • Xbox 360 Internet Explorer 9 – 120 + 5
  • Nintendo 3DS NetFront – 109 + 0
  • iOS 6 Safari – 486 + 9

You can find all of HTML5test’s results here. It measures the browsers ability to handle the HTML5 specifications as dictated by the W3C, the standard’s governing body. The bonus points measure the browsers ability to handle audio and video HTML5 features.

It’s also important to note that this is just a benchmark and that real world use can vary greatly. All this means is that the Wii U browser, at 323, has a little bit more support for HTML5 than IE10, at 320. That doesn’t necessarily mean the Wii U browser will run every webpage better than IE10.

Still, the web-viewer for Nintendo’s new console blows away its console competition. It easily bests the current champion, Internet Explorer 9 on Xbox 360, by 260 percent.


  • SMB Mix-Up! (1AB2-0000-0047-5A7D)
  • Storm the Castle (77BD-0000-00E0-A9C0)


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Fri, 02 Nov 2012 20:12:09

I read that, its cool news because I want to use it a lot when I cannot be bothered to boot up the computer. But flash is very important for music and videos and I dont want it to be hobbled. I would also like them to have a full screen keyboard for easier finger typing instead of stylus and tiny buttons.

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Fri, 02 Nov 2012 20:17:11


One new Zombi U pic

Edited: Fri, 02 Nov 2012 20:30:26

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Fri, 02 Nov 2012 20:33:53

Cant see ZombiU pic.

I wonder what game will I play first... my friend is going to come over so we will probably try Nintendo Land first.

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