Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile$499 price tag (and furthermore the $599 price tag) - Sure the hardcore early adopters will drop a huge chunk of change on a console but that's it. And it nearly killed Sony early on. There is a price ceiling that most gamers will not cross, and no amount of brand loyalty will get us to do so.
Abadoning Backwards Compatibility - Microsoft never offered full support for it, and Sony completely abandoned what support they offered. No one wants a half dozen consoles hooked up to their TV. To me it's a very important feature, and helps keep my older libraries alive. When companies don't support this I consider it a slap in the face.
robio said:$499 price tag (and furthermore the $599 price tag) - Sure the hardcore early adopters will drop a huge chunk of change on a console but that's it. And it nearly killed Sony early on. There is a price ceiling that most gamers will not cross, and no amount of brand loyalty will get us to do so.
"Gamers will want to go out and get a second job to buy a Playstation 3!" -- Sony.
"Ummm. Yeah. How'd that work out for you, Fucktards?" -- Phantom_Leo
phantom_leo said:"Gamers will want to go out and get a second job to buy a Playstation 3!" -- Sony.
"Ummm. Yeah. How'd that work out for you, Fucktards?" -- Phantom_Leo
Ravenprose said:I said it a couple years ago, and I still haven't changed my mind: This is easily my least favorite console gen. And a lot of that is because of what you listed, Leo.
...and you thought I was just a pretty face, Hamster!
I have one hand on the pulse of all of the gamers throughout the world...
...and the other hand grabbing for Steel's humongous...
Ravenprose said:I said it a couple years ago, and I still haven't changed my mind: This is easily my least favorite console gen. And a lot of that is because of what you listed, Leo.
I go back and forth on this generation strictly because of the Wii. Overall I don't like this generation because it's just more of the same, just bigger and faster. And since ultimately that's pretty much what the last gen was, I'm tired of it. The Wii at least offered a sanctuary for niche gaming, and has created that most games we've seen in this area since the PSOne came along.
robio said:$499 price tag (and furthermore the $599 price tag) - Sure the hardcore early adopters will drop a huge chunk of change on a console but that's it. And it nearly killed Sony early on. There is a price ceiling that most gamers will not cross, and no amount of brand loyalty will get us to do so.
Abadoning Backwards Compatibility - Microsoft never offered full support for it, and Sony completely abandoned what support they offered. No one wants a half dozen consoles hooked up to their TV. To me it's a very important feature, and helps keep my older libraries alive. When companies don't support this I consider it a slap in the face.
Amen brother!
I'll add:
+ Multiple Hardware SKU's.
+ Wave (Natal) and Move, showing that big companies hardly ever admit they are wrong and are not willing to smother products even if the time for them has long passed.
+ DRM Hilarity. If you can't come up with a system that won;t penalize honest consumers don't act, just keep thinking.
+ Fragmentation of game content (DLC on day one, no more cheat codes for free, no multi-player for used games, codes for tits (The Sabotuer).
Censorship - We've seen a record number of banned games, particularly out of Germany and Australia. I suppose some games are just more equal than others.
Online as the Least of Us - Online gamers have shown themselves to be racist, homophobic, hateful, degenerate, misogynistic, demagogue of bigotry and an embarrassment to the gaming community, only serving to undermine the effort to get a modicum of respect in society at large.
Retailer Oligopoly - We may have seen some great deals, but as we watch gaming retailers drop off, leaving only big box stores means we can expect to see the further diminishment of niche games.
Homogenization of Media - [via Joystiq via IGN via CVG via GoNintendo via 1up via GameSpot via Kotaku via GossipGamer] We bring you yet another boilerplate summary. Now read our manila preview before going to the PR release of the same trailer to the rest of these outlets. But be excited for the embargoed review because we agreed to give the game 9/10!
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileWell some things I can agree with. Nintendo definitely needs a better online system. Consoles definitely need to be more durable and stable plus no more systems coming out that cost more then $400 with $300 being preferable. And yes they should support backwards compatability.
Other then that though this has been my favourite generation.
I manage to find a great variety of games to buy and I do let developers know exactly what I want by voting with my wallet. If it happens to be a title followed by a 2, or a 5, or a 13 then so be it because that's what I like. Perhaps it's just a very vocal minority screaming that there's nothing innovative or new that they want. I think most gamers know what they want, I know I do.
Would I like cheaper games? Sure. I'd be an idiot to say no. However I'm satisfied with current prices. I remember paying $80 for Super Metroid, $100 for Street Fighter II, and even $115 for Chrono Trigger.
I like the overall concept of DLC. Is it all worth it? No but I've gotten some great stuff out of it.
Yodariquo said:
Return of the Scapegoat - Gaming got a bit of a reprieve last generation on the notion of blame the gamer, but it's come back in full force with this generation. Won't somebody please think of the children?
Censorship - We've seen a record number of banned games, particularly out of Germany and Australia. I suppose some games are just more equal than others.
Online as the Least of Us - Online gamers have shown themselves to be racist, homophobic, hateful, degenerate, misogynistic, demagogue of bigotry and an embarrassment to the gaming community, only serving to undermine the effort to get a modicum of respect in society at large. (What's wrong with that? What RU Gay?)
Retailer Oligopoly - We may have seen some great deals, but as we watch gaming retailers drop off, leaving only big box stores means we can expect to see the further diminishment of niche games. (Ragnarok Online. Shiren the Wanderer. Sakura Wars: So Long my Love. Only three of the games I had to order online 'cuz no one was taking pre-orders due to their 'obscurity'!)
Homogenization of Media - [via Joystiq via IGN via CVG via GoNintendo via 1up via GameSpot via Kotaku via GossipGamer] We bring you yet another boilerplate summary. Now read our manila preview before going to the PR release of the same trailer to the rest of these outlets. But be excited for the embargoed review because we agreed to give the game 9/10! (From CVG: "24 years after Samus made her groundbreaking videogame debut on the humble NES, she's set to return to our screens in her most stunning, ambitious adventure yet. Metroid: Other M sees Nintendo team up with the studio behind the prestigious Ninja Gaiden series to create something both entirely new while at the same time being comfortably familiar to fans of the series." -- What score do you think they are gonna give M: OM?)
EB Games
Circuit City
Best Buy
Game Crazy
Saturday Matinee
This question is getting harder and harder to answer!
The internet of course. Usually from English vendors, but sometimes American or Australian.
Foolz said:^
The internet of course. Usually from English vendors, but sometimes American or Australian.
same here. english or channel island vendors usually. sometimes canadian, sometimes hong kong
bugsonglass said:same here. english or channel island vendors usually. sometimes canadian, sometimes hong kong
Forgot about Hong Kong! They can be very competative.

I was commenting on Yoda's "big box" retailer reply, illustrating it with a list of retailers who have shut down or stopped carrying games during this generation!
1. Nintendo's Online "Strategy" -- Trust me, NO ONE knows better than me Nintendo's philosophy of getting a bunch of family members or friends together in the same place, at the same time to enjoy games together. Whenever I am with my family members, it's what we do. Sometimes it's just NOT possible --AND-- sometimes you WANT to be anonymous and be on your own, but STILL play some competitive gaming. FRIEND CODES NEED TO DIE! I know there are privacy and safety concerns that Nintendo has for its younger audience, but THAT'S WHAT PARENTS/PARENTAL-CONTROLS are for! If there's been one consistent complaint for this and the last generation, THIS has been IT!
2. $59.99 -- THIS has to stop, and stop N-O-W! In an effort to pay off ridiculously unnecessary development costs and completely off-base marketing departments, Sony and Microsoft had to jack-up the price of software. NOT COOL. $10 is NOT gonna make or break either one of those giants, but it'll make or break the decision of a gamer of whether or not to buy a game. Prices have gotten to be out of control! $59.99 for the game, then $5 - $15 DLC?! Not gonna cut it much longer.
3. Red Ring/Yellow Light of Death -- NO EXCUSE. They are already raping gamers with the price of software and they've already over-payed developers, to skimp on hardware and GET. AWAY. WITH. IT?! MUST. STOP. IMMEDIATELY! I've owned practically EVERY system known to man. BUT NEVER A 360... Wanna guess why? As the prices of systems go up and up, the durability goes down and down. This isn't acceptable in ANY other industry other than the videogame industry. People REALLY need to take a stand on this one!
4. What'cha gonna do with the Virtual Console Ninty? Now that people have paid a gazillion dollars for games they probably could have downloaded illegally if they had a tiny bit less moral fiber... How are you gonna repay that? You've already made it impossible for someone to transfer games from one Wii to another (easily, at least)... What's gonna happen at the turn of the generation? Are you gonna flip a switch and shut the VC servers down? Are you gonna make people re-buy the games AGAIN? Are you simply NOT going to offer it? Are you gonna tell 'em to hold on to their Wiis? Lookin' for a solution here!
5. Patches -- FUCK YOU! That is what I say to all the studios that allow broken games to hit the market! I always knew the introduction of the hard-drive and faster download speeds would lead to sloppier games, and boy was I right this gen! Borderlands. Fallout 3. Grand Theft Auto 4. Metal Gear Online. A LOT of high-profile games have had patch after patch. Funny, you don't see that many problems on the Wii or the DS. Hmmm...
6. (Cr)App Store Mentality -- PSP Minis. DSi Ware and to some extent Wii Ware. Let's see how much shit we can throw at the wall to see what sticks! I am totally supportive of Independent Studios getting a chance to market their stuff --BUT-- there's WAAAY too many half-baked, shallow, let's make a buck, throw away games out there right now! For every one Cave Story, there's a dozen Mommy, Daddy and Billy games out there as well. Seriously, how can a gamer have any faith in what he/she is going to purchase from these digital stores when 98% of it is utter CRAP?!
7. Gamers don't know what the FUCK they want! -- WE WANT VARIETY! WE WANT INNOVATION! Go and look at Metacritic.Com and see just how many of the Top Twenty games for each system has a II, III, IV, or Collection after it --or-- Super and/or New before it. THIS IS LUDICROUS! Here's a tip gamers: You want developers to make different games: THEN BUY THE ORIGINAL IP'S THEY PUT OUT ON THE MARKET!!! Talk about mixed signals. Sometimes I think the entire gamer's population is bi-polar or something!?
8. Casuals don't know what the FUCK they want! -- C'mon! Wii Play? Just Dance? Carnival Games? Rather than bridge the gap and introduce people to other types of games, Gamers act all elitist, laughing at the casuals and their purchases, yet (see above) they are NO BETTER! Simple economics, people: developers are gonna go where the money is! 1 million gamers want something "new" yet they won't buy Little King's Story. 4 million casuals buy Wii Fit and people wonder where Wave and Move came from! Ugh!
9. Are Gamers Social? Anti-Social? Sociopaths? -- Like it or not, here they come! Social gaming is getting to be pretty hot. I'm not saying we should all join Facebook and play Farmville together --BUT-- developers are ignoring a whole sub-culture of gamers out there. 2 of the big 3 right now still think we'd all rather Snipe each other or kick the living crap out of each other than play nicely together! I hate to admit it, but Nintendo had something going with Animal Crossing, but that's seemingly being ignored (Did I just hear GG say: "SQUEE!" ?) Gaming needs to evolve. Motion control is nice and all, but let's not forget to explore other avenues!
(more to come... add your own...!)