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The Wii U Launch Thread: Because Edgecrusher is too lazy
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Fri, 02 Nov 2012 20:46:49
Dvader said:

Cant see ZombiU pic.

I wonder what game will I play first... my friend is going to come over so we will probably try Nintendo Land first.

Here, there are actually 3 pics but I think 2 of them are cutscene.

Check out the Zombi U and NG3 videos on this page the page before. angry

Also good preview but this guy would prefer to play with a traditional controller:

Edited: Fri, 02 Nov 2012 21:42:26

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Sat, 03 Nov 2012 16:33:52

Really good read below.

Shin'en on Wii U power/ease of use, WiiWare success

It's a lengthy insightful interview that covers Shinen's 3DS, Wii and Wii U development. Info on Nano Assault Neo Wii U and more interestingly, tech insights into Wii U. They also say "Nano Assault would have never been created without playing Mario Galaxy before."

I'll just post the tech stuff:

FAST – Racing League on Wii had problems to maintain solid 60fps when having two players splitscreen. For that case we added a CPU based Occlusion culling system. Since then every game we do can use that system, no matter if it’s on 3DS or Wii U. As the complete engine is powered by an own designed scripting language there are no boundaries. New code and modules are exposed to the script and then they can be freely used.

The game will be around 100Mb. For download games we always use our best compression and procedural techniques to keep the players happy without scarifying any quality. It has very high detail in its graphics and audio is coded in 5.1 LPCM surround.

The 3DS and Wii U GPU are totally different. The 3DS GPU is very specialized while the Wii U GPU is quite open. For both designs you have to choose wisely how to use them. Both can generate great visuals and have lots of options.

When testing our first code on Wii U we were amazed how much we could throw at it without any slowdowns, at that time we even had zero optimizations. The performance problem of hardware nowadays is not clock speed but ram latency. Fortunately Nintendo took great efforts to ensure developers can really work around that typical bottleneck on Wii U. They put a lot of thought on how CPU, GPU, caches and memory controllers work together to amplify your code speed. For instance, with only some tiny changes we were able to optimize certain heavy load parts of the rendering pipeline to 6x of the original speed, and that was even without using any of the extra cores.

In comparison to the Wii, the Wii U has much more potential for optimizing. On Wii you knew what was possible and used that power. On Wii U you can take many different approaches to tackle a problem. Fortunately you already have lots of power at hands without digging deeper. So i’m pretty sure we will see many cool stuff on the Wii U when developers are understanding it better.

Q: Weak CPU?

We didn’t have such problems. The CPU and GPU are a good match. As said before, today’s hardware has bottlenecks with memory throughput when you don’t care about your coding style and data layout. This is true for any hardware and can’t be only cured by throwing more megahertz and cores on it. Fortunately Nintendo made very wise choices for cache layout, ram latency and ram size to work against these pitfalls. Also Nintendo took care that other components like the Wii U GamePad screen streaming, or the built-in camera don’t put a burden on the CPU or GPU.

Q: Is the system capable of effects not present or not really used on current gen consoles?

For Nano Assault Neo we already used a few tricks that are not possible on the current console cycle.

Due to the modern GPU architecture you have plenty of effects you can use to make Wii U games look better than anything you have seen on consoles before.

Q: What does this DSP bring for sound creation on Wii U?

DSPs in current hardware are mainly used to take tasks away from the CPU. As we take audio in our games very seriously we were happy to see that the DSP can handle all the tasks we throw at it. We use it for 3D audio, lowpass filtering and many other things.

Q: The RAM?

In fact we simply forgot to think about the memory size in the Wii U. There was always enough there. We never had to cut anything down due to memory restrictions.

Q:  About the ram, are other parameters than latency such as bandwidth favorable compare to current platforms?

I can’t detail that but for us as a developer we see everything works perfectly together. Many systems in the past forced the programmers to shift around their data and code quite a lot to fight against latency.

Q: 1GB for OS. Do you forecast more memory to be unlocked?

Nano Assault Neo only needs a fraction of the memory, even when all assets are unpacked and processed. So we use all remaining memory as a cache. So for instance loading times are nearly zero after a short while. It feels like playing from a SNES rom

Q: Do you think the system is future-proof, does it have the required feature-set of the next generation games (we’re talking about direct x 11/OpenGL 4 level features) and that it will run titles available on its rival platforms?

We can’t be too specific on the Wii U hardware but you can’t compare anyway an OpenGl/DirectX driver version to the actual Wii U GPU. I can only assure that the Wii U GPU feature set allows to do many cool things that are not possible on any current console. The Wii U has enough of potential for the next years to create jaw-dropping visuals. Also remember the immense improvement we saw on the PS3 and XBOX360 over the years. I’m really excited to see what developers will show on the Wii U in the years to come.

"When testing our first code on Wii U we were amazed how much we could throw at it without any slowdowns, at that time we even had zero optimizations. " this is similar to what Michael Ancel said about throwing very high quality movie quality textures and art at it uncompressed and still having it work. And what Ancel said about it having "almost limitless memory" it seems Nintendo have done something to reduce the memory latency greatly according to this interview. Also it confirms what we already knew about the DSP, it offloads work from the CPU so this slow CPU talk is from devs who weren't using the DSP, we know this because we heard that DSP programming use was only unlocked around E3.

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Sat, 03 Nov 2012 16:50:56

Browser Engine

- NetFront Browser NX v2.1

User agent

- Mozilla/5.0 (Nintendo WiiU) AppleWebKit/534.52 (KHTML, like Gecko) NX/{Version No} NintendoBrowser/{Version No}.US

Supported Protocols

- HTTP1.0/HTTP1.1/SSL3.0/TLS1.0/TLS1.1/TLS1.2

Web Standard

- HTML4.01/HTML5/XHTML1.1/CSS1/CSS2.1/CSS3. (partial functionality)

- DOM1-3/ECMAScript

- XMLHttpRequest/canvas/Video/Web Storage (partial functionality)

- Web Messaging/Server-Sent Events/Device Orientation/WOFF/SVG


- Does not support plug-ins, such as Adobe Flash.


- The browser supports only one of these at a time: touchstart, touchend, touchmove, touchcancel

Screen resolution

- If it isn’t specified, width is 980px layout

- It is possible to specify width/height of the viewport within the HTML’s …, and specify scaling permission via user-scalable meta tags.


Saving/upload of image/video

- Not supported

Video Format

- MP4, M3U8+TS(HTTPLiveStreaming) (Some videos may not be playable.)

Video Codec

- H.264 – MPEG-4 AVC Video (Some videos may not be playable.)

Audio Codec

- AAC – ISO/IEC 14496-3 MPEG-4 AAC (Some audio may not be playable.)

It’s been reconfirmed that plugins such as Flash won’t be supported. You also won’t be able to save/upload images or video through the browser.

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Sat, 03 Nov 2012 17:11:43

Is ZombiU online?

OMG its not. Nintendo is still in the stone age. What a complete utter disaster.

Edited: Sat, 03 Nov 2012 17:15:43
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Sat, 03 Nov 2012 17:21:48

Not sure. The multiplayer video preview up top says no but I don't know if she was talking about the demo they were playing on that day not being rigged up for online.

I just read from a dev on GAF that the Wii U has a Co-Processor from ARM that he just learned was multicore. It handles the streaming to the gamepad and possibly the camera functions. So that Shinen interview must have been talking about that:

"Nintendo took care that other components like the Wii U GamePad screen streaming, or the built-in camera don’t put a burden on the CPU or GPU."

But the actual rendering of a separate viewpoint still has to be done by the main system, so it's still doing 720p + 480p to the pad but the actual streaming etc is done by the co-processor.

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Sat, 03 Nov 2012 17:26:02
gamingeek said:

Not sure. The multiplayer video preview up top says no but I don't know if she was talking about the demo they were playing on that day not being rigged up for online.

I just read from a dev on GAF that the Wii U has a Co-Processor from ARM that he just learned was multicore. It handles the streaming to the gamepad and possibly the camera functions. So that Shinen interview must have been talking about that:

"Nintendo took care that other components like the Wii U GamePad screen streaming, or the built-in camera don’t put a burden on the CPU or GPU."

But the actual rendering of a separate viewpoint still has to be done by the main system, so it's still doing 720p + 480p to the pad but the actual streaming etc is done by the co-processor.

She clearly says no. NSMBU is not online, neither is NintendoLand, its embarassing at this point that a company still doesnt get online. Yeah Blops will be online but I bet that is all Activsion, same with ME and EA. Nintendo needs to get their shit together. The truth is we still no nothing of their online plans.

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Sat, 03 Nov 2012 17:27:00
Dvader said:

Is ZombiU online?

OMG its not. Nintendo is still in the stone age. What a complete utter disaster.

I think it has online features aka miiverse and also that in game messaging thing where you leave notes and messages in the gameworld. It's 5 player local multiplayer for sure.

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Sat, 03 Nov 2012 17:30:18
Dvader said:

She clearly says no. NSMBU is not online, neither is NintendoLand, its embarassing at this point that a company still doesnt get online. Yeah Blops will be online but I bet that is all Activsion, same with ME and EA. Nintendo needs to get their shit together. The truth is we still no nothing of their online plans.

I see what you are saying about Nintendo's games not being online, but why are you blaming Nintendo for Zombi U when other devs are getting online games up for launch? It's Ubisoft not doing it. Even Sonic Racing is online on Wii U.

As far as I know Nintendo have said that it's allowing companies to do what they want with online instead of having a single unified system, you have a code for Wii U, a single network code and then devs implement online as they want.

No one checked out these commercials?

New Super Mario Bros. U - NA commercial

Wii U Zelda battle quest Nintendo Land Commercial damn html

links here



Edited: Sat, 03 Nov 2012 17:43:29

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Sat, 03 Nov 2012 18:46:01
gamingeek said:

I see what you are saying about Nintendo's games not being online, but why are you blaming Nintendo for Zombi U when other devs are getting online games up for launch? It's Ubisoft not doing it. Even Sonic Racing is online on Wii U.

As far as I know Nintendo have said that it's allowing companies to do what they want with online instead of having a single unified system, you have a code for Wii U, a single network code and then devs implement online as they want.

No one checked out these commercials?

New Super Mario Bros. U - NA commercial

Wii U Zelda battle quest Nintendo Land Commercial damn html

links here



Do you believe if this were on 360 and PS3 Ubisoft would ever release a game without online support. The mentality of the Wii U in general is what allows Ubisoft to get away with this basically. They know its not a big deal if a game on a Nintendo console has no online especially when all the first party games wont have it.

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Sat, 03 Nov 2012 18:49:53
Dvader said:

Do you believe if this were on 360 and PS3 Ubisoft would ever release a game without online support. The mentality of the Wii U in general is what allows Ubisoft to get away with this basically. They know its not a big deal if a game on a Nintendo console has no online especially when all the first party games wont have it.

Fine with me. lol

Bottom line, Wii U can do online and the Zombi U team decided not to use it. Other developers chose to implement it in their games.

Edited: Sat, 03 Nov 2012 19:38:50

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Sat, 03 Nov 2012 20:20:31
LOL 2012 and Nintendo's online strategy sounds as lousy as ever. This is why I'll always get either the 360 or PS3 version of a game over the Wii U's.


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Tue, 06 Nov 2012 11:55:52

Shin'en explains why Nano Assualt Neo is 720p instead of 1080p

Question: Neo’s resolution is 720p. Why is it not 1080p? Beside, we’ve witnessed jaggies and seemingly a lack of anti-aliasing in some other games footage, can you reassure us on the image quality of your title? With its more up-to-date GPU and other factors such as cache amount, the Wii U should be pretty capable in this area.
Any modern GPU supports various anti-aliasing modes with the usual Pros and Cons and it’s the case for the Wii U one. Many GPUs have a certain amount of AA even for ‘free’ when rendering. Usage of these modes depends on your rendering style (like forward or deferred) and other implementation details.

Nano Assault Neo is running in 720p yes. We had the game also running in 1080p but the difference was not distinguishable when playing. Therefore we used 720p and put the free GPU cycles into higher resolution post-Fx. This was much more visible. If we had a project with less quick motions we would have gone 1080p instead i guess.

It’s not a problem to make beautiful 1080p games on the Wii U. As on any console or PC such titles need ~200% more fill rate than 720p. You can use this power either for 1080p rendering or for more particles, better post-Fx, better materials, etc.

It should also be not forgotten that many current gen games don’t even run at 720p, but at lower resolutions which are scaled up (not to mention that most also only run at 30fps).

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Wed, 07 Nov 2012 13:32:34

Wii U Interface/UI Nintendo Direct info

- WaraWara Plaza is what you see when you power on.

- Game icons are surrounded by players talking about each game.

- You find out what other players are playing at powerup. GamePad has Channel-like UI. - entire Wii U deluxe box weighs 4.25kgkg - once again, Dragon Quest X Wii U beta test registration is included in the Deluxe version

- GamePad stand is just for playing, not charging

- first you have to create a Wii U user account, with a Mii associated with it

- up to 12 accounts per system

- Game settings, save data tied to user accounts. Browser bookmarks, play history as well.

- Video chat, other networking services require Nintendo Network ID

- Nintendo Network ID needs username, password, mail, date of birth and gender.

- Your Nintendo Network ID can be tied to your ID on 3rd-party network services

- Your Nintendo Network ID can be used to exchange contact information as the Friend Code was.

- Nintendo Network purchases by one user can be played by other users on same system

- Nintendo Network to be usable on other Nintendo game systems, PCs, smartphones.

- Browser, Miiverse, eShop require a network update

- WiiWare and VC software transfer explained on website

- suspend a game like NSMBU and search information via web browser

- On-screen keyboard, cellphone layout, stylus written input. Change to TV mid-game

- Browse other videos on the GamePad while streaming one to the TV

- add a spoiler checkbox, so that you won't ruin things for other players while posting on Miiverse

- Post game screenshots to the Miiverse community. Read response comments with advice

- You can follow other players you see in the Miiverse boards and register them as friends.

- Miiverse is supported in all Wii U games, though the implementation depends per game. No additional work from devs needed for basic implementation.

- In certain games, leave situation-specific comments and read others' thoughts there.

- In the case of NSMBU, you will see comments from others players plus their reactions to the levels.

- The same is the case for Nintendo Land. Though it will involve the Nintendo Land Plaza.

- You can draw on the GamePad and share the scribblings overlaid on the video feed.

- Video chat with registered friends is called Wii U chat. Has off-screen play.

- XING and Nintendo co-developed karaoke software Nintendo-JoySound Wii Karaoke U

- Over 90,000 songs, purchase tickets for certain lengths of time during which to use. Features online leaderboards. User settings. Regular karaoke videos, Mii performances.

- Use the built-in mic or use the Wii U mic accessory. Bundle with Wii Karaoke U trial disc.

- Director Takemoto. Two planners. 1280x720 resolution in NSMBU

- Source lighting from fireballs, star lifts. Contiguous world map like SMW, unlike SMB3.

- Forks in the road let you choose different worlds to move to. New characters. Wanted to include a flying feature, is easy to control for new players.

- Flying squirrels called Zunguri

- Nabbit steals from Toad. You have to chase him down to return the item to Toad.

- Spit out balloons with Baby Yoshi, even while flying.

- During off-screen play, use R button in place of Wiimote flips. Buddy play to add blocks.

- Wanted to create fun, self-explanatory gameplay for buddy mode. Staircases, reach stars.

- Die a few times and you'll be asked to post your frustration on Miiverse for others.

- With Mii Mode: Miis also appear in simultaneous multiplayer. 3 main modes.

- Boost Mode, Coin Battle Mode. Also: edit coin locations in stages w/ stylus.

- Challenge Mode: set your own game rules and present them as challenges to others. Replays.

- NSMBU has many new features incl. GamePad and Miiverse. Lots of modes to enjoy.


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Thu, 08 Nov 2012 15:23:17

As many of us know, setting up a universal remote is usually a nightmare of inputting long codes until you finally stumble upon the one that works. With Wii U, all you have to do is select your box’s manufacturer (which is likely emblazoned just under the screen) and the system will automatically do the rest. Both times I’ve gone through this process, the Wii U synced perfectly with my television on the first try, and within a matter of seconds. After just a few moments and a few taps, I was able to adjust the volume and channels and change the input right from my GamePad, as well as power on and off both the system and my television. I very much enjoyed using the tablet controller in this way, more so than I thought I would. Who thought upping the volume on your TV could be so exciting?

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Thu, 08 Nov 2012 15:40:07

I was just about to post more about that blog it's a great read. ^

IGN's Audrey: I Spent the Night with Wii U

Some cropped impresions:

It turns out Wii U isn’t simply the over-glorified Wii accessory some cynical part of my subconscious had pre-emptively chalked it up to be. It’s the future - of Nintendo, and quite possibly of my beloved hobby as well.

Its name invokes a blast from Nintendo’s past, yet the Wii U GamePad is anything but a relic. While good in theory, in practice using the tablet controller to so directly interact with the television screen is something of a revolution. Using the GamePad was so immediate, and so damn convenient, it made me momentarily forget my take-no-prisoners stance on the necessity of buttons (just momentarily).

Another thing of note from my Wii U play time was how shockingly easy setting up the GamePad for television control is… and how very badly it made me wish I could play my Blu-ray collection on this thing. While I can't yet detail the process, suffice to say that both times I paired the system with a television (at work and then again at home), it was quick and incredibly simple.

It’s a small detail, to be sure, but the fact that Wii U now offers the most seamless and convenient way to control a television is still to its credit.

The way the system blends the scope of console gaming with the convenience of dual screens makes for something entirely new. It allows for the personal experience of interacting with something in the palm of your hand without compromising the ability to enjoy a console experience on the big screen. As an ardent supporter of portable gaming, blending these two worlds is a tantalizing prospect, and from what I’ve seen it’s one Nintendo certainly delivers on.

The level of creativity and polish conveyed by Wii U’s various features and software offerings do well to show off Nintendo’s years of experience in developing for dual screens, though games like Nintendo Land and New Super Mario Bros. U present more than their fair share of fresh ideas - and I’m only just getting started on both of them

Despite my initial concerns, Wii U is very much its own system. It’s very much a step forward for the company, and unless I’m mistaken or something goes seriously wrong, for the industry as well.

Also this is pretty cool:

Ubisoft going 'all in' on Wii U with future support

Ubisoft said:

GamesBeat: How much further into the future do you see your support continuing? Are you going to wait and see how everything is received at launch first?

Key: Well, we have a lot of titles, a lot of upside on the Wii U for Ubisoft. We’re going to be the number one third-party publisher. When Wii U becomes a hot machine, Ubisoft is going to be well-positioned. We have Rayman Legends in Q1, and we haven’t announced any other games beyond that, but… All we can say is that we’re all in on the machine. We believe in it.

They also said in a different interview that for the first 2 years of PS4 and Nextbox they will be making next/current gen games in tandem so Wii U should have 3 years of parity from them.

Lastly 7 minute Japanese overview video:

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Thu, 08 Nov 2012 15:45:02

Ubisoft has their shit together when it comes to system launches. You know they will have their next big "AC" like franchise ready to go for the next 360/PS3. Maybe its Watch Dogs.

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Thu, 08 Nov 2012 15:49:53
Dvader said:

Ubisoft has their shit together when it comes to system launches. You know they will have their next big "AC" like franchise ready to go for the next 360/PS3. Maybe its Watch Dogs.

And a Sing/Dance/Fitness Party trilogy for Wii U.

Then Red Steel 3

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Thu, 08 Nov 2012 18:43:01
Kotaku said:

My Wii U Is In the Living Room, But I Can Play Its Games In My Bedroom

I've had the Wii U for one day, and the way I play console games at home has already been forever transformed. I think you should know how. It's the only rational reason I have for sharing half of the floor plan of my apartment with you. (Please don't turn it into a Counter-Strike map!)

If you're at all interested in the Wii U, this is important.

Nintendo sent me a Wii U earlier this week. I got it yesterday and took it home. I set it up in my living room (you can see its location in the floor plan above). I powered on the new Super Mario Bros. game it's launching with. The game's graphics appear on your TV and on the Wii U's GamePad—the signature controller with the six-inch screen—at the same time.

I looked down at the GamePad.

I started playing.

Then I started walking around my house and learned the three things about the Wii U that will literally reshape how I play console games at home.

See, most consoles force you to play their games on your TV, so I can only play an Xbox 360 game on my TV. The PS3 clumsily does let you stream some games to the PSP, but I could never get that "Remote Play" feature to work.

The Wii U, however, lets any game that supports "off-TV play" run on the controller. This controller is wireless, which means... maybe I could play New Super Mario Bros.—oh, I don't know—in the bathroom?

Nintendo suggests that the GamePad can work up to a range of 26 1/4 feet, but that's presumably under ideal conditions: big open rooms, through thin walls, etc. I live in a pre-war condo in Brooklyn New York. The walls are thick. My WiFi router, which is in my bedroom, can't get its signal through more than two walls (it gets into my dining room but not beyond into the kitchen). So... the Wii U?

The results of my test:

1. The GamePad can still play Mario when I go to the far end of the living room, meaning, I can give up the TV to my wife, plug headphones into the GamePad and continue playing a Wii U console game at the other end of the room, while she's using the TV. This is a very good thing.

2. The GamePad can still play Mario when I go into the bedroom and lie on my bed, which means that I can stay up late, in the dark, playing a Wii U console game. I can also leave the GamePad on my nightstand, power it and the Wii U on with a press of the GamePad's power switch and start playing my console in the morning—without getting out of bed. Note: this may have a radical effect on my ability to play Call of Duty: Black Ops II multiplayer at strange hours.

3. The GamePad cannot still play Mario when I'm in my bathroom. Hell, it can't even reach my bathroom. The signal fails when I begin to walk down the hallway. I can't even get past the coat closet let alone to the door that follows, which leads into my bathroom. Thus: the Wii U will have to wait when it's time for me to go to the restroom.

I'm not sure I can effectively convey how odd it is to have these new options for playing console games at home. It's not quite like the shock I felt in the late 90s when I got a cell phone and was suddenly able to make phone calls while walking down the street, but we're in the same ballpark at least. It's impressive and exciting to have these new options, and I'm curious to see how widely-implemented the support for off-TV play will be. I'm also curious if advances in tablet gaming and dedicated handhelds will diminish how impressive this is in the coming years. But, for now, the prospect of playing a new console Zelda in various rooms of my house? I'm into it.

A few extra notes about the test I ran: 1) The GamePad also ran Mario when I went out my apartment's front door, closed it behind me and walked halfway down the stairs. 2) As you reach the GamePad's outer range, the framerate of the Mario game begins to get choppy, but, oddly, the chop is more pronounced when you're walking to that outer range and then smooths out if you stand still. 3) I've only tested this with New Super Mario Bros. U and therefore have no idea if any of these tests would have gone differently with different games. I don't see why they would, but you never know

Some peeps are saying it might be best to put the Wii U in a central location and have a really long HDMI cable. But wouldn't you also need a really long sensor bar wire too? Maybe someone will sell a distance kit?

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Thu, 08 Nov 2012 20:12:03

My Gaming Room & bedroom are right next to each other, so I should definitely be able to fall asleep in bed playing the console, or while my girlfriend is riding me like a champion.

However, my bathroom is on the opposite side of the house, so I doubt I can play while taking a solid dump.


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Thu, 08 Nov 2012 20:33:21
edgecrusher said:

My Gaming Room & bedroom are right next to each other, so I should definitely be able to fall asleep in bed playing the console, or while my girlfriend is riding me like a champion.

That is what Nintendo needs to focus on in their ads.

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